981 resultados para Eclipse (Horse)


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Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) transport lactate and protons across cell membranes. During intense exercise, lactate and protons accumulate in the exercising muscle and are transported to the plasma. In the horse, MCTs are responsible for the majority of lactate and proton removal from exercising muscle, and are therefore also the main mechanism to hinder the decline in pH in muscle cells. Two isoforms, MCT1 and MCT4, which need an ancillary protein CD147, are expressed in equine muscle. In the horse, as in other species, MCT1 is predominantly expressed in oxidative fibres, where its likely role is to transport lactate into the fibre to be used as a fuel at rest and during light work, and to remove lactate during intensive exercise when anaerobic energy production is needed. The expression of CD147 follows the fibre type distribution of MCT1. These proteins were detected in both the cytoplasm and sarcolemma of muscle cells in the horse breeds studied: Standardbred and Coldblood trotters. In humans, training increases the expression of both MCT1 and MCT4. In this study, the proportion of oxidative fibres in the muscle of Norwegian-Swedish Coldblood trotters increased with training. Simultaneously, the expression of MCT1 and CD147, measured immunohistochemically, seemed to increase more in the cytoplasm of oxidative fibres than in the fast fibre type IIB. Horse MCT4 antibody failed to work in immunohistochemistry. In the future, a quantitative method should be introduced to examine the effect of training on muscle MCT expression in the horse. Lactate can be taken up from plasma by red blood cells (RBCs). In horses, two isoforms, MCT1 and MCT2, and the ancillary protein CD147 are expressed in RBC membranes. The horse is the only species studied in which RBCs have been found to express MCT2, and the physiological role of this protein in RBCs is unknown. The majority of horses express all three proteins, but 10-20% of horses express little or no MCT1 or CD147. This leads to large interindividual variation in the capacity to transport lactate into RBCs. Here, the expression level of MCT1 and CD147 was bimodally distributed in three studied horse breeds: Finnhorse, Standardbred and Thoroughbred. The level of MCT2 expression was distributed unimodally. The expression level of lactate transporters could not be linked to performance markers in Thoroughbred racehorses. In the future, better performance indexes should be developed to better enable the assessment of whether the level of MCT expression affects athletic performance. In human subjects, several mutations in MCT1 have been shown to cause decreased lactate transport activity in muscle and signs of myopathy. In the horse, two amino acid sequence variations, one of which was novel, were detected in MCT1 (V432I and K457Q). The mutations found in horses were in different areas compared to mutations found in humans. One mutation (M125V) was detected in CD147. The mutations found could not be linked with exercise-induced myopathy. MCT4 cDNA was sequenced for the first time in the horse, but no mutations could be detected in this protein.


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We performed high resolution spectroscopy of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 in two emission lines: the green line at 5303 due to Fe xiv and the red line at 6374 due to Fe x, simultaneously from Anji (latitude 30A degrees 28.1' N; longitude 119A degrees 35.4' E; elevation 890 m), China. A two-mirror coelostat with 100 cm focal length lens produced a 9.2 mm image of the Sun. The spectrograph using 140 cm focal length lens in Littrow mode and a grating with 600 lines per millimeter blazed at 2 mu m provided a dispersion of 30 m and 43 m per pixel in the fourth order around the green line and third order around the red line, respectively. Two Peltier cooled 1k x 1k CCD cameras, with a pixel size of 13 mu m square and 14-bit readout at 10 MHz operated in frame transfer mode, were used to obtain the time sequence spectra in two emission lines simultaneously. The duration of totality was 341 s, but we could get spectra for 270 s after a trial exposure at an interval of 5 s. We report here on the detection of intensity, velocity, and line width oscillations with periodicity in the range of 25 -50 s. These oscillations can be interpreted in terms of the presence of fast magnetoacoustic waves or torsional Alfv,n waves. The intensity ratios of green to red emission lines indicate the temperature of the corona to be 1.65 MK in the equatorial region and 1.40 MK in the polar region, relatively higher than the expected temperature during the low activity period. The width variation of the emission lines in different coronal structures suggests different physical conditions in different structures.


