987 resultados para Economic downturn


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Public services face several workforce challenges, including impending retirements and austerity programs. Although employing more young people is a likely solution to balancing the demographic profile of public services, the literature and theory suggest that young people would have fared worse during the global financial crisis. This research tests propositions around the vulnerability of young people in selected Australian public services during the global financial crisis, in terms of quantity and quality of jobs obtained. Surprisingly, the findings suggest that many young people fared as well or sometimes better than other age cohorts during the global financial crisis in terms of both recruitment and access to ongoing jobs. There are several indications that perhaps public services provided a safe haven in a turbulent labour market.


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This article analyzes the operations of a sample of rental independent living senior apartments in Tampere, Finland. We compare 10 properties containing 421 units owned by one nonprofit and two for-profit housing providers. We examine costs and revenues across properties using data collected through interviews and a survey of company representatives and property managers. The results indicate that until the recent economic downturn, these senior houses generally experienced fast initial lease-up and low turnover but relatively long vacancies for some units when re-leasing. Performance varies among properties.


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In the wake of an almost decade long economic downturn and increasing competition from developing economies, a new agenda in the Australian Government for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and research has emerged as a national priority. However, to art and design educators, the pervasiveness and apparent exclusivity of STEM can be viewed as another instance of art and design education being relegated to the margins of curriculum (Greene, 1995). In the spirit of interdisciplinarity, there have been some recent calls to expand STEM education to include the arts and design, transforming STEM into STEAM in education (Maeda, 2013). As with STEM, STEAM education emphasises the connections between previously disparate disciplines, meaning that education has been conceptualised in different ways, such as focusing on the creative design thinking process that is fundamental to engineering and art (Bequette & Bequette, 2012). In this article, we discuss divergent creative design thinking process and metacognitive skills, how, and why they may enhance learning in STEM and STEAM.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää miten taloustaantuma vaikutti asuntosijoittamisen kiinnostavuuteen ja asuntomarkkinoilla käytävään keskusteluun vuonna 2008. Tuolloin Suomen talous taantui voimakkaasti ja nopeasti yllättäen myös ennusteita laativat asiantuntijat. Ekonomistien lausunnoista puuttui yhdenmukaisuus ja tarkkuus. Ne myös saattoivat muuttua merkittävästi lyhyellä aikavälillä. Taantumassa sijoitusviestintä on varovaista ja tarkasti muotoiltua. Sijoittajat uskovat mielellään muiden sijoittajien mielipiteitä ja käsityksiä vaikkei niiden taustalla olisikaan aina todennettua faktatietoa. Asiantuntijoiden tilastoihin halutaan uskoa vaikka niitä kohtaan koetaan epäilyksiä. Toisaalta asuntosijoittamisen kannattavuuteen ja taloudelliseen tuottoon halutaan uskoa vaikka asiantuntijat voisivat todistaa toisin. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena jota analysoitiin Greimasin aktanttimallia mukaillen. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 14 Helsingin Sanomissa julkaistuista asuntosijoittamiseen liittyvistä artikkelista sekä 13 Taloussanomien keskustelupalstalla julkaistusta mielipidekirjoituksesta. Viestien merkityksiä käytiin läpi semioottisesti määrittelemällä eri aktanteille rooleja. Tarinassa sijoittajasubjektin objektina on asunto, jonka avulla pyritään saavuttamaan mahdollisimman suuri rahallinen tuotto. Lähettäjiä ovat muun muassa tilastojen laatijat ja sijoitusneuvojat. Kaikki optimaalisen sijoituspäätöksen tekemiseen vaikuttavat aktantit käydään tarkemmin läpi tutkimuksen loppupuolella.


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Over the past six years Lowestoft College has embraced the revolution in mobile learning by welcoming Web 2.0, social media, cloud computing and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). This open attitude to new technologies has led to a marked improvement in student achievement rates, has increased staff and student satisfaction and has resulted in a variety of cost savings for senior management during the current economic downturn.


