972 resultados para EMOTIONAL RESPONSES


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It has been claimed that the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be ameliorated by eye-movement desensitization-reprocessing therapy (EMD-R), a procedure that involves the individual making saccadic eye-movements while imagining the traumatic event. We hypothesized that these eye-movements reduce the vividness of distressing images by disrupting the function of the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory, and that by doing so they reduce the intensity of the emotion associated with the image. This hypothesis was tested by asking non-PTSD participants to form images of neutral and negative pictures under dual task conditions. Their images were less vivid with concurrent eye-movements and with a concurrent spatial tapping task that did not involve eye-movements. In the first three experiments, these secondary tasks did not consistently affect participants' emotional responses to the images. However, Expt 4 used personal recollections as stimuli for the imagery task, and demonstrated a significant reduction in emotional response under the same dual task conditions. These results suggest that, if EMD-R works, it does so by reducing the vividness and emotiveness of traumatic images via the VSSP of working memory. Other visuospatial tasks may also be of therapeutic value.


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Objectives. Intrusive memories of extreme trauma can disrupt a stepwise approach to imaginal exposure. Concurrent tasks that load the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory reduce the vividness of recalled images. This study tested whether relief of distress from competing VSSP tasks during imaginal exposure is at the cost of impaired desensitization. Design. This study examined repeated exposure to emotive memories using 18 unselected undergraduates and a within-subjects design with three exposure conditions (Eye Movement, Visual Noise, Exposure Alone) in random, counterbalanced order. Method. At baseline, participants recalled positive and negative experiences, and rated the vividness and emotiveness of each image. A different positive and negative recollection was then used for each condition. Vividness and emotiveness were rated after each of eight exposure trials. At a post-exposure session 1 week later, participants rated each image without any concurrent task. Results. Consistent with previous research, vividness and distress during imaging were lower during Eye Movements than in Exposure Alone, with passive visual interference giving intermediate results. A reduction in emotional responses from Baseline to Post was of similar size for the three conditions. Conclusion. Visuospatial tasks may offer a temporary response aid for imaginal exposure without affecting desensitization.


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Mestrado em Marketing


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the Stanford University from January until June 2007. Music is well known for affecting human emotional states, yet the relationship between specific musical parameters and emotional responses is still not clear. With the advent of new human-computer interaction (HCI) technologies, it is now possible to derive emotion-related information from physiological data and use it as an input to interactive music systems. Providing such implicit musical HCI will be highly relevant for a number of applications including music therapy, diagnosis, nteractive gaming, and physiologically-based musical instruments. A key question in such physiology-based compositions is how sound synthesis parameters can be mapped to emotional states of valence and arousal. We used both verbal and heart rate responses to evaluate the affective power of five musical parameters. Our results show that a significant correlation exists between heart rate and the subjective evaluation of well-defined musical parameters. Brightness and loudness showed to be arousing parameters on subjective scale while harmonicity and even partial attenuation factor resulted in heart rate changes typically associated to valence. This demonstrates that a rational approach to designing emotion-driven music systems for our public installations and music therapy applications is possible.


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Serotonergic and endocannabinoid systems are important substrates for the control of emotional behavior and growing evidence show an involvement in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. In the present study, the absence of the activity of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor impaired serotonergic negative feedback in mice. Thus, in vivo microdialysis experiments revealed increased basal 5-HT extracellular levels and attenuated fluoxetine-induced increase of 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex of CB1 knockout compared to wild-type mice. These observations could be related to the significant reduction in the 5-HT transporter binding site density detected in frontal cortex and hippocampus of CB1 knockout mice. The lack of CB1 receptor also altered some 5-HT receptors related to the 5-HT feedback. Extracellular recordings in the dorsal raphe nucleus revealed that the genetic and pharmacological blockade of CB1 receptor induced a 5-HT1A autoreceptor functional desensitization. In situ hybridization studies showed a reduction in the expression of the 5-HT2C receptor within several brain areas related to the control of the emotional responses, such as the dorsal raphe nucleus, the nucleus accumbens and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, whereas an overexpression was observed in the CA3 area of the ventral hippocampus. These results reveal that the lack of CB1 receptor induces a facilitation of the activity of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus by altering different components of the 5-HT feedback as well as an increase in 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex in mice.


