984 resultados para Endocrine system


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BACKGROUND: Whilst multimorbidity is more prevalent with increasing age, approximately 30% of middle-aged adults (45-64 years) are also affected. Several prescribing criteria have been developed to optimise medication use in older people (≥65 years) with little focus on potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) in middle-aged adults. We have developed a set of explicit prescribing criteria called PROMPT (PRescribing Optimally in Middle-aged People's Treatments) which may be applied to prescribing datasets to determine the prevalence of PIP in this age-group.

METHODS: A literature search was conducted to identify published prescribing criteria for all age groups, with the Project Steering Group (convened for this study) adding further criteria for consideration, all of which were reviewed for relevance to middle-aged adults. These criteria underwent a two-round Delphi process, using an expert panel consisting of general practitioners, pharmacists and clinical pharmacologists from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Using web-based questionnaires, 17 panellists were asked to indicate their level of agreement with each criterion via a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree) to assess the applicability to middle-aged adults in the absence of clinical information. Criteria were accepted/rejected/revised dependent on the panel's level of agreement using the median response/interquartile range and additional comments.

RESULTS: Thirty-four criteria were rated in the first round of this exercise and consensus was achieved on 17 criteria which were accepted into the PROMPT criteria. Consensus was not reached on the remaining 17, and six criteria were removed following a review of the additional comments. The second round of this exercise focused on the remaining 11 criteria, some of which were revised following the first exercise. Five criteria were accepted from the second round, providing a final list of 22 criteria [gastro-intestinal system (n = 3), cardiovascular system (n = 4), respiratory system (n = 4), central nervous system (n = 6), infections (n = 1), endocrine system (n = 1), musculoskeletal system (n = 2), duplicates (n = 1)].

CONCLUSIONS: PROMPT is the first set of prescribing criteria developed for use in middle-aged adults. The utility of these criteria will be tested in future studies using prescribing datasets.


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Knowledge of the chemical identity and role of urinary pheromones in fish is scarce, yet it is necessary in order to understand the integration of multiple senses in adaptive responses and the evolution of chemical communication [1]. In nature, Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) males form hierarchies, and females mate preferentially with dominant territorial males, which they visit in aggregations or leks [2]. Dominant males have thicker urinary bladder muscular walls than subordinates or females and store large volumes of urine, which they release at increased frequency in the presence of subordinate males or preovulatory, but not postspawned, females [3–5]. Females exposed to dominant-male urine augment their release of the oocyte maturation-inducing steroid 17α,20β-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β-P) [6]. Here we isolate and identify a male Mozambique tilapia urinary sex pheromone as two epimeric (20α- and 20β-) pregnanetriol 3-glucuronates. We show that both males and females have high olfactory sensitivity to the two steroids, which cross-adapt upon stimulation. Females exposed to both steroids show a rapid, 10-fold increase in production of 17,20β-P. Thus, the identified urinary steroids prime the female endocrine system to accelerate oocyte maturation and possibly promote spawning synchrony. Tilapia are globally important as a food source but are also invasive species, with devastating impact on local freshwater ecosystems [7, 8]. Identifying the chemical cues that mediate reproduction may lead to the development of tools for population control [9–11].


