859 resultados para Electronic mail systems Political aspects Indonesia
Includes index.
A Nova Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Brasileira (LDB 9.394/96) prevê que a educação superior promova criticidade, reflexibilidade, correlação de saberes, mas também o incentivo ao trabalho de pesquisa e investigação científica, visando ao desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia e da criação e difusão da cultura e, desse modo, desenvolver o entendimento do homem e do meio em que vive. (Artigo 43, inciso III). Entretanto, pouco se ouve sobre essas questões a partir da voz do orientador de pesquisas acadêmicas, o que esta pesquisadora considera um problema de ordem social, tendo em vista a importância desses atores sociais para o campo acadêmico. Os poucos trabalhos que abordam o tema limitam-se a identificar o orientador a partir das impressões empíricas dos orientandos e a refletir as atuações a partir de questões político-educacionais (FLECHA, 2003; MAZZILLI, 2003; BIANCHETTI & MACHADO, 2006). Neste sentido, o presente trabalho procura responder, através da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), o que os orientadores têm a dizer sobre sua prática social. De caráter interpretativo (ALVEZ-MAZZOTTI, 1999), conta com dados gerados por orientadores de mestrado em Linguística/Linguística Aplicada, das esferas federal, estadual e privada, do Rio de janeiro, sendo dois participantes de cada esfera. Na primeira etapa, os sujeitos responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada. A segunda etapa consta de: a) um questionário; b) correspondências eletrônicas; c) os regimentos dos programas de pós-graduação; e d) revisão histórica da orientação no Brasil. O caráter social deste estudo é a relação dialética entre linguagem e sociedade, já que a ACD considera qualquer evento discursivo ao mesmo tempo um texto (primeira dimensão), uma prática discursiva (segunda dimensão) e uma prática social (terceira dimensão): o modelo tridimensional (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001). O Sistema de Transitividade da LSF pautou a análise da primeira dimensão, confirmando outros estudos sobre o ranking da recorrência dos processos (LIMA LOPES, 2001). A interpretação dessa primeira dimensão aponta que os orientadores atuam na idiossincrasia, e que os principais atores sociais desse fazer são o orientador e o orientando, em relação assimétrica de poder. Na segunda dimensão, a interdiscursividade reforça essa idiossincrasia, mas inclui as pressões institucionais, que agem como reguladoras desse fazer. Na terceira dimensão, os resultados sugerem que aspectos históricos justificam a queda da qualidade dos mestrandos, associando a isso um interesse político, e as características da pós-modernidade a uma nova e híbrida atuação. Além disso, os resultados apontam para um discurso de resistência à hegemonia nas três dimensões de análise. A pesquisa possibilitou ainda a discussão em torno de aspectos práticos: a) a reflexão dos sujeitos sobre seus papeis e atribuições; e b) a atualização do aporte teórico, aplicado a um tema ainda pouco explorado. Deste trabalho, fica um convite a novas pesquisas sobre o discurso do orientador, trazendo à tona não apenas sua voz, conforme a fala literal de um dos entrevistados, mas também contribuições diretas e significativas aos estudos em Linguística e Linguística Aplicada no Brasil
Electronic transactions are becoming increasingly commonplace in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, despite the collapse of many dotcom firms and the failure of e-commerce to make inroads in the region. In the transport sphere, the gradual incorporation of technology in support of processes and the exchange of money flows between players has brought greater versatility, security and flexibility. In public transport, such initiatives take the form of automatic ticket machines and prepaid card dispensing machines. In urban transit, electronic purses used for the supervision and payment of parking time, and in road pricing, electronic toll systems streamline the process of collecting money; this is especially the case with motorways and urban concessions. And in shipping, electronic transfers are increasingly being used for the payment of customs dues and port charges.In view of the importance of the topic and the interest expressed in it, the Transport Unit has begun a study of these issues, and recently published a paper entitled Sistemas de cobro electrónico de pasajes en el transporte público, ("Electronic systems for payment of tickets in public transport") LC/L.1752-P/E, July 2002, on which this issue of the Bulletin is based.
