885 resultados para Echinacea (Plants) Therapeutic use


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HIV-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. In this qualitative study, twenty-nine HIV-positive adolescents aged 13 to 20 years (22 girls), who live in Switzerland, were asked, in a semi-structured interview (duration of 40-110 minutes), to describe their perceptions and experiences with the disease itself and with therapeutic adherence. While younger adolescents most often thought of their disease as fate, older adolescents usually knew that they had received it through vertical transmission, although the topic appeared to be particularly difficult to discuss for those living with their HIV-positive mothers. Based on their attending physician's assessment, 18 subjects were judged highly adherent, 4 fairly and 7 poorly adherent. High adherence appeared linked with adequate psychological adjustment and effective coping mechanisms, as well as with the discussion and adoption of explicit medication-taking strategies. The setting and organisation of health care teams should allow for ongoing discussions with HIV-positive adolescents that focus on their perceptions of their disease, how they cope with it and with the treatment, and how they could improve their adherence.


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The purpose ofthis study was to explore the process oftherapeutic riding as an experiential and holistic approach to learning and recovery for people with disabilities as perceived by the providers oftherapeutic riding. To enhance the connection between theory and practice and to suggest future research, the researcher endeavoured to develop a theory that contributed to the knowledge base oftherapeutic riding, animal-assisted therapy and education, experiential education, and experiential therapy in addition to contributing to connections among them. This topic was investigated because ofthe lack ofresearch about the process of therapeutic riding, particularly from learning and a recovery perspective. Few studies have addressed how therapeutic riding outcomes are achieved or how the therapeutic riding process actually works. This study was identified as grounded theory using qualitative data through interviews and narrative reflections with therapeutic riding providers, a researcher's journal, field notes, and written documents. Grounded theory analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. This consisted ofdoing open, axial, and selective coding. This study provided detailed descriptions ofthe research approach, researcher's involvement, participant and site selection, data collection and analysis, methodological assumptions and limitations, credibility established, and ethical considerations. The findings ofthe data analysis revealed the theme ofrelationships as central to the learning and recovery process oftherapeutic riding for people with disabilities. The significance ofthe team relationships, the horse and rider relationship, and the providers and rider relationship was found. The essential components ofthe learning and recovery process were presented in a diagram in the selective coding phase. Goals oftherapeutic riding included psycho-education; behavioural and social; physical; and equestrian. Parts ofthe process ofhow outcomes were achieved included motivation; "opens new doors;" risk; task analysis; control; communication; and environmental factors. Outcomes of therapeutic riding included independence and mobility; confidence; and transfer abilities or skills. The implications ofthese findings for theory, practice, and further research were also. explored.


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The Cannabis sativa herb contains over 100 phytocannabinoid (pCB) compounds and has been used for thousands of years for both recreational and medicinal purposes. In the past two decades, characterisation of the body's endogenous cannabinoid (CB) (endocannabinoid, eCB) system (ECS) has highlighted activation of central CB1 receptors by the major pCB, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) as the primary mediator of the psychoactive, hyperphagic and some of the potentially therapeutic properties of ingested cannabis. Whilst Δ9-THC is the most prevalent and widely studied pCB, it is also the predominant psychotropic component of cannabis, a property that likely limits its widespread therapeutic use as an isolated agent. In this regard, research focus has recently widened to include other pCBs including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), Δ9tetrahydrocannabivarin (Δ9-THCV) and cannabidivarin (CBDV), some of which show potential as therapeutic agents in preclinical models of CNS disease. Moreover, it is becoming evident that these non-Δ9-THC pCBs act at a wide range of pharmacological targets, not solely limited to CB receptors. Disorders that could be targeted include epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, affective disorders and the central modulation of feeding behaviour. Here, we review pCB effects in preclinical models of CNS disease and, where available, clinical trial data that support therapeutic effects. Such developments may soon yield the first non-Δ9-THC pCB-based medicines.


