144 resultados para Endospore-formers


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The breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation between diffusivity and viscosity at low temperatures is considered to be one of the hallmarks of glassy dynamics in liquids. Theoretical analyses relate this breakdown with the presence of heterogeneous dynamics, and by extension, with the fragility of glass formers. We perform an investigation of the breakdown of the SE relation in 2, 3, and 4 dimensions in order to understand these interrelations. Results from simulations of model glass formers show that the degree of the breakdown of the SE relation decreases with increasing spatial dimensionality. The breakdown itself can be rationalized via the difference between the activation free energies for diffusivity and viscosity (or relaxation times) in the Adam-Gibbs relation in three and four dimensions. The behavior in two dimensions also can be understood in terms of a generalized Adam-Gibbs relation that is observed in previous work. We calculate various measures of heterogeneity of dynamics and find that the degree of the SE breakdown and measures of heterogeneity of dynamics are generally well correlated but with some exceptions. The two-dimensional systems we study show deviations from the pattern of behavior of the three-and four-dimensional systems both at high and low temperatures. The fragility of the studied liquids is found to increase with spatial dimensionality, contrary to the expectation based on the association of fragility with heterogeneous dynamics.


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Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), C7H8ClN3O4S2, is a diuretic BCS (Biopharmaceutics Classification System) class IV drug which has primary and secondary sulfonamide groups. To modify the aqueous solubility of the drug, co-crystals with biologically safe co-formers were screened. Multi-component molecular crystals of HCT were prepared with nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, succinamide, p-aminobenzoic acid, resorcinol and pyrogallol using liquid-assisted grinding. The co-crystals were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and differential scanning calorimetry. Single crystal structures were obtained for four of them. The N-H center dot center dot center dot O sulfonamide catemer synthons found in the stable polymorph of pure HCT are replaced in the co-crystals by drug-co-former heterosynthons. Isostructural co-crystals with nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are devoid of the common sulfonamide dimer/catemer synthons. Solubility and stability experiments were carried out for the co-crystals in water (neutral pH) under ambient conditions. Among the six binary systems, the co-crystal with p-aminobenzoic acid showed a sixfold increase in solubility compared with pure HCT, and stability up to 24 h in an aqueous medium. The co-crystals with nicotinamide, resorcinol and pyrogallol showed only a 1.5-2-fold increase in solubility and transformed to HCT within 1 h of the dissolution experiment. An inverse correlation is observed between the melting points of the co-crystals and their solubilities.


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Three ternary co-crystals of the title compound are reported. The design strategy hinges on the identification of a robust synthon with O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds in a binary co-crystal. Construction of this module allows the tuning of pi center dot center dot center dot pi stacking interactions and weak hydrogen bonds to incorporate the third component into the crystal structure. Screening of various co-formers showed that a delicate balance of electrostatics is required for stacking to favor the formation of ternaries. A C-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen-bonded motif was also found to occur repetitively in the ternary co-crystals. The directional nature of weak hydrogen bonds allows them to be used effectively in this study.


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Co-crystal screening of the anti-HIV drug lamivudine was carried out with dicarboxylic acids as co-formers, and three of the resulting crystalline solids, two salts and a co-crystal, were studied with SCXRD, PXRD and FTIR spectroscopy. Salts of cytosine, a molecule that incorporates critical structural features of lamivudine, with the same co-formers, were taken as model systems for IR spectroscopic studies of the synthons in the salts of lamivudine. It is shown that different systems with the same synthon show very similar spectral signatures in the regions corresponding to the synthon absorptions. This reveals again the modular nature of the supramolecular synthon.


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One of the greatest challenges in contemporary condensed matter physics is to ascertain whether the formation of glasses from liquids is fundamentally thermodynamic or dynamic in origin. Although the thermodynamic paradigm has dominated theoretical research for decades, the purely kinetic perspective of the dynamical facilitation (DF) theory has attained prominence in recent times. In particular, recent experiments and simulations have highlighted the importance of facilitation using simple model systems composed of spherical particles. However, an overwhelming majority of liquids possess anisotropy in particle shape and interactions, and it is therefore imperative to examine facilitation in complex glass formers. Here, we apply the DF theory to systems with orientational degrees of freedom as well as anisotropic attractive interactions. By analyzing data from experiments on colloidal ellipsoids, we show that facilitation plays a pivotal role in translational as well as orientational relaxation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the introduction of attractive interactions leads to spatial decoupling of translational and rotational facilitation, which subsequently results in the decoupling of dynamical heterogeneities. Most strikingly, the DF theory can predict the existence of reentrant glass transitions based on the statistics of localized dynamical events, called excitations, whose duration is substantially smaller than the structural relaxation time. Our findings pave the way for systematically testing the DF approach in complex glass formers and also establish the significance of facilitation in governing structural relaxation in supercooled liquids.


