1000 resultados para Electronic defects


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We review the electronic structure of defects in aSi:H, aGaAs and aSi3N4, emphasising in aSi:H the doping mechanism, the evidence that its dangling bond defect has a small electron-lattice coupling and a positive correlation energy, and possible atomic mechanisms for the Staebler-Wronski effect. © 1985.


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We investigate how to tailor the structural, crystallographic and optical properties of GaAs nanowires. Nanowires were grown by Au nanoparticle-catalyzed metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. A high arsine flow rate, that is, a high ratio of group V to group III precursors, imparts significant advantages. It dramatically reduces planar crystallographic defects and reduces intrinsic carbon dopant incorporation. Increasing V/III ratio further, however, instigates nanowire kinking and increases nanowire tapering. By choosing an intermediate V/III ratio we achieve uniform, vertically aligned GaAs nanowires, free of planar crystallographic defects, with excellent optical properties and high purity. These findings will greatly assist the development of future GaAs nanowire-based electronic and optoelectronic devices, and are expected to be more broadly relevant to the rational synthesis of other III-V nanowires. © 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.


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This paper studies the electronic structure and native defects intransparent conducting oxides CuScO2 and CuYO2 using the first-principle calculations. Some typical native copper-related and oxygen-related defects, such as vacancy, interstitials, and antisites in their relevant charge state are considered. The results of calculation show that, CuMO2 (M = Sc, Y) is impossible to shown-type conductivity ability. It finds that copper vacancy and oxygen interstitial have relatively low formation energy and they are the relevant defects in CuScO2 and CuYO2. Copper vacancy is the most efficient acceptor, and under O-rich condition oxygen antisite also becomes important acceptor and plays an important role in p-type conductivity.


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Using the first-principles methods, we study the electronic structure, intrinsic and extrinsic defects doping in transparent conducting oxides CuGaO2. Intrinsic defects, acceptor-type and donor-type extrinsic defects in their relevant charge state are considered. The calculation result show that copper vacancy and oxygen interstitial are the relevant defects in CuGaO2. In addition, copper vacancy is the most efficient acceptor. Substituting Be for Ga is the prominent acceptor, and substituting Ca for Cu is the prominent donors in CuGaO2. Our calculation results are expected to be a guide for preparing n-type and p-type materials in CuGaO2.


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We study the electronic structures and magnetic properties of the anatase TiO2 doped with 3d transition metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), using first-principles total energy calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). Using a molecular-orbital bonding model, the electronic structures of the doped anatase TiO2 are well understood. A band coupling model based on d-d level repulsions between the dopant ions is proposed to understand the chemical trend of the magnetic ordering. Ferromagnetism is found to be stabilized in the V-, Cr-, and Co-doped samples if there are no other carrier native defects or dopants. The ferromagnetism in the Cr- and Co-doped samples may be weakened by the donor defects. In the Mn-, and Fe-doped samples, the ferromagnetism can be enhanced by the acceptor and donor defects, respectively.


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Using first-principles molecular dynamics simulations, the displacement threshold energy and defect configurations are determined in SiC nanotubes. The simulation results reveal that a rich variety of defect structures (vacancies, Stone-Wales defects and antisite defects) are formed with threshold energies from 11 to 64 eV. The threshold energy shows an anisotropic behavior and exhibits a dramatic decrease with decreasing tube diameter. The electronic structure can be altered by the defects formed by irradiation, which suggests that the electron irradiation may be a way to use defect engineering to tailor electronic properties of SiC nanotubes.


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High Curie temperature of 900 K has been reported in Cr-doped AlN diluted magnetic semiconductors prepared by various methods, which is exciting for spintronic applications. It is believed that N defects play important roles in achieving the high-temperature ferromagnetism in good samples. Motivated by these experimental advances, we use a full-potential density-functional-theory method and supercell approach to investigate N defects and their effects on ferromagnetism of (Al,Cr)N with N vacancies (V-N). We investigate the structural and electronic properties of V-N, single Cr atom, Cr-Cr atom pairs, Cr-V-N pairs, and so on. In each case, the most stable structure is obtained by comparing different atomic configurations optimized in terms of the total energy and the force on every atom, and then it is used to calculate the defect formation energy and study the electronic structures. Our total-energy calculations show that the nearest substitutional Cr-Cr pair with the two spins in parallel is the most favorable and the nearest Cr-V-N pair makes a stable complex. Our formation energies indicate that V-N regions can be formed spontaneously under N-poor condition because the minimal V-N formation energy equals -0.23 eV or Cr-doped regions with high enough concentrations can be formed under N-rich condition because the Cr formation energy equals 0.04 eV, and hence real Cr-doped AlN samples are formed by forming some Cr-doped regions and separated V-N regions and through subsequent atomic relaxation during annealing. Both of the single Cr atom and the N vacancy create filled electronic states in the semiconductor gap of AlN. N vacancies enhance the ferromagnetism by adding mu(B) to the Cr moment each but reduce the ferromagnetic exchange constants between the spins in the nearest Cr-Cr pairs. These calculated results are in agreement with experimental observations and facts of real Cr-doped AlN samples and their synthesis. Our first-principles results are useful to elucidate the mechanism for the ferromagnetism and to explore high-performance Cr-doped AlN diluted magnetic semiconductors.


