748 resultados para Electrochemical Storage
Hybrid Elektrodenmaterialien (HEM) sind der Schlüssel zu grundlegenden Fortschritten in der Energiespeicherung und Systemen zur Energieumwandlung, einschließlich Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (LiBs), Superkondensatoren (SCs) und Brennstoffzellen (FCs). Die faszinierenden Eigenschaften von Graphen machen es zu einem guten Ausgangsmaterial für die Darstellung von HEM. Jedoch scheitern traditionelle Verfahren zur Herstellung von Graphen-HEM (GHEM) scheitern häufig an der fehlenden Kontrolle über die Morphologie und deren Einheitlichkeit, was zu unzureichenden Grenzflächenwechselwirkungen und einer mangelhaften Leistung des Materials führt. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Herstellung von GHEM über kontrollierte Darstellungsmethoden und befasst sich mit der Nutzung von definierten GHEM für die Energiespeicherung und -umwandlung. Die große Volumenausdehnung bildet den Hauptnachteil der künftigen Lithium-Speicher-Materialien. Als erstes wird ein dreidimensionaler Graphen Schaumhybrid zur Stärkung der Grundstruktur und zur Verbesserung der elektrochemischen Leistung des Fe3O4 Anodenmaterials dargestellt. Der Einsatz von Graphenschalen und Graphennetzen realisiert dabei einen doppelten Schutz gegen die Volumenschwankung des Fe3O4 bei dem elektrochemischen Prozess. Die Leistung der SCs und der FCs hängt von der Porenstruktur und der zugänglichen Oberfläche, beziehungsweise den katalytischen Stellen der Elektrodenmaterialien ab. Wir zeigen, dass die Steuerung der Porosität über Graphen-basierte Kohlenstoffnanoschichten (HPCN) die zugängliche Oberfläche und den Ionentransport/Ladungsspeicher für SCs-Anwendungen erhöht. Desweiteren wurden Stickstoff dotierte Kohlenstoffnanoschichten (NDCN) für die kathodische Sauerstoffreduktion (ORR) hergestellt. Eine maßgeschnittene Mesoporosität verbunden mit Heteroatom Doping (Stickstoff) fördert die Exposition der aktiven Zentren und die ORR-Leistung der metallfreien Katalysatoren. Hochwertiges elektrochemisch exfoliiertes Graphen (EEG) ist ein vielversprechender Kandidat für die Darstellung von GHEM. Allerdings ist die kontrollierte Darstellung von EEG-Hybriden weiterhin eine große Herausforderung. Zu guter Letzt wird eine Bottom-up-Strategie für die Darstellung von EEG Schichten mit einer Reihe von funktionellen Nanopartikeln (Si, Fe3O4 und Pt NPs) vorgestellt. Diese Arbeit zeigt einen vielversprechenden Weg für die wirtschaftliche Synthese von EEG und EEG-basierten Materialien.
Here we report the first study on the electrochemical energy storage application of a surface-immobilized ruthenium complex multilayer thin film with anion storage capability. We employed a novel dinuclear ruthenium complex with tetrapodal anchoring groups to build well-ordered redox-active multilayer coatings on an indium tin oxide (ITO) surface using a layer-by-layer self-assembly process. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), UV-Visible (UV-Vis) and Raman spectroscopy showed a linear increase of peak current, absorbance and Raman intensities, respectively with the number of layers. These results indicate the formation of well-ordered multilayers of the ruthenium complex on ITO, which is further supported by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. The thickness of the layers can be controlled with nanometer precision. In particular, the thickest layer studied (65 molecular layers and approx. 120 nm thick) demonstrated fast electrochemical oxidation/reduction, indicating a very low attenuation of the charge transfer within the multilayer. In situ-UV-Vis and resonance Raman spectroscopy results demonstrated the reversible electrochromic/redox behavior of the ruthenium complex multilayered films on ITO with respect to the electrode potential, which is an ideal prerequisite for e.g. smart electrochemical energy storage applications. Galvanostatic charge–discharge experiments demonstrated a pseudocapacitor behavior of the multilayer film with a good specific capacitance of 92.2 F g−1 at a current density of 10 μA cm−2 and an excellent cycling stability. As demonstrated in our prototypical experiments, the fine control of physicochemical properties at nanometer scale, relatively good stability of layers under ambient conditions makes the multilayer coatings of this type an excellent material for e.g. electrochemical energy storage, as interlayers in inverted bulk heterojunction solar cell applications and as functional components in molecular electronics applications.
