931 resultados para Energy flow
A city is the most dramatic manifestation of human activities on the environment. This human dominated organism degrades natural habitats, simplifies species composition, disrupts hydrological systems, and modifies energy flow and nutrient cycling. Sustainable urban development is seen as a panacea to minimise these externalities caused by widespread human activities on the environment. The concept of sustainable urban development has been around over a considerably long-time as the need to adopt environmentally sustainable behaviours made the international community commit to it. However, to date such development has not been achieved in large scales anywhere around the globe. This review paper aims to look at the sustainable urban development concept from the lens of planning and development integration to generate new insights and directions. The paper reports the outcome of the review of the literature on planning and development approaches—i.e., urban planning, ecological planning, urban development, sustainable urban development—and proposes a new process to support the efforts for achieving sustainable urban development—i.e., integrated urban planning and development process. The findings of this review paper highlights that adopting such holistic planning and development process generate a potential to further support the progress towards achieving sustainability agendas of our cities.
A theoretical model of a large-area planar plasma producer based on surface wave (SW) propagation in a plasma-metal structure with a dielectric sheath is presented. The SW which produces and sustains the microwave gas discharge in the planar structure propagates along an external magnetic field and possesses an eigenfrequency within the range between electron cyclotron and electron plasma frequencies. The spatial distributions of the produced plasma density, electromagnetic fields, energy flow density, phase velocity and reverse skin depth of the SW are obtained analytically and numerically.
The structure of a microwave gas discharge produced and sustained by a surface wave (SW) propagating along a cylindrical metal antenna with a dielectric coating is studied. The SW that produces and sustains the microwave gas discharge propagates along an external magnetic field and has an eigenfrequency in the range between the electron cyclotron and electron plasma frequencies. The presence of a dielectric (vacuum) sheath region separating the antenna from the plasma is assumed. The spatial distributions of the produced plasma density, electromagnetic fields, energy flow density, phase velocity and reverse skin depth of the SW are obtained analytically and numerically.
This article integrates the material/energy flow analysis into a production frontier framework to quantify resource efficiency (RE). The emergy content of natural resources instead of their mass content is used to construct aggregate inputs. Using the production frontier approach, aggregate inputs will be optimised relative to given output quantities to derive RE measures. This framework is superior to existing RE indicators currently used in the literature. Using the exergy/emergy content in constructing aggregate material or energy flows overcomes a criticism that mass content cannot be used to capture different quality of differing types of resources. Derived RE measures are both ‘qualitative’ and ‘quantitative’, whereas existing RE indicators are only qualitative. An empirical examination into the RE of 116 economies was undertaken to illustrate the practical applicability of the new framework. The results showed that economies, on average, could reduce the consumption of resources by more than 30% without any reduction in per capita gross domestic product (GDP). This calculation occurred after adjustments for differences in the purchasing power of national currencies. The existence of high variations in RE across economies was found to be positively correlated with participation of people in labour force, population density, urbanisation, and GDP growth over the past five years. The results also showed that economies of a higher income group achieved higher RE, and those economies that are more dependent on imports and primary industries would have lower RE performance.
Cities are the most dramatic manifestations of human activities on the surface of the earth. These human-dominated organisms—i.e., cities—degrade natural habitats, simplify species composition, disrupt hydrological systems, and modify energy flow and nutrient cycling. Today, these consequential impacts of human activities, originated from population increase, rapid urbanization, high private motor vehicle dependency, deregulated industrialization and mass livestock production, are increasing exponentially and causing great deal of environmental, social, and economic challenges both at global and local scales. In such a situation, establishment of sustainable cities, through sustainable urban development practices, is seen as a potential panacea to combat these challenges responsibly, effectively, and efficiently. This paper offers a critical review of the key literature on the issues relating to planning, development and management of sustainable cities, introduces the contributions from the Special Issue, and speculates on the prospective research directions to place necessary mechanisms to secure a sustainable urban future for all.
A desalination system is a complex multi energy domain system comprising power/energy flow across several domains such as electrical, thermal, and hydraulic. The dynamic modeling of a desalination system that comprehensively addresses all these multi energy domains is not adequately addressed in the literature. This paper proposes to address the issue of modeling the various energy domains for the case of a single stage flash evaporation desalination system. This paper presents a detailed bond graph modeling of a desalination unit with seamless integration of the power flow across electrical, thermal, and hydraulic domains. The paper further proposes a performance index function that leads to the tracking of the optimal chamber pressure giving the optimal flow rate for a given unit of energy expended. The model has been validated in steady state conditions by simulation and experimentation.
