1000 resultados para Encrypted database


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Greater than 750 individual particles have now been selected from collection flags housed in the JSC Cosmic Dust Curatorial Facility and most have been documented in the Cosmic Dust Catalogs [1]. As increasing numbers of particles are placed in Cosmic Dust Collections, and a greater diversity of particles are introduced to the stratosphere through natural and man-made processes (e.g. decaying orbits of space debris [2]), there is an even greater need for a classification scheme to encompass all stratospheric particles rather than only extraterrestrial particles. The fundamental requirements for a suitable classification scheme have been outlined in earlier communications [3,4]. A quantitative survey of particles on collection flag W7017 indicates that there is some bias in the number of samples selected within a given category for the Cosmic Dust Catalog [5]. However, the sample diversity within this selection is still appropriate for the development of a reliable classification scheme. In this paper, we extend the earlier works on stratospheric particle classification to include particles collected during the period May 1981 to November 1983.


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A key issue in the field of inclusive design is the ability to provide designers with an understanding of people's range of capabilities. Since it is not feasible to assess product interactions with a large sample, this paper assesses a range of proxy measures of design-relevant capabilities. It describes a study that was conducted to identify which measures provide the best prediction of people's abilities to use a range of products. A detailed investigation with 100 respondents aged 50-80 years was undertaken to examine how they manage typical household products. Predictor variables included self-report and performance measures across a variety of capabilities (vision, hearing, dexterity and cognitive function), component activities used in product interactions (e.g. using a remote control, touch screen) and psychological characteristics (e.g. self-efficacy, confidence with using electronic devices). Results showed, as expected, a higher prevalence of visual, hearing, dexterity, cognitive and product interaction difficulties in the 65-80 age group. Regression analyses showed that, in addition to age, performance measures of vision (acuity, contrast sensitivity) and hearing (hearing threshold) and self-report and performance measures of component activities are strong predictors of successful product interactions. These findings will guide the choice of measures to be used in a subsequent national survey of design-relevant capabilities, which will lead to the creation of a capability database. This will be converted into a tool for designers to understand the implications of their design decisions, so that they can design products in a more inclusive way.


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Background Foot ulcers are a leading cause of avoidable hospital admissions and lower extremity amputations. However, large clinical studies describing foot ulcer presentations in the ambulatory setting are limited. The aim of this descriptive observational paper is to report the characteristics of ambulatory foot ulcer patients managed across 13 of 17 Queensland Health & Hospital Services. Methods Data on all foot ulcer patients registered with a Queensland High Risk Foot Form (QHRFF) was collected at their first consult in 2012. Data is automatically extracted from each QHRFF into a Queensland high risk foot database. Descriptive statistics display age, sex, ulcer types and co-morbidities. Statewide clinical indicators of foot ulcer management are also reported. Results Overall, 2,034 people presented with a foot ulcer in 2012. Mean age was 63(±14) years and 67.8% were male. Co-morbidities included 85% had diabetes, 49.7% hypertension, 39.2% dyslipidaemia, 25.6% cardiovascular disease, 13.7% kidney disease and 12.2% smoking. Foot ulcer types included 51.6% neuropathic, 17.8% neuro-ischaemic, 7.2% ischaemic, 6.6% post-surgical and 16.8% other; whilst 31% were infected. Clinical indicator results revealed 98% had their wound categorised, 51% received non-removable offloading, median ulcer healing time was 6-weeks and 37% had ulcer recurrence. Conclusion This paper details the largest foot ulcer database reported in Australia. People presenting with foot ulcers appear predominantly older, male with several co-morbidities. Encouragingly it appears most patients are receiving best practice care. These results may be a factor in the significant reduction of Queensland diabetes foot-related hospitalisations and amputations recently reported.


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There has been significant research in the field of database watermarking recently. However, there has not been sufficient attention given to the requirement of providing reversibility (the ability to revert back to original relation from watermarked relation) and blindness (not needing the original relation for detection purpose) at the same time. This model has several disadvantages over reversible and blind watermarking (requiring only the watermarked relation and secret key from which the watermark is detected and the original relation is restored) including the inability to identify the rightful owner in case of successful secondary watermarking, the inability to revert the relation to the original data set (required in high precision industries) and the requirement to store the unmarked relation at a secure secondary storage. To overcome these problems, we propose a watermarking scheme that is reversible as well as blind. We utilize difference expansion on integers to achieve reversibility. The major advantages provided by our scheme are reversibility to a high quality original data set, rightful owner identification, resistance against secondary watermarking attacks, and no need to store the original database at a secure secondary storage. We have implemented our scheme and results show the success rate is limited to 11% even when 48% tuples are modified.