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Atmospheric perturbations due to the annular solar eclipse were monitored to understand its influence on the meteorological parameters from surface to the lower stratosphere. A strong inversion at 13 km and an abnormal warming in the upper troposphere were noticed on the eclipse day. A decrease in tropopause height associated with increase in temperature caused anomalous warming. Considerable attenuation of incoming solar radiation resulted in abrupt increase of air temperature during the next 24 h followed by sharp decrease in relative humidity. The time lag is attributed to the distance from the totality and the response time between tropopause and surface layer. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present here, an experimental set-up developed for the first time in India for the determination of mixing ratio and carbon isotopic ratio of air-CO2. The set-up includes traps for collection and extraction of CO2 from air samples using cryogenic procedures, followed by the measurement of CO2 mixing ratio using an MKS Baratron gauge and analysis of isotopic ratios using the dual inlet peripheral of a high sensitivity isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) MAT 253. The internal reproducibility (precision) for the PC measurement is established based on repeat analyses of CO2 +/- 0.03 parts per thousand. The set-up is calibrated with international carbonate and air-CO2 standards. An in-house air-CO2 mixture, `OASIS AIRMIX' is prepared mixing CO2 from a high purity cylinder with O-2 and N-2 and an aliquot of this mixture is routinely analyzed together with the air samples. The external reproducibility for the measurement of the CO2 mixing ratio and carbon isotopic ratios are +/- 7 (n = 169) mu mol.mol(-1) and +/- 0.05 (n = 169) parts per thousand based on the mean of the difference between two aliquots of reference air mixture analyzed during daily operation carried out during November 2009-December 2011. The correction due to the isobaric interference of N2O on air-CO2 samples is determined separately by analyzing mixture of CO2 (of known isotopic composition) and N2O in varying proportions. A +0.2 parts per thousand correction in the delta C-13 value for a N2O concentration of 329 ppb is determined. As an application, we present results from an experiment conducted during solar eclipse of 2010. The isotopic ratio in CO2 and the carbon dioxide mixing ratio in the air samples collected during the event are different from neighbouring samples, suggesting the role of atmospheric inversion in trapping the emitted CO2 from the urban atmosphere during the eclipse.


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I. The 3.7 Å Crystal Structure of Horse Heart Ferricytochrome C.

The crystal structure of horse heart ferricytochrome c has been determined to a resolution of 3.7 Å using the multiple isomorphous replacement technique. Two isomorphous derivatives were used in the analysis, leading to a map with a mean figure of merit of 0.458. The quality of the resulting map was extremely high, even though the derivative data did not appear to be of high quality.

Although it was impossible to fit the known amino acid sequence to the calculated structure in an unambiguous way, many important features of the molecule could still be determined from the 3.7 Å electron density map. Among these was the fact that cytochrome c contains little or no α-helix. The polypeptide chain appears to be wound about the heme group in such a way as to form a loosely packed hydrophobic core in the molecule.

The heme group is located in a cleft on the molecule with one edge exposed to the solvent. The fifth coordinating ligand is His 18 and the sixth coordinating ligand is probably neither His 26 nor His 33.

The high resolution analysis of cytochrome c is now in progress and should be completed within the next year.

II. The Application of the Karle-Hauptman Tangent Formula to Protein Phasing.

The Karle-Hauptman tangent formula has been shown to be applicable to the refinement of previously determined protein phases. Tests were made with both the cytochrome c data from Part I and a theoretical structure based on the myoglobin molecule. The refinement process was found to be highly dependent upon the manner in which the tangent formula was applied. Iterative procedures did not work well, at least at low resolution.

The tangent formula worked very well in selecting the true phase from the two possible phase choices resulting from a single isomorphous replacement phase analysis. The only restriction on this application is that the heavy atoms form a non-centric cluster in the unit cell.

Pages 156 through 284 in this Thesis consist of previously published papers relating to the above two sections. References to these papers can be found on page 155.


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The stock dynamics of horse mackerel, Megalaspis cordyla, along the northwest coast of India has been studied using length frequency data recorded from commercial landings and trawl catches of research-cum-training vessel M.F.V. Saraswati. The growth parameters for this species has been estimated to be L∞=54 cm and K=0.49 per annum. The natural and fishing mortality for the stock have been worked out to be 0.93 and 0.91 per annum respectively. The study indicated that the stock is fished at a safer fishing mortality level F sub(0.1), lower than F sub(msy) level.