In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the how. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP3 stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP3 methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.
Many data mining techniques have been proposed for mining useful patterns in text documents. However, how to effectively use and update discovered patterns is still an open research issue, especially in the domain of text mining. Since most existing text mining methods adopted term-based approaches, they all suffer from the problems of polysemy and synonymy. Over the years, people have often held the hypothesis that pattern (or phrase) based approaches should perform better than the term-based ones, but many experiments did not support this hypothesis. This paper presents an innovative technique, effective pattern discovery which includes the processes of pattern deploying and pattern evolving, to improve the effectiveness of using and updating discovered patterns for finding relevant and interesting information. Substantial experiments on RCV1 data collection and TREC topics demonstrate that the proposed solution achieves encouraging performance.
Substantial research efforts have been expended to deal with the complexity of concurrent systems that is inherent to their analysis, e.g., works that tackle the well-known state space explosion problem. Approaches differ in the classes of properties that they are able to suitably check and this is largely a result of the way they balance the trade-off between analysis time and space employed to describe a concurrent system. One interesting class of properties is concerned with behavioral characteristics. These properties are conveniently expressed in terms of computations, or runs, in concurrent systems. This article introduces the theory of untanglings that exploits a particular representation of a collection of runs in a concurrent system. It is shown that a representative untangling of a bounded concurrent system can be constructed that captures all and only the behavior of the system. Representative untanglings strike a unique balance between time and space, yet provide a single model for the convenient extraction of various behavioral properties. Performance measurements in terms of construction time and size of representative untanglings with respect to the original specifications of concurrent systems, conducted on a collection of models from practice, confirm the scalability of the approach. Finally, this article demonstrates practical benefits of using representative untanglings when checking various behavioral properties of concurrent systems.
A. Background and context 1. Education, particularly basic education (grades1-9), has been considered critical to promoting national economic growth and social well being1. Three factors that con-tribute to the above are: (i) Education increases human capital inherent in a labor force and thus increases productivity. It also increases capacity for working with others and builds community consensus to support national development. (ii) Education can in-crease the innovative capacity of a community to support social and economic growth—use of new technologies, products and services to promote growth and wellbeing. (iii) Education can facilitate knowledge transfer needed to understand the social and eco-nomic innovations and new processes, practices and values. Cognizant of the above benefits of education, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the Education for All (EFA) declarations advocating universal basic education were formulated and ratified by UN member countries. 2. Achieving universal primary education (grade 6) may not be sufficient to maxim-ize the above noted socio-economic and cultural benefits. There is general consensus that basic literacy and numeracy up to grade 9 are essential foundational blocks for any good education system to support national development. Basic Education provides an educational achievement threshold that ensures the learning is retained. To achieve this, the donor partner led interventions and the UN declarations such as the MDG goals have sought universal access to basic education (grades 1-9). As many countries progress towards achieving the universal access targets, recent research evidence suggests that we need more than just access to basic education to impact on the na-tional development. Measuring basic education completion cycle, gross enrolment rate (GER) and participation rate etc., has to now include a focus on quality and relevance of the education2. 3. While the above research finding is generally accepted by the Government of In-donesia (GoI), unlike many other developing countries, Indonesia is geographically and linguistically complex and has the fourth largest education sector in the world. It has over 3000 islands, 17,000 ethnic groups and it takes as long as 7 hours to travel from east to west of the country and has multiple time differences. The education system has six years of primary education (grades 1-6), 3 years of junior secondary education (grades 7-9) and three years of senior secondary education (grades 10-12). Therefore, applying the findings of the above cited research in a country like Indonesia is a chal-lenge. Nevertheless, since the adoption of the National Education Law (2003)3 the GoI has made significant progress in improving access to and quality of basic education (grades 1-9). The 2011/12 national education statistics show the primary education (grades 1-6) completion rate was 99.3%, the net enrolment rate (NER) was 95.4% and the GER was 115.4%. This is a significant achievement considering the complexities faced within Indonesia. This increase in the primary education sub-sector, however, has not flowed onto the Junior Secondary School (JSS) education. The transition from pri-mary to JSS is still short of the GoI targets. In 2012, there were 146,826 primary schools feeding into 33,668 junior secondary schools. The transition rate from primary to secondary in 2011/12 was 78%. When considering district or sub-district level data the transition in poor districts could be less than the aggregated national rate. Poverty and lack of parents’ education, confounded by opportunity cost, are major obstacles to transitioning to JSS4. 4. Table 1 presents a summary of GoI initiatives to accelerate the transition to JSS. GoI, with assistance from the donor community, has built 2465 new regular JSS, mak-ing the total number of regular JSS 33,668. In addition, 57,825 new classrooms have been added to existing regular JSS. Also, in rural and remote areas 4136 Satu-Atap5 (SATAP) schools were built to increase access to JSS. These SATAP schools are the focus of this study as they provide education opportunities to the most marginalized, ru-ral, remote children who otherwise would not have access to JSS and consequently not complete basic education.
