43 resultados para EOR


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Del granulato di ossido di stronzio (anche nella formula carbonato) è stato testato come nuovo possibile materiale di utilizzo per la cattura ad alta temperatura di diossido di carbonio da effluenti gassosi di scarto. Sono stati condotti diversi esperimenti con strumentazioni già preposte, quali test termogravimetrici, microscopia elettronica (SEM) e Xray (XRD). Mentre per la sperimentazione in quantità più rilevanti di materiale è stato costruito un impianto a letto fisso ex novo. Le prove TG hanno evidenziato una capacità media di sorbente parti a circa il 5% in massa di ossido, a temperature tra i 1100°C e i 1200°C, in situazione di regime (dopo numerosi cicli di carb/calc), con una buona conservazione nel tempo delle proprietà adsorbitive, mentre per le prove a letto fisso, si è registrato un calo di valori variabile tra il 3 e il 4%, con un netto miglioramento nel caso di calcinazione in vapore surriscaldato fino al 5%. Il trattamento in vapore ha sortito lâimportante effetto di calcinazione del diossido di carbonio dal sorbente, quindi facilmente separabile dal flusso in uscita, misurato tramite cattura in una soluzione di idrossido di bario. Importanti fenomeni di sintering e densificazione hanno portato ad occludere completamente la camera di reazione sviluppando notevoli sovrappressioni interne. Tali fenomeni sono stati approfonditi tramite analisi SEM e XRD. Si è constatato un aumento notevole della grandezza dei granuli in caso di trattamento in vapore con la formazione di legami stabili e con conservazione della porosità. Nel caso di trattamento senza vapore surriscaldato i granuli hanno sinterizzato tramite formazione di legami, ma sempre con conservazione della macroporosità. Il lavoro di tesi è stato inquadrato nel contesto tecnologico al riguardo le tecniche CCS esistenti ed in progetto, con un attento studio bibliografico riguardo lo stato dellâarte, impianti esistenti, costi, metodi di cattura usati, metodologie di trasporto dei gas, metodologie di stoccaggio esistenti e in progetto. Si sono considerati alcuni aspetti economici per sviluppare un modello previsionale di spesa per una possibile applicazione di cattura per un impianto di produzione energetica. Con la progettazione e dimensionamento di un sistema integrato di adsorbimento tramite lâaccoppiamento di 2 reattori dedicati ai cicli di carbonatazione e calcinazione del materiale sorbente. Infine si sono considerati gli aspetti salienti dello stoccaggio del diossido di carbonio in reservoir tramite le tecniche di EOR e EGR (Enhanced Oil/Gas Recovery) utilizzando la stessa CO2 come fluido spiazzante degli idrocarburi in posto. Concludendo il lavoro di tesi e di sperimentazione ha contribuito in modo tangibile allo scopo prefissato, andando a caratterizzare un nuovo materiale per la cattura di diossido di carbonio da effluenti gassosi ad alta temperatura, ed andando a verificare unâimportante fenomeno rigenerativo non previsto delle capacità sorbitive dei materiali sottoposti a test.


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This presentation describes research at Montana Tech to improve oil recovery rates in the Elm Coulee Oil Field in the Bakken Reservoir, Richmond County, Montana. The slides display current recovery rate predictions, enhanced oil recovery methods, reservoir model building and history matching strategies. Recommended development strategies include implementing hydrocarbon gas injection operations to improve current oil recovery rates by more than 75%. The impact of increased production on Production Engineers is also described. The Principal Investigators include John Evans, Leo Heath, David Reichhardt and Burt Todd in the Petroleum Engineering Department.