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This project verified the potential for the production of hydrogen via water electrolysis by using the exceeding electrical energy resultant from alcohol and sugar plants that use sugar cane bagasse as fuel. The studies were carried out in cogeneration plants authorized by the Electrical Energy National Agency (ANEEL). The processing history of sugar cane considered was based on the 2006/2007 harvests. The total bagasse produced, electrical energy generated and exceeding electrical energy in a year were calculated. It was obtained an average energy consumption value of 5.2 kWh Nm(-3) and the hydrogen production costs regarding the amount of sugar cane processed that ranged from US$ 0.50 to US$ 0.75 Nm(-3). The results pointed that the costs for the production of hydrogen via the bagasse exceeding energy are close to the production costs that use other sources of energy. As the energy generated from the bagasse is a renewable one, this alternative for the production of hydrogen is economical and environmentally viable. (C) 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The increase in the use of natural gas in Brazil has stimulated public and private sectors to analyse the possibility of using combined cycle systems for generation of electrical energy. Gas turbine combined cycle power plants are becoming increasingly common due to their high efficiency, short lead times, and ability to meet environmental standards. Power is produced in a generator linked directly to the gas turbine. The gas turbine exhaust gases are sent to a heat recovery steam generator to produce superheated steam that can be used in a steam turbine to produce additional power. In this paper a comparative study between a 1000 MW combined cycle power plant and 1000 kW diesel power plant is presented. In first step, the energetic situation in Brazil, the needs of the electric sector modification and the needs of demand management and integrated means planning are clarified. In another step the characteristics of large and small thermoelectric power plants that use natural gas and diesel fuel, respectively, are presented. The ecological efficiency levels of each type of power plant is considered in the discussion, presenting the emissions of particulate material, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho foi realizado nas localidades de Duartina, Piratininga, Presidente Alves, Bocaina, Boracéia, Dois Córregos e Potunduva (Região de Bauru), em 1981. O objetivo foi avaliar o conhecimento e o uso de plantas medicinais, pela população. Foram entrevistadas 372 pessoas, das quais, a maioria pertencia ao estrato social baixo. Mais de 95% das pessoas conheciam plantas medicinais, com grande utilização de duas a quatro variedades. O não-uso representou, no total, apenas 10,8%. O local de obtenção mais freqüente foi quintal, seguindo-se a farmácia. Citaram-se 118 plantas diferentes para uso medicinal Destas, em apenas 9,3% não se encontrou, na literatura, o nome científico correspondente e, em 17,0%, a indicação do valor medicinal O uso mencionado pelos entrevistados foi coincidente com os da literatura em quase 70% das vezes, em pelo menos um sintoma ou doença. Discutiram-se as razões do recente incremento da medicina caseira; alguns aspectos referentes à industrialização e comercialização de plantas medicinais e sublinhou-se a necessidade de promoção de pesquisas farmacológicas para o melhor conhecimento do valor terapêutico da flora medicinal brasileira.


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A comparative approach is potentially useful for understanding the role of mammal innate immunity role in stimulating adaptive immunity as well as the relationship between these two types of immune strategies. Considerable progress has been made in the elucidation of the co-ordinated events involved in plant perception of infection and their mobilisation of defence responses. Although lacking immunoglobulin molecules, circulating cells, and phagocytic processes, plants successfully use pre-formed physical and chemical innate defences, as well as inducible adaptive immune strategies. In the present paper, we review some shared and divergent immune aspects present in both animals and plants. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the movement of seeds transported by fruit-eating birds in an agricultural, fragmented landscape of the Atlantic forest of southeast Brazil, I asked which bird species are the main seed dispersers in such environment, and how they use the available habitats (small forest fragments, forest thickets, live fences, isolated trees, and active pastures) where they are most likely to drop the seeds they swallow the relative importance of fruit-eating birds as seed vectors was evaluated based on the number of fruit species eaten, the number of visits, and visitation rate to fruiting plants. Habitat use was accessed by recording the habitats where birds were seen or heard during walks conducted throughout the study area. Sixteen plant species were observed during 308.3 plant-hours. Forty-one bird species were observed eating fruits in a total of 830 visits to fruiting plants. Sayaca Tanagers (Thraupis sayaca) and Pale-breasted Thrushes (Turdus leucomelas) ate the greatest number of fruit species, were the most frequent plant visitors in terms of number and rate of visits, and had a broad range of habitat use. These two species and the Rusty-margined Guan (Penelope superciliaris), which is able to swallow large fruits with large seeds that smaller bird species cannot cat, likely have a great contribution to the movement of seeds throughout this highly degraded landscape.