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Drak2 est un membre de la famille des protéines associées à la mort et c’est une sérine/thréonine kinase. Chez les souris mutantes nulles Drak2, les cellules T ne présentent aucune défectuosité apparente en apoptose induite par activation, après stimulation avec anti-CD3 et anti-CD28, mais ont un seuil de stimulation réduit, comparées aux cellules T de type sauvage (TS). Dans notre étude, l’analyse d’hybridation in situ a révélé que l’expression de Drak2 est ubiquiste au stade de la mi-gestation chez les embryons, suivie d’une expression plus focale dans les divers organes pendant la période périnatale et l’âge adulte, notamment dans le thymus, la rate, les ganglions lymphatiques, le cervelet, les noyaux suprachiasmatiques, la glande pituitaire, les lobes olfactifs, la médullaire surrénale, l’estomac, la peau et les testicules. Nous avons créé des souris transgéniques (Tg) Drak2 en utilisant le promoteur humain beta-actine. Ces souris Tg montraient des ratios normaux entre cellules T versus B et entre cellules CD4 versus CD8, mais leur cellularité et leur poids spléniques étaient inférieurs comparé aux souris de type sauvage. Après activation TCR, la réponse proliférative des cellules T Tg Drak2 était normale, même si leur production d’interleukine (IL)-2 et IL-4 mais non d’interféron-r était augmentée. Les cellules T Tg Drak2 activées ont démontré une apoptose significativement accrue en présence d’IL-2 exogène. Au niveau moléculaire, les cellules T Tg Drak2 ont manifesté une augmentation moins élevée des facteurs anti-apoptotiques durant l’activation; un tel changement a probablement rendu les cellules vulnérables aux attaques subséquentes d’IL-2. L’apoptose compromise dans les cellulesT Tg Drak2 a été associée à un nombre réduit de cellules T ayant le phénotype des cellules mémoires (CD62Llo) et avec des réactions secondaires réprimées des cellules T dans l’hypersensibilité de type différé. Ces résultats démontrent que Drak2 s’exprime dans le compartiment des cellules T mais n’est pas spécifique aux cellules T; et aussi qu’il joue des rôles déterminants dans l’apoptose des cellules T et dans le développement des cellules mémoires T. En outre, nous avons recherché le rôle de Drak2 dans la survie des cellules beta et le diabète. L’ARNm et la protéine Drak2 ont été rapidement induits dans les cellules beta de l’îlot après stimulation exogène par les cytokines inflammatoires ou les acides gras libres et qui est présente de façon endogène dans le diabète, qu’il soit de type 1 ou de type 2. La régulation positive de Drak2 a été accompagnée d’une apoptose accrue des cellules beta. L’apoptose des cellules beta provoquée par les stimuli en question a été inhibée par la chute de Drak2 en utilisant petit ARNi. Inversement, la surexpression de Drak2 Tg a mené à l’apoptose aggravée des cellules beta déclenchée par les stimuli. La surexpression de Drak2 dans les îlots a compromis l’augmentation des facteurs anti-apoptotiques, tels que Bcl-2, Bcl-xL et Flip, sur stimulation par la cytokine et les acides gras libres. De plus, les expériences in vivo ont démontré que les souris Tg Drak2 étaient sujettes au diabète de type 1 dans un modèle de diabète provoqué par de petites doses multiples de streptozotocine et qu’elles étaient aussi sujettes au diabète de type 2 dans un modèle d’obésité induite par la diète. Nos données montrent que Drak2 est défavorable à la survie des cellules beta. Nous avons aussi étudié la voie de transmission de Drak2. Nous avons trouvé que Drak2 purifiée pouvait phosphoryler p70S6 kinase dans une analyse kinase in vitro. Lasurexpression de Drak2 dans les cellules NIT-1 a entraîné l’augmentation de la phosphorylasation p70S6 kinase tandis que l’abaissement de Drak2 dans ces cellules a réduit la phosphorylation. Ces recherches mécanistes ont prouvé que p70S6 kinase était véritablement un substrat de Drak2 in vitro et in vivo. Cette étude a découvert les fonctions importantes de Drak2 dans l’homéostasie des cellules T et le diabète. Nous avons prouvé que p70S6 kinase était un substrat de Drak2. Nos résultats ont approfondi nos connaissances de Drak2 à l’intérieur des systèmes immunitaire et endocrinien. Certaines de nos conclusions, comme les rôles de Drak2 dans le développement des cellules mémoires T et la survie des cellules beta pourraient être explorées pour des applications cliniques dans les domaines de la transplantation et du diabète.


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The growing demand for quality prawn seed from the farmers‘ and entrepreneurs, coupled with uncertainity of their availability from nature at the appropriate time in required quantities has prompted‘ research on problems connected with prawn seed production. Endocrine control of reproduction in the penaeid shrimp _P_. monodon has been investigated in detail by adopting a comprehensive approach to the problem. The major aspects of the study included in depth investigations of the cytological details of the reproductive and neuroendocrine organs in correlation with the process of gonadal maturation. Based on the conclusions drawn from such ultrastructural studies various endocrine manipulations were carried out to see their effects on gonadal maturation. Besides that studies on the reproductive quality of male P_. monodon and the cryopreservation of spermatophores form a part of the present investigation. The shrimp 3; Inonodon used in the present study were collected from the offshore waters of Cochin, Madras and Mandapam and from the culture ponds of Vypeen Island near Cochin (Kerala) . The entire investigation on the cytological aspects were carried out using standard histological and electron-microscopic methods. Endocrine manipulations and cryopreservation studies is also carried out using the standard methods.