The need for paying with mobile devices has urged the development of payment systems for mobile electronic commerce. In this paper we have considered two important abuses in electronic payments systems for detection. The fraud, which is an intentional deception accomplished to secure an unfair gain, and an intrusion which are any set of actions that attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability of a resource. Most of the available fraud and intrusion detection systems for e-payments are specific to the systems where they have been incorporated. This paper proposes a generic model called as Activity-Event-Symptoms(AES) model for detecting fraud and intrusion attacks which appears during payment process in the mobile commerce environment. The AES model is designed to identify the symptoms of fraud and intrusions by observing various events/transactions occurs during mobile commerce activity. The symptoms identification is followed by computing the suspicion factors for event attributes, and the certainty factor for a fraud and intrusion is generated using these suspicion factors. We have tested the proposed system by conducting various case studies, on the in-house established mobile commerce environment over wired and wire-less networks test bed.
O presente trabalho trata do enquadramento do aborto realizado pela mídia impressa brasileira no período eleitoral (2010) e suas implicações como questão bioética. O objetivo foi identificar as matrizes de enquadramento do aborto nos veículos nacionais e regionais por meio de técnicas mistas de levantamento e análise de dados, na eleição presidencial de 2010, tendo como material para análise as notícias veiculadas tanto na mídia impressa como eletrônica e aspectos bioéticos associados. Os veículos que dominaram o enquadramento de notícias e a pauta sobre o aborto são provenientes do Sudeste, tendo contribuído com 80% (N = 453) das notícias publicadas. As autoridades que obtiveram voz eram na sua maioria homens (91%), e apenas 3 histórias de vida de mulheres relacionadas a aborto emergiram das notícias analisadas, colocando em evidência o estigma relacionado ao aborto onde as mulheres são silenciadas. A contribuição relativa das autoridades na qualificação do debate do aborto, em 238 das notícias analisadas, foi de 23% de especialistas (cientistas políticos, juristas ou acadêmicos), igual percentual (23%) de religiosos; sendo que a maior parte foi formado por políticos 52%. O enquadramento realizado pela maioria dos veículos favoreceu um viés moral e religioso, com o qual os candidatos eram confrontados durante a campanha. Esse viés, por sua vez, favoreceu grupos religiosos que se pretenderam como promotores do segundo turno da campanha presidencial, embora outras fossem as causas mais prováveis como a candidatura de Marina Silva e as abstenções (18%). Os candidatos, pautados pelo enquadramento em que a tese conservadora, de cunho moral e religioso, foi majoritária (57%), mantiveram-se favoráveis a ele, muitas vezes em detrimento da sua própria biografia e, sobretudo, descartando os efeitos do aborto para a saúde pública, já estudados por pesquisas como a Pesquisa Nacional de Aborto. O enquadramento mostrou-se como um dispositivo de poder importante, quando se analisou a mídia impressa, pois nele se revela o poder de gerar cenários, dar voz a atores e autoridades, e permitir ou não uma diversidade de argumentos que empoderem os indivíduos a tomarem suas próprias decisões, seja sobre que candidato eleger ou ainda sobre sua saúde, como no caso do aborto, auxiliando por sua vez na distribuição mais igualitária do poder. A própria regulação da mídia na apresentação de temas que afetem a saúde pública deve ser almejada a fim de que se avance no debate, possibilitando a formação de contraenquadramentos. A bioética poderia atuar de modo sinérgico ao enquadramento, exigindo na composição deste cenário, que os argumentos possuam atributos racionais e de razoabilidade, fomentadores de consensos, que, neste caso, tem implicações na saúde da mulher que realiza o aborto, sendo por vezes, o diferencial entre sua vida e morte.
