96 resultados para Enterotoxigenic


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The contribution of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) to pre-weaning diarrhoea was investigated over a 6 month period at five selected commercial piggeries (CPs) in north Vietnam with at least 100 sows each. Diarrhoea was found to affect 71(.)5% of the litters born during the period of study. Of 406 faecal specimens submitted for bacteriological culture, 200 (49(.)3%) yielded a heavy pure culture of E coli and 126(31 %)were confirmed by PCR to carry at least one of eight porcine ETEC virulence genes. ETEC was responsible for 43% of cases of diarrhoea in neonatal pigs during the first 4 days of life and 23(.)9% of the remaining cases up until the age of weaning. Pathotypes were determined by PCR for the 126 ETEC isolates together with 44 ETEC isolates obtained from village pigs (VPs) raised by smallholder farmers. The CP isolates belonged to five pathotypes, four of which were also identified in VP isolates. Haemolytic serogroup O149: K91 isolates that belonged to F4/STa/STb/LT were most commonly identified in both CPs (33 % of isolates) and VPs (45(.)5%). Other combinations identified in both production systems included O64 (F5/STa), O101 (F4/STa/STb) and O-nontypable (F-/STb). A high proportion of CP isolates (22(.)3 %) possessed all three enterotoxins (STa/STWLT), lacked the genes for all five tested fimbriae (F4, F5, F6, F41 and F18) and belonged to serogroup O8. These unusual 08 F- isolates were haemolytic and were isolated from all ages of diarrhoeic piglets at each CP, suggesting that they have pathogenic potential.


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The ability of Escherichia coli to express the K88 fimbrial adhesin was satisfactorily indicated by the combined techniques of ELISA, haemagglutination and latex agglutination. Detection of expression by electron microscopy and the ability to metabolize raffinose were unsuitable. Quantitative expression of the K88 adhesin was determined by ELISA. Expression was found to vary according to the E.coli strain examined, media type and form. In general it was found that the total amount was greater, while the amount/cfu was less on agar than in broth cultures. Expression of the K88 adhesin during unshaken batch culture was related to the growth rate and was maximal during late logarithmic to early stationary phase. A combination of heat extraction, ammonium sulphate and isoelectric precipitation was found suitable for both large and small scale preparation of purified K88ab adhesin. Extraction of the K88 adhesin was sensitive to pH and it was postulated that this may affect the site of colonisation of by ETEC in vivo. Results of haemagglutination experiments were consistent with the hypothesis that the K88 receptor present on erythrocytes is composed of two elements, one responsible for the binding of K88ab and K88ac and a second responsible for the binding of the K88ad adhesin. Comparison of the haemagglutinating properties of cell-free and cell-bound K88 adhesin revealed some differences probably indicating a minor conformational change in the K88 adhesin on its isolation. The K88ab adhesin was found to bind to erythrocytes over a wide pH range (PH 4-9) and was inhibited by αK88ab and αK88b antisera. Inhibition of haemagglutination was noted with crude heparin, mannan and porcine gastric mucin, chondrosine and several hexosamines, glucosamine in particular. The most potent inhibitor of haemagglutination was n-dodecyl-β-D-glucopyranoside, one of a series of glucosides found to have inhibitory properties. Correlation between hydrophobicity of glucosides tested and degree of inhibition observed suggested hydrophobic forces were important in the interaction of the K88 adhesin with its receptor. The results of Scatchard and Hill plots indicated that binding of the K88ab adhesin to porcine enterocytes in the majority of cases is a two-step, three component system. The first K88 receptor (or site) had a K2. of 1.59x1014M-1 and a minimum of 4.3x104 sites/enterocyte. The second receptor (or site) had a K2 of 4.2x1012M-1 with a calculated 1.75x105 sites/enterocyte. Attempts to inhibit binding of cell-free K88 adhesin to porcine enterocytes by lectins were unsuccessful. However, several carbohydrates including trehalose, lactulose, galactose 1→4 mannopyranoside, chondrosine, galactosamine, stachyose and mannan were inhibitory. The most potent inhibitor was found to be porcine gastric mucin. Inhibition observed with n-octyl-α-D-glucopyranose was difficult to interpret in isolation because of interference with the assay, however, it agreed with the results of haemagglutination inhibition experiments.