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Lorsqu'un individu est confronté à une situation stressante, une des réponses les plus saillantes est l'activation de l'axe HPA, caractérisée par le déclenchement d'un taux élevé de glucocorticoïdes dans le sang. De manière générale, cette réponse hormonale est adaptative et elle a pour but la mobilisation des ressources physiques et cognitives de l'individu pour une action spécifique (Axelrod & Reisine, 1984; Chrousos & Gold, 1992; N. M. Kaplan, 1988; McEwen, 2004). Cependant, lorsque une personne est confrontée très tôt dans son développement, et de manière répétée, à des situations de stress, cette réponse physiologique peut s'altérer, devenir inadaptée (Anand, 1993; Bremner et al., 1995; Meaney et al., 1996; Mirescu, Peters, & Gould, 2004; Plotsky & Meaney, 1993; Sapolsky, 2000) et être associée à des troubles cognitifs (McEwen & Sapolsky, 1995) et émotionnels (McEwen, 2000). A l'âge adulte, le résultat de ces altérations psychoneuroendocriniennes se traduit au cours de l'activation de l'axe HPA et elles sont visibles lors de situations de stress moins intenses (Graham, Heim, Goodman, Miller, & Nemeroff, 1999; Mirescu et al., 2004; Stam, Bruijnzeel, & Wiegant, 2000; A. Taylor, Fisk, & Glover, 2000). La dysregulation de l'axe HPA semble représenter un facteur de vulnérabilité lié à des dysfonctionnements psychiques et physiologiques chez les adultes (Heim, Ehlert, & Hellhammer, 2000; Heim & Nemeroff, 1999; Heim, Newport, Mletzko, Miller, & Hemeroff, 2008). Cependant, des facteurs de protection peuvent influencer à leur tour ces vulnérabilités. La littérature, basée sur des études translationnelles (animaux, humains), converge vers le postulat selon lequel la dimension relationnelle apportée par l'environnement est fondamentale dans le développement des vulnérabilités physiologiques et psychiques du sujet. Dans ce sens, les relations d'attachement ont été particulièrement étudiées. A l'âge adulte, par exemple, la qualité des représentations d'attachement semble influencer directement l'expression de gènes impliqués dans les réponses hormonales de stress (Biagini, Pich, Carani, Marrama, & Agnati, 1998; Caldji, Diorio, & Meaney, 2000; Dallman, 2000; De Kloet, Rosenfeld, Van Eekelen, Sutanto, & Levine, 1988; Rincon-Cortes & Sullivan, 2014; Romeo, Tang, & Sullivan, 2009; van Oers, de Kloet, Whelan, & Levine, 1998), illustrant ainsi une perspective épigénétique. Traumatismes précoces et réponses de stress, leur association avec la santé mentale, l'attachement et l'ocytocine Deux objectifs principaux définissent ce travail de doctorat. Le premier est de comprendre comment un événement à portée traumatique, qui a eu lieu pendant la période périnatale, l'enfance ou l'adolescence, peut s'inscrire au niveau physiologique (axe hypotalamico- hypophysaire-surrénalien - axe HPA), au niveau psychopathologique ou encore au niveau de la régulation émotionnelle au cours de l'âge adulte. A ce propos, nous avons évalué les réponses physiologiques (telles que le Cortisol, l'ACTH et l'ocytocine), la présence de psychopathologies (relatives à l'axe I du DSM-IV) et les réponses émotionnelles (telles que la perception au stress) au cours d'une situation de stress de nature psychosociale, induite en laboratoire. Le deuxième objectif de ce travail est de savoir si les représentations d'attachement peuvent médiatiser ces effets, chez des individus exposés à différents événements à portée traumatique. Dans ce but, trois populations ont été considérées. La première est relative à des jeunes adultes nés grands prématurés ; la deuxième, concerne des femmes adultes ayant vécu un ou plusieurs abus sexuels au cours de leur enfance ou de leur adolescence et enfin la troisième est constituée de personnes adultes qui ont survécu à une maladie grave (cancer) pendant leur enfance ou leur adolescence. Enfin, ces trois populations sont comparées à des groupes contrôle. La prise en considération de différents types de traumatismes a permis de relever : premièrement, qu'un événement à portée traumatique de nature différente, peut influencer de manière semblable les structures neuronales, par exemple l'hypocortisolémie ; deuxièmement, qu'un