987 resultados para Eclectic Compositions


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Commercial catches taken in southwestern Australian waters by trawl fisheries targeting prawns and scallops and from gillnet and longline fisheries targeting sharks were sampled at different times of the year between 2002 and 2008. This sampling yielded 33 elasmobranch species representing 17 families. Multivariate statistics elucidated the ways in which the species compositions of elasmobranchs differed among fishing methods and provided benchmark data for detecting changes in the elasmobranch fauna in the future. Virtually all elasmobranchs caught by trawling, which consisted predominantly of rays, were discarded as bycatch, as were approximately a quarter of the elasmobranchs caught by both gillnetting and longlining. The maximum lengths and the lengths at maturity of four abundant bycatch species, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Aptychotrema vincentiana, Squatina australis, and Myliobatis australis, were greater for females than males. The L50 determined for the males of these species at maturity by using full clasper calcification as the criterion of maturity did not differ significantly from the corresponding L50 derived by using gonadal data as the criterion for maturity. The proportions of the individuals of these species with lengths less than those at which 50% reach maturity were far greater in trawl samples than in gillnet and longline samples. This result was due to differences in gear selectivity and to trawling being undertaken in shallow inshore waters that act as nursery areas for these species. Sound quantitative data on the species compositions of elasmobranchs caught by commercial fisheries and the biological characteristics of the main elasmobranch bycatch species are crucial for developing strategies for conserving these important species and thus the marine ecosystems of which they are part.


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Nannochloropsis sp. was grown with different levels of nitrate, phosphate, salinity and temperature with CO2 at 2,800 mu l l(-1). Increased levels of NaNO3 and KH2PO4 raised protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) contents but decreased carbohydrate, total lipid and total fatty acids (TFA) contents. Nannochloropsis sp. grew well at salinities from 22 to 49 g l(-1), and lowering salinity enhanced TFA and PUFAs contents. TFA contents increased with the increasing temperature but PUFAs contents decreased. The highest eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5 omega 3) content based on the dry mass was above 3% under low N (150 mu M NaNO3) or high N (3000 mu M NaNO3) condition. Excessive nitrate, low salinity and temperature are thus favorable factors for improving EPA yields in Nannochloropsis sp.


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Hot water-soluble polysaccharides woe extracted from field colonies and suspension cultures of Nostoc commune Vaucher, Nostoc flagelliforme Berkeley et Curtis, and Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing. Excreted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were isolated from the media in which the suspension cultures were grown. The main monosaccharides of the field colony polysaccharides from the three species were glucose, xylose, and galactose, with an approximate ratio of 2:1:1. Mannose was also present, but the levels varied among the species, and arabinose appeared only in N. flagelliforme. The compositions of the cellular polysaccharides and EPS from suspension cultures were more complicated than those of the field samples and varied among the different species. The polysaccharides from the cultures of N. flagelliforme had a relatively simple composition consisting of mannose, galactose, glucose, and glucuronic acid, but no xylose, as was found in the field colony polysaccharides. The polysaccharides from cultures of N. sphaeroides contained glucose (the major component), rhamnose, fucose, xylose, mannose, and galactose. These same sugars were present in the polysaccharides from cultures of N. commune, with xylose as the major component. Combined nitrogen in the media had no qualitative influence on the compositions of the cellular polysaccharides but affected those of the EPS of N. commune and N. flagelliforme. The EPS of N. sphaeroides had a very low fetal carbohydrate content and thus was not considered to be polysaccharide in nature. The field colony polysaccharides could be separated by anion exchange chromatography into neutral and acidic fractions having similar sugar compositions. Preliminary linkage analysis showed that 1) xylose, glucose, and galactose were 1-->4 linked, 2) mannose, galactose, and xylose occurred as terminal residues, and 3) branch points occurred in glucose as 1-->3,4 and 1-->3,6 linkages and in xylose as a 1-->3,4 linkage. The polymer preparations from field colonies had higher kinematic viscosities than those from corresponding suspension cultures. The high viscosities of the polymers suggested that they might DE suitable for industrial uses.