936 resultados para English in Sweden
Pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee afroamerikkalaisen puhekielen (African American Vernacular English, AAVE) käyttöä kolmen englanninkielisen romaanin dialogissa ja suomen yleispuhekielen käyttöä romaanien käännöksissä. Tutkimus on pääasiassa kvantitatiivinen ja deskriptiivinen. Romaanit ovat Stephen Kingin The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three (1987) (Musta torni 2, Kolme korttia pakasta 2005, suom. Kari Salminen), John Grishamin A Time to Kill (1989) (On aika tappaa 1994, suom. Kimmo Linkama) ja Sapphiren Push (1996) (Precious – harlemilaistytön tarina 2010, suom. Kristiina Drews). Alkukielisten romaanien osalta Grisham ja Sapphire suosivat lauseopillisia kielenpiirteitä, kun taas King on suosinut äänteellisiä. Sen sijaan käännöksissä piirteistä yleisimpiä ovat äänteelliset ja harvinaisimpia lauseopilliset. Vaikka käännöksissä sanastolliset piirteet ovat taajaan esiintyviä, äänteellisiä piirteitä esiintyy niitä enemmän. Poikkeuksena on On aika tappaa, jossa sanastollisia piirteitä esiintyy enemmän kuin äänteellisiä. Tulos eroaa Sampo Nevalaisen vuonna 2003 tekemästä tutkimuksesta, jossa hän sai selville, että käännöksissä käytetyt piirteet olivat enimmäkseen sanastollisia, kun taas alun perin suomeksi kirjoitetussa kaunokirjallisuudessa puhekielisyyden vaikutelma saatiin aikaan pääasiassa äänteellisin keinoin. Mahdollinen selitys tässä tutkimuksessa havaitulle erolle on se, että kahdessa romaanissa esiintyvä leimallinen AAVEn käyttö on saanut kääntäjät käyttämään samanlaisia strategioita kuin suomalaiset kirjailijat murretta kirjoittaessaan.
The emergence of the idea of multiculturalism in Swedish public discourse and social science in the latter half of the 1960s and introduction of official multiculturalism in 1975 constituted a major intellectual and political shift in the post-war history of Sweden. The ambition of the 1975 immigrant and minority policy to enable the preservation of ethno-cultural minorities and to create a positive attitude towards the new multicultural society among the majority population was also incorporated into Swedish cultural, educational and media policies. The rejection of assimilationism and the new commitment to ethno-cultural diversity, the multicultural moment, has earned Sweden a place on the list of the early adopters of official multiculturalism, together with Canada and Australia. This compilation thesis examines the origins and early post-war history of the idea of multiculturalism as well as the interplay between idea and politics in the shift from a public ideal of homogeneity to an ideal of multiculturalism in Sweden. It does so from a range of conceptual, comparative, transnational, and biographical perspectives. The thesis consists of an introduction (Part I) and four previously published studies (Part II). The primary research result of the thesis concerns the agency involved in the break-through and formal establishment of the idea of multiculturalism in Sweden. Actors such as ethnic activists, experts and officials were instrumental in the introduction and establishment of multiculturalism in Sweden, as they also had been in Canada and in Australia. These actors have, however, not previously been recognized and analysed as significant idea-makers and political agents in the case of Sweden. The intertwined connections between activists, social scientists, linguists, and officials facilitated the transfer of the idea of multiculturalism from a publically contested idea to public policy via the way of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, academia and the Royal Commission of Immigration. The thesis furthermore shows that the political success of the idea of multiculturalism, such as it was within the limits of the universalist social democratic welfare state, was dependent on whom the claims-makers were, the status and positions they held, and the way the idea of multiculturalism was conceptualised and used. It was also dependent on the migratory context of labour immigration in the 1960s and 1970s and on whose behalf the advocates of multiculturalism made their claims. The majority of the labour immigrants were Finnish citizens from the former eastern half of the kingdom of Sweden who were net contributors to the Swedish welfare state. This facilitated the recognition of their ethno-cultural difference, and, following the logic of universalism, the ethno-cultural difference of other minority groups in Sweden. The historical significance of the multicultural moment is still evident in the contemporary immigration and integration policies of Sweden. The affirmation of diversity continues to set Sweden apart from the rest of Europe, now more so than in the 1970s, even though the migratory context has changed radically in the last 40 years.
This is a philologically oriented thesis which studies the possible adoption of a grammatical feature from one language into another from historical linguistic perspective. The foci of the study are, on the one hand, the Latin gerund and gerundive and, on the other hand, the English gerund. The material of this study consists of excerpts from two British history narratives in Latin and from the Old English and Middle English translations of these history narratives. The British history narratives selected for the material of this thesis are the 8th century Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum by Bede and the 14th century Polychronicon by Ranulf Higden. Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum has been compared with its Old English translation from the 11th century, the author of which is unknown. The Polychronicon, on the other hand, has been compared with two different Middle English translations: one from the 14th century, by John Trevisa; the other from the 15th century, the author of which is also unknown. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the gerund, which was adopted into English by the Middle English period, has been used to translate the Latin gerunds and gerundives. At the basis of the study is the hypothesis that the English gerund has been used to translate the Latin gerunds and gerundives at least occasionally. The methodology of this thesis consists of detailed and qualitative study of the primary material. The primary material has been studied from synchronic, diachronic and paratextual perspective. The results of this thesis confirm that the English gerund has occasionally been used to translate the Latin gerunds and gerundives. The instances that confirm with the hypothesis are so rare, however, that the relationship between the English gerund and the Latin gerund and gerundive seems to be indirect or at least enshadowed by wide-ranging grammatical differences.
