969 resultados para Eeg-alpha
The present study has both theoretical and practical aspects. The theoretical intent of the study was to closely examine the relationship between muscle activity (EMG) and EEG state during the process of falling asleep. Sleep stages during sleep onset (SO) have been generally defined with regards to brain wave activity (Recht schaff en & Kales (1968); and more precisely by Hori, Hayashi, & Morikawa (1994)). However, no previous study has attempted to quantify the changes in muscle activity during this same process. The practical aspect of the study examined the reliability ofa commercially developed wrist-worn alerting device (NovAlert™) that utilizes changes in muscle activity/tension in order to alert its user in the event that he/she experiences reduced wakefulness that may result in dangerous consequences. Twelve female participants (aged 18-42) sp-ent three consecutive nights in the sleep lab ("Adaptation", "EMG", and "NOVA" nights). Each night participants were given 5, twenty-minute nap opportunities. On the EMG night, participants were allowed to fall asleep freely. On the NOV A night, participants wore the Nov Alert™ wrist device that administered a Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) when it detected that muscle activity levels had dropped below baseline. Nap sessions were scored using Hori's 9-stage scoring system (Hori et aI, 1994). Power spectral analyses (FFT) were also performed. Effects ofthe PVT administration on EMG and EEG frequencies were also examined. Both chin and wrist EMG activity showed reliable and significant decline during the early stages ofHori staging (stages HO to H3 characterized by decreases in alpha activity). All frequency bands studied went through significant changes as the participants progressed through each ofHori's 9 SO stages. Delta, theta, and sigma activity increased later in the SO continuum while a clear alpha dominance shift was noted as alpha activity shifted from the posterior regions of the brain (during Hori stages HO to H3) to the anterior portions (during Hori stages H7 to H9). Administration of the PVT produced significant increases in EMG activity and was effective in reversing subjective drowsiness experienced during the later stages of sleep onset. Limitations of the alerting effects of the PVTs were evident following 60 to 75 minutes of use in that PVTs delivered afterwards were no longer able to significantly increase EMG levels. The present study provides a clearer picture of the changes in EMG and EEG during the sleep onset period while testing the efficacy of a commercially developed alerting device. EMG decreases were found to begin during Hori stage 0 when EEG was - dominated by alpha wave activity and were maximal as Hori stages 2 to 5 were traversed (coincident with alpha and beta activity). This signifies that EMG decrements and the loss of resting alpha activity are closely related. Since decreased alpha has long been associated with drowsiness and impending sleep, this investigation links drops in muscle tone with sleepiness more directly than in previous investigations. The EMG changes were reliably demonstrated across participants and the NovAlert™ detected the EMG decrements when Hori stage 3 was entered. The alerting vibrations produced by the NovAlert™ occurred early enough in the SO process to be of practical importance as a sleepiness monitoring and alerting device.
This study explored changes in scalp electrophysiology across two Working Memory (WM) tasks and two age groups. Continuous electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded from 18 healthy adults (18-34 years) and 12 healthy adolescents (14-17) during the performance of two Oculomotor Delayed Response (ODR) WM tasks; (i.e. eye movements were the metric of motor response). Delay-period, EEG data in the alpha frequency was sampled from anterior and parietal scalp sites to achieve a general measure of frontal and parietal activity, respectively. Frontal-parietal, alpha coherence was calculated for each participant for each ODR-WM task. Coherence significantly decreased in adults moving across the two ODR tasks, whereas, coherence significantly increased in adolescents moving across the two ODR tasks. The effects of task in the adolescent and adult groups were large and medium, respectively. Within the limits of this study, the results provide empirical support that WM development during adolescence include complex, qualitative, change.