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BACKGROUND Complete resection of enhancing tumor as assessed by early (<72 hours) postoperative MRI is regarded as the optimal result in glioblastoma surgery. As yet, there is no consensus on standard procedure if post-operative imaging reveals unintended tumor remnants. OBJECTIVE The current study evaluated the feasibility and safety of an early re-do surgery aimed at completing resections with the aid of 5-ALA fluorescence and neuronavigation after detection of enhancing tumor remnants on post-operative MRI. METHODS From October 2008 to October 2012 a single center institutional protocol offered a second surgery within one week to patients with unintentional incomplete glioblastoma resection. We report on the feasibility of the use 5-ALA fluorescence guidance, the extent of resection (EOR) rates and complications of early re-do surgery. RESULTS Nine of 151 patients (6%) with glioblastoma resections had an unintentional tumor remnant with a volume >0.175 cm(3). 5-ALA guided re-do surgery completed the resection (CRET) in all patients without causing neurological deficits, infections or other complications. Patients who underwent a re-do surgery remained hospitalized between surgeries, resulting in a mean length of hospital stay of 11 days (range 7-15), compared to 9 days for single surgery (range 3-23; p=0.147). CONCLUSION Our early re-do protocol led to complete resection of all enhancing tumor in all cases without any new neurological deficits and thus provides a similar oncological result as intraoperative MRI (iMRI). The repeated use of 5-ALA induced fluorescence, used for identification of small remnants, remains highly sensitive and specific in the setting of re-do surgery. Early re-do surgery is a feasible and safe strategy to complete unintended subtotal resections.


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The Weyburn Oil Field, Saskatchewan is the site of a large (5000 tonnes/day of CO2) CO2-EOR injection project By EnCana Corporation. Pre- and post-injection samples (Baseline and Monitor-1, respectively) of produced fluids from approximately 45 vertical wells were taken and chemically analyzed to determine changes in the fluid chemistry and isotope composition between August 2000 and March 2001. After 6 months of CO2 injection, geochemical parameters including pH, [HCO3], [Ca], [Mg], and ?13CO2(g) point to areas in which injected CO2 dissolution and reservoir carbonate mineral dissolution have occurred. Pre-injection fluid compositions suggest that the reservoir brine in the injection area may be capable of storing as much as 100 million tonnes of dissolved CO2. Modeling of water-rock reactions show that clay minerals and feldspar, although volumetrically insignificant, may be capable of acting as pH buffers, allowing injected CO2 to be stored as bicarbonate in the formation water or as newly precipitated carbonate minerals, given favorable reaction kinetics.


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In the present uncertain global context of reaching an equal social stability and steady thriving economy, power demand expected to grow and global electricity generation could nearly double from 2005 to 2030. Fossil fuels will remain a significant contribution on this energy mix up to 2050, with an expected part of around 70% of global and ca. 60% of European electricity generation. Coal will remain a key player. Hence, a direct effect on the considered CO2 emissions business-as-usual scenario is expected, forecasting three times the present CO2 concentration values up to 1,200ppm by the end of this century. Kyoto protocol was the first approach to take global responsibility onto CO2 emissions monitoring and cap targets by 2012 with reference to 1990. Some of principal CO2emitters did not ratify the reduction targets. Although USA and China spur are taking its own actions and parallel reduction measures. More efficient combustion processes comprising less fuel consuming, a significant contribution from the electricity generation sector to a CO2 dwindling concentration levels, might not be sufficient. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies have started to gain more importance from the beginning of the decade, with research and funds coming out to drive its come in useful. After first researching projects and initial scale testing, three principal capture processes came out available today with first figures showing up to 90% CO2 removal by its standard applications in coal fired power stations. Regarding last part of CO2 reduction chain, two options could be considered worthy, reusing (EOR & EGR) and storage. The study evaluates the state of the CO2 capture technology development, availability and investment cost of the different technologies, with few operation cost analysis possible at the time. Main findings and the abatement potential for coal applications are presented. DOE, NETL, MIT, European universities and research institutions, key technology enterprises and utilities, and key technology suppliers are the main sources of this study. A vision of the technology deployment is presented.


