58 resultados para Elevators.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Crop producers make a number of decisions that are market related. They may be categorized as financial decisions, production decisions, or marketing decisions. All three decisions depend on what prices are likely to be at some specific time in the future. The marketing decisions is complex. This research publication discusses the number of alternatives that are available even for the producer who does not directly buy or sell futures or options contracts.


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The remarks that I have prepared deal with direct contacts selling pest and bird control programs. I am going to limit my remarks to what I feel are the more important aspects of selling Bird Control. I think it is safe to say that one of the most difficult aspects of selling for most sales personnel is prospecting, that is, finding accounts to call on. Our sales personnel have to more or less come up with their own leads. They have to find out who to contact once they get there. I have found that the best prospect most of us have for selling Bird Control accounts are our present pest control accounts. Generally speaking, we try to main¬tain contact with our applicators in the field, who are in these accounts every day, asking them if there are any of their accounts that are having bird control problems. Another method of finding potential accounts, is driving around looking. It is more difficult to drive around and look for rat and/or roach problems, but generally speaking if a building or some type of business has a bird problem, it is fairly easy to locate. Another thing we can do is call on specific accounts. There are generally cer¬tain accounts that just by the manufacturing process do attract birds, for example: food plants, mills, beet plants, grain elevators, food processors, and so on. Other type operations which lend themselves to bird problems are industrial plants because of the super-structure (physical plant) that they have. Sub-stations and power plants are very attractive to birds. Some other situations that should be checked for bird problems are lumber yards and contractors' storage buildings. After deciding on a contact we get into what I call my basic four. There are four basic things that I try to impress upon our personnel to keep in mind when they go in to make a contact. The first one is the interview or actually making the contact so that you get an opportunity to have the interview, either calling for an appointment or making a "cold" call. The second one is closing for the survey. The third one is making the survey and preparing a proposal. The fourth and last one is the proposal presentation and closing of the sale. An additional item which would make a basic five is after you make the sale don't forget to follow up on the sale.


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As a pest control industry, we are interested in bird control, especially in areas of residence, commercial buildings, food plants, mills and elevators, commercial feed lots, farms, and even area wide controls in some of our cities. We run into all kinds of problems; I suppose you men do, too.


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At the Chair of Logistics Engineering, TU Dresden, a particular focus is research and development of magnetic traction sheaves. Therein the main fundamentals of these special sheaves are determined for applications in different fields such as elevators, several kinds of winches, hoists and cranes. In the current research project “energy balance of magnetic traction sheaves”, the dynamic behaviour of systems with magnetic traction sheaves was investigated. The research focused on theoretical and practical examinations of energy balance. Moreover, a new approach for dimensioning magnetic traction sheave systems is presented. It is a project of the Research Foundation Intralogistics / Material Handling and Logistics (IFL), which is funded through the AiF under the program of Industrial Collective Research for SMEs (IGF) by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).


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Point-of-decision signs to promote stair use have been found to be effective in various environments. However, these signs have been more consistently successful in public access settings that use escalators, such as shopping centers and transportation stations, compared to worksite settings, which are more likely to contain elevators that are not directly adjacent to the stairs. Therefore, this study tested the effectiveness of two point-of-decision sign prompts to increase stair use in a university worksite setting. Also, this study investigated the importance of the message content of the signs. One sign displayed a general health promotion message, while the other sign presented more specific information. Overall, this project examined whether the presence of the point-of-decision signs increases stair use. In addition, this research determined whether the general or specific sign promotes greater stair use. ^ Inconspicuous observers measured stair use both before the signs were present and while they were posted. The study setting was the University of Texas School of Nursing, and the target population was anyone who entered the building, including employees, students, and visitors. The study was conducted over six weeks and included two weeks of baseline measurement, two weeks with the general sign posted, and two weeks with the specific sign posted. Each sign was displayed on a stand in the decision point area near the stairs and the elevator. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. ^ After adjustment for covariates, the odds of stair use were significantly greater during the intervention period than the baseline period. Furthermore, the specific sign period showed significantly greater odds of stair use than the general sign period. These results indicate that a point-of-decision sign intervention can be effective at promoting stair use in a university worksite setting and that a sign with a specific health information message may be more effective at promoting stair use than a sign with a general health promotion message. These findings can be considered when planning future worksite and university based stair promotion interventions.^