Les troubles anxieux sont parmi les troubles psychiatriques les plus souvent diagnostiqués chez les adolescents. Ces troubles sont souvent accompagnés de nombreuses comorbidités, dont des difficultés de sommeil. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de caractériser l’activité corticale à l’éveil et pendant le sommeil à l’aide de l’EEG quantifié chez une population d’adolescents présentant un trouble anxieux, et de la comparer à un groupe témoin d’adolescents. Dans un second temps, on cherche à savoir si l’activité EEG des patients anxieux corrèle avec différentes mesures cliniques. Deux études permettent de répondre à ces objectifs, une première portant sur l’activité EEG au cours de l’éveil, et une seconde portant sur l’activité EEG au cours du sommeil (SL et SP). La première étude démontre que l’activité EEG des deux groupes ne présente pas de différence à l’EEG le soir. Par contre, le matin, les patients anxieux présentent une activité significativement supérieure à celle des contrôles aux électrodes centrales (0,75-10 Hz et 13-20 Hz) ainsi qu’aux électrodes occipitales (2,5-7,75 Hz). Dans la seconde étude, nous avons analysé l’activité EEG absolue et relative en SL et en SP. Nous avons trouvé une activité absolue significativement supérieure à l’EEG de la région centrale chez les participants du groupe anxieux : en SLP (stades 3 et 4) sur l’ensemble des bandes de fréquence, en stade 2 sur les bandes de fréquence thêta, alpha et beta seulement. Finalement, en SP, les différences sont trouvées en alpha et beta, et non en thêta et delta. Les résultats obtenus à ces deux études suggèrent la présence de mécanismes de synchronisation et de filtrage inadéquats au niveau de la boucle thalamo-corticale, entraînant une hypervigilance du SNC. Quant aux corrélations entre l’activité EEG et les mesures cliniques, les résultats obtenus dans les deux études révèlent que les fréquences lentes (thêta et delta) de l’activité d’éveil le matin corrèlent à la fois avec l’anxiété de trait et d’état et les fréquences rapides (Alpha et Beta) de l’EEG du sommeil corrèlent sélectivement avec l’anxiété d’état. Il semble donc exister un lien entre les mesures cliniques et l’activité EEG. Une hausse d’activité EEG pourrait être un indicateur de la sévérité accrue des symptômes anxieux.
Ongoing debate in the literature concerns whether there is a link between contagious yawning and the human mirror neuron system (hMNS). One way of examining this issue is with the use of the electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure changes in mu activation during the observation of yawns. Mu oscillations are seen in the alpha bandwidth of the EEG (8–12 Hz) over sensorimotor areas. Previous work has shown that mu suppression is a useful index of hMNS activation and is sensitive to individual differences in empathy. In two experiments, we presented participants with videos of either people yawning or control stimuli. We found greater mu suppression for yawns than for controls over right motor and premotor areas, particularly for those scoring higher on traits of empathy. In a third experiment, auditory recordings of yawns were compared against electronically scrambled versions of the same yawns. We observed greater mu suppression for yawns than for the controls over right lateral premotor areas. Again, these findings were driven by those scoring highly on empathy. The results from these experiments support the notion that the hMNS is involved in contagious yawning, emphasise the link between contagious yawning and empathy, and stress the importance of good control stimuli.
The present study addresses three methodological questions that have been ignored in previous research on EEG indices of the human mirror neuron system (hMNS), particularly in regard to autistic individuals. The first question regards how to elicit the EEG indexed hMNS during movement observation: Is hMNS activation best elicited using long stimulus presentations or multiple short repetitions? The second question regards what EEG sensorimotor frequency bands reflect sensorimotor reactivity during hand movement observation? The third question regards how widespread is the EEG reactivity over the sensorimotor cortex during movement observation? The present study explored sensorimotor alpha and low beta reactivity during hand movement versus static hand or bouncing balls observation and compared two experimental protocols (long exposure vs. multiple repetitions) in the same participants. Results using the multiple repetitions protocol indicated a greater low beta desynchronisation over the sensorimotor cortex during hand movement compared to static hand and bouncing balls observation. This result was not achieved using the long exposure protocol. Therefore, the present study suggests that the multiple repetitions protocol is a more robust protocol to use when exploring the sensorimotor reactivity induced by hand action observation. In addition, sensorimotor low beta desynchronisation was differently modulated during hand movement, static hand and bouncing balls observation (non-biological motion) while it was not the case for sensorimotor alpha and that suggest that low beta may be a more sensitive index of hMNS activation during biological motion observation. In conclusion the present study indicates that sensorimotor reactivity of low beta during hand movement observation was found to be more widespread over the sensorimotor cortex than previously thought.
The human mirror neuron system (hMNS) is believed to provide a basic mechanism for social cognition. Event-related desynchronization (ERD) in alpha (8–12 Hz) and low beta band (12–20 Hz) over sensori-motor cortex has been suggested to index mirror neurons' activity. We tested whether autistic traits revealed by high and low scores on the Autistic Quotient (AQ) in the normal population are linked to variations in the electroencephalogram (EEG) over motor, pre-motor cortex and supplementary motor area (SMA) during action observation. Results revealed that in the low AQ group, the pre-motor cortex and SMA were more active during hand action than static hand observation whereas in the high AQ group the same areas were active both during static and hand action observation. In fact participants with high traits of autism showed greater low beta ERD while observing the static hand than those with low traits and this low beta ERD was not significantly different when they watched hand actions. Over primary motor cortex, the classical alpha and low beta ERD during hand actions relative to static hand observation was found across all participants. These findings suggest that the observation–execution matching system works differently according to the degree of autism traits in the normal population and that this is differentiated in terms of the EEG according to scalp site and bandwidth.