"Work Performed Under Contract No. AC02-77CH00178."
"September 1980."
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 132-134).
The nitrogen substitution in carbon materials is investigated theoretically using the density functional theory method. Our calculations show that nitrogen substitution decreases the hydrogen adsorption energy if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed on both nitrogen atoms and the neighboring carbon atoms. On the contrary, the hydrogen adsorption energy can be increased if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed only on the neighboring carbon atoms. The reason can be explained by the electronic structures analysis of N-substituted graphene sheets. Nitrogen substitution reduces the pi electron conjugation and increases the HOMO energy of a graphene sheet, and the nitrogen atom is not stable due to its 3-valent character. This raises an interesting research topic on the optimization of the N-substitution degree, and is important to many applications such as hydrogen storage and the tokamaks device. The electronic structure studies also explain well why nitrogen substitution increases the capacitance but decreases the electron conductivity of carbon electrodes as was experimentally observed in our experiments on the supercapacitor.
Unique bimodal distributions of single crystal epitaxially grown In2O3 nanodots on silicon are shown to have excellent IR transparency greater than 87% at IR wavelengths up to 4 μm without sacrificing transparency in the visible region. These broadband antireflective nanodot dispersions are grown using a two-step metal deposition and oxidation by molecular beam epitaxy, and backscattered diffraction confirms a dominant (111) surface orientation. We detail the growth of a bimodal size distribution that facilitates good surface coverage (80%) while allowing a significant reduction in In2O3 refractive index. This unique dispersion offers excellent surface coverage and three-dimensional volumetric expansion compared to a thin film, and a step reduction in refractive index compared to bulk active materials or randomly porous composites, to more closely match the refractive index of an electrolyte, improving transparency. The (111) surface orientation of the nanodots, when fully ripened, allows minimum lattice mismatch strain between the In2O3 and the Si surface. This helps to circumvent potential interfacial weakening caused by volume contraction due to electrochemical reduction to lithium, or expansion during lithiation. Cycling under potentiodynamic conditions shows that the transparent anode of nanodots reversibly alloys lithium with good Coulombic efficiency, buffered by co-insertion into the silicon substrate. These properties could potentially lead to further development of similarly controlled dispersions of a range of other active materials to give transparent battery electrodes or materials capable of non-destructive in situ spectroscopic characterization during charging and discharging.
During this work, a novel series of hydrophobic room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) based on five ether functionalized sulfonium cations bearing the bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylimide, [NTf2]- anion were synthesized and characterized. Their physicochemical properties, such as density, viscosity and ionic conductivity, electrochemical window along with thermal properties including phase transition behavior and decomposition temperature, have been measured. All of these ILs showed large liquid range temperature, low viscosity and good conductivity. Additionally, by combining DFT calculations along with electrochemical characterization it appears that these novel ILs show good electrochemical stability windows, suitable for the potential application as electrolyte materials in electrochemical energy storage devices.
Electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs), also known as supercapacitors, are promising energy storage devices, especially when considering high power applications [1]. EDLCs can be charged and discharged within seconds [1], feature high power (10 kW·kg-1) and an excellent cycle life (>500,000 cycles). All these properties are a result of the energy storage process of EDLCs, which relies on storing energy by charge separation instead of chemical redox reactions, as utilized in battery systems. Upon charging, double layers are forming at the electrode/electrolyte interface consisting of the electrolyte’s ions and electric charges at the electrode surface.In state-of-the-art EDLC systems activated carbons (AC) are used as active materials and tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate ([Et4N][BF4]) dissolved in organic solvents like propylene carbonate (PC) or acetonitrile (ACN) are commonly used as the electrolyte [2]. These combinations of materials allow operative voltages up to 2.7 V - 2.8 V and an energy in the order of 5 Wh·kg-1[3]. The energy of EDLCs is dependent on the square of the operative voltage, thus increasing the usable operative voltage has a strong effect on the delivered energy of the device [1]. Due to their high electrochemical stability, ionic liquids (ILs) were thoroughly investigated as electrolytes for EDLCs, as well as, batteries, enabling high operating voltages as high as 3.2 V - 3.5 V for the former [2]. While their unique ionic structure allows the usage of neat ILs as electrolyte in EDLCs, ILs suffer from low conductivity and high viscosity increasing the intrinsic resistance and, as a result, a lower power output of the device. In order to overcome this issue, the usage of blends of ionic liquids and organic solvents has been considered a feasible strategy as they combine high usable voltages, while still retaining good transport properties at the same time.In our recent work the ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide ([Pyrr14][TFSI]) was combined with two nitrile-based organic solvents, namely butyronitrile (BTN) and adiponitrile (ADN), and the resulting blends were investing regarding their usage in electrochemical double layer capacitors [4,5]. Firstly, the physicochemical properties were investigated, showing good transport properties for both blends, which are similar to the state-of-the-art combination of [Et4N][BF4] in PC. Secondly, the electrochemical properties for EDLC application were studied in depth revealing a high electrochemical stability with a maximum operative voltage as high as 3.7 V. In full cells these high voltage organic solvent based electrolytes have a good performance in terms of capacitance and an acceptable equivalent series resistance at cut-off voltages of 3.2 and 3.5 V. However, long term stability tests by float testing revealed stability issues when using a maximum voltage of 3.5 V for prolonged time, whereas at 3.2 V no such issues are observed (Fig. 1).Considering the obtained results, the usage of ADN and BTN blends with [Pyrr14][TFSI] in EDLCs appears to be an interesting alternative to state-of-the-art organic solvent based electrolytes, allowing the usage of higher maximum operative voltages while having similar transport properties to 1 mol∙dm-3 [Et4N][BF4] in PC at the same time.
In the present work, electrochemically reduced-graphene oxide/cobalt oxide composites for charge storage electrodes were prepared by a one-step pulsed electrodeposition route on stainless steel current collectors and after that submitted to a thermal treatment at 200 degrees C. A detailed physico-chemical characterization was performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The electrochemical response of the composite electrodes was studied by cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge curves and related to the morphological and phase composition changes induced by the thermal treatment. The results revealed that the composites were promising materials for charge storage electrodes for application in redox supercapacitors, attaining specific capacitances around 430 F g(-1) at 1 A g(-1) and presenting long-term cycling stability. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Magnesium (Mg) battery is considered as a promising candidate for the next generation battery technology that could potentially replace the current lithium (Li)-ion batteries due to the following factors. Magnesium possesses a higher volumetric capacity than commercialized Li-ion battery anode materials. Additionally, the low cost and high abundance of Mg compared to Li makes Mg batteries even more attractive. Moreover, unlike metallic Li anodes which have a tendency to develop a dendritic structure on the surface upon the cycling of the battery, Mg metal is known to be free from such a hazardous phenomenon. Due to these merits of Mg as an anode, the topic of rechargea¬ble Mg batteries has attracted considerable attention among researchers in the last few decades. However, the aforementioned advantages of Mg batteries have not been fully utilized due to the serious kinetic limitation of Mg2+ diffusion process in many hosting compounds which is believed to be due to a strong electrostatic interaction between divalent Mg2+ ions and hosting matrix. This serious kinetic hindrance is directly related to the lack of cathode materials for Mg battery that provide comparable electrochemical performances to that of Li-based system. Manganese oxide (MnO2) is one of the most well studied electrode materials due to its excellent electrochemical properties, including high Li+ ion capacity and relatively high operating voltage (i.e., ~ 4 V vs. Li/Li+ for LiMn2O4 and ~ 3.2 V vs. Mg/Mg2+). However, unlike