dysfonctionnement de l'axe HPA n'aboutit pas nécessairement à la présence de signes de souffrance mentale ; enfin, des effets protecteurs ont été mis en évidence. Ces facteurs sont sous-tendus, d'un point de vue psychologique, par les représentations d'attachement et, d'un point de vue physiologique, par la sécrétion d'ocytocjne périphérique. Traumatismes précoces et réponses de stress, leur association avec la santé mentale, l'attachement et l'ocytocine -- When an individual is faced by a stressful situation, one of the most notable responses is the activation of the HPA axis, which is characterized by a heightened level of glucocortisoids in the blood. In general, this is an adaptive hormonal response which prepares the individual both physically and cognitively for a specific action (Axelrod & Reisine, 1984; Chrousos & Gold, 1992; N. M. Kaplan, 1988; McEwen, 2004). However, should a person be confronted to stressful situations very early and repeatedly in their development, this physiologic response may be altered and become maladapted (Anand, 1993; Bremner et al., 1995; Meaney et al., 1996; Mirescu et al., 2004; Plotsky & Meaney, 1993; Sapolsky, 2000) which can be associated to emotional (McEwen, 2000) and cognitive disorders(McEwen & Sapolsky, 1995). Throughout adulthood, the result of these psychoneuroendocrine alterations affects the activation of the HPA axis and are noticeable during less intense stressful situations (Graham et al., 1999; Mirescu et al., 2004; Stam et al., 2000; A. Taylor et al., 2000). HPA axis dysregulation appears to represent a factor of vulnerability linked to psychological and physical disorders in adults (Heim, Ehlert, et al., 2000; Heim & Nemeroff, 1999; Heim, Newport, et al., 2008). Nonetheless, these vulnerabilities may be influenced by further protection factors. The literature, based on translational studies (animals and humans), suggests that relationships formed in the context of the individual's environment are fundamental in the development of their physiological and psychological vulnerabilities. Thus, attachment relationships have been particularly studied. In adulthood, for example, the quality of attachment representations appear to influence directly the expression of genes involved in the hormonal responses to stress (Biagini et al., 1998; Caldji et al., 2000; Dallman, 2000; De Kloet et al., 1988; Rincon-Cortes & Sullivan, 2014; Romeo et al., 2009; van Oers et al., 1998). With the goal to study these dimensions, two principal objectives define these doctoral study. The first is to understand how an event considered to be traumatic, which took place during early infancy, infancy, or adolescence, could influence physiology (HPA axis), psychopathology or emotional regulation during adulthood. Therefore we have evaluated the presence of psychopathologies (relative to axis I of the DSM), physiological responses (such as Cortisol, ACTH and oxytocin) and emotional responses (such as perception of stress) throughout a psychosocial stress situation, conducted in a laboratory setting. The second objective of this study is to understand if attachment representations can mediate these effects, in individuals exposed to three different types of traumatic events. Therefore, three populations have been considered. The first is young adults who were born prematurely; the second concerns adult women who have suffered sexual abuse, on one or more occasions, during their childhood or adolescence; finally the third group is constituted of people who have survived a grave childhood illness. These populations were all compared to control groups. The consideration of different types of traumatic events has demonstrated, firstly, that different events which are considered to be traumatic can similarly influence neuronal structures, for example hypocortisolism. Secondly, that an HPA axis disorder does not necessarily lead to the presence of mental signs of distress, as is the case for those born very prematurely. Finally, protective effects were demonstrated, distinctively from a psychological point of view, by attachment representations and furthermore by peripheral oxytocin secretion from a physiological perspective.