Gaussian-beam-type solutions to the Maxwell equations are constructed by using results from relativistic front analysis, and the propagation characteristics of these beams are analyzed. The rays of geometrical optics are shown to be the trajectories of energy flow, as given by the Poynting vector. The longitudinal components of the field vectors in the direction of the beam axis, though small, are shown to be essential for a consistent description.
Viime aikoina ilmastonmuutos, fossiilisten polttoaineiden väheneminen ja niiden hinnan nousu ovat lisänneet merkittävästi maailmanlaajuista kiinnostusta uusiutuviin energiavaroihin. Suomessa uusiutuvien energialähteiden käytössä on jo pitkään panostettu metsäteollisuuden sivutuotevirtana tuottamaan puuperäiseen biomassaan, jota metsäteollisuus käyttää energiantuotantoonsa. Metsäteollisuuden jätevesien käsittelyssä syntyy erilaisia lietteitä, jotka joko uusiokäytetään tai hävitetään polttamalla tai sijoittamalla kaatopaikalle. Erityisesti biolietteiden uusiokäyttö on hankalaa ja kaatopaikkasijoitus tulevaisuudessa mahdotonta tai ainakin kustannuksiltaan kohtuutonta. Käytännössä liete hävitetään polttamalla ja kuivaamalla siitä tulee polttoaine. Lietteiden energiakäyttö on järkevin tapa hävittää jäteliete. Lietteiden korkean vesipitoisuuden vuoksi ne tulee kuitenkin kuivata ennen polttoa. Lietteen kuivaaminen sekundäärienergiavirralla eli metsäteollisuusprosesseissa sivutuotteena muodostuvalla ns. hukkalämmöllä lisää lietteen poltosta saatavaa energiamäärää ja korvaa fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lietteen kuivaukseen optimaalisin kuoren ja lietteen seossuhde eri kuivausparametrejä vaihdellen. Kokeellinen työ aloitettiin rakentamalla energiatekniikan koehalliin laboratoriokokoluokan kiintopetikuivuri, jossa kuivumista tutkittiin puhaltamalla polttoainepedin läpi lämmitettyä ilmaa. Kuivattavina polttoaineina olivat kuoren ja lietteen seos tai pelkkä kuori ja liete erilaisilla massoilla ja erilaisilla prosenttisilla suhteilla ja erilaisissa lämpötiloissa. Kuivumiskäyrien määritys perustui massanmuutokseen. Koelaitteessa olivat anturit lämpötilan mittausta varten, jotta lämpötila saatiin säädettyä ja seurattua kokeen edellyttämällä tavalla. Lämpötilat ja painonmuutokset tallentuivat koetta tehdessä tietokoneelle. Kuivauskokeet osoittivat, että liete-kuori seos kuivuu hyvin kiintopedissä kun lietteen massaosuus seoksessa on korkeintaan 50 %. Lietteen massaosuuden ollessa tätä suurempi kuivaaminen ei enää ole tehokasta, mikä johtuu luultavasti ilman suuresta kanavoitumisesta kuivauspedissä. Kuorta kuivatessa lämpötilan nosto 50 °C:stä 70 °C:een oli huomattavasti tehokkaampaa kuin 70 °C:stä 90 °C:een, ajallisesti ero oli noin kaksinkertainen.
This paper proposes a hybrid solar cooking system where the solar energy is brought to the kitchen. The energy source is a combination of the solar thermal energy and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is in common use in kitchens. The solar thermal energy is transferred to the kitchen by means of a circulating fluid. The transfer of solar heat is a twofold process wherein the energy from the collector is transferred first to an intermediate energy storage buffer and the energy is subsequently transferred from the buffer to the cooking load. There are three parameters that are controlled in order to maximize the energy transfer from the collector to the load viz, the fluid flow rate from collector to buffer, fluid flow rate from buffer to load and the diameter of the pipes. This is a complex multi energy domain system comprising energy flow across several domains such as thermal, electrical and hydraulic. The entire system is modeled using the bond graph approach with seamless integration of the power flow in these domains. A method to estimate different parameters of the practical cooking system is also explained. Design and life cycle costing of the system is also discussed. The modeled system is simulated and the results are validated experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Egeria densa (PLANCH.) ST. JOHN, a submerged plant invader, forms a wide submerged plant zone, particularly along the west coast of the south basin, Lake Biwa. The macrophyte occupies over 82% of the plant zone in the basin and its biomass reaches 93% of the total. The estimated annual net production was approximately 1 kg dry wt./m2 in a dense area, which is about 4.5 times as much as the net production by phytoplankton in an offshore area of the basin. Although the area covered by the macrophyte is only 5.8% of the total of the basin, it produced about one-tenth of the total annual primary production. In the most productive season Egeria produced 46% of the total primary productivity. Thus, the macrophyte never be neglected when one considers the energy flow or material circulation in the basin. This study was initiated in order to clarify the role of submerged macrophytes, particularly E. densa, in Lake Biwa. The following points are reported in this paper: the distribution of macrophytes in the south basin; seasonal change in standing crop of E. densa; seasonal change in values related to production, utilizing a model proposed by Ikushima with its parameters experimentally determined.