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We have made a complete set of painting probes for the domestic horse by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR amplification of flow-sorted horse chromosomes. The horse probes, together with a full set of those available for human, were hybridized onto metaphase chromosomes of human, horse and mule. Based on the hybridization results, we have generated genome-wide comparative chromosome maps involving the domestic horse, donkey and human. These maps define the overall distribution and boundaries of evolutionarily conserved chromosomal segments in the three genomes. Our results shed further light on the karyotypic relationships among these species and, in particular, the chromosomal rearrangements that underlie hybrid sterility and the occasional fertility of mules.


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mtDNA genotypes of six domestic horses (three adult short horses whose heights are under 1 m and three common domestic horses) from a small region of 15 km(2) in Malipo county of Yunnan province of China were investigated by the technique of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with restriction endonucleases which recognize 6-bp sequences. An average of fragments for an individual was obtained. Unlike other domestic animals, this population of horses exhibits high mtDNA genetic diversity. Each of the six horses has a specific mtDNA genotype showing a pattern of multiple maternal origins, as suggested by fossil and literature records. We think the population of horses is an amazing seed-resource pool of horses and hence deserves to be paid more attention from the view of conservation genetics. However it is also remarkable that we did not find any typical mtDNA genetic markers which would discriminate between short horses and common domestic horses.


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The shelf-life of standardized horse mackerel fish balls was assessed by biochemical, microbiological, organoleptic and other spoilage changes at 0-2°C. There was decrease in pH value, moisture and the organoleptic scores. Expressible water percentage, TMA-N, TVB-N and peroxide value showed increasing trends. Total plate count also increased gradually during storage. Water separation in the treated sample was observed after 12 days and slimy consistency was noticed in the control sample on the 24th day. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that fish balls can be stored at 0-2°C for 20 days.


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研究测定了西藏那曲(4,500 m)、云南中甸(3,300 m)、云南德钦(3,300 m)地区3匹藏马线粒体全基因组序列.3个地区的藏马线粒体基因组全长以及结构均与韩国济州岛的马类似,但比瑞典马线粒体基因组短.藏马基因组在DNA序列上的两两相似性达99.3%.通过对线粒体蛋白编码区的分析发现,NADH6基因的蛋白序列在三匹藏马中均表现快速进化的现象.这表明NADH6基因在藏马高原适应进化过程中扮演着重要角色.此外,利用7匹藏马的D-loop区域序列以及与其亲缘关系较近的马的序列首次构建的藏马的系统发育树显示,那曲藏马与中甸、德钦藏马属于不同的分支,且存在较大的遗传多样性,表明藏马可能为多地区起源.


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软件开发环境是开发人员进行软件开发活动的重要平台。传统的开发环境对于开放性及可扩展性支持明显不足,而基于插件体系结构的软件开发环境如Eclipse等,由于其自身结构的特点,提供了较好的开放性和可扩展性,是目前软件开发环境的发展重要方向。 由于软件开发工具的种类繁多且彼此间的关联多样化,基于插件体系结构的开放式平台不能有效地满足工具之间数据一致性约束以及跨平台调用的集成需求。针对上述需求的研究成果及解决方法仍存在不足。 论文针对以上问题,尝试提出了一个集成框架,以解决目前已有开发环境在工具集成上的不足。该框架分别提供基于模型同步和远程交互两种集成机制,分别致力于解决插件工具在数据一致性上的同步需求和跨平台调用上的交互需求。首先,论文抽取了开发人员实现具体模型同步过程的需求,形成模型同步模块,力求刻画模型同步的本质特征并以模型同步的方式满足一致性约束。由于插件大多采用EMF、DOM两种模型建模,论文基于模型同步模块,提供了对EMF与DOM间的同步支持。然后,论文对远程交互模块进行了设计,归并了跨平台调用引入的通讯需求,构建了一个通信管理模块,该模块管理多种RPC协议并且支持异步通信方式。同时,在该模块之上,定义了插件远程交互的开发过程及编程接口,为分布式协作开发环境提供支撑。 论文将集成框架应用到OnceIDE(由中国科学院软件研究所开发的基于Eclipse平台的软件开发环境)中,通过完成基于EMF构建的Web组件模型与DOM模型的同步和基于远程交互模块的共享日历事件管理工具的导出,验证了OnceIDE集成框架在解决数据一致性约束及跨平台调用两方面集成需求的有效性。