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As with a majority of the remaining undeveloped coastal areas in North Carolina, Brunswick County is not a hidden treasure any more. Since 1980 the county’s population has more than tripled to over 95,000 and another 30,000 or so residents are expected to make this last bastion of undeveloped southeastern NC their home by 2020, even with the current economic downturn. As the 29th fastest growing county in the nation this population explosion is resulting in rapid landscape scale land use changes within the watershed of the Lockwoods Folly River. Subdivisions, shopping centers, new highways and bridges, golf courses, and marinas are becoming significant land use activities. The surging development within this 150-square mile 88 thousand-acre watershed has had a severe effect on the health of the river. The portion of the river closed to shell fishing has more that tripled from 18 percent in 1980 to more than 55 percent today and 60% of the beds are considered impaired. For generations, locals have enjoyed the bounty of the Lockwoods Folly River and estuarine system famed for its rich and abundant shell fish beds and excellent coastal inshore fishing. This river system stretches from the Lockwoods Folly Inlet at the Atlantic Ocean inland where it makes the transformation from saltwater marshes to a winding blackwater river that snakes into hundreds of smaller tributaries and blackwater swamps. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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The development of ultra high speed (~20 Gsamples/s) analogue to digital converters (ADCs), and the delayed deployment of 40 Gbit/s transmission due to the economic downturn, has stimulated the investigation of digital signal processing (DSP) techniques for compensation of optical transmission impairments. In the future, DSP will offer an entire suite of tools to compensate for optical impairments and facilitate the use of advanced modulation formats. Chromatic dispersion is a very significant impairment for high speed optical transmission. This thesis investigates a novel electronic method of dispersion compensation which allows for cost-effective accurate detection of the amplitude and phase of the optical field into the radio frequency domain. The first electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) schemes accessed only the amplitude information using square law detection and achieved an increase in transmission distances. This thesis presents a method by using a frequency sensitive filter to estimate the phase of the received optical field and, in conjunction with the amplitude information, the entire field can be digitised using ADCs. This allows DSP technologies to take the next step in optical communications without requiring complex coherent detection. This is of particular of interest in metropolitan area networks. The full-field receiver investigated requires only an additional asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometer and balanced photodiode to achieve a 50% increase in EDC reach compared to amplitude only detection.


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The historic pattern of public sector pay movements in the UK has been counter-cyclical with private sector pay growth. Periods of relative decline in public sector pay against private sector movements have been followed by periods of ‘catch-up’ as Government controls are eased to remedy skill shortages or deal with industrial unrest among public servants. Public sector ‘catch up’ increases have therefore come at awkward times for Government, often coinciding with economic downturn in the private sector (Trinder 1994, White 1996, Bach 2002). Several such epochs of public sector pay policy can be identified since the 1970s. The question is whether the current limits on public sector pay being imposed by the UK Government fit this historic pattern or whether the pattern has been broken and, if so, how and why? This paper takes a historical approach in considering the context to public sector pay determination in the UK. In particular the paper seeks to review the period since Labour came into office (White and Hatchett 2003) and the various pay ‘modernisation’ exercises that have been in process over the last decade (White 2004). The paper draws on national statistics on public sector employment and pay levels to chart changes in public sector pay policy and draws on secondary literature to consider both Government policy intentions and the impact of these policies for public servants.


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This article, and the research out of which it springs, has a number of points of origin; it may also have more than one point of conclusion even as it argues that the current manifestation of Las Vegas could well be read as its last. This is not to say that Las Vegas will cease to create its new versions of itself; after all, this is one of the main sustaining factors of Las Vegas’ success in the last two decades as a new Strip on Las Vegas Boulevard has arisen from the demolitions and redesigns of the original Las Vegas Strip of the 1950s and 1960s. What is argued for here is a reading of Vegas as a terminal point within American culture and particularly within its visual realms. Las Vegas’ place within the dynamics of American visual and exhibition culture comes as the latest in a sequence which, since the nineteenth century, has included among its manifestations World’s Fairs, side shows, freak shows and travelling carnivals. America’s experiments in the visual domain have been updated in both the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries in a variety of spectacular forms and entertainment zones (Disneyland, EPCOT, the new Las Vegas). Vegas is the ultimate incarnation of a carnivalised display culture, the city’s casino Strip reclothed primarily as a theme park for digital camera-toting tourists than as a resort for dedicated gamblers. The possibility that the current incarnation of Las Vegas of late 2009 and 2010 will be the last Vegas hovers as a spectral remnant of the economic downturn and financial collapse of 2008, marked by the unfinished skeletons of projected new casino hotels on Las Vegas Boulevard and by a sudden reversal of fortune for the nation’s favourite gaming location.