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Dentro del objetivo común que persigue alcanzar una estabilidad social y una economía de éxito sostenible en el actual e incierto contexto mundial, el pronóstico es que la demanda de energía siga aumentando y que la generación mundial de electricidad se duplique entre los años 2005 y 2030. En este escenario, los combustibles fósiles podrían mantener una contribución muy significativa al mix energético posiblemente hasta el año 2050, participando del mercado de generación de energía eléctrica mundial en aproximadamente un 70% y siendo base de la generación de energía eléctrica europea en un 60%. El carbón sin duda seguirá teniendo una contribución clave. Este incremento en la demanda energética y energía eléctrica, en el consumo de carbón y de combustibles fósiles en general, sin duda tendrá impacto sobre los niveles de concentración de CO2 a nivel global en los diferentes escenarios evaluados, con un fatal pronóstico de triplicar, si no se contiene de alguna manera su emisión, los niveles actuales de concentración de CO2 hasta valores próximos a 1.200 ppm para finales de este siglo XXI. El Protocolo de Kyoto, adoptado en 1997, fue el primer tratado de responsabilidad a nivel mundial para el monitoreo y limitación de las emisiones de CO2, realizando una primera aproximación hasta el año 2012 y tomando como valores de referencia los referidos a los niveles de concentración de gases de efecto invernadero registrados en 1990. Algunos de los principales países emisores de CO2 como USA y China no ratificaron los objetivos de límite de emisión y niveles de reducción de CO2, y sin embargo están tomando sus propias acciones y medidas en paralelo para reducir sus emisiones. Los procesos de combustión más eficientes y con menor consumo de combustible, proporcionan una significativa contribución del sector de generación eléctrica a la reducción de los niveles de concentración de CO2, pero podría no ser suficiente. Tecnologías de captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CCS, del inglés Carbon Capture and Storage) han comenzado a ganar más importancia desde principios de esta década, se ha intensificado la investigación y proliferado la creación de fondos que impulsen su desarrollo y estimulen su despliegue. Tras los primeros proyectos de investigación básica y ensayos a pequeña escala, casi embrionaria, tres procesos de captura se posicionan como los más viables actualmente, con potencial para alcanzar niveles de reducción de CO2 del 90%, mediante su aplicación en centrales de carbón para generación eléctrica. En referencia al último paso del esquema CCS en el proceso de reducción de las ingentes cantidades de CO2 que habría que eliminar de la atmósfera, dos opciones deberían ser consideradas: la reutilización (EOR y EGR) y el almacenamiento. El presente artículo evalúa el estado de las diferentes tecnologías de captura de CO2, su disponibilidad, su desarrollo y su coste de instalación estimado. Se incorpora un pequeño análisis de los costes de operación y varias extrapolaciones, dado que solo están disponibles algunos de estos datos hasta la fecha. Además este artículo muestra los principales hallazgos y los potenciales de reducción de emisiones de CO2 en la utilización del carbón para generar electricidad y proporciona una visión del desarrollo y despliegue actual de la tecnología. Se realiza una revisión de las iniciativas existentes a nivel mundial mediante proyectos de demostración orientados a la viabilidad comercial del esquema CCS para el período 2020 ? 2030. Se evalúan los diferentes programas en curso y sus avances, como el programa de UK, el EEPR (European Energy Program for Recovery), etc. Las principales fuentes empleadas en la elaboración de este artículo son el DOE, NETL, MIT, EPRI, Centros e Institutos de Investigación, Universidades Europeas, Administraciones Públicas y Agencias Internacionales, suministradores de tecnología crítica, compañías eléctricas (utilities) y empresas tecnológicas.


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El yacimiento Casablanca es un campo petrolífero maduro en etapa de agotamiento considerado como el más grande del mar Mediterráneo. Lleva en explotación desde 1977 y tiene una producción acumulada de 22.6 MMm3 de petróleo. La formación productiva consiste en carbonatos karstificados del Grupo Basal Terciario y del Mesozoico. El mecanismo de drenaje identificado es por empuje de agua de un gran acuífero activo considerado como infinito ya que ha mantenido la presión al 95% de la original después de casi 40 años de producción. En el año 1999, los pozos asociados al campo Casablanca producían unos 500 m3/d de agua que era tratada y vertida al mar. Para cumplir con las leyes medio ambientales de la época, se convirtió el pozo Casablanca-9 en pozo sumidero con el objetivo de devolver a la formación toda el agua producida de una manera segura, limpia y totalmente respetuosa con el medio ambiente. Años después se observó que ésta inyección no era inocua, sino que tenía un impacto en la producción de petróleo. En la presente tesis se ha definido una metodología que, mediante la experimentación en campo con trazadores, pruebe la existencia de comunicación entre pozos productores y pozos sumidero, rompiendo así el paradigma instaurado en el campo que reza que no es posible la recuperación mejorada mediante inyección de agua en Casablanca debido al gran acuífero existente. Los resultados obtenidos serán el punto de partida para la construcción de un modelo de simulación que permita verificar que es posible la aplicación de técnicas IOR/EOR, y más concretamente la recuperación mejorada mediante inyección de agua en presencia de un acuífero activo infinito. ABSTRACT Casablanca is a brown field in the decline stage and is considered as the largest field in the Mediterranean Sea. It has been on production since 1977 and the cumulative production is 22.6 MMm3 of oil. The productive reservoir formation consists on complex karstified carbonates from Basal Tertiary Group and Mesozoic. The drive mechanism identified is water drive by a large aquifer considered as infinite acting due to the pressure maintenance at 95% of the original after near 40 years of production. In 1999, the wells associated to Casablanca field produced about 500 m3/d of water that was treated and disposed to the sea. In order to comply with the environmental laws at that time, Casablanca-9 was converted from producer to water disposal well with the objective to dispose all the water back to the formation in a safe, clean and environmental fully respectful way. Years later, it was observed that injection was not innocuous, but had an impact on oil production. The methodology defined in this thesis will demonstrate the existence of communication between producers and disposal wells through field experiments with tracers, breaking the paradigm established in the field that says it is not possible to apply waterflooding techniques in Casablanca due to the existence of a strong infinite acting aquifer. The results obtained will be the starting point in order to build a simulation model able to demonstrate that the application of IOR / EOR techniques are suitable, more specifically water flooding techniques in presence of an infinite active aquifer.


