949 resultados para English curriculum and theory


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Although the curriculum subject of English is continually reviewed and revised in all English speaking countries, the status of literature is rarely questioned i.e. that it is of high cultural value and all students should be taught about it. The concerns of any review, in any country, are typically about what counts as literature, especially in terms of national heritage and then how much of the curriculum should it occupy. This article reports on three inter-related pieces of research that examine the views of in-service, and pre-service, English teachers about their experiences of teaching literature and their perceptions of its ‘status’ and significance at official level and in the actual classroom; it draws attention to how England compares to some other English speaking countries and draws attention to the need to learn from the negative outcomes of political policy in England. The findings suggest that the nature of engagement with literature for teachers and their students has been distorted by official rhetorics and assessment regimes and that English teachers are deeply concerned to reverse this pattern.


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A version of this article was first presented at the Drama Australia Conference, Fremantle, July 2002. It draws upon Freebody and Luke's four resources literacy framework, where they describe four kinds of literacy  practices. It shows how this model is used within the literacy community and argues that this model is useful to describe the contribution that drama can make to literacy development. Freebody and Luke's model is used and  promoted throughout Australia and the author argues that it is politically astute for drama teachers to reclaim and promote their links to the English/Literacy curriculum.


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Why is it that Prime Minister John Howard wants to micro-manage English curricula? Why does how teachers teach English and Literature regularly make it to the front and editorial pages of the national dailies? The author attempts to critique that phenomenon, to explain her state of mind - that of being both alert and alarmed. The latest round of the debate began with Tony Thompson's article, 'English Lite is a tragedy for students', in 'The Age' on 12 September 2005. He was concerned that VCE English might be reduced to a single print text and he was alarmed about the watering-down of curriculum driven by 'postmodern notions'. The author is at odds with many of Thompson's views and discusses her stance on various aspects of his propositions. Issues examined include Thompson's argument that no multimodal text yields as much significance as a piece of genuine literature; that students are not being 'stretched' far enough; the false dichotomy between aesthetic/formalist manoeuvres on the one hand and postmodern ones on the other; how texts make meaning to students as consumers and the rationale for the use of pop culture texts to connect with students.


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This textually playful study focuses on gaining a deeper understanding of teacher beliefs about English and the influence of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). Because English is in transformation, these insights into teachers' perpectives of their subject, technology and change will contribute to the productive rethinking of the profession. It employs narrative research, diaglogics and Actor Network Theory techniques.


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This thesis contributes to the academic fields of gender and education through an empirical account of how female teachers design curriculum around girls’ popular culture in a contemporary coeducational setting. The thesis argues for reflexivity around curriculum, and also for the re-articulation of curriculum theory with feminist and poststructuralist perspectives.


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Reformers want history education to help students learn to engage in historical inquiry, read critically across conflicting sources, and engage in civil discussion of controversial issues. How can we help teachers and students shift the roles, norms, and activity in history classrooms to achieve these aims? An activity-theoretical framework suggests the value of explicitly attending to multiple aspects of human activity when designing and presenting reform-oriented pedagogies or curricula. Such attention increases the odds that teachers who implement new approaches or curriculum will achieve significant shifts in the means and ends of history education.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of effective clinical and theory instructors as perceived by LPN/RN versus generic students in an associate degree nursing program.^ Data were collected from 508 students during the 1996-7 academic year from three NLN accredited associate degree nursing programs. The researcher developed instrument consisted of three parts: (a) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Clinical Instructor Rating Scale, (b) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Theory Instructor Rating Scale, and (c) Demographic Data Sheet. The items were listed under five major categories identified in the review of the literature: (a) interpersonal relationships, (b) personality traits, (c) teaching practices, (d) knowledge and experience, and (e) evaluation procedures. The instrument was administered to LPN/RN students in their first semester and to generic students in the third semester of an associate degree nursing program.^ Data was analyzed using a one factor mutivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Further t tests were carried out to explore for possible differences between type of student and by group. Crosstabulations of the demographic data were analyzed.^ There were no significant differences found between the LPN/RN versus generic students on their perceptions of either effective theory or effective clinical instructor characteristics. There were significant differences between groups on several of the individual items. There was no significant interaction between group and ethnicity or group and age on the five major categories for either of the two instruments. There was a significant main effect of ethnicity on several of the individual items.^ The differences between the means and standard deviations on both instruments were small, suggesting that all of the characteristics listed for effective theory and clinical instructors were important to both groups of students. Effective teaching behaviors, as indicated on the survey instruments, should be taught to students in graduate teacher education programs. These behaviors should also be discussed by faculty coordinators supervising adjunct faculty. Nursing educators in associate degree nursing programs should understand theories of adult learning and implement instructional strategies to enhance minority student success. ^


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By reviewing the current mismatch of English education in China,the paper argues the content of English curriculum and instruction in China need guide students to learn the difference between Chinese and English,examine Chinese learners’ English that are incorporated with typical Chinese language characteristics.


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El propósito de este Proyecto fue evaluar los principales factores que influyen en la empleabilidad de los graduados de la escuela de lengua y literatura inglesa de la universidad de cuenca. La población de este estudio fue constituida por titulados que trabajaban en el área educativa y pocos graduados desempleados. El trabajo de campo fue llevado a cabo por medio de una encuesta, la cual fue aplicada a 161 graduados de la carrera de los años 2000 a 2013. La encuesta recogió información personal de los profesionales así como también datos relacionados al conocimiento adquirido en la carrera, situación laboral entre otros. Las técnicas para el análisis de datos fueron: análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. El estudio también examina los métodos usados por los graduados para obtener un trabajo, los requerimientos de las instituciones educativas y causas para el desempleo de los graduados así aspectos del currículo de inglés para mejorar. Algunosde los descubrimientos más importantes en este estudio fueron que más de la mitad de graduados tienen un alto grado de satisfacción con su empleo. También fue descubierto que 96.3% de los graduados están trabajando en el área de su especialidad consecuentemente un gran porcentaje de licenciados de inglés usan el conocimiento adquirido en la universidad en sus empleos.Se espera, por lo tanto, que la información publicada en esta investigación sea un importante recurso para estudios futuros.


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The outcome of the inductive decision -making process of the leading project management group (PMG) was the proposal to develop three modules, Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, Quality Management and Intercultural management, each for 10 ECTS credits. As a result of the theoretical and organisational framework and analytical phase of the project, four strategies informed the development and implemen- tation of the modules: 1. Collaboration as a principle stemming from EU collaborative policy and receiving it’s expression on all implementation levels (designing the modules, modes of learning, delivering the modules, evaluation process). 2. Building on the Bologna process masters level framework to assure ap- propriate academic level of outputs. 3. Development of value -based leadership of students through transforma- tional learning in a cross -cultural setting and continual reflection of theory in practice. 4. Continual evaluation and feedback among teachers and students as a strategy to achieve a high quality programme. In the first phase of designing the modules the collaborative strategy in particular was applied, as each module was led by one university, but members from all other universities participated in the discussions and development of the mod- ules. The Bologna process masters level framework and related standards and guidelines informed the form and method of designing the modules.


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How adequate are current theoretical standpoints, tools and categories for explaining the flows of international students to Anglo/American/European universities? This essay takes a different analytic tact and historical standpoint to the study of them and us, insiders and outsiders (cf. Foley, Levinson & Hurtig, 2001), in the internationalisation of education.