Epilithic algae, ie that growing on the surface of stones, was studied as part of the work on the energy flow of the chalk-stream ecosystem, by the River Laboratory. The study area was on Bere Stream and 2 neighbouring streams. The algal biomass was estimated from analysis of chlorophyll a. In Bere Stream the peak chlorophyll a cover occurred in April, while in the neighbouring streams, which have considerably lower nutrient levels, there was on peak. Assuming that 2% of a diatoms dry wt is chlorophyll a, then even in mid-April the biomass of epilithic algae amounted to no more than 15 g dry wt m Super(-2) of exposed gravel. Annual production was calculated to be > 15 times greater than biomass. The estimation of net primary production is always difficult for benthic floras and comparisons are especially difficult when different methods are used. But these figures contrast sharply with those for Ranunculus (water crowfoot) which has a ratio of annual production to maximal seasonal biomass of 1:16. The accumulation of algal biomass is apparently being prevented. Some organic matter may be excreted; some algae will be washed off the bed of the stream by current and grazing by herbivorous invertebrates will also tend to prevent algal accumulation.
Atualmente a maior ameaça à integridade de ecossistemas aquáticos reside nas ações antrópicas, que através de alterações na cobertura vegetal ripária, atingem todos os compartimentos dos sistemas lóticos, alterando a estrutura física, química e biológica do rio e os padrões de ligação entre ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos. A importância dos macroinvertebrados fragmentadores ainda não é bem conhecida nos trópicos. Eles podem contribuir para a decomposição de folhas em córregos, que é um processo fundamental para o fluxo de energia em rios de pequeno porte. Os processos de decomposição e produção secundária de macroinvertebrados aquáticos nos ecossistemas lóticos são intimamente relacionados com o aporte da vegetação terrestre, e podem ser sensíveis às alterações na cobertura vegetal ripária. Os objetivos desse estudo foram avaliar: (a) quais mudanças o desmatamento pode causar nos parâmetros físicos e químicos de rios; (b) os efeitos do desmatamento sobre a estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos associados às folhas, (c) nos processos ecossistêmicos, como decomposição foliar e produção secundária, e (d) a associação entre produção secundária de fragmentadores e decomposição foliar. O estudo foi realizado em 27 locais distribuídos em quatro córregos (7-8 locais por rio) de segunda-terceira ordem e que apresentavam um gradiente de desmatamento. Para estimar a taxa de decomposição, cinco pacotes de folha foram imersos em cada um dos pontos. Um pacote de folha foi retirado de cada ponto após 2, 7, 15 e 28 dias de imersão. O quinto pacote de folha foi retirado no 37 dia de imersão para as estimativas de produção secundária, biodiversidade e a diversidade funcional de insetos aquáticos. As concentrações de amônio aumentaram e a riqueza de espécies de insetos aquáticos e de EPTs (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera) dos pacotes de folhas diminuíram com o aumento do desmatamento. As taxas de decomposição diminuíram com o aumento do desmatamento. Os dados sugerem que a perda de vegetação ripária pela conversão em agropecuária teve impacto em parâmetros químicos e bióticos, tanto na estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados quanto no funcionamento do ecossistema. Concluímos que a restauração e preservação da mata ripária deve ser um foco central das estratégias de gestão de ecossistemas lóticos para assegurar que os processos ecossistêmicos e a estrutura das comunidades em bacias hidrográficas estejam agindo como provedores dos serviços ambientais esperados.