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Esta investigación tiene por fin poner en valor la obra del arquitecto chileno Luciano Kulczewski, profesional que cumplió un rol clave y distintivo en la primera mitad del siglo XX, considerado como un período crucial para el desarrollo de la arquitectura nacional, ya que es el momento en que se produce el advenimiento de la modernidad en el país. Si bien su figura goza de un gran reconocimiento, solamente una parte de su obra es (re)conocida por la historiografía nacional. Su labor en el libre ejercicio de la profesión, como asimismo los distintos cargos administrativos y políticos que desempeñó en su vida, hacían suponer un corpus más amplio, como finalmente se pudo constatar en este estudio. El amplio catastro documentado permitió fehacientemente identificar el rol y el significado que esta obra cumpliera en la transición que hizo posible dejar atrás los valores impuesto por el Academicismo, para incorporar los procesos de modernización en los distintos ámbitos de la arquitectura. Por tanto, el quehacer de Kulczewski se reveló como ejemplar y paradigmático. Una de las ilustraciones más elocuentes a este respecto fue la precursora realización de edificios en altura para uso residencial. Esta tipología lo obligó a trabajar con nuevos materiales y técnicas constructivas, junto a la necesidad de introducir las modernas tecnologías que estos portentos arquitectónicos requerían para su funcionamiento, como era el uso de ascensores y los sistemas de calefacción centralizada. El estudio del contexto urbano de sus obras permitió dar cuenta también de los procesos que estaban convirtiendo a las principales ciudades del país en urbes ‘modernas’. En este ámbito, destaca la nueva concepción urbanística que llegaba vinculada a los barrios-jardín, que contrariamente a lo establecido por el urbanismo tradicional, implicó inéditas maneras de articular la ciudad y el empleo de nuevas tipologías residenciales. Estas concepciones de ciudad encontraron eco principalmente en las urbanizaciones que se estaban realizando en las nuevas comunas de la capital, contexto elegido por el arquitecto para llevar a cabo algunos innovadores conjuntos habitacionales, hoy considerados modélicos, y que estaban destinados a un nuevo estrato social empoderado y demandante: la clase media. Su particular preocupación por las cuestiones sociales, las que entraron en crisis con el devenir del siglo XX, lo llevaron a desarrollar una activa vida política, que culminó con un importante puesto administrativo en el primer Gobierno Radical que tuvo lugar en el país. Desde esa posición, pudo gestionar y dar solución apropiada a la urgente necesidad de viviendas obreras que requería el país, creando los primeros edificios colectivos destinados a este grupo social. Esto a la vez supuso un acercamiento más sustancial a las nuevas propuestas vinculadas al Movimiento Moderno. En conclusión, su quehacer hizo eco de los estilos vanguardistas y modernos que arribaron provenientes de Europa, pero reconociendo las realidades propias del país, de tal forma que la apropiación, y no la reproducción, fue su sello. En este proceso de adecuación al medio local, los modelos foráneos se desprenderán de muchas de sus principios rectores originales, lo que sumado a la impronta de un imaginario propio y original, convierten a sus creaciones en un caso singular en el contexto del la arquitectura chilena. ABSTRACT This research aims to add value to the work of Chilean architect Luciano Kulczewski, a professional who accomplished a key and distinctive role in the first half of the twentieth century, which is considered as a crucial period for the development of the Chilean architecture, since it corresponds to the arrive of Modernity in this country. While his figure is widely recognized, only a portion of his oeuvre is known (or acknowledged) by national historiography. Because of his work as a freelance professional and another administrative and political position he held in his life, it is possible to assume a larger corpus, as it was finally confirmed by this study. The copious documented cadastre allowed convincingly to identify the role and significance that this work fulfilled in the transition that made possible leaving behind the values imposed by Academicism, and thus to incorporate the modernization processes in the different fields of architecture. Therefore, the work of Kulczewski revealed itself as exemplary and paradigmatic. One of the most eloquent illustrations to this regard was the pioneering construction of high-rise buildings with a residential purpose. This typology drove him to work with new materials and constructive techniques, alongside with the need of introducing new modern technologies required by these architectonical advances for its operations, like the use of elevators and central heating systems. The study of the urban context of his work allowed also accounting the processes the major cities of the country went through in order to become 'modern' cities. In this context, it stands out the new urban conception linked to the idea of garden city, which was contrary to the practices of the traditional urbanism, and that implied new ways of articulating the city and that the use of new residential typologies. These urban notions were mainly echoed in the urbanizations that were made in the new districts of the city, scenario chosen by the architect for the concretion of innovative housing projects, nowadays thought as paradigmatic, and that were oriented for a new empowered and demanding social group: the middle class. His particular concern for social issues, which ones came into crisis with the arrival of the twentieth century, led him to take an active political role, culminating with an important administrative position in the first Radical Government that took place in the country. From that position, he could manage and provide adequate solutions to the urgent worker’s housing needs that required the country, creating the first collective buildings for this social group. This supposed a more substantial approach to new proposals of the Modern Movement. To conclude, his oeuvre was influenced by the avant-garde and modern styles that arrived from Europe, but with the proper adjustments to the local requirements, so that it is possible to say that appropriation more than reproduction was his hallmark. In this process, these features were transformed in order to get more flexibility for their adaptation to the Chilean needs that added to a personal and peculiar imaginary, which transformed his works into a unique case in the national architecture history.


