924 resultados para Employment services


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Not issued Oct.-Nov. 1940.


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WI docs no.: Emp 2.1/2:1936-1939


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Andrew Dunn challenges us to include the perspectives of other policy actors in the debate about the merits and limits of activation policies that emphasise greater conditionality for those in receipt of benefits. In his provocative article he focuses on the views and experiences of people who work with unemployed people...


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The 2014 federal budget implemented a so-called crackdown on what Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews calls young people who are content to “sit on the couch at home and pick up a welfare cheque”. The crackdown will change access to income support for people under 30 years of age. From January 1 2015, all young people seeking Newstart Allowance and Youth Allowance for the first time will be required to “demonstrate appropriate job search and participation in employment services support for six months before receiving payments”. Upon qualifying, recipients must then spend 25 hours per week in Work for the Dole in order to receive income support for a six-month period. What happens beyond this six months is unclear. What is clear is that these policy changes, together with the Minister’s accompanying statements, are informed by a deficit view of disadvantaged youth. It is a view that demonstrates how little politicians know or understand about these young peoples’ past circumstances.


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This article draws on Newman's (2001, 2007) typology of the modernization of governance under New Labor, to examine the development of British welfare to work administration. Concentrating on the delivery of active labor market policy, the article suggests network forms of governance occupy a marginal role in welfare to work delivery. Managerialist and hierarchical forms of governance dominate administration of activation policy. In accordance with UK tradition, a national centralized, top down system exercises control of social security and employment services administration, but increasingly seeks to realize its goals through a market system of delivery.


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Cette recherche exploratoire a pour objet d’étude la mise en œuvre des interventions d’activation pour l’emploi auprès des prestataires de l’assistance sociale en situation de grande vulnérabilité au Québec. Elle cherche à décrire les pratiques mises en œuvre par des intervenants de la première ligne (« street-level ») au sein des organismes communautaires œuvrant en employabilité, dans le cadre des mesures et programmes de l’agence Emploi- Québec, dans un contexte de contractualisation et partenariat entre le gouvernement et le secteur à but non lucratif. Le mémoire cherche à identifier les processus qui peuvent influencer les pratiques de la première ligne de services lors de l’interaction avec les destinataires du système intégré d’aide financière de dernier recours et d’aide à l’emploi, de même qu’à comprendre les rapports de force en présence lors de la mise en œuvre des interventions. L’on veut répondre aux deux questions suivantes : Quel est le poids relatif du cadre institutionnel du système d’activation et du pouvoir discrétionnaire des intervenants de la première ligne travaillant directement avec les prestataires les plus vulnérables, au sein des organismes communautaires en employabilité? Plus précisément, comment ces deux types de processus interagissent-ils entre eux, pour produire la politique telle que mise en œuvre? On se base sur des approches théoriques sur la mise en œuvre des politiques inspirées des perspectives de « street level bureaucracy » (Lipsky, 1971, 1980; Smith et Lipsky, 1993 ; Hupe & Hill, 2007 ; Brodkin, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2015; Rice, 2012), du néo-institutionnalisme discursif (Schmidt, 2008, 2010) et de l’Ethnographie institutionnelle (Smith, 1999, 2006; Campbell & Gregor, 2008). On considère que la mise en œuvre de la politique d’activation entraîne non seulement une « appropriation » du cadre institutionnel et systémique par les intervenants de première ligne, mais aussi une co-construction de la politique dans un contexte de gouvernance spécifique. La stratégie de recherche est qualitative et s’inspire de l’approche de l’ethnographie institutionnelle en sociologie, qui propose une méthodologie pour retracer les effets des institutions sur les travailleurs dans leur vie quotidienne (Smith, 2005, 1999, 1987; Campbell and Gregor, 2008). Elle comprend : i) des entretiens avec des intervenants communautaires qui fournissent des services d’aide et d’accompagnement pour l’intégration en emploi portant sur certains dossiers de prestataires du système; ii) des entretiens avec des coordinatrices d’organismes communautaires œuvrant en employabilité, et iii) une collecte et une analyse de la documentation institutionnelle et du cadre de réglementation pour la mise en œuvre du système d’activation. L'analyse aborde le discours institutionnel d'une part et, d'autre part, le discours des répondants du secteur communautaire en employabilité concernant leurs interventions auprès des prestataires dans le cadre des programmes et mesures d’E-Q, et leurs « explications » des pratiques quotidiennes.


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One of the features of the current Australian labour market is the growth in the number of businesses "contracting out" work that was previously performed by their employees. The "contracting out" is often done through labour hire arrangements: the business engages a labour hire agency to provide it with suitable labour on an "as needs" basis. A common scenario is that the labour hire agency contracts both with the workers who provide the services to the agency's client, and with the client to whom those services are provided. Often the agency pays the workers and bills its client for the labour costs, plus a service fee. Research indicates that during the first half of the 1990s, "the number of agency workers more or less doubled."1 Analysis of the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics on the number of workers employed through labour hire arrangements has suggested: "290,100 employees were 'on-hired' through agencies in June 2002 and 162,000 workers were paid by labour hire firms in November 2001 (almost doubling from 84,300 some three years earlier)." The value of the employment services industry in 2001-02 was $10.2 billion. 2


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This paper is based on survey responses from 656 employers who used disability employment services to employ someone with a disability. Relationships between employer satisfaction and employer perceptions of job-match and future hiring intentions toward people who have a disability are outlined and discussed. Employers' perceptions of the job-match process were found to be an important determinant of their perceptions of work performance and employer satisfaction. Comparative ratings on employer satisfaction for employees with and without a disability were seen as an important indicator of future hiring intentions toward people with a disability. Findings reported in this paper provide important information on which to base strategies for improving future employment outcomes for people who have a disability.