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This article is a transcription of an electronic symposium in which active researchers were invited by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) to discuss the advances of the last decade in the neurobiology of emotion. Four basic questions were debated: 1) What are the most critical issues/questions in the neurobiology of emotion? 2) What do we know for certain about brain processes involved in emotion and what is controversial? 3) What kinds of research are needed to resolve these controversial issues? 4) What is the relationship between learning, memory and emotion? The focus was on the existence of different neural systems for different emotions and the nature of the neural coding for the emotional states. Is emotion the result of the interaction of different brain regions such as the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, or the periaqueductal gray matter or is it an emergent property of the whole brain neural network? The relationship between unlearned and learned emotions was also discussed. Are the circuits of the former the underpinnings of the latter? It was pointed out that much of what we know about emotions refers to aversively motivated behaviors, like fear and anxiety. Appetitive emotions should attract much interest in the future. The learning and memory relationship with emotions was also discussed in terms of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, innate and learned fear, contextual cues inducing emotional states, implicit memory and the property of using this term for animal memories. In a general way it could be said that learning modifies the neural circuits through which emotional responses are expressed.


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We determined the effect of the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone on aggression, emotion, feeder control, and eating behavior in high and low aggression female pigeons maintained at 80% of their normal weight and exposed to food competition interactions. Pigeons were divided into pairs by previously ranked high aggression (total time spent in offensive aggression exceeding 60 s/5 min; N = 6 pairs) and low aggression females (time spent in offensive aggression less than 10 s/5 min; N = 6 pairs). A pigeon in each pair received an sc dose of naloxone (1 mg kg-1 ml saline-1) and the other animal received the vehicle. Trials (10 min) were performed 30 min after the naloxone/vehicle administration. The naloxone group of high aggression pigeons showed lower scores of total time spent in offensive aggression (control: 98.6 ± 12.0; naloxone: 46.8 ± 6.6 s; P < 0.05) and higher scores of time spent in emotional responses (control: 3.5 ± 0.6; naloxone: 10.8 ± 2.4 s; P < 0.05) than controls. The other behaviors scored, feeder control and eating behavior, were not affected in this group. The naloxone group of low aggression pigeons, however, showed higher scores of offensive aggression than their controls (5.3 ± 1.3; naloxone: 28.7 ± 8.0 s; P < 0.05). The present results suggest that opiate receptor mechanisms are implicated in offensive aggression responses in high and low aggression pigeons. However, as reported for brain 5-hydroxytryptamine manipulation and GABA-A-benzodiazepine receptor manipulation, the effect of the opiate receptor antagonist on food competition aggression in pigeons was related to their pretreatment level of aggression.


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The combined influence of tempo and mode on emotional responses to music was studied by crossing 7 changes in mode with 3 changes in tempo. Twenty-four musicians aged 19 to 25 years (12 males and 12 females) and 24 nonmusicians aged 17 to 25 years (12 males and 12 females) were required to perform two tasks: 1) listening to different musical excerpts, and 2) associating an emotion to them such as happiness, serenity, fear, anger, or sadness. ANOVA showed that increasing the tempo strongly affected the arousal (F(2,116) = 268.62, mean square error (MSE) = 0.6676, P < 0.001) and, to a lesser extent, the valence of emotional responses (F(6,348) = 8.71, MSE = 0.6196, P < 0.001). Changes in modes modulated the affective valence of the perceived emotions (F(6,348) = 4.24, MSE = 0.6764, P < 0.001). Some interactive effects were found between tempo and mode (F (1,58) = 115.6, MSE = 0.6428, P < 0.001), but, in most cases, the two parameters had additive effects. This finding demonstrates that small changes in the pitch structures of modes modulate the emotions associated with the pieces, confirming the cognitive foundation of emotional responses to music.


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It is well recognized that stressful experiences promote robust emotional memories, which are well remembered. The amygdaloid complex, principally the basolateral complex (BLA), plays a pivotal role in fear memory and in the modulation of stress-induced emotional responses. A large number of reports have revealed that GABAergic interneurons provide a powerful inhibitory control of the activity of projecting glutamatergic neurons in the BLA. Indeed, a reduced GABAergic control in the BLA is essential for the stress-induced influence on the emergence of associative fear memory and on the generation of long-term potentiation (LTP) in BLA neurons. The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) subfamily of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway in the BLA plays a central role in the consolidation process and synaptic plasticity. In support of the view that stress facilitates long-term fear memory, stressed animals exhibited a phospho-ERK2 (pERK2) increase in the BLA, suggesting the involvement of this mechanism in the promoting influence of threatening stimuli on the consolidation fear memory. Moreover, the occurrence of reactivation-induced lability is prevented when fear memory is encoded under intense stressful conditions since the memory trace remains immune to disruption after recall in previously stressed animals. Thus, the underlying mechanism in retrieval-induced instability seems not to be functional in memories formed under stress. All these findings are indicative that stress influences both the consolidation and reconsolidation fear memory processes. Thus, it seems reasonable to propose that the emotional state generated by an environmental challenge critically modulates the formation and maintenance of long-term fear memory.