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BACKGROUND: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a globally prevalent cause of diarrhea. Though usually self-limited, it can be severe and debilitating. Little is known about the host transcriptional response to infection. We report the first gene expression analysis of the human host response to experimental challenge with ETEC. METHODS: We challenged 30 healthy adults with an unattenuated ETEC strain, and collected serial blood samples shortly after inoculation and daily for 8 days. We performed gene expression analysis on whole peripheral blood RNA samples from subjects in whom severe symptoms developed (n = 6) and a subset of those who remained asymptomatic (n = 6) despite shedding. RESULTS: Compared with baseline, symptomatic subjects demonstrated significantly different expression of 406 genes highlighting increased immune response and decreased protein synthesis. Compared with asymptomatic subjects, symptomatic subjects differentially expressed 254 genes primarily associated with immune response. This comparison also revealed 29 genes differentially expressed between groups at baseline, suggesting innate resilience to infection. Drug repositioning analysis identified several drug classes with potential utility in augmenting immune response or mitigating symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: There are statistically significant and biologically plausible differences in host gene expression induced by ETEC infection. Differential baseline expression of some genes may indicate resilience to infection.


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This study aimed to define the frequency of resistance to critically important antimicrobials (CIAs) [i.e. extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs), fluoroquinolones (FQs) and carbapenems] among Escherichia coli isolates causing clinical disease in Australian food-producing animals. Clinical E. coli isolates (n = 324) from Australian food-producing animals [cattle (n = 169), porcine (n = 114), poultry (n = 32) and sheep (n = 9)] were compiled from all veterinary diagnostic laboratories across Australia over a 1-year period. Isolates underwent antimicrobial susceptibility testing to 18 antimicrobials using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute disc diffusion method. Isolates resistant to CIAs underwent minimum inhibitory concentration determination, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), phylogenetic analysis, plasmid replicon typing, plasmid identification, and virulence and antimicrobial resistance gene typing. The 324 E. coli isolates from different sources exhibited a variable frequency of resistance to tetracycline (29.0–88.6%), ampicillin (9.4–71.1%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (11.1–67.5%) and streptomycin (21.9–69.3%), whereas none were resistant to imipenem or amikacin. Resistance was detected, albeit at low frequency, to ESCs (bovine isolates, 1%; porcine isolates, 3%) and FQs (porcine isolates, 1%). Most ESC- and FQ-resistant isolates represented globally disseminated E. coli lineages (ST117, ST744, ST10 and ST1). Only a single porcine E. coli isolate (ST100) was identified as a classic porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strain (non-zoonotic animal pathogen) that exhibited ESC resistance via acquisition of blaCMY-2. This study uniquely establishes the presence of resistance to CIAs among clinical E. coli isolates from Australian food-producing animals, largely attributed to globally disseminated FQ- and ESC-resistant E. coli lineages.