本文是首篇研究中国暖温带落叶阔叶混交林能量生态学的论文。在文中,笔者以详实的第一手资料从能量环境、能量流动、能量组合以及能量平衡几个方面,全面、系统地阐述、分析了辽东栎林——这一暖温带落叶阔叶混交林典型自然群落代表的能量生态学特征。 在能量环境一章中,笔者从能量流动,能量平衡的角度出发重点研究了辽东栎群落的辐射能量环境特征。笔者以1991-1993年的观测资料为基础,从乔木、灌木和草本三个层次分析了生长季总辐射、散射辐射、直射辐射、反射辐射、净辐射、先合有效辐射、透射辐射、吸收辐射以及乔木层和灌木层反射率的季节动态和日进程特征,并从天文因子、气象因子和群落自身发育特征几方面解释分析了辐射能量环境的这种时空动态特征,同时,分析了这种变化特征对群落能量流动、分配和平衡过程可能产生的影响。 另外,笔者也对群落湿度和风速环境的时空动态特征进行了分析。 在能量流动一章,笔者以1992-1993年的野外实验资料为依据,沿季节动态、月际变化和日进程的时间轴,从群落、乔木层、灌木层、草本层以及各乔、灌木种群的空间尺度详细分析、阐述了太阳辐射能在森林群落内的流动和转化特征,并从能量环境和群落发育的角度解释分析了能量在群落内的这种时空分布和转化特征。所讨论的能流对象包括群落、乔、灌、草各层及各乔、灌木种群的总能流固定量、叶片呼吸耗能量、剩余能流固定量以及沿枯枝落叶流出的能流量。 与分析能流过程同步,笔者从上述的时、空尺度分别以生长季内太阳总辐射和光合有效辐射为基础计算、分析了森林群落的光能转化率特征。 在这一章的最后,笔者概述性地介绍了辽东栎群落的能量平衡特征 在第四章,笔者从能值的角度出发,以能量密度为标准讨论了能量沿群落各层及各乔、灌木种群的积累、分配和组合特征,并讨论了能量流动和光能转化率与热值和能量密度的关系。 辽东栎群落能量生态学的研究不但为了解暖温带落叶阔叶林生态系统的结构和功能,为恢复和重建退化的森林生态系统提供了丰富详实的理论信息,而且,也为山区人工林优化模式的组建提供了理论依据和实践指南。
神农架地区的巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)林是秦巴山地重要的森林生态系统类型,长期以来其在水土保持、水源涵养、林产品供给等方面的生态服务功能受到了广泛的重视,近年来该类森林的生物地球化学循环正成为关注的热点。本文以神农架巴山冷杉天然林为研究对象,从其凋落物的数量、养分、能量3个方面入手,着重研究1)凋落物组成及其凋落量的月变化模式;2)凋落物养分含量及养分年归还量的特征;3)凋落物的能流量及其月变化模式。研究表明: 巴山冷杉天然林的年凋落量为5702.99kg.hm-2,处于亚热带森林年凋落量的范围内;巴山冷杉林的凋落物组成比较丰富,主要有落叶、落枝、球花、球果和其它五部分,其中以落叶为多,占总凋落量的46.00%;凋落量的月变化模式呈双峰型,分别在2006年10-11月和2007年4-5月达到峰值。 巴山冷杉林凋落物养分含量的大小顺序为:N>K>Ca>P>Mg;N、P、K、Ca、Mg的年归还量分别为:39.1063 kg.hm-2、4.5346 kg.hm-2、13.4367 kg.hm-2、5.4965 kg.hm-2、0.0911 kg.hm-2,以N的年归还量最多;就凋落物各组分的养分年归还量而言,落叶的养分归还量远远大于其余组分的养分归还量,占总归还量的52.65%。因此,不论凋落量还是养分归还量,巴山冷杉林凋落物中的落叶都占有绝对的优势。 在巴山冷杉林凋落物各组分中,干重热值介于20.60 KJ/g 至22.70 KJ/g之间,灰分浓度介于1.38%至5.94%之间,去灰分热值介于21.34 KJ/g至23.55KJ/g之间,充分表明了灰分对热值的影响。在各组分中,无论是干重热值还是去灰分热值,均以落叶的热值最高。从整年来看,落叶的热值在2006年10-11月和2007年6-7月较高。巴山冷杉林通过凋落物的年能流量为 12500.96 KJ.m-2,以落叶能流量最大,占总能流量的47.72%。通过计算凋落物的能流量占太阳有效辐射的百分数可以得出太阳辐射进入凋落物的转化效率,巴山冷杉林凋落物的能量转化效率为0.61%,这在亚热带和热带森林类型中属于中等水平。
This study was made as an attempt to investigate some of the ecological aspects of the freshwater snail Idiopoma angularis Muller in a modern framework of energy flow and mathematical models. It offers the first investigation of respiration (as related to temperature and body size), production (growth), and excretion in the prosobranch I. angularis in Laguna Lake.