Despite many decades investigating scalp recordable 8–13-Hz (alpha) electroencephalographic activity, no consensus has yet emerged regarding its physiological origins nor its functional role in cognition. Here we outline a detailed, physiologically meaningful, theory for the genesis of this rhythm that may provide important clues to its functional role. In particular we find that electroencephalographically plausible model dynamics, obtained with physiological admissible parameterisations, reveals a cortex perched on the brink of stability, which when perturbed gives rise to a range of unanticipated complex dynamics that include 40-Hz (gamma) activity. Preliminary experimental evidence, involving the detection of weak nonlinearity in resting EEG using an extension of the well-known surrogate data method, suggests that nonlinear (deterministic) dynamics are more likely to be associated with weakly damped alpha activity. Thus rather than the “alpha rhythm” being an idling rhythm it may be more profitable to conceive it as a readiness rhythm.
A recently proposed mean-field theory of mammalian cortex rhythmogenesis describes the salient features of electrical activity in the cerebral macrocolumn, with the use of inhibitory and excitatory neuronal populations (Liley et al 2002). This model is capable of producing a range of important human EEG (electroencephalogram) features such as the alpha rhythm, the 40 Hz activity thought to be associated with conscious awareness (Bojak & Liley 2007) and the changes in EEG spectral power associated with general anesthetic effect (Bojak & Liley 2005). From the point of view of nonlinear dynamics, the model entails a vast parameter space within which multistability, pseudoperiodic regimes, various routes to chaos, fat fractals and rich bifurcation scenarios occur for physiologically relevant parameter values (van Veen & Liley 2006). The origin and the character of this complex behaviour, and its relevance for EEG activity will be illustrated. The existence of short-lived unstable brain states will also be discussed in terms of the available theoretical and experimental results. A perspective on future analysis will conclude the presentation.
We examined the EEG of 88 patients with chronic renal failure (80 adults and 8 children) submitted to different types of treatment such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialisys, renal transplantation, and ambulatory follow-up. The main alteration observed was diffuse disorganization of background activity. The following features were detected in decreasing order of frequency: low-voltage EEG, triphasic waves, abnormal waking reactions, and paradoxal alpha rhythm. The children showed abnormal alpha rhythm. The alterations induced by intermittent photic stimulation in our patients were minimal, and this was the main difference in relation to data reported by other authors in EEG studies on patients with chronic uremia.
Objetivos Investigar o uso do EEG quantitativo (qEEG) em pacientes com encefalopatias agudas (EAs ) e anormalidades da atividade de base no EEG. Método s pacientes foram divididos em prognóstico favorável (grupo A, 43 pacientes) e desfavorável (grupo B, 5 pacientes). O programa EEGLAB foi utilizado para a análise do qEEG. Um gráfico da potência espectral de todos os canais foi gerado para cada participante. Os dois grupos foram comparados estatisticamente. Resultados No grupo A, a análise espectral revelou picos (frequências teta e alfa) em 84% (38/45) dos pacientes. No grupo B, um pico espectral na frequência delta foi detectado em um paciente. Os pacientes remanescentes dos dois grupos não apresentaram picos espectrais. A análise estatística mostrou menores frequências registradas nos eletrodos posteriores dos pacientes do grupo B. Conclusão O qEEG pode ser útil na avaliação de pacientes com EAs auxiliando na determinação do prognóstico.