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Suolistopatogeeniset Escherichia coli -bakteerit eli ripulikolit aiheuttavat ihmisellä suolistoinfektioita. Kuten normaalimikrobiston E. coli -bakteerit, ne esiintyvät ihmisen lisäksi muiden nisäkkäiden, etenkin märehtijöiden, ja lintujen suolistossa. Lisäksi ne voivat esiintyä maaperässä ja vesistöissä. Ihminen voi saada tartunnan eläinperäisten elintarvikkeiden välityksellä tai juomalla eläinten tai ihmisen ulosteilla saastunutta vettä. Ripulikolit voidaan jakaa ainakin viiteen ryhmään perustuen niiden erilaisiin virulenssiominaisuuksiin: enteropatogeeninen E. coli (EPEC), enterotoksigeeninen E. coli (ETEC), enterohemorraaginen E. coli (EHEC), enteroinvasiivinen E. coli (EIEC) ja enteroaggregatiivinen E. coli (EAEC). EPEC aiheuttaa etenkin kehitysmaissa pikkulapsille ripulia. ETEC aiheuttaa turistiripulia ja vastasyntyneiden ripulia kehitysmaissa. EHEC aiheuttaa ripulia tai veriripulia, joka voi varsinkin pienillä lapsilla johtaa hemolyyttis-ureemiseen oireyhtymään (HUS) ja munuaisten vaurioitumiseen. EIEC aiheuttaa Shigellan kaltaista ripulia, joka voi olla veristä. EAEC on yhdistetty lähinnä pitkittyneisiin ripuleihin. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suolistopatogeenisten E. coli -bakteerien esiintyvyyttä Burkina Fasossa, josta ei ole saatavilla aikaisempaa tietoa ripulikolien esiintymisestä ihmisissä ja elintarvikkeissa. Ulostenäytteitä otettiin ripulia sairastavilta alle viisivuotiailta lapsilta maaseudulta kahdesta kylästä, Boromosta ja Gourcysta, ja maan pääkaupungista Ouagadougousta (110 näytettä). Lihanäytteitä (kanaa, nautaa, lammasta ja naudan suolta, jota käytetään ihmisravinnoksi) otettiin Ouagadougoun toreilla myytävistä kypsentämättömistä lihoista (120 näytettä). Näytteistä saadut bakteerisekaviljelmät tutkittiin monialukkeisella PCR-menetelmällä, joka tunnistaa viiden ripulikoliryhmän virulenssigeenejä. Lisäksi lihanäytteistä eristettiin 20 EHEC-kantaa shigatoksiinin stx-geenin havaitsemiseen perustuvalla pesäkehybridisaatiolla ja PCR-seulonnalla, ja karakterisoitiin mahdollisten virulenssiominaisuuksien selvittämiseksi. Tutkimus osoitti, että ripulikolien aiheuttamat suolistoinfektiot ovat yleisiä ripulia sairastavilla pikkulapsilla Burkina Fasossa. Ulostenäytteistä 59 % oli positiivisia. Useimmiten lapsilla esiintyi EAEC- (32 %) ETEC- (31 %) ja EPEC-patoryhmiä (20 %). EIEC- (2 %) ja EHEC-patoryhmiä (1 %) esiintyi vähän. Myös useamman patoryhmän sekainfektiot olivat yleisiä (24 %). Eri paikkakuntien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja ripulikolien esiintymisessä. Gourcyssa ripulikoleja esiintyi useammin kuin Ouagadougoussa ja Boromossa. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että Ouagadougoun toreilla myytävissä lihoissa on paljon ripulikoleja. Lihanäytteistä 43 % oli positiivisia. Yleisimmin lihoissa esiintyi EHEC (28 %), EPEC (20 %), ETEC (8 %) ja EAEC (5 %). EIEC-ryhmää ei havaittu lihoissa. Myös useamman patoryhmän sekakontaminaatioita löytyi (17 %) lihoista. Ripulikolien esiintyvyydessä eri lihojen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja, kun tarkasteltiin kaikkia patoryhmiä yhdessä. Eri patoryhmien esiintyvyyttä tarkasteltaessa EHEC-patoryhmää ei esiintynyt ollenkaan kanassa ja ero oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä muihin lihoihin verrattuna. Lihoista eristetyt 20 EHEC-kantaa kuuluivat 14 eri serotyyppiin, joista osa on aikaisemmin eristetty suolistoinfektioihin ja HUSoireyhtymään sairastuneilta ihmisiltä. Kaikki kannat olivat stx1-positiivisia ja puolella oli lisäksi stx2-geeni, jota pidetään shigatoksiinin virulentimpana muotona. Kahdelta EHEC-kannalta löytyi myös ETECpatoryhmän lämpöstabiilin enterotoksiini Ia:n geeni eli kannat olivat kahden patoryhmän välimuotoa ja osoitus geenien siirtymisestä eri patoryhmien välillä. Vaikka nuorimmat näytteen antaneet lapsipotilaat tuskin söivät lihaa, sen voidaan ajatella silti olevan edustava näyte lasten elinympäristöstä, sillä lasten ruoka valmistetaan usein samoissa oloissa, joissa raakaa lihaa käsitellään. Saastunut liha voi siten olla pikkulasten ripulikoli-infektioiden aiheuttaja.


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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a significant source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. One major virulence factor released by ETEC is the heat-labile enterotoxin LT, which is structurally and functionally similar to cholera toxin. LT consists of five B subunits carrying a single catalytically active A subunit. LTB binds the monosialoganglioside G(M1), the toxin's host receptor, but interactions with A-type blood sugars and E. coli lipopolysaccharide have also been identified within the past decade. Here, we review the regulation, assembly, and binding properties of the LT B-subunit pentamer and discuss the possible roles of its numerous molecular interactions.