the good electrochemical properties of MnO2 realized in Li-based systems, rather poor electrochemical performances have been reported in Mg based systems, particularly with low capacity and poor cycling performances. While the origin of the observed poor performances is believed to be due to the aforementioned strong ionic interaction between the Mg2+ ions and MnO2 lattice resulting in a limited diffusion of Mg2+ ions in MnO2, very little has been explored regarding the charge storage mechanism of MnO2 with divalent Mg2+ ions. This dissertation investigates the charge storage mechanism of MnO2, focusing on the insertion behaviors of divalent Mg2+ ions and exploring the origins of the limited Mg2+ insertion behavior in MnO2. It is found that the limited Mg2+ capacity in MnO2 can be significantly improved by introducing water molecules in the Mg electrolyte system, where the water molecules effectively mitigated the kinetic hindrance of Mg2+ insertion process. The combination of nanostructured MnO2 electrode and water effect provides a synergic effect demonstrating further enhanced Mg2+ insertion capability. Furthermore, it is demonstrated in this study that pre-cycling MnO2 electrodes in water-containing electrolyte activates MnO2 electrode, after which improved Mg2+ capacity is maintained in dry Mg electrolyte. Based on a series of XPS analysis, a conversion mechanism is proposed where magnesiated MnO2 undergoes a conversion reaction to Mg(OH)2 and MnOx and Mn(OH)y species in the presence of water molecules. This conversion process is believed to be the driving force that generates the improved Mg2+ capacity in MnO2 along with the water molecule’s charge screening effect. Finally, it is discussed that upon a consecutive cycling of MnO2 in the water-containing Mg electrolyte, structural water is generated within the MnO2 lattice, which is thought to be the origin of the observed activation phenomenon. The results provided in this dissertation highlight that the divalency of Mg2+ ions result in very different electrochemical behaviors than those of the well-studied monovalent Li+ ions towards MnO2.
The research work described in this thesis concerns materials for both energy storage and sensoristics applications. Firstly, the synthesis and characterization of magnetite (Fe3O4) functionalyzed with [3-(2-propynylcarbamate)propyl]triethoxysilane (PPTEOS) capable to reduce the gold precursor chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) without the need of additional reducing or stabilising agents is described. These nanoparticles were tested to improve performances of symmetric capacitors based on polyaniline and graphite foil. Energy storage applications were investigated also during six months stay at EPFL University of Lausanne where an investigation about different tailored catalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in a particular Redox Flow Battery was carried out. For what concerns sensing applications, new materials based on cellulose modified with polyaniline and poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) (PAAMPSA) were synthesized, characterized and applied to monitor pressure, humidity, heart rate and lastly, bread fermentation in collaboration with the University of Fribourg and Zurich. The characterizations of all the materials investigated compriseed numerous techniques such as infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy (IR-ATR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), alongside linear and cyclic voltammetry (LSV and CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and chronoamperometric analyses.
The growing market of electrical cars, portable electronics, photovoltaic systems..etc. requires the development of efficient, low-cost, and low environmental impact energy storage devices (ESDs) including batteries and supercapacitors.. Due to their extended charge-discharge cycle, high specific capacitance, and power capabilities supercapacitors are considered among the most attractive ESDs. Over the last decade, research and development in supercapacitor technology have accelerated: thousands of articles have been published in the literature describing the electrochemical properties of the electrode materials and electrolyte in addition to separators and current collectors. Carbon-based supercapacitor electrodes materials have gained increasing attention due to their high specific surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent stability in harsh environments, as well as other characteristics. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in activated carbon derived from low-cost abundant sources such as biomass for supercapacitor electrode materials. Also, particular attention was given to a major challenging issue concerning the substitution of organic solutions currently used as electrolytes due to their highest electrochemical stability window even though their high cost, toxicity, and flammability. In this regard, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the performances of supercapacitors using low cost abundant safe, and low environmental impact materials for electrodes and electrolytes. Several prototypes were constructed and tested using natural resources through optimization of the preparation of appropriate carbon electrodes using agriculture by-products waste or coal (i.e. Argan shell or Anthracite from Jerrada). Such electrodes were tested using several electrolyte formulations (aqueous and water in salt electrolytes) beneficing their non-flammability, lower cost, and environmental impact; the characteristics that provide a promising opportunity to design safer, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly devices compared to organic electrolytes.