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Este estudo objetivou associar o sobrepeso, obesidade I e II e Circunferência da Cintura (CC) com sintomas de ansiedade e depressão em adultos que buscavam primeiro atendimento médico nutricional para emagrecimento em consultório do município de Santos São Paulo - Brasil, mesmo os que já haviam tentado emagrecer anteriormente. Para coletar dados, foi utilizada uma ficha para caracterização do participante, Inventário IDATE para ansiedade traço estado, Inventário de Beck (BDI) para depressão, balança antropométrica para aferição do peso, altura e cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), fita métrica inelástica para aferir CC. Os dados dos 81 participantes demonstraram que 38% eram jovens, 36% casados, 63% possuíam nível superior completo, 45% alta renda familiar. Estavam em sobrepeso 56% e obesidade I 28%, e 64% apresentavam 77 a 100 cm de CC. A análise simples da distribuição dos sintomas de ansiedade e depressão na elevação do IMC e da CC demonstra que, conforme estes aumentam, a ansiedade e depressão diminuem. Houve alta ocorrência de sintomas de ansiedade traço (75%) estado (70%) de intensidade média baixa e de depressão mínima (64%) que decaem de freqüência conforme eleva o IMC e a CC, bem como redução de freqüência às consultas conforme eleva o IMC. Não houve casos de depressão grave. A análise estatística de Pearson não encontrou correlação entre IMC e CC com sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, o mesmo ocorrendo com o teste para associação Qui-quadrado. Os resultados sugerem ocorrer uma acomodação emocional do indivíduo às pressões causadas pela elevação do peso corporal e os participantes apresentavam-se, em sua maioria, hiporreativos, indiferentes ou insensíveis aos acontecimentos, com desinteresse geral ou falta de desejos aparentando resistência ao tratamento e apatia.