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The central problem in the study of glass-forming liquids and other glassy systems is the understanding of the complex structural relaxation and rapid growth of relaxation times seen on approaching the glass transition. A central conceptual question is whether one can identify one or more growing length scale(s) associated with this behavior. Given the diversity of molecular glass-formers and a vast body of experimental, computational and theoretical work addressing glassy behavior, a number of ideas and observations pertaining to growing length scales have been presented over the past few decades, but there is as yet no consensus view on this question. In this review, we will summarize the salient results and the state of our understanding of length scales associated with dynamical slow down. After a review of slow dynamics and the glass transition, pertinent theories of the glass transition will be summarized and a survey of ideas relating to length scales in glassy systems will be presented. A number of studies have focused on the emergence of preferred packing arrangements and discussed their role in glassy dynamics. More recently, a central object of attention has been the study of spatially correlated, heterogeneous dynamics and the associated length scale, studied in computer simulations and theoretical analysis such as inhomogeneous mode coupling theory. A number of static length scales have been proposed and studied recently, such as the mosaic length scale discussed in the random first-order transition theory and the related point-to-set correlation length. We will discuss these, elaborating on key results, along with a critical appraisal of the state of the art. Finally we will discuss length scales in driven soft matter, granular fluids and amorphous solids, and give a brief description of length scales in aging systems. Possible relations of these length scales with those in glass-forming liquids will be discussed.


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A literatura atribui a confiança e a desconfiança no Congresso Nacional ao resultado da avaliação do desempenho dos parlamentares. Pondera que, desde que associada ao crescimento da escolarização, da renda e da adesão à democracia, a desconfiança nas instituições democráticas pode refletir maior exigência de cidadãos críticos, ou democratas insatisfeitos, advindos de melhoria social. Nesta perspectiva, a reprovação é positiva, contanto que fenômeno específico, e potencialmente propulsora do engajamento cívico dos cidadãos, fundamental para a democracia nas chaves representativa e participativa. Na busca de uma cidadania crítica à brasileira, a pesquisa que origina o artigo analisou as segmentações de escolaridade e de renda da avaliação de desempenho parlamentar do Datafolha entre 2005 e 2008, período em que os cidadãos tiveram grande oferta de informação (no caso, negativa)sobre o Congresso Nacional e que concentrou dois dos três piores índices de reprovação da história da pesquisa, associados a eventos do escândalo do mensalão. Acabou por evidenciar que, além dos cidadãos críticos, nossas desigualdades parecem ter forjado outros dois tipos de cidadania, muitas vezes relevados pela literatura: a crente e a oculta, potencialmente prejudiciais ao regime, pela associação à baixa escolaridade e à baixa renda, pelo reforço à exclusão e pela própria invisibilidade. Preteridos na academia, não podem sê-lo pela "Casa de todos os brasileiros" em um País que vislumbra alcançar indicadores sociais próximos às democracias centrais na próxima década.


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FSodium phosphate tellurite glasses in the system (NaPO3)(x)(TeO2)(1-x) were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis, vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses, the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units, and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismotic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the P-31 solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather the formation of homootomic P-O-P and Te-O-Te linkages is favored over mixed P-O-Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect, the spatial sodium distribution is not random, as also indicated by a detailed analysis of P-31/No-23 rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments. ACHTUNGTRENUNG(TeO2)1 x were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis,vibrat ional spectroscopy,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses,the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units,and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismatic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the 31P solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather,the formation of homoatomic P O P and Te O Te linkages is favored over mixed P O Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect,the spatial sodium distribution is not random,as also indicated by a detailed analysis of 31P/23Na rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments.