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To help the building of new low-carbon housing, recent years have seen the widespread demolition of Victorian housing in UK cities. In this regard, Belfast is no different from its counterparts on the British mainland, where Compulsory Purchase Orders force people to sell and vacate their terraced homes to make way for newly constructed 'sustainable' housing. The global economic downturn has temporarily slowed down this process leaving many Belfast terraces now blocked up awaiting future demolition. This stay of execution is an unlikely but welcome opportunity to review and assess the true value to owner, streetscape and city of this important and common house-type. Important questions need to be asked. Should sound Victorian terraces be demolished? What is the genuine cost of demolition and replacement in terms of community and environment? With reference to case studies in a Belfast context, the argument will be made that new is not necessarily better, that the existing Victorian terrace is an important and valuable resource and one that, with intelligent intervention, offers a genuinely sustainable alternative to new-build housing.


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The pursuit of hard-core cartel activity represents the core aspect of modern antitrust. Since the late 1990s, increased recognition of dangers posed by cartelization has led European competition regulators to initiate organizational changes and to modernize procedures and practice to combat cartels. However, has policy toward hard-core cartels softened in a harsher economic environment from late 2008? This article provides a comparative examination of the approach towards cartels by the European Commission and, at the national level, by the German Bundeskartellamt. It argues that, on current evidence, any doubts about how far the heightened anti-cartel drive could be sustained in the economic downturn post 2008 should be put aside. While some adjustments to fines have been made to take into account inability to pay in exceptional circumstances, no special provisions have been introduced to allow crisis cartels and it appears that the legislation continues to be interpreted strictly by the competition authorities as before.


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How can interlocking directorates cause financial instability for universal banks? A detailed history of the Rotterdamsche Bankvereeninging in the 1920s answers this question in a case study. This large commercial bank adopted a new German-style universal banking business model from the early 1910s, sharing directors with the firms it financed as a means of controlling its interests. Then, in 1924, it required assistance from the Dutch state in order to survive a bank run brought on by public concerns over its close ties with Müller & Co., a trading conglomerate that suffered badly in the economic downturn of the early 1920s. Using a new narrative history combined with an interpretive model, this article shows how the interlocking directorates between the bank and this major client, and in particular the direction of influence of these interlocks, resulted in a conflict of interest that could not be easily overcome.


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The purpose of this paper is to identify best practice construction dispute resolution in small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) within Ireland during the recent economic recession. A sequential mixed methodology encompassing a detailed literature review, case studies, and questionnaire survey is adopted, with results analyzed using both exploratory (data reduction) and confirmatory (structural equation modelling) factor analysis. The results show that four core aspects should be adopted by SMEs to achieve best practice construction dispute resolution in recession: third-party intervention, adoption of a streamlined process, proactive party characteristics, and the use of legal professionals. Numerous studies of this subject have been conducted; however, no research has been done to date documenting best practice in construction dispute resolution within SMEs, particularly in light of the economic recession in Ireland. It is clear that dispute resolution in Ireland is currently undergoing fundamental changes, and time is necessary to see if the new Construction Contracts Act 2013 will help this practice. Therefore, it is a fundamental requirement for project management and legal professionals to acknowledge the changing environment attributable to the economic downturn and the resultant SME best practices in dispute resolution. This paper fulfills a gap in knowledge with the emergence of the economic recession and the evolution of best practice in dispute resolution within SMEs in the Irish construction sector.


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The colonial experience has been a dominant factor in the production of culture in Ireland, including narratives of the past. In the context of nineteenth century British imperialism, physical anthropology and archaeology were just two of a number of scientific discourses recruited to rationalise and justify colonialist policies. Legitimation was in part provided by racialised and sectarian conceptualisations of local populations in both past and present. After the partition of the island in the early twentieth century, racialised notions of the Irish population were embraced by both nationalist movements (green and orange) on the island. Changes came with the impact of processual archaeology and the appearance of bioarchaeology in the early 1980s, the latter directly influenced by the North American tradition. The last two decades have seen considerable achievements in bioarchaeology in Ireland. The profile of the discipline has been raised, and despite the impact of the recent economic downturn, the number of archaeologists gaining the necessary specialist skills has finally reached critical mass. The focus in Irish bioarchaeology is now on synthetic and thematic projects, and a number of initiatives are currently underway which will go some way towards furthering understanding of the past populations of Ireland.


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The latest economic downturn raises new predicaments for DMO’s and stakeholders to meet their target’s needs, but it also takes to the forefront of the tourism industry the importance to assess how the tourism experiences impact on the tourists’ perceived destination image, to prevent money being loss in the wrong promotion strategies. This paper purpose is twofold: A) to review the destination image and tourism experiences constructs; B) to develop a theoretical model between the experiences and the destination image.