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A pancreatite, apesar de relativamente comum na medicina canina, continua a constituir um desafio devido à sua elevada complexidade patogénica, sinais clínicos não patognomónicos, diagnóstico por vezes difícil e tratamento inespecífico. De forma a realizar um estudo retrospectivo foram avaliados registos médicos de 41 canídeos diagnosticados com pancreatite, apresentados à consulta entre 2007 e 2013, de forma a caracterizar o doente pancreático. As características do animal, história clinica, sinais clínicos apresentados, métodos de diagnóstico e tratamento instituído foram analisados. Como critérios de inclusão neste estudo encontram-se a medição de cPLI com resultados acima do valor de referência e a realização de ecografia abdominal. A ecografia demonstrou evidências de pancreatite em 81% dos casos, sendo este valor superior aos 68% encontrados na literatura. Os sinais clínicos apresentados mais comuns foram vómito (39), prostração (38), dor abdominal (36), perda de peso e anorexia (26), desidratação (25), diarreia (21) e febre (5). Todos os animais foram submetidos a tratamento médico, tendo sido apenas 4 deles sujeitos também a cirurgia. A taxa de sobrevivência nos animais com tratamento médico foi de 95% e de 50 % nos animais com tratamento médico e cirúrgico.


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Endocrine system plays a major role in the control of reproductive functions which are regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis and its interactions. FSH and LH receptor genes are expressed at the gonads and GnRH receptor gene is expressed at the anterior pituitary gland. Misense mutations of the FSH, LH or GnRH receptors, activating or inactivating their functions in mammals, are potentially useful to allow the understanding of the role of this group of gonadotropins in reproductive phenotypes as early puberty and birth interval length. In the present study, polymorphisms in bovine exon 11 and 3`UTR of LHR, exon 10 and 3`UTR of FSHR and GnRHR genes were characterized with some of them resulting in changes in the aminoacidic chain. These polymorphic sites were found in a Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) female population by means of PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. Association between nucleotidic/aminoacidic changes and early puberty were determined by Chi-square analysis. It was found association between FSHR 3`UTR polymorphisms at position 2181, 2248 and 2249 bp and early puberty phenotype (p < 0.05). The presence of these new molecular markers might be considered in further studies to validate its correlation with early puberty or other reproduction associated phenotypes in cattle breeds. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Antidepressants increase melatonin levels, but it is still unclear whether this effect is related to the improvement of depressive symptoms or to unrelated pharmacological action of antidepressants. To answer this question, the effect of antidepressants on 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), the main melatonin urinary metabolite, was examined in drug-free depressed patients - most of them antidepressant-naive. aMT6s was evaluated in 34 depressed patients, before and after 8 weeks of placebo (n = 12) or antidepressant (n = 22; fluoxetine, duloxetine or Hypericum perforatum). Both groups showed an improvement of depressive symptoms after treatment compared to baseline (Hamilton Depression scores): 17.0 +/- 1.4 vs. 9.0 +/- 2.8, P = 0.007 for placebo, and 18.6 +/- 1.1 vs. 11.8 +/- 1.6, P < 0.001 for antidepressants). After treatment, aMT6s levels increased after antidepressants (P < 0.01), but not after placebo (P > 0.05). As depressive symptoms improved both in patients taking antidepressant and in those taking placebo, but an effect of antidepressants could only be seen in those taking antidepressants, we suggest that melatonin changes after antidepressants are more likely due to a pharmacological action of these drugs on melatonin secretion.