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The number of studies of genotoxic activity of medicinal plants has been growing alongside with their increasing therapeutic use and scientific interest in proving their effectiveness for a variety of pharmacological purposes. This reflects the fact that many of the plants used by great numbers of people, in spite of their proven pharmacological value, can also cause harmful changes in the DNA. The risks are greater when alternative treatments are applied in an uncontrolled way, without due attention to correct botanical identification, to the part of the plant that should to be used and to the method of preparation and administration. In this review, aspects of the mutagenic activity of some medicinal plants are discussed.


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The use of inks containing organic solvents by the offset printing process implies in the release of volatile organic compounds to the work environment. Many of these compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the xylene isomers (well known by the acronym BTEX) are extremely toxic. In this study, the BTEX concentrations were determined in two different printing plants that use distinct types of inks: the conventional and the so-called ecological, which is manufactured based on vegetal oil. Concentration ranges were 43-84, 15-3,480, 2-133, 5-459, and 2-236 μg m-3 for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m + p-xylene, and o-xylene, respectively, for the conventional printing plant. At the ecological printing plant, concentration ranges were below limit of detection (used. However, the worker who cleans the printing matrices is exposed to high concentrations of ethylbenzene and xylenes, due probably to the cleaning product's composition (containing high amounts of BTEX). Although the BTEX concentrations found in both printing work environments were below the limits considered by the Brazilian Law for Activities and Unhealthy Operations (NR-15), the exposure to such vapors characterizes risk to the workers' health for some of the evaluated samples, mainly the personal ones. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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O uso de plantas medicinais para tratamento dos males da saúde está disseminado não só nas áreas rurais como também nas áreas urbanas do território brasileiro. O significado econômico destas plantas medicinais, usadas no atendimento das necessidades básicas de saúde, para as economias domésticas da parte socialmente vulnerável da população, ainda é pouco investigado. Muitas espécies vegetais são comercializadas na cidade de Belém por erveiros em mercados ou feiras livres da cidade. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar em que medida a inserção do uso de Plantas Medicinais minimiza os custos do tratamento de agravos atendidos pela Assistência Farmacêutica na Atenção Básica á saúde para o usuário do Sistema de Saúde. Para se atingir esse objetivo, foi realizado um estudo, de natureza exploratória, por meio de aplicação de questionários, utilizando o método de amostragem, definida por critério não probabilístico, no bairro do Jurunas com apoio na Unidade de Saúde Radional II, localizado na Região Metropolitana de Belém no Pará. Foi realizado um levantamento de informações referente ao foco deste estudo no Centro de Referência de Tratamento Natural (CRTN), localizado na cidade de Macapá, que já utiliza as plantas medicinais como recurso terapêutico. No resultado da pesquisa de campo no bairro do Jurunas foi verificado que aproximadamente 50% dos entrevistados praticam a automedicação com plantas medicinais, relacionadas na RDC nº 10/ANVISA, sendo necessária, entretanto, orientação correta para seu cultivo e emprego terapêutico. A comparação entre os gastos com medicamentos sintéticos no tratamento dos sintomas de cinco doenças que ocorrem com frequência no bairro do Jurunas e aqueles resultantes do uso de plantas medicinais, para os mesmos sintomas, revela uma redução no gasto para tratamentos feitos à base de plantas medicinais. Em conclusão, pode-se inferir que esta redução representa uma economia de recursos que o usuário e o sistema deixam de despender quando utilizam plantas medicinais.