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Each year, the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) requires all registered nurses and registered practical nurses in Ontario to complete a Reflective Practice learning activity. In doing so, nurses are expected to perform a self- assessment, identify a practice problem or issue, create and implement a personal learning plan, and evaluate the learning and outcomes accomplished. The process and components of CNO's Reflective Practice program are very similar to an Action Learning activity. The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore the perceptions of 1 1 nurses who completed at least 1 Action Learning activity. Data analysis of their comments provided insight into their perceptions of the Action Learning experience, perceptions of the negative and positive characteristics of various activities within the Action Learning process, and perceptions of barriers or challenges within this experience. The author concluded that participants perceived their Action Learning activities to be a positive experience because the process focused on practice problems and issues, enhanced thinking about practice problems, and achieved practice-relevant outcomes. However, the results indicated that self-directed learning and journal writing were difficult activities for some participants, and some experienced negative emotional responses during reflection. The research concluded that barriers to implementation of Action Learning include a lack of understanding of the process and a perceived lack of support from employers.


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This paper explores the cognitive functions of the Reality Status Evaluation (RSE) system in our experiences of narrative mediated messages (NMM) (fictional, narrative, audio-visual one-way input and moving picture messages), such as fictional TV programs and films. We regard reality in mediated experiences as a special mental and emotional construction and a multi-dimensional concept. We argue that viewers' reality sense in NMM is influenced by many factors with "real - on" as the default value. Some of these factors function as primary mental processes, including the content realism factors of those messages such as Factuality (F), Social Realism (SR), Life Relevance (LR), and Perceptual Realism - involvement (PR), which would have direct impacts on reality evaluations. Other factors, such as Narrative Meaning (NM), Emotional Responses, and personality trait Absorption (AB), will influence the reality evaluations directly or through the mediations of these main dimensions. I designed a questionnaire to study this theoretical construction. I developed items to form scales and sub-scales measuring viewers' subjective experiences of reality evaluations and these factors. Pertinent statistical techniques, such as internal consistency and factorial analysis, were employed to make revisions and improve the quality of the questionnaire. In the formal experiment, after viewing two short films, which were selected as high or low narrative structure messages from previous experiments, participants were required to answer the questionnaire, Absorption questionnaire, and SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin, measuring immediate emotional responses). Results were analyzed using the EQS, structural equation modeling (SEM), and discussed in terms oflatent relations among these subjective factors in mediated experience. The present results supported most of my theoretical hypotheses. In NMM, three main jactors, or dimensions, could be extracted in viewers' subjective reality evaluations: Social Realism (combining with Factuality), Life Relevance and Perceptual Realism. I designed two ways to assess viewers' understanding of na"ative meanings in mediated messages, questionnaire (NM-Q) and rating (NM-R) measurement, and its significant influences on reality evaluations was supported in the final EQS models. Particularly in high story stnlcture messages, the effect of Narrative Meaning (NM) can rarely be explained by only these dimensions of reality evaluations. Also, Empathy seems to playa more important role in RSE of low story structure messages. Also, I focused on two other factors that were pertinent to RSE in NMM, the personality trait Absorption, and Emotional Responses (including two dimensions: Valence and Intensity). Final model results partly supported my theoretical hypotheses about the relationships among Absorption (AB), Social Realism (SR) and Life Relevance (LR); and the immediate impact of Emotional Responses on Perceptual Realism cPR).


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Ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) are emitted by rats in a number of social situations such as aggressive encounters, during sexual behavior, and during play in young rats, situations which are predominantly associated with strong emotional responses. These USV typically involve two distinct types of calls: 22 kHz calls, which are emitted in aversive situations and 50 kHz calls, which are emitted in non-aversive, appetitive situation. The 50 kHz calls are the focus of the present study and to date both the glutamatergic and the dopaminergic systems have been independently implicated in the production of these 50 kHz calls. The present study was conducted to examine a possible relationship between glutamate (GLU) and dopamine (DA) in mediating 50 kHz calls. It was hypothesized that the dopaminergic system plays a mediating role in 50 kHz calls induced by injections ofGLU into the anterior hypothalamic/preoptic area (AHPOA) in adult rats. A total of 68 adult male rats were used in this study. Rats' USV were recorded and analyzed in five experiments that were designed to test the hypothesis: in experiment 1, rats were treated with systemic amphetamine (AMPH) alone; in experiment 2, intra- AHPOA GLU was pretreated with systemic AMPH; in experiment 3, intra-AHPOA GLU was pretreated with intra-AHPOA AMPH; in experiment 4, rats were treated with high and low doses of intra-AHPOA AMPH only; in experiment 5, rats were treated with systemic haloperidol (HAL) as a pretreatment for intra-AHPOA GLU. Analysis of the results indicated that AMPH has a facilitatory effect on 50 kHz USV and that a relationship between DA and GLU in inducing 50 kHz calls does exist. The effect, however, was only observed when DA receptors were antagonized with HAL and was not seen with systemic AMPH pretreatments of intra-AHPOA GLU. The DAGLU relationship at the AHPOA was unclear.