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Short stature and later maturation of youth artistic gymnasts are often attributed to the effects of intensive training from a young age. Given limitations of available data, inadequate specification of training, failure to consider other factors affecting growth and maturation, and failure to address epidemiological criteria for causality, it has not been possible thus far to establish cause–effect relationships between training and the growth and maturation of young artistic gymnasts. In response to this ongoing debate, the Scientific Commission of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) convened a committee to review the current literature and address four questions: (1) Is there a negative effect of training on attained adult stature? (2) Is there a negative effect of training on growth of body segments? (3) Does training attenuate pubertal growth and maturation, specifically, the rate of growth and/or the timing and tempo of maturation? (4) Does training negatively influence the endocrine system, specifically hormones related to growth and pubertal maturation? The basic information for the review was derived from the active involvement of committee members in research on normal variation and clinical aspects of growth and maturation, and on the growth and maturation of artistic gymnasts and other youth athletes. The committee was thus thoroughly familiar with the literature on growth and maturation in general and of gymnasts and young athletes. Relevant data were more available for females than males. Youth who persisted in the sport were a highly select sample, who tended to be shorter for chronological age but who had appropriate weight-for-height. Data for secondary sex characteristics, skeletal age and age at peak height velocity indicated later maturation, but the maturity status of gymnasts overlapped the normal range of variability observed in the general population. Gymnasts as a group demonstrated a pattern of growth and maturation similar to that observed among short-, normal-, late-maturing individuals who were not athletes. Evidence for endocrine changes in gymnasts was inadequate for inferences relative to potential training effects. Allowing for noted limitations, the following conclusions were deemed acceptable: (1) Adult height or near adult height of female and male artistic gymnasts is not compromised by intensive gymnastics training. (2) Gymnastics training does not appear to attenuate growth of upper (sitting height) or lower (legs) body segment lengths. (3) Gymnastics training does not appear to attenuate pubertal growth and maturation, neither rate of growth nor the timing and tempo of the growth spurt. (4) Available data are inadequate to address the issue of intensive gymnastics training and alterations within the endocrine system.


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UNLABELLED: During and after prolonged bed rest, changes in bone metabolic markers occur within 3 days. Resistive vibration exercise during bed rest impedes bone loss and restricts increases in bone resorption markers whilst increasing bone formation. INTRODUCTION: To investigate the effectiveness of a resistive vibration exercise (RVE) countermeasure during prolonged bed rest using serum markers of bone metabolism and whole-body dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as endpoints. METHODS: Twenty healthy male subjects underwent 8 weeks of bed rest with 12 months follow-up. Ten subjects performed RVE. Blood drawings and DXA measures were conducted regularly during and after bed rest. RESULTS: Bone resorption increased in the CTRL group with a less severe increase in the RVE group (p = 0.0004). Bone formation markers increased in the RVE group but decreased marginally in the CTRL group (p < 0.0001). At the end of bed rest, the CTRL group showed significant loss in leg bone mass (-1.8(0.9)%, p = 0.042) whereas the RVE group did not (-0.7(0.8)%, p = 0.405) although the difference between the groups was not significant (p = 0.12). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest the countermeasure restricts increases in bone resorption, increased bone formation, and reduced bone loss during bed rest.