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Developing an efficient methodology for oil recovery is extremely important . Within the range of enh anced oil recovery, known as EOR, the injection of polymer solutions becomes effective in controlling the mobility of displacing fluid . This method consists of adding polymers to the injection water to increase its viscosity, so that more water diffuses in to the porous medium and increasing the sweep efficiency in the reservoir. This work is studied by numerical simulation , application of the injection polymer solution in a homogeneous reservoir , semisynthetic with similar characteristics to the reservoirs of the Brazilian Northeast , numerical simulations were performed using thermal simulator STARS from CMG (Computer Modelling Group ). The study aimed to analyze the influence of some parameters on the behavior of reservoir oil production, with the response to cumulative production. Simulations were performed to analyze the influence of water injection, polymer solution and alternating injection of water banks and polymer solution, comparing the results for each simulated condition. The primary outcomes were: oil viscosity, percentage of injected polymer, polymer viscosity and flow rate of water injection. The evaluation of the influence of variables consisted of a complete experimental design followed a Pareto analysis for the purpose of pointing out which va riables would be most influential on the response represented b y the cumulative oil production . It was found that all variables significantly influenced the recovery of oil and the injection of polymer solution on an ongoing basis is more efficient for the cumulative production compared to oil recovery by continuous water injection. The primary recovery show ed low levels of oil production , water injection significantly improves the pro duction of oil in the reservoir , but the injection of polymer solution em erges as a new methodology to increase the production of oil, increasing the life of the well and possible reduction of water produced.


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Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch originale a rme que pour tout morphisme propre f : Y ! X entre vari et es quasi-projectifs lisses sur un corps, et tout el ement a 2 K0(Y ) du groupe de Grothendieck des br es vectoriels on a ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Ici ch est le caract ere de Chern, Td(Tf ) est la classe de Todd du br e tangent relative et f et f! sont les images directes de l'anneau de Chow et K0 respectivement. Apr es, Baum, Fulton et MacPherson ont d emontr e en [BFM75] le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch pour des morphismes localement intersection compl ete entre des sch emas alg ebriques (sch emas s epar es et localement de type ni sur un corps) projectifs et singuli eres. En [FG83] Fulton et Gillet ont d emontr e le th eor eme sans hypoth eses projectifs. L'extension a la th eorie K sup erieure pour des sch emas r eguli eres sur une base fut d emontr e par Gillet en [Gil81]. Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch qu'il prouve est pour des morphismes projectifs entre des sch emas lisses et quasi-projectifs. Donc, dans le cas des sch emas sur un corps, le r esultat de Gillet n'inclus pas le th eor eme de [BFM75]. La plus grande g en eralisation du th eor eme de Riemann-Roch que je connais est [D eg14] et [HS15], o u D eglise et Holmstrom-Scholbach obtiennent ind ependamment le th eor eme de Riemann- Roch pour la K-th eorie sup erieure et les morphismes projectifs lic entre sch emas r eguli eres sur une base noetherienne de dimension nie... NOTA 520 8 El teorema de Riemann-Roch original de Grothendieck a rma que para todo mor smo propio f : Y ! X, entre variedades irreducibles quasiproyectivas lisas sobre un cuerpo, y todo elemento a 2 K0(Y ) del grupo de Grothendieck de brados vectoriales se satisface la relaci on ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Recu erdese que ch denota el car acter de Chern, Td(Tf ) la clase de Todd del brado tangente relativo y f y f! las im agenes directas en el anillo de Chow y K0 respectivamente. M as tarde Baum, Fulton MacPherson probaron en [BFM75] el teorema de Riemann-Roch para mor smos localmente intersecci on completa entre esquemas algebraicos (es decir, esquemas separados localmente de tipo nito sobre cuerpo) proyectivos singulares. En [FG83] Fulton y Gillet probaron el teorema sin hip otesis proyectivas. La notable extensi on a la teor a K superior para esquemas regulares sobre una base fue probada por Gillet en [Gil81]. El teorema de Riemann-Roch all probado es para mor smos proyectivos entre esquemas lisos quasiproyectivos. Sin embargo, obs ervese que en el caso de esquemas sobre cuerpo el resultado de Gillet no recupera el teorema de [BFM75]. La mayor generalizaci on del teorema de Riemann-Roch que yo conozco es [D eg14] y [HS15] donde D eglise y Holmstrom-Scholbach obtuvieron independientemente el teorema de Riemann-Roch para teor a K superior y mor smos proyectivos lic entre esquemas regulares sobre una base noetheriana nito dimensional...