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There has been significant research in the field of database watermarking recently. However, there has not been sufficient attention given to the requirement of providing reversibility (the ability to revert back to original relation from watermarked relation) and blindness (not needing the original relation for detection purpose) at the same time. This model has several disadvantages over reversible and blind watermarking (requiring only the watermarked relation and secret key from which the watermark is detected and the original relation is restored) including the inability to identify the rightful owner in case of successful secondary watermarking, the inability to revert the relation to the original data set (required in high precision industries) and the requirement to store the unmarked relation at a secure secondary storage. To overcome these problems, we propose a watermarking scheme that is reversible as well as blind. We utilize difference expansion on integers to achieve reversibility. The major advantages provided by our scheme are reversibility to a high quality original data set, rightful owner identification, resistance against secondary watermarking attacks, and no need to store the original database at a secure secondary storage. We have implemented our scheme and results show the success rate is limited to 11% even when 48% tuples are modified.


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We consider the following problem: members in a dynamic group retrieve their encrypted data from an untrusted server based on keywords and without any loss of data confidentiality and member’s privacy. In this paper, we investigate common secure indices for conjunctive keyword-based retrieval over encrypted data, and construct an efficient scheme from Wang et al. dynamic accumulator, Nyberg combinatorial accumulator and Kiayias et al. public-key encryption system. The proposed scheme is trapdoorless and keyword-field free. The security is proved under the random oracle, decisional composite residuosity and extended strong RSA assumptions.


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There has been tremendous interest in watermarking multimedia content during the past two decades, mainly for proving ownership and detecting tamper. Digital fingerprinting, that deals with identifying malicious user(s), has also received significant attention. While extensive work has been carried out in watermarking of images, other multimedia objects still have enormous research potential. Watermarking database relations is one of the several areas which demand research focus owing to the commercial implications of database theft. Recently, there has been little progress in database watermarking, with most of the watermarking schemes modeled after the irreversible database watermarking scheme proposed by Agrawal and Kiernan. Reversibility is the ability to re-generate the original (unmarked) relation from the watermarked relation using a secret key. As explained in our paper, reversible watermarking schemes provide greater security against secondary watermarking attacks, where an attacker watermarks an already marked relation in an attempt to erase the original watermark. This paper proposes an improvement over the reversible and blind watermarking scheme presented in [5], identifying and eliminating a critical problem with the previous model. Experiments showing that the average watermark detection rate is around 91% even with attacker distorting half of the attributes. The current scheme provides security against secondary watermarking attacks.


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Database watermarking has received significant research attention in the current decade. Although, almost all watermarking models have been either irreversible (the original relation cannot be restored from the watermarked relation) and/or non-blind (requiring original relation to detect the watermark in watermarked relation). This model has several disadvantages over reversible and blind watermarking (requiring only watermarked relation and secret key from which the watermark is detected and original relation is restored) including inability to identify rightful owner in case of successful secondary watermarking, inability to revert the relation to original data set (required in high precision industries) and requirement to store unmarked relation at a secure secondary storage. To overcome these problems, we propose a watermarking scheme that is reversible as well as blind. We utilize difference expansion on integers to achieve reversibility. The major advantages provided by our scheme are reversibility to high quality original data set, rightful owner identification, resistance against secondary watermarking attacks, and no need to store original database at a secure secondary storage.


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We consider the following problem: users of an organization wish to outsource the storage of sensitive data to a large database server. It is assumed that the server storing the data is untrusted so the data stored have to be encrypted. We further suppose that the manager of the organization has the right to access all data, but a member of the organization can not access any data alone. The member must collaborate with other members to search for the desired data. In this paper, we investigate the notion of threshold privacy preserving keyword search (TPPKS) and define its security requirements. We construct a TPPKS scheme and show the proof of security under the assumptions of intractability of discrete logarithm, decisional Diffie-Hellman and computational Diffie-Hellman problems.