Being a member of the thriving ASEAN and successfully implementing economic renovation (Doi Moi) have drawn the world's attention on Vietnam around the turn of the millennium. Some even expected a much faster pace of transformation, and renewed economic, AND political, reforms in Vietnam, or Doi Moi II.However, in the recent transition turmoil the Vietnamese economy has experienced some significant setback, and the solution for getting the country out of the downward spiral of low productivity, waning purchasing power and increasing costs of doing business cannot be worked out without addressing those political economy issues that have shaped the modus operandi of the nation's economic system. This article discusses the post-Doi Moi political economy in Vietnam, from 1986 to 2016 – when the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam takes place – and prospects of reviving reform momentum in subsequent years.
Background: Insufficient physical activity (PA) levels which increase the risk of chronic disease are reported by almost two-thirds of the population. More evidence is needed about how PA promotion can be effectively implemented in general practice (GP), particularly in socio-economically disadvantaged communities. One tool recommended for the assessment of PA in GP and supported by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) is The General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ) but details of how it may be used and of its acceptability to practitioners and patients are limited. This study aims to examine aspects of GPPAQ administration in non-urgent patient contacts using different primary care electronic recording systems and to explore the views of health professionals regarding its use.
Methods: Four general practices, selected because of their location within socio-economically disadvantaged areas, were invited to administer GPPAQs to patients, aged 35-75 years, attending non-urgent consultations, over two-week periods. They used different methods of administration and different electronic medical record systems (EMIS, Premiere, Vision). Participants’ (general practitioners (GPs), nurses and receptionists) views regarding GPPAQ use were explored via questionnaires and focus groups.
Results: Of 2,154 eligible consultations, 192 (8.9%) completed GPPAQs; of these 83 (43%) were categorised as inactive. All practices were located within areas ranked as being in the tertile of greatest socio-economic deprivation in Northern Ireland. GPs/nurses in two practices invited completion of the GPPAQ, receptionists did so in two. One practice used an electronic template; three used paper copies of the questionnaires. End-of-study questionnaires, completed by 11 GPs, 3 nurses and 2 receptionists and two focus groups, with GPs (n = 8) and nurses (n = 4) indicated that practitioners considered the GPPAQ easy to use but not in every consultation. Its use extended consultation time, particularly for patients with complex problems who could potentially benefit from PA promotion.
Conclusions: GPs and nurses reported that the GPPAQ itself was an easy tool with which to assess PA levels in general practice and feasible to use in a range of electronic record systems but integration within routine practice is constrained by time and complex consultations. Further exploration of ways to facilitate PA promotion into practice is needed.
This chapter presents an analysis of the unprecedented use of electronic voting by expatriates during the French 2012 legislative elections, when they elected their own representatives (referred to here as ‘deputies’), to the National Assembly in Paris for the first time, in 11 newly created overseas constituencies.
The study is presented within the broader perspective of electronic voting in France more generally, and in the historical context of extra-territorial voting by French expatriates. The authors discuss the main issues and controversies that arose during the 2012 elections, and in a final section analyse the results. The authors conclude by drawing attention to recent developments in electronic voting in France since the 2012 elections, which suggest that although there was much criticism expressed by experts of electronic voting as to the security and transparency of the system used, the official discourse that acclaimed the experience as a success, appears to have convinced its target audience.