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Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300°C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves


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As rochas carbonáticas ocupam, numa visão global, um expressivo volume da crosta terrestre. De maneira geral, pode-se dizer que essas rochas estão presentes nas diversas unidades litoestatigráficas da Terra. Os reservatórios carbonáticos são reservas naturalmente fraturadas que exigem uma abordagem diferenciada na modelagem em programas de simulação numérica. Os modelos de dupla porosidade são descritos por funções de tranferências que modelam o fluxo de óleo entre matriz e fraturas. Em um reservatório carbonático naturalmente fraturado o sistema de fraturas é determinante no escoamento de fluidos dentro da reserva. Os maiores reservatórios carbonáticos do mundo estão situados no Oriente Médio e na América do Norte. As maiores reservas de óleo brasileiras encontradas neste tipo de reservatório estão localizadas nos campos do Pré-Sal. No Pré-Sal, um volume significativo de dióxido de carbono é produzido juntamente com o óleo. A disponibilidade de um volume consideravél de dióxido de carbono derivado da produção de óleo no Pré-Sal favorece a utilização dos processos de EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) por injeção de gás. O processo de injeção de dióxido de carbono vem sendo utilizado em uma grande quantidade de projetos pelo mundo. A afinidade existente entre o óleo e o dióxido de carbono causa uma frente miscível entre as duas fases causando inchamento e vaporização do óleo dentro do reservatório. Para o estudo, foi utilizado um modelo base de reservatório de dupla-porosidade, desenvolvido pela CMG para o 6° Projeto de Soluções Comparativas da SPE, que modela sistemas de fraturas e de matriz e a tranferência de massa fluida entre elas, características de reservatórios naturalmente fraturados. Foi feita uma análise da injeção de diferentes vazões de dióxido de carbono no modelo base e em modelos semelhantes, com aumento e redução de 5 e 0.5 pontos nas propriedades de porosidade e permeabilidade da matriz, respectivamente, tendo a produção de óleo como resultado. A injeção de 25 milhões de pés cúbicos por dia de CO2 foi a vazão que obteve a melhor fator de recuperação


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Current workplace demands newer forms of literacies that go beyond the ability to decode print. These involve not only competence to operate digital tools, but also the ability to create, represent, and share meaning in different modes and formats; ability to interact, collaborate and communicate effectively using digital tools, and engage critically with technology for developing oneâs knowledge, skills, and full participation in civic, economic, and personal matters. This essay examines the application of the ecology of resources (EoR) model for delivering language learning outcomes (in this case, English) through blended classroom environments that use contextually available resources. The author proposes the implementation of the EoR model in blended learning environments to create authentic and sustainable learning environments for skilling courses. Applying the EoR model to Indian skilling instruction contexts, the article discusses how English language and technology literacy can be delivered using contextually available resources through a blended classroom environment. This would facilitate not only acquisition of language and digital literacy outcomes, but also consequent content literacy gain to a certain extent. This would ensure satisfactory achievement of not only communication/language literacy and technological literacy, but also active social participation, lifelong learning, and learner autonomy.