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The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the 1985 ”Employment Services for Ex-Offenders” (ESEO) program on recidivism. Initially, the sample has been split randomly in a control group and a treatment group. However, the actual treatment (mainly being job related counseling) only takes place conditional on finding a job, and not having been arrested, for those selected in the treatment group. We use a multiple proportional hazard model with unobserved heterogeneity for job seach and recidivism time which incorporates the conditional treatment effect. We find that the program helps to reduce criminal activity, contrary to the result of the previous analysis of this data set. This finding is important for crime prevention policy.


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La tesi affronta il tema degli istituti e degli strumenti di tutela della condizione di disoccupazione. In mancanza d’una nozione giuridica generale di disoccupazione, l’obiettivo è quello di ricercare gli elementi comuni ai differenti istituti in grado di definire l’ambito della protezione garantita alla persona priva d’impiego. Lo studio fornisce, dapprima, una complessiva ricognizione storico-critica degli strumenti per il sostegno del reddito nelle ipotesi di mancanza di lavoro. L’esame dei modelli d’intervento legislativo evidenzia finalità, caratteristiche e criticità dei singoli istituti, sia di quelli più consolidati, che degli interventi più recenti. La seconda parte della tesi si propone d’integrare la ricognizione delle forme di tutela economica con l’analisi delle politiche attive nel mercato del lavoro e degli interventi a sostegno all’occupabilità. L’intento è di verificare le modalità attraverso le quali l’ordinamento tenta di collegare tutela del reddito e promozione dell’occupazione. La ricerca affronta anche la questione dei limiti alla libertà di circolazione nell’Unione Europea dei cittadini non lavoratori, nonché il condizionamento determinato dalle misure che riducono o scoraggiano l’esportabilità delle prestazioni previdenziali negli altri Paesi europei. La parte finale si propone d’individuare gli elementi che caratterizzano il complesso degli istituti analizzati, al fine di verificare a quale evento giuridico l’ordinamento offra protezione. Lo studio identifica due elementi rilevanti: la condizione di “mancanza di lavoro”, che accomuna l’intervento per la disoccupazione e quello a favore dei rapporti di lavoro sospesi, nonché l’attualità dello stato di disoccupazione, parametro generale per gli interventi protettivi. L’analisi svolta sottolinea, però, che i meccanismi di c.d. condizionalità per l’accesso alle prestazioni economiche e ai servizi per l’impiego non consentono un’adeguata promozione della qualità del lavoro e della professionalità del lavoratore. La tesi individua un possibile terreno di sviluppo della protezione della condizione del disoccupato nell’integrazione tra strumenti di sostegno all’impiego e interventi a base universalistica.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the role of vocational rehabilitation services in contributing to the goals of the National HIV/AIDS strategy. Three key research questions are addressed: (a) What is the relationship among factors associated with the use of vocational rehabilitation services for people living with HIV/AIDS? (b) Are the factors associated with use of vocational rehabilitation also associated with access to health care, supplemental employment services and reduced risk of HIV transmission? And (c) What unique role does use of vocational rehabilitation services play in access to health care and HIV prevention? Survey research methods were used to collect data from a broad sample of volunteer respondents who represented diverse racial (37% Black, 37% White, 18% Latino, 7% other), gender (65% male, 34% female, 1% transgender) and sexual orientation (48% heterosexual, 44% gay, 8% bisexual) backgrounds. The fit of the final structural equation model was good (root mean square error of approximation = .055, Comparative Fit Index=.953, Tucker Lewis Index=.945). Standardized effects with bootstrap confidence intervals are reported. Overall, the findings support the hypothesis that vocational rehabilitation services can play an important role in health and prevention strategies outlined in the National HIV/AIDS strategy.


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This work is based upon conclusions drawn from the research project: "A Profile of vocational occupational counselling and placement and employment services" in La Plata and greater La Plata (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). This research was carried out between 1998 and 2002 and explored four axes or systems: Health - Labour-Social Policies and Education. In the case of this last axis, reference was made to information about school counselling teams (psychologists, psycho-pedagogues, social workers, etc.) who should have the responsibility for the counselling task, and moved their activity towards the attention of urgencies requested by educational institutions, to cope with current psycho-social problems, losing sight of the importance of counselling from a prevention perspective, for avoiding possible risk situations. Results achieved within this context (La Plata, capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, Ensenada and Berisso), due to the strategic importance of the region in the national context, allowed us to establish meaningful relationships, correlations and projective inferences in other social and regional spheres.