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Self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot is a new type of artificially designed and grown function material which exhibits quantum size effect, quantum interference effect, surface effect, quantum tunneling-Coulumb-blockade effect and nonlinear optical effect. Due to its advantages of less crystal defects and relatively simpler fabrication technology, this material may be of important value in the research of future nanoelectronic device. In the order of vertical transport, lateral transport and charge storage, recent advances in the electronic properties of this material are brefly introduced, and the problems and perspectives are analyzed.


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We analyze low-temperature Raman and photoluminescence spectra of MBE-grown GaN layers on sapphire. Strong and sharp Raman peaks are observed in the low frequency region. These peaks, which are enhanced by excitation in resonance with yellow luminescence transitions, are attributed to electronic transitions related to shallow donor levels in hexagonal GaN. It is proposed that a low frequency Raman peak at 11.7 meV is caused by a pseudo-local vibration mode related to defects involved in yellow luminescence transitions. The dependence of the photoluminescence spectra on temperature gives additional information about the residual impurities in these GaN layers.


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The electronic structure of crystalline Y2O3 is investigated by first-principles calculations within the local-density approximation (LDA) of the density-functional theory. Results are presented for the band structure, the total density of states (DOS), the atom-and orbital-resolved partial DOS. effective charges, bond order, and charge-density distributions. Partial covalent character in the Y-O bonding is shown, and the nonequivalency of the two Y sites is demonstrated. The calculated electronic structure is compared with a variety of available experimental data. The total energy of the crystal is calculated as a function of crystal volume. A bulk modulus B of 183 Gpa and a pressure coefficient B' of 4.01 are obtained, which are in good agreement with compression data. An LDA band gap of 4.54 eV at Gamma is obtained which increases with pressure at a rate of dE(g)/dP = 0.012 eV/Gpa at the equilibrium volume. Also investigated are the optical properties of Y2O3 up to a photon energy of 20 eV. The calculated complex dielectric function and electron-energy-loss function are in good agreement with experimental data. A static dielectric constant of epsilon(O)= 3.20 is obtained. It is also found that the bottom of the conduction band consists of a single band, and direct optical transition at Gamma between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band may be symmetry forbidden.


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Dynamics of formation of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semi-insulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of high purity materials is proposed. Incorporated hydrogen passivates vacancy at indium site from annihilation forming fully hydrogenated indium vacancy which dissociates leaving large lattice relaxation behind, deep donors, mainly larger complexes involving phosphorus at indium site and isolated hydrogen defects are created in nominally undoped InP after annealing. Also created are acceptor levels such as vacancy at indium site. Carrier charge compensation mechanism in nominally undoped InP upon annealing at high temperature is given. Microscopic models of hydrogen related defects are given. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effect are discussed.


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Dynamical formation mechanism of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semi-insulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of high purity materials is proposed. Local vibrational modes in tenths of InP samples reveal clearly existence of complexes related to hydrogen. Complexes of vacancy at indium site with one to four hydrogen atoms and isolated hydrogen or hydrogen dimers, complexes of hydrogen with various impurities are investigated by FTIR. Hydrogen can acts as an actuator for generation of antistructure defects. Fully hydrogenated indium vacancy dissociates leaving large lattice relaxation behind, deep donors, mainly larger complexes involving phosphorus at indium site and isolated hydrogen defects are created in nominally undoped InP after annealing. Also created are acceptor levels such as vacancy at indium site. Carrier charge compensation mechanism in nominally undoped InP upon annealing at high temperature is given. Microscopic models of hydrogen related defects are given. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effect are discussed.


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Local vibrational modes(LVMs) in tenths of InP samples reveal clearly existence of complexes related to hydrogen. Complexes of vacancy at indium site with one to four hydrogen atom(s) and isolated hydrogen or hydrogen dimers and complexes of hydrogen with various impurities and intrinsic defects are investigated by FTIR. Especially hydrogen related complexes between various transition metals and hydrogen or hydrogen related complexes between hydrogen with point defects. New LVMs related to hydrogen will be reported in this paper. Dynamical formation mechanism of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semiinsulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of ultra purity materials is proposed. Hydrogen can acts as actuator for antistructure defects production. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effects are discussed.