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The present study was designed to examine whether testosterone replacement is able to prevent some effects of maternal restraint stress during the period of brain sexual differentiation - on endocrine system and sexual behavior in male rat descendants. Pregnant rats were exposed to restraint stress for 1 h/day from gestational days 18 to 22. At birth, some male pups from these stressed rats received testosterone propionate. The neonatal testosterone replacement was able to prevent the reduction in anogenital distance at 22 days of age observed in pups from stressed pregnant rats as well as prevents the decrease in testosterone levels during the adulthood of these animals. Testosterone replacement in these males also presented an improvement in sexual performance. In this way, testosterone replacement probably through increasing neonatal level of this hormone was able to prevent the later alterations caused by the prenatal stress during the period of brain sexual differentiation. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Endocrine system plays a major role in the control of reproductive functions which are regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis and its interactions. FSH and LH receptor genes are expressed at the gonads and GnRH receptor gene is expressed at the anterior pituitary gland. Misense mutations of the FSH, LH or GnRH receptors, activating or inactivating their functions in mammals, are potentially useful to allow the understanding of the role of this group of gonadotropins in reproductive phenotypes as early puberty and birth interval length. In the present study, polymorphisms in bovine exon 11 and 3'UTR of LHR, exon 10 and 3'UTR of FSHR and GnRHR genes were characterized with some of them resulting in changes in the aminoacidic chain. These polymorphic sites were found in a Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) female population by means of PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. Association between nucleotidic/aminoacidic changes and early puberty were determined by Chi-square analysis. It was found association between FSHR 3'UTR polymorphisms at position 2181, 2248 and 2249 bp and early puberty phenotype (p < 0.05). The presence of these new molecular markers might be considered in further studies to validate its correlation with early puberty or other reproduction associated phenotypes in cattle breeds. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The present experiment was aimed to study the effects of an isocaloric substitution of fat by carbohydrate calories while maintaining the same CP content - on some endocrine parameters and key metabolites of the lipid (L), protein (CP) and carbohydrate (CHO) metabolism and muscle cell membrane integrity of broiler chickens. Ninety male broiler chicks (Cobb) were obtained at 1-day old and raised in an environmentally controlled room. Food and water was provided ad libitum. At day 7, the chicks were provided with the experimental diets: Control diet (CON: 20% CP; 9.1% L; 39.6% CHO), Low lipid diet (LowL: 22% CP; 3.36% L; 59.7% CHO), and low carbohydrate diet (LowCHO: 22% CP; 8.09% L; 46.7% CHO). T e chickens fed the CON manifested the best growth rate feed conversion compared to both other groups. The CO chickens showed the highest plasma T-3 Concentrations at 14 days of age as compared to both LowL and LowCHO chickens. At 35 days of age however, LowL chickens were characterized by the highest plasma T-3 levels. Overall, CON birds had the highest plasma T-4 levels (P < 0.0001) compared to LowL and LowCHO chickens. Plasma corticosterone levels were not affected by diet composition. Glucose levels increased towards the end of the experimental period, but there was no overall effect of diet composition on plasma glucose levels. Chickens fed the CON diet were consistently characterized by the highest plasma uric acid levels compared to LowL and LowCHO chickens. Irrespectively of diet, plasma triglyceride levels were high at 14 days of age, then decreased and finally increased again during the last week. This latter increase was most pronounced for the CON chickens and is congruous with their high fat deposition. At 28 days of age, a significant effect of diet was observed, as CON birds had lower plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels compared to LowL but not to LowCHO chickens. However there was no overall effect of diet composition on plasma FFA levels. Creatine kinase (CK) activities increased significantly with age and were consistently higher in CON chickens. In conclusion, fast growth in broiler chickens is positively correlated with catabolism of protein from dietary or endogenous origin and (muscle) cell membrane disruption as reflected in high plasma uric acid levels and CK activity, respectively. The currently investigated substitution of fat by CHO had no marked effects on endocrine functioning and intermediary metabolism, but this does not exclude that larger substitutions between both nutrients can have an effect.


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Previous studies showed that livers from carnivorous birds have a higher gluconeogenic capacity and higher levels of gluconeogenic enzymes than livers from granivorous birds. In this work we compare the effects of fasting and adrenalectomy on gluconeogenesis. Fasting in the chicken elicited increased rates of incorporation of 14C from alanine into blood glucose, increased gluconeogenesis in liver slices, and increased activities of four gluconeogenic enzymes: glucose-6-phosphatase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, alanine aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase. These responses in the chicken resemble those observed in fasted rodents. In marked contrast, fasting in black vultures induced decreased rates of incorporation of alanine label into circulating glucose, decreased gluconeogenesis in liver slices, and no change in any of the four enzymes studied. This unusual response to fasting in the carnivorous bird is probably related to the high-protein-low-carbohydrate content of the diet. Fasted adrenalectomized birds (granivorous and carnivorous) had reduced rates of in vivo glucose synthesis, decreased liver gluconeogenesis, and lower activity of glucose-6-phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase, without change in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and alanine aminotransferase activities.


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Humoral and cell-mediated immunity was investigated in fourteen patients with non-toxic multinodular goitre and ten healthy controls by in vitro methods. These included determination of sheep erythrocyte and complement rosette-forming cells in the peripheral blood, immunoglobulin levels, titres of thyroglobulin and microsomal antibodies and migration inhibition test using thyroid extract and phytohemagglutinin. When compared with controls the patients showed high IgA levels and positive response to thyroid antigen in the leucocyte migration inhibition test. There was no correlation between the leucocyte migration results and the presence of auto-antibodies. These findings indicate a possible role of cell-mediated immunity in non-toxic multinodular goitre.