This study examined the attitudes of South Korean teachers of English in Jeollanamdo toward Konglish, particularly in relation to English education. The literature search shows that Konglish is a typical local variety, evolved from the borrowing and redefining of English words that became part of everyday South Korean speech. Konglish is not unique in this regard. Japlish in Japan and Chinglish in China developed for similar reasons and display the distinctive characteristics of those languages. However, Konglish is usually defined as poor and incorrect. Teachers in the study expressed embarrassment, shyness, guilt, and anger about Konglish. On the other hand, they also valued it as something uniquely theirs. Teachers believed that students should not be taught that Konglish is bad English. However, students should be taught that it is poor or incorrect. With few exceptions, they correct Konglish in their classes. Teachers exhibited considerable inner conflict. They defined Konglish as valid when used in Korea with Koreans. However, some preferred that their students not use it, even with their friends. This may cause students to judge Konglish as unacceptable or inferior. The teachers believed that students should learn to distinguish between Konglish and "Standard English," and that they should learn about the contexts in which each is appropriate or preferred. The conclusion, therefore, is that South Korean teachers see the value of teaching about varieties of English. The recommendations are that intelligibility, broader communication skills, and information about International English be included in the curriculum in South Korea.
Proyecto de desarrollo del área de Inglés desde el ciclo inicial de EGB que intenta paliar las diferencias o desequilibrios culturales que se producen en las escuelas rurales. Los objetivos son: confeccionar un libro de Inglés y el material adecuado a las características de la zona rural usando temas relacionados con la vida cotidiana del niño; utilizar los medios audiovisuales para la realización del proyecto; y potenciar el interés del alumnado por otros idiomas y culturas. El proyecto se estructura en los siguientes bloques temáticos: colores y números; el cuerpo, las prendas de vestir y las estaciones del año; la casa y la familia; la escuela; las plantas y los animales; el pueblo de Chapinería; y los pueblos ingleses. Para el desarrollo de estos bloques se realizan actividades como el reconocimiento de mapas y monedas, elaboración de murales, confección de fichas de vocabulario, ejercicios de ritmo y entonación, interpretación de minidiálogos, montaje de un guiñol, diseño de viñetas, etc. Se cuenta también con la creación de un taller de Inglés. La valoración de la experiencia se considera positiva al conseguir aumentar el interés del alumnado por otro idioma, pero señala que, en cuanto a la confección de materiales y del libro, sólo se ha logrado la elaboración de un vocabulario básico y de un conjunto de cómics y viñetas.
Muestra cómo la aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) mejoran la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa, enriquecen las habilidades de los alumnos e, introducen nuevos métodos educativos. Los estudios de varios colaboradores de Europa, Australia y América del Norte, consideran que tanto la utilización del material audiovisual tradicional: videos, películas, cintas de audio, cómo la de recursos más recientes: juegos de ordenador, recursos en línea, son materiales valiosos para la práctica educativa.
Esta publicación combina teoría y práctica para la enseñanza del inglés en la escuela secundaria. Escrito pensando en el profesor, ofrece principios y ejemplos prácticos de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje dentro de un contexto del siglo veintiuno. El texto también aborda preguntas sobre la naturaleza de la preparación inicial del profesorado y plantea cuestiones relativas a su formación, la tutoría en las escuelas y la supervisión del desarrollo de un profesor en prácticas.
Se adapta a los requisitos del examen del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) para inglés, en particular en las especificaciones AQA A y B. Comprende diecisiete unidades, de las cuales las primeras se centran en las habilidades esenciales de hablar y escuchar, escribir y leer, y el resto de las unidades, de la seis a la once, son aproximaciones al contenido común a todas las especificaciones AQA.
Recurso para estudiantes con nivel medio o avanzado en inglés que cuenta con cuarenta unidades en la tecnología de las comunicaciones de información. Incluye sistemas informáticos, procesamiento de textos, hojas de cálculo y bases de datos, aplicaciones multimedia, correo electrónico, diseño web y seguridad de Internet, también tiene temas referentes a los teléfonos móviles y a la video conferencia. Hay unidades que explican la formación de palabras y funciones del lenguaje característico utilizado en el mundo de las TIC y como utilizarlo. Diseñado principalmente como una referencia de autoaprendizaje y libro de prácticas, también puede utilizarse para complementar el trabajo de aula.
Monográfico con el título: 'Patrimonio y Educación'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
The guidelines presented in this document are a preliminary strategy for establishing a comprehensive policy for the needs of training and education wiyhin the sector and adjoining areas, across fields of knowledge and professions concerned, on relevant levels and for the varies institutions and operators. The objective of these guidelines is to analysis the problems, objectives and goals for development of a far reaching system of educational and training programs and courses for museums, cultural heritage and related fields of activities. This objective comprises a close collaboration between museum, cultural heritage organizations and educating organizations, notably within universities and colleges, but also other kinds of educating bodies.