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Background Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) are a relatively new, but economically important crop grown in many different parts of the world. Commercial success is driven by the development of new cultivars with novel consumer traits including flavor, appearance, healthful components and convenience. To increase our understanding of the genetic diversity and gene-based control of these key traits in Actinidia, we have produced a collection of 132,577 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Results The ESTs were derived mainly from four Actinidia species (A. chinensis, A. deliciosa, A. arguta and A. eriantha) and fell into 41,858 non redundant clusters (18,070 tentative consensus sequences and 23,788 EST singletons). Analysis of flavor and fragrance-related gene families (acyltransferases and carboxylesterases) and pathways (terpenoid biosynthesis) is presented in comparison with a chemical analysis of the compounds present in Actinidia including esters, acids, alcohols and terpenes. ESTs are identified for most genes in color pathways controlling chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis. In the health area, data are presented on the ESTs involved in ascorbic acid and quinic acid biosynthesis showing not only that genes for many of the steps in these pathways are represented in the database, but that genes encoding some critical steps are absent. In the convenience area, genes related to different stages of fruit softening are identified. Conclusion This large EST resource will allow researchers to undertake the tremendous challenge of understanding the molecular basis of genetic diversity in the Actinidia genus as well as provide an EST resource for comparative fruit genomics. The various bioinformatics analyses we have undertaken demonstrates the extent of coverage of ESTs for genes encoding different biochemical pathways in Actinidia.


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The location of previously unseen and unregistered individuals in complex camera networks from semantic descriptions is a time consuming and often inaccurate process carried out by human operators, or security staff on the ground. To promote the development and evaluation of automated semantic description based localisation systems, we present a new, publicly available, unconstrained 110 sequence database, collected from 6 stationary cameras. Each sequence contains detailed semantic information for a single search subject who appears in the clip (gender, age, height, build, hair and skin colour, clothing type, texture and colour), and between 21 and 290 frames for each clip are annotated with the target subject location (over 11,000 frames are annotated in total). A novel approach for localising a person given a semantic query is also proposed and demonstrated on this database. The proposed approach incorporates clothing colour and type (for clothing worn below the waist), as well as height and build to detect people. A method to assess the quality of candidate regions, as well as a symmetry driven approach to aid in modelling clothing on the lower half of the body, is proposed within this approach. An evaluation on the proposed dataset shows that a relative improvement in localisation accuracy of up to 21 is achieved over the baseline technique.


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Motivated by the analysis of the Australian Grain Insect Resistance Database (AGIRD), we develop a Bayesian hurdle modelling approach to assess trends in strong resistance of stored grain insects to phosphine over time. The binary response variable from AGIRD indicating presence or absence of strong resistance is characterized by a majority of absence observations and the hurdle model is a two step approach that is useful when analyzing such a binary response dataset. The proposed hurdle model utilizes Bayesian classification trees to firstly identify covariates and covariate levels pertaining to possible presence or absence of strong resistance. Secondly, generalized additive models (GAMs) with spike and slab priors for variable selection are fitted to the subset of the dataset identified from the Bayesian classification tree indicating possibility of presence of strong resistance. From the GAM we assess trends, biosecurity issues and site specific variables influencing the presence of strong resistance using a variable selection approach. The proposed Bayesian hurdle model is compared to its frequentist counterpart, and also to a naive Bayesian approach which fits a GAM to the entire dataset. The Bayesian hurdle model has the benefit of providing a set of good trees for use in the first step and appears to provide enough flexibility to represent the influence of variables on strong resistance compared to the frequentist model, but also captures the subtle changes in the trend that are missed by the frequentist and naive Bayesian models.


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We consider the following problem: users in a dynamic group store their encrypted documents on an untrusted server, and wish to retrieve documents containing some keywords without any loss of data confidentiality. In this paper, we investigate common secure indices which can make multi-users in a dynamic group to obtain securely the encrypted documents shared among the group members without re-encrypting them. We give a formal definition of common secure index for conjunctive keyword-based retrieval over encrypted data (CSI-CKR), define the security requirement for CSI-CKR, and construct a CSI-CKR based on dynamic accumulators, Paillier’s cryptosystem and blind signatures. The security of proposed scheme is proved under strong RSA and co-DDH assumptions.


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A dynamic accumulator is an algorithm, which merges a large set of elements into a constant-size value such that for an element accumulated, there is a witness confirming that the element was included into the value, with a property that accumulated elements can be dynamically added and deleted into/from the original set. Recently Wang et al. presented a dynamic accumulator for batch updates at ICICS 2007. However, their construction suffers from two serious problems. We analyze them and propose a way to repair their scheme. We use the accumulator to construct a new scheme for common secure indices with conjunctive keyword-based retrieval.


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We consider the following problem: a user stores encrypted documents on an untrusted server, and wishes to retrieve all documents containing some keywords without any loss of data confidentiality. Conjunctive keyword searches on encrypted data have been studied by numerous researchers over the past few years, and all existing schemes use keyword fields as compulsory information. This however is impractical for many applications. In this paper, we propose a scheme of keyword field-free conjunctive keyword searches on encrypted data, which affirmatively answers an open problem asked by Golle et al. at ACNS 2004. Furthermore, the proposed scheme is extended to the dynamic group setting. Security analysis of our constructions is given in the paper.