This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between slow- and fast-alpha asymmetry within frontal cortex and the planning, execution and voluntary control of saccadic eye movements (SEM), and quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) was recorded using a 20-channel EEG system in 12 healthy participants performing a fixed (i.e., memory-driven) and a random SEM (i.e., stimulus-driven) condition. We find main effects for SEM condition in slow- and fast-alpha asymmetry at electrodes F3-F4, which are located over premotor cortex, specifically a negative asymmetry between conditions. When analyzing electrodes F7-F8, which are located over prefrontal cortex, we found a main effect for condition in slow-alpha asymmetry, particularly a positive asymmetry between conditions. In conclusion, the present approach supports the association of slow- and fast-alpha bands with the planning and preparation of SEM, and the specific role of these sub-bands for both, the attention network and the coordination and integration of sensory information with a (oculo)-motor response. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background Recently, it was realized that the functional connectivity networks estimated from actual brain-imaging technologies (MEG, fMRI and EEG) can be analyzed by means of the graph theory, that is a mathematical representation of a network, which is essentially reduced to nodes and connections between them. Methods We used high-resolution EEG technology to enhance the poor spatial information of the EEG activity on the scalp and it gives a measure of the electrical activity on the cortical surface. Afterwards, we used the Directed Transfer Function (DTF) that is a multivariate spectral measure for the estimation of the directional influences between any given pair of channels in a multivariate dataset. Finally, a graph theoretical approach was used to model the brain networks as graphs. These methods were used to analyze the structure of cortical connectivity during the attempt to move a paralyzed limb in a group (N=5) of spinal cord injured patients and during the movement execution in a group (N=5) of healthy subjects. Results Analysis performed on the cortical networks estimated from the group of normal and SCI patients revealed that both groups present few nodes with a high out-degree value (i.e. outgoing links). This property is valid in the networks estimated for all the frequency bands investigated. In particular, cingulate motor areas (CMAs) ROIs act as ‘‘hubs’’ for the outflow of information in both groups, SCI and healthy. Results also suggest that spinal cord injuries affect the functional architecture of the cortical network sub-serving the volition of motor acts mainly in its local feature property. In particular, a higher local efficiency El can be observed in the SCI patients for three frequency bands, theta (3-6 Hz), alpha (7-12 Hz) and beta (13-29 Hz). By taking into account all the possible pathways between different ROI couples, we were able to separate clearly the network properties of the SCI group from the CTRL group. In particular, we report a sort of compensatory mechanism in the SCI patients for the Theta (3-6 Hz) frequency band, indicating a higher level of “activation” Ω within the cortical network during the motor task. The activation index is directly related to diffusion, a type of dynamics that underlies several biological systems including possible spreading of neuronal activation across several cortical regions. Conclusions The present study aims at demonstrating the possible applications of graph theoretical approaches in the analyses of brain functional connectivity from EEG signals. In particular, the methodological aspects of the i) cortical activity from scalp EEG signals, ii) functional connectivity estimations iii) graph theoretical indexes are emphasized in the present paper to show their impact in a real application.
Music is capable of inducing emotional arousal. While previous studies used brief musical excerpts to induce one specific emotion, the current study aimed to identify the physiological correlates of continuous changes in subjective emotional states while listening to a complete music piece. A total of 19 participants listened to the first movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's 5th symphony (duration: ~7.4 min), during which a continuous 76-channel EEG was recorded. In a second session, the subjects evaluated their emotional arousal during the listening. A fast fourier transform was performed and covariance maps of spectral power were computed in association with the subjective arousal ratings. Subjective arousal ratings had good inter-individual correlations. Covariance maps showed a right-frontal suppression of lower alpha-band activity during high arousal. The results indicate that music is a powerful arousal-modulating stimulus. The temporal dynamics of the piece are well suited for sequential analysis, and could be necessary in helping unfold the full emotional power of music.
Brain mechanisms associated with artistic talents or skills are still not well understood. This exploratory study investigated differences in brain activity of artists and non-artists while drawing previously presented perspective line-drawings from memory and completing other drawing-related tasks. Electroencephalography (EEG) data were analyzed for power in the frequency domain by means of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) was applied to localize emerging significances. During drawing and related tasks, decreased power was seen in artists compared to non-artists mainly in upper alpha frequency ranges. Decreased alpha power is often associated with an increase in cognitive functioning and may reflect enhanced semantic memory performance and object recognition processes in artists. These assumptions are supported by the behavioral data assessed in this study and complement previous findings showing increased parietal activations in non-artists compared to artists while drawing. However, due to the exploratory nature of the analysis, additional confirmatory studies will be needed.
Human behavior and psychological functioning is motivated and guided by individual goals. Motivational incongruence refers to states of insufficient goal satisfaction and is tightly related to psychological problems and even psychopathology. In the present study, individual levels of motivational incongruence were assessed with the incongruence-questionnaire (INC) in a healthy sample. In addition, multi-channel resting-state EEG was measured. Individual variations of EEG synchronization and spectral power were related to individual levels of motivational incongruence. For significant correlations, the relation to intracerebral sources of electrical brain activity was investigated with sLORETA. The results indicate that, even in a healthy sample with rather low degrees of motivational incongruence, this insufficient goal satisfaction is related to consistent changes in resting state brain activity. Upper Alpha band attenuation seems to be most indicative of increased levels of motivational incongruence. This is reflected not only in significantly reduced functional connectivity, but also in changes regarding the level of brain activation, as indicated by significant effects in the spectral power and LORETA analyses. Results are related to research investigating the upper Alpha band and are discussed in the framework of Grawe's consistency theory.