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A chegada dos primeiros habitantes há cerca de 15.000 anos e de colonos portugueses e escravos africanos, desde o século 15, em sucessivas migrações na América do Sul, levaram à formação de populações miscigenadas com raízes consideravelmente diversificadas. É notável a heterogeneidade populacional decorrente dessas migrações e do processo de amalgamento de indígenas a partir dos contatos entre os diferentes grupos étnicos, iniciados com a colonização da América pelos europeus. A despeito da elevada miscigenação, ainda se pode encontrar no Brasil populações que, majoritariamente, mantém a identidade genética dos seus ancestrais mais remotos. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar a ancestralidade da população de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Amazonas, com fortes traços fenotípicos ameríndios, e da tribo indígena Terena de Mato Grosso do Sul. Para isto, foram estudados marcadores uniparentais paternos ligados à região não recombinante do cromossomo Y e maternos presentes na região controle do DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA). Em relação à herança paterna, foram genotipados 31 indivíduos de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, sendo que os Terena já haviam sido estudados sob este aspecto. Quanto ao mtDNA, foram estudados 76 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e 51 Indivíduos do sexo masculino de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro e dos Terena, respectivamente. A análise de marcadores Y-SNPs possibilitou a caracterização de 55% dos cromossomos Y dos indivíduos de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro como pertencentes ao haplogrupo Q1a3a*, característico de ameríndio. Através do mtDNA, foi verificado que o haplogrupo A é o mais frequente nas duas populações, com percentuais de 34% e 42% em Santa Isabel do Rio Negro e na tribo Terena, respectivamente, observando-se no tocante à ancestralidade materna a não ocorrência de diferenciação genética significativa entre as duas populações. Por outro lado, a análise do cromossomo Y revelou a ocorrência de distância genética significativa entre elas, o que pode ser resultante da diferença entre os tamanhos das amostras populacionais ou refletir diferenças entre rotas migratórias dos ameríndios anteriormente à colonização. Os resultados mostram ainda que os genomas mitocondriais autóctones foram melhor preservados, e que novos haplogrupos do cromossomo Y foram introduzidos recentemente na população ameríndia. É, portanto, possível concluir que a população de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro e a tribo indígena Terena apresentam um significativo grau de conservação da ancestralidade ameríndia, apesar do longo histórico de contato com europeus e africanos, os outros povos formadores da população brasileira.


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Por que tantos estudos acadêmicos afirmam a equivalência conceitual entre raça e bruxaria? A dissertação investiga as raízes e conseqüências deste gesto. Procura-se enfocar a maneira em que os dois objetos viram objetos de pesquisa enquanto representações. Uma comparação entre os programas de pesquisa reputadamente opostoscognitivista e sociocultural serve para delinear os pressupostos e limites de tal abordagem. Lançando mão de uma perspectiva pragmatista e fenomenológica, a primeira parte do trabalho revela as dificuldades de um programa representacionalista em dar conta da instância concreta de identificação. Sugere-se que isto é resultado da sua ênfase excessiva na classificação. Fazendo uso das promessas de uma antropologia simétrica, a segunda parte re-examina a insistência da ciência social em `des-naturalizar os objetos através de uma exposição crítica da sua produção. Como uma alternativa ao anti-fetichismo da crítica social, a conclusão propõe uma maneira de tratar a alteridade capaz de oferecer novos objetos de saber e alterar nossa orientação visà-vis eles. O estudo de identidade poderia então ir além dos conceitos de reconhecimento, fronteiras, e exclusão.


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Microbiological investigation of fresh and frozen fishes such as pomfret, surmai and mackerel was carried out under various conditions of preservation. Glazing, block-freezing and preservation in gunny bag were affected. Determination of bacterial load and isolation, identification and classification of the resistant bacteria were made. Spore-formers of Subtilis mesentericus group were found to be resistant to freezing as well as glazing by ascorbic acid, citric acid and sodium nitrite except a mixture of sodium chloride and glucose. Bacterial load was reduced to a good extent and maintained low till the end of frozen storage period.


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An elaborate survey was carried out to ascertain the common types of micro-organisms responsible for spoilage in canned prawns. Among nearly 1.500 strains isolated from bacteriologically defective cans, 60% were Gram positive spore formers of the Bacillus type. Other types isolated belonged to Gram positive cocci, Gram negative rods, Gram positive non-spore forming rods, Gram negative cocci and coccoids. No anaerobe could be isolated. The predominant Gram positive spore formers were identified as Bacillus pantothenticus, B. firmus, B. brevis and B. Pumilus species.


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Spoilage characteristics of different types of bacteria isolated from bacteriologically defective cans and processing factory environs were studied by inoculating pure cultures into sterile prawn meat. The pattern of spoilage, namely, production of off odour, bulging of the cans and disintegration of meat were observed. Data on spoilage under aerobic as well as anaerobic conditions are presented. Most of the cultures produced some kind of spoilage, though differences were observed in the extent of spoilage produced by different types of bacteria. Gram positive spore formers were found to be the major spoilers and the extent of spoilage was more with mixed cultures.


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A detailed bacteriological survey of the prawn canneries of Cochin area was carried out to study the nature and type of micro-organisms present in the factory environs and their role in causing contamination of the canned products. About 26% of the total of 1030 strains isolated was found to be gram positive spore-formers of the Bacillus type, the cooling water being their major source. Similar types of organisms formed the major group often met with in defective canned prawn samples picked up from the factories for examination, thus establishing a correlation between bacterial characteristics and load of cooling water and can contamination.


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57 bacterial strains isolated from marine plankton and mud from the inshore waters of Cochin, are described. The flora of the plankton was dominated by chromogens while mud sample and failed to produce chromogens. The different strains are divided into five arbitrary groups for the convenience of description. The flora is similar to that of Mandapam (east coast) while it differed from the flora of Calicut (west coast) in the paucity of Bacillus and other spore formers.