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Event-related potentials were recorded from 10-year-old children and young adults in order to examine the developmental dififerences in two frontal lobe functions: detection of novel stimuli during an auditory novelty oddball task, and error detection during a visual flanker task. All participants showed a parietally-maximal P3 in response to auditory stimuli. In children, novel stimuli generated higher P3 amplitudes at the frontal site compared with target stimuli, whereas target stimuli generated higher P3 amplitudes at the parietal site compared with novel stimuli. Adults, however, had higher P3 amplitude to novel tones compared with target tones at each site. Children also had greater P3 amplitude at more parietal sites than adults during the novelty oddball and flanker tasks. Furthermore, children and adults did not show a significant reduction in P3 amplitude from the first to second novel stimulus presentation. No age differences were found with respect to P3 latency to novel and target stimuli. These findings suggest that the detection of novel and target stimuli is mature in 10-year-olds. Error trials typically elicit a negative ERP deflection (the ERN) with a frontal-central scalp distribution that may reflect response monitoring. There is also evidence of a positive ERP peak (the Pe) with a posterior scalp distribution which may reflect subjective recognition of a response. Both children and adults showed an ERN and Pe maximal at frontal-central sites. Children committed more errors, had smaller ERN across sites, and had a larger Pe at the parietal site than adults. This suggests that response monitoring is still immature in 10-year-olds whereas recognition of and emotional responses to errors may be similar in children and adults.


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The effects of a complexly worded counterattitudinal appeal on laypeople's attitudes toward a legal issue were examined, using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion as a theoretical framework. This model states that persuasion can result from the elaboration and scrutiny of the message arguments (i.e., central route processing), or can result from less cognitively effortful strategies, such as relying on source characteristics as a cue to message validity (i.e., peripheral route processing). One hundred and sixty-seven undergraduates (85 men and 81 women) listened to eitller a low status or high status source deliver a counterattitudinal speech on a legal issue. The speech was designed to contain strong or weak arguments. These arguments were 'worded in a simple and, therefore, easy to comprehend manner, or in a complex and, therefore, difficult to comprehend manner. Thus, there were three experimental manipulations: argument comprehensibility (easy to comprehend vs. difficult to comprehend), argumel11 strength (weak vs. strong), and source status (low vs. high). After listening to tIle speec.J] participants completed a measure 'of their attitude toward the legal issue, a thought listil1g task, an argument recall task,manipulation checks, measures of motivation to process the message, and measures of mood. As a result of the failure of the argument strength manipulation, only the effects of the comprehel1sibility and source status manipulations were tested. There was, however, some evidence of more central route processing in the easy comprehension condition than in the difficult comprehension condition, as predicted. Significant correlations were found between attitude and favourable and unfavourable thoughts about the legal issue with easy to comprehend arguments; whereas, there was a correlation only between attitude and favourable thoughts 11 toward the issue with difficult to comprehend arguments, suggesting, perhaps, that central route processing, \vhich involves argument scrutiny and elaboration, occurred under conditions of easy comprehension to a greater extent than under conditions of difficult comprehension. The results also revealed, among other findings, several significant effects of gender. Men had more favourable attitudes toward the legal issue than did women, men recalled more arguments from the speech than did women, men were less frustrated while listening to the speech than were ,vomen, and men put more effort into thinking about the message arguments than did women. When the arguments were difficult to comprehend, men had more favourable thoughts and fewer unfavourable thoughts about the legal issue than did women. Men and women may have had different affective responses to the issue of plea bargaining (with women responding more negatively than men), especially in light of a local and controversial plea bargain that occurred around the time of this study. Such pre-existing gender differences may have led to tIle lower frustration, the greater effort, the greater recall, and more positive attitudes for men than for WOlnen. Results· from this study suggest that current cognitive models of persuasion may not be very applicable to controversial issues which elicit strong emotional responses. Finally, these data indicate that affective responses, the controversial and emotional nature ofthe issue, gender and other individual differences are important considerations when experts are attempting to persuade laypeople toward a counterattitudinal position.