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Este estudo objetivou associar o sobrepeso, obesidade I e II e Circunferência da Cintura (CC) com sintomas de ansiedade e depressão em adultos que buscavam primeiro atendimento médico nutricional para emagrecimento em consultório do município de Santos São Paulo - Brasil, mesmo os que já haviam tentado emagrecer anteriormente. Para coletar dados, foi utilizada uma ficha para caracterização do participante, Inventário IDATE para ansiedade traço estado, Inventário de Beck (BDI) para depressão, balança antropométrica para aferição do peso, altura e cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), fita métrica inelástica para aferir CC. Os dados dos 81 participantes demonstraram que 38% eram jovens, 36% casados, 63% possuíam nível superior completo, 45% alta renda familiar. Estavam em sobrepeso 56% e obesidade I 28%, e 64% apresentavam 77 a 100 cm de CC. A análise simples da distribuição dos sintomas de ansiedade e depressão na elevação do IMC e da CC demonstra que, conforme estes aumentam, a ansiedade e depressão diminuem. Houve alta ocorrência de sintomas de ansiedade traço (75%) estado (70%) de intensidade média baixa e de depressão mínima (64%) que decaem de freqüência conforme eleva o IMC e a CC, bem como redução de freqüência às consultas conforme eleva o IMC. Não houve casos de depressão grave. A análise estatística de Pearson não encontrou correlação entre IMC e CC com sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, o mesmo ocorrendo com o teste para associação Qui-quadrado. Os resultados sugerem ocorrer uma acomodação emocional do indivíduo às pressões causadas pela elevação do peso corporal e os participantes apresentavam-se, em sua maioria, hiporreativos, indiferentes ou insensíveis aos acontecimentos, com desinteresse geral ou falta de desejos aparentando resistência ao tratamento e apatia.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Railway terminal and industrial map of Chicago : showing the termini, connections, and general system by which interchanges and transfers of freights are effected between all railroads centering in and about Chicago, also indicating the location of freight and passenger depots, elevators, warehouses, coal, ore, and other docks, and the leading manufactories, with an alphabetical list of the principle industries located along the lines of the same, drawn & engraved by A. Zecse & Co. It was published by Industrial World. Co. in 1886. Scale [ca. 1:19,300]. This layer is image 2 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map, representing the southern portion of the map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Illinois East State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 1201). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, selected buildings and industry locations (e.g. mills, factories, etc.), and more. Includes index of principal industries. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Railway terminal and industrial map of Chicago : showing the termini, connections, and general system by which interchanges and transfers of freights are effected between all railroads centering in and about Chicago, also indicating the location of freight and passenger depots, elevators, warehouses, coal, ore, and other docks, and the leading manufactories, with an alphabetical list of the principle industries located along the lines of the same, drawn & engraved by A. Zecse & Co. It was published by Industrial World. Co. in 1886. Scale [ca. 1:19,300]. This layer is image 1 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map, representing the northern portion of the map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Illinois East State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 1201). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, selected buildings and industry locations (e.g. mills, factories, etc.), and more. Includes index of principal industries. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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The main goal of this thesis is to report patterns of perceived safety in the context of airport infrastructure, taking the airport of Bologna as reference. Many personal and environmental attributes are investigated to paint the profile of the sensitive passenger and to understand why precise factors of the transit environment are so impactful on the individual. The main analyses are based on a 2014-2015 passengers’ survey, involving almost six thousand of incoming and outgoing passengers. Other reports are used to implement and support the resource. The analysis is carried out by using a combination of Chi-square tests and binary logistic regressions. Findings shows that passengers result to be particularly affected by the perception of airport’s environment (e.g., state and maintenance of facilities, clarity and efficacy of information system, functionality of elevators and escalators), but also by the way how the passenger reaches the airport and the quality of security checks. In relation to such results, several suggestions are provided for the improvement of passenger satisfaction with safety. The attention is then focused on security checkpoints and related operations, described on a theoretical and technical ground. We present an example of how to realize a proper model of the security checks area of Bologna’s airport, with the aim to assess present performances of the system and consequences of potential variations. After a brief introduction to Arena, a widespread simulation software, the existing model is described, pointing out flaws and limitations. Such model is finally updated and changed in order to make it more reliable and more representative of the reality. Different scenarios are tested and results are compared using graphs and tables.


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At head of title: Ministerio de agricultura de la nación.


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"The design of this publication is to give to the co-workers of the Otis Elevator Company a more comprehensive knowledge of the industry, to encourage individual effort and to unite in closer co-operation all those actively engaged in promoting the growth of the company."