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This thesis analyzes four philosophical questions surrounding Ibn al-'Arabi's concept of the al-iman al-kamil, the Perfect Individual. The Introduction provides a definition of Sufism, and it situates Ibn al-'Arabi's thought within the broader context of the philosophy of perfection. Chapter One discusses the transformative knowledge of the Perfect Individual. It analyzes the relationship between reason, revelation, and intuition, and the different roles they play within Islam, Islamic philosophy, and Sufism. Chapter Two discusses the ontological and metaphysical importance of the Perfect Individual, exploring the importance of perfection within existence by looking at the relationship the Perfect Individual has with God and the world, the eternal and non-eternal. In Chapter Three the physical manifestations of the Perfect Individual and their relationship to the Prophet Muhammad are analyzed. It explores the Perfect Individual's roles as Prophet, Saint, and Seal. The final chapter compares Ibn al-'Arabi's Perfect Individual to Sir Muhammad Iqbal's in order to analyze the different ways perfect action can be conceptualized. It analyzes the relationship between freedom and action.
Le Coran et la Sunna (la tradition du prophète Muḥammad) relatée dans les aḥâdîth (les traditions orales du Prophète) représentent la source éternelle d’inspiration et de savoir à laquelle les Musulmans se réfèrent pour agir, réagir et interagir. Par le fait même, tout au long de l’histoire musulmane, ces sources sacrées ont été à la base des relations des Musulmans avec autrui, incluant les Chrétiens. Les trois éléments majeurs de différenciation entre l’islam et le christianisme sont : la nature divine de Jésus, la trinité ainsi que la crucifixion et la mort de Jésus sur la croix. La position tranchée du Coran quant aux deux premiers points ne laisse place à aucun débat académique. Cependant, l’ambiguïté du texte coranique quant à la crucifixion de Jésus et sa mort a favorisé de nombreux débats entre mufassirûn (les exégètes du Coran). Cette thèse est une analyse textuelle des deux passages coraniques qui traitent de cette troisième différence. Pour cette étude textuelle et intertextuelle, les tafâsîr (interprétations du Coran) de huit mufassirûn appartenant à différentes madhâhib (écoles d’interprétation) et périodes de l’histoire des relations musulmanes-chrétiennes sont utilisés en combinaison avec certaines approches et méthodes récentes telles que : historico-critique et critique rédactionnelle. De plus, trois nouvelles théories développées dans la thèse enrichissent les outils herméneutiques de la recherche : la « théorie des cinq couches de sens », la « théorie des messages coraniques doubles » et la « théorie de la nature humaine tripartite ». À la lumière de ces théories et méthodes, il apparaît que l’ambiguïté coranique au sujet de la crucifixion et de la mort de Jésus est une invitation claire de la part du Coran incitant les Musulmans et les Chrétiens à vivre avec cette ambiguïté insoluble. La conclusion de cette thèse contribue directement à de meilleures relations musulmanes-chrétiennes, renforçant l’appel coranique (Coran 3:64, 103) à ces deux communautés leurs demandant de se cramponner aux points communs majeurs, d’intégrer leurs différences mineures et de consacrer leurs énergies pour une vie harmonieuse entre eux et laisser le reste dans les mains du Dieu qu’ils ont en commun.
This paper will discuss the emergence of Shiʿite mourning rituals around the grave of Husayn b. ʿAli. After the killing of Husayn at Karbala’ in 61/680, a number of men in Kufa feel deep regret for their neglect to come to the help of the grandson of the Prophet. They gather and discuss how they can best make penitence for this crime. Eventually, they decide to take to arms and go against the Umayyad army – to kill those that killed Husayn, or be killed themselves in the attempt to find revenge for him. Thus, they are called the Penitents (Ar. Tawwābūn). On their way to the battlefield they stop at Husayn’s tomb at Karbala’, dedicating themselves to remorseful prayer, crying and wailing over the fate of Husayn and their own sin. When the Penitents perform certain ritual acts, such as weeping and wailing over the death of Husayn, visiting his grave, asking for God’s mercy upon him on the Day of Judgment, demand blood revenge for him etc., they enter into already existing rituals in the pre-Islamic Arab and early Muslim context. That is, they enter into rituals that were traditionally performed at the death of a person. What is new is that the rituals that the Penitents perform have partially received a new content. As described, the rituals are performed out of loyalty towards Husayn and the family of the Prophet. The lack of loyalty in connection with the death of Husayn is conceived of as a sin that has to be atoned. Blood revenge thus becomes not only a pure action of revenge to restore honor, but equally an expression for true religious conversion and penitence. Humphrey and Laidlaw argue that ritual actions in themselves are not bearers of meaning, but that they are filled with meaning by the performer. According to them, ritual actions are apprehensible, i.e. they can be, and should be filled with meaning, and the people who perform them try to do so within the context where the ritual is performed. The story of the Penitents is a clear example of mourning rituals as actions that survive from earlier times, but that are now filled with new meaning when they are performed in a new and developing movement with a different ideology. In later Shiʿism, these rituals are elaborated and become a main tenet of this form of Islam.
Various Shiite devotional texts to be recited in religious assemblies (majālis) commemorating the events leading to the martyrdom of the Shii Imam Ḥusain b. ʻAlī (d. 680). Each majlis (there is twenty) begins with a synoptic heading. The beginning of 17th majlis suggests that some of these texts are based on Mahdī b. Abī Zarr al-Kāshānī an-Niraqī's "Muḥarriq al-qulub (a Shiite history of the martyrs of the Prophet's family).
The Measure of the Man -- The Valley of the Rapid Water -- How the Senecas Made War Upon Great Britain -- The Grand-Daughter of the Prophet -- Boyhood Days on the Reservatio -- The Way the Twig Was Bent -- Lewis H. Morgan and the "New League of the Iroquois" -- Early Experience as an Engineer and Masonic Career -- How Parker's Enlistment was Refused by Secretary Seward -- A Sachem Becomes a Warrior -- The Fall of the Confederacy -- The Indian in the Drama at Appomattox -- The Warrior After the War -- An Indian Commissioner of Indian Affairs -- A Sachem's Letters to a Poetess -- The Gettysburg Speech of Grant's Military Secretary -- The House of Brother Nicholson -- The Bones of Red Jacket -- The Last Grand Sachem.
"These essays have appeared at various times in "The Nineteenth century," and are now printed with some alterations, corrections, and additions."
The prophet.--The masque of the gods.--Prince Deukalion.--Notes.
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The rocky island -- The vision of the three states -- The little wanderers -- The king and his servants -- The prophet's guard.
Jeremiah, the prophet of Israel.--The Buddha, the prince of mysticism.--Socrates, the champion of intellectual piety.--Jesus, the preacher of the kingdom of God.--St. Paul, the apostle of a universal religion.--Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher of a dying world.--Augustine, the schoolmaster of the middle ages.--Mohammed, the revivalist of Semitism.--Martin Luther, and the dawn of the modern age.
v.1. Translation of the Commentary.--v. 2. The Anglican version of the book of the prophet Isaiah ammended according to the commentary of Ezra.--v. 3. [Hebrew text of Ibn Ezra's Commentary on Isaiah] with notes and glossary.--v. 4. Essays on the writings of Abraham Ibn Ezra [with Hebrew appendix containing unedited fragments of Ibn Ezra's commentaries.]
Some volumes have title: The Cambridge Bible for schools.