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BACKGROUND: Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are constitutively produced by Gram-negative bacteria throughout growth and have proposed roles in virulence, inflammation, and the response to envelope stress. Here we investigate outer membrane vesiculation as a bacterial mechanism for immediate short-term protection against outer membrane acting stressors. Antimicrobial peptides as well as bacteriophage were used to examine the effectiveness of OMV protection. RESULTS: We found that a hyper-vesiculating mutant of Escherichia coli survived treatment by antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) polymyxin B and colistin better than the wild-type. Supplementation of E. coli cultures with purified outer membrane vesicles provided substantial protection against AMPs, and AMPs significantly induced vesiculation. Vesicle-mediated protection and induction of vesiculation were also observed for a human pathogen, enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), challenged with polymyxin B. When ETEC with was incubated with low concentrations of vesicles concomitant with polymyxin B treatment, bacterial survival increased immediately, and the culture gained resistance to polymyxin B. By contrast, high levels of vesicles also provided immediate protection but prevented acquisition of resistance. Co-incubation of T4 bacteriophage and OMVs showed fast, irreversible binding. The efficiency of T4 infection was significantly reduced by the formation of complexes with the OMVs. CONCLUSIONS: These data reveal a role for OMVs in contributing to innate bacterial defense by adsorption of antimicrobial peptides and bacteriophage. Given the increase in vesiculation in response to the antimicrobial peptides, and loss in efficiency of infection with the T4-OMV complex, we conclude that OMV production may be an important factor in neutralizing environmental agents that target the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.


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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli expressing F4 fimbriae are the major cause of porcine colibacillosis and are responsible for significant death and morbidity in neonatal and postweaned piglets. Via the chaperone-usher pathway, F4 fimbriae are assembled into thin, flexible polymers mainly composed of the single-domain adhesin FaeG. The F4 fimbrial system has been labeled eccentric because the F4 pilins show some features distinct from the features of pilins of other chaperone-usher-assembled structures. In particular, FaeG is much larger than other pilins (27 versus approximately 17 kDa), grafting an additional carbohydrate binding domain on the common immunoglobulin-like core. Structural data of FaeG during different stages of the F4 fimbrial biogenesis process, combined with differential scanning calorimetry measurements, confirm the general principles of the donor strand complementation/exchange mechanisms taking place during pilus biogenesis via the chaperone-usher pathway.


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Many Gram-negative bacteria use the chaperone-usher pathway to express adhesive surface structures, such as fimbriae, in order to mediate attachment to host cells. Periplasmic chaperones are required to shuttle fimbrial subunits or pilins through the periplasmic space in an assembly-competent form. The chaperones cap the hydrophobic surface of the pilins through a donor-strand complementation mechanism. FaeE is the periplasmic chaperone required for the assembly of the F4 fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The FaeE crystal structure shows a dimer formed by interaction between the pilin-binding interfaces of the two monomers. Dimerization and tetramerization have been observed previously in crystal structures of fimbrial chaperones and have been suggested to serve as a self-capping mechanism that protects the pilin-interactive surfaces in solution in the absence of the pilins. However, thermodynamic and biochemical data show that FaeE occurs as a stable monomer in solution. Other lines of evidence indicate that self-capping of the pilin-interactive interfaces is not a mechanism that is conservedly applied by all periplasmic chaperones, but is rather a case-specific solution to cap aggregation-prone surfaces.


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Les diarrhées post-sevrages causées par des infections à Escherichia coli entérotoxinogène positif pour le fimbriae F4 (ETEC F4), entraînent des pertes économiques importantes chez les producteurs de porc. Depuis quelques années, l’utilisation de probiotiques, comme additif alimentaire pour prévenir ce type d’infection entérique et réduire les traitements aux antimicrobiens, suscite un intérêt grandissant en production porcine. Le but du présent travail est de déterminer l’influence de l’administration des probiotiques Pediococcus acidilactici (PA) et Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii (SCB) sur la colonisation et l’attachement des ETEC F4, l’accumulation de fluide intestinal et l’expression de cytokines dans l’iléon de porcelets sevrés. Dès la naissance, différentes portées de porcelets ont été affectées aux traitements suivants : PA, SCB, PA + SCB, témoin et témoin avec antibiotiques (ATB). Une dose quotidienne de probiotiques (1 × 109 UFC) a été administrée aux porcelets des groupes probiotiques durant la lactation et après le sevrage. Sept jours après le sevrage, à 28 jours d’âge, des porcelets positifs pour le récepteur intestinal spécifique pour F4 ont été infectés oralement avec une souche ETEC F4. Les porcelets ont été euthanasiés 24 heures après l’infection (jour 29) et différents échantillons intestinaux ont été prélevés. Chez les porcelets recevant des probiotiques, l’attachement des ETEC F4 à la muqueuse iléale était significativement diminué chez les groupes PA ou SCB en comparaison avec le groupe ATB. Finalement, l’expression de cytokines intestinales était plus élevée chez les porcs du groupe PA + SCB en comparaison avec les porcelets témoins. En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que l’administration de probiotiques pourrait être une alternative pour limiter les infections à ETEC F4 chez le porc.