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The photoinduced electron transfer processes in a nanoheterostructured semiconductor assembly are complex and depend on various parameters Of the constituents of the assembly. We present here the ultrafast electron transfer characteristics of an assembly comprised of a Wide band semiconductor, titanium dioxide (TiO2), attached to light-harvesting cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanotrystals of varying crystallographic phase content. Quantitative analysis of Synchrotron high-resolution X-ray. diffraction data of CdS nanocrystals precisely reveals the presence of both wurtzite and zinc blende phases in varying amounts. The,estimated content of crystal phases is observed to be strongly dependent on an important synthesis parameter, viz., the ratio of the two solvents. The biphasit nature of CdS influences directly the shape of the nanocrystal at long reaction times as well as the transfer of the photoexcited electrons from the CdS to TiO2 as obtained from transient absorption spectroscopy. A higher amount of zinc blende Phase is observed to be beneficial for fast electron transfer across the CdS-TiO2 interface. The electron transfer rate constant differs by one order of magnitude between the CdS nanocryStals and varies linearly with the fraction of the phases.


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A semisynthetic binuclear metalloprotein has been prepared by appending the pentaammineruthenium moiety to histidine 39 of the cytochrome c from the yeast Candida krusei. The site of ruthenium binding was identified by peptide mapping. Spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of the derivative indicate the protein conformation is unperturbed by the modification. A preliminary (minimum) rate constant of 170s^(-1) has been determined for the intramolecular electron transfer from ruthenium(II) to iron(III), which occurs over a distance of at least 13Å (barring major conformational changes). Electrochemical studies indicate that this reaction should proceed with a driving force of ~170mV. The rate constant is an order of magnitude faster than that observed in horse heart cytochrome c for intramolecular electron transfer from pentaammineruthenium(II)(histidine 33) to iron(III) (over a similar distance, and with a similar driving force), suggesting a medium or orientation effect makes the Candida intramolecular electron transfer more favorable.


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Three separate topics, each stimulated by experiments, are treated theoretically in this dessertation: isotopic effects of ozone, electron transfer at interfaces, and intramolecular directional electron transfer in a supramolecular system.

The strange mass-independent isotope effect for the enrichment of ozone, which has been a puzzle in the literature for some 20 years, and the equally puzzling unconventional strong mass-dependent effect of individual reaction rate constants are studied as different aspects of a symmetry-driven behavior. A statistical (RRKM-based) theory with a hindered-rotor transition state is used. The individual rate constant ratios of recombination reactions at low pressures are calculated using the theory involving (1) small deviation from the statistical density of states for symmetric isotopomers, and (2) weak collisions for deactivation of the vibrationally excited ozone molecules. The weak collision and partitioning among exit channels play major roles in producing the large unconventional isotope effect in "unscrambled" systems. The enrichment studies reflect instead the non-statistical effect in "scrambled" systems. The theoretical results of low-pressure ozone enrichments and individual rate constant ratios obtained from these calculations are consistent with the corresponding experimental results. The isotopic exchange rate constant for the reaction ^(16)O + ^(18)O ^(18)O→+ ^(16)O ^(18)O + ^(18)O provides information on the nature of a variationally determined hindered-rotor transition state using experimental data at 130 K and 300 K. Pressure effects on the recombination rate constant, on the individual rate constant ratios and on the enrichments are also investigated. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data. The temperature dependence of the enrichment and rate constant ratios is also discussed, and experimental tests are suggested. The desirability of a more accurate potential energy surface for ozone in the transition state region is also noted.

Electron transfer reactions at semiconductor /liquid interfaces are studied using a tight-binding model for the semiconductors. The slab method and a z-transform method are employed in obtaining the tight-binding electronic structures of semiconductors having surfaces. The maximum electron transfer rate constants at Si/viologen^(2-/+) and InP /Me_(2)Fc^(+/O) interfaces are computed using the tight-binding type calculations for the solid and the extended-Huckel for the coupling to the redox agent at the interface. These electron transfer reactions are also studied using a free electron model for the semiconductor and the redox molecule, where Bardeen's method is adapted to calculate the coupling matrix element between the molecular and semiconductor electronic states. The calculated results for maximum rate constant of the electron transfer from the semiconductor bulk states are compared with the experimentally measured values of Lewis and coworkers, and are in reasonable agreement, without adjusting parameters. In the case of InP /liquid interface, the unusual current vs applied potential behavior is additionally interpreted, in part, by the presence of surface states.

Photoinduced electron transfer reactions in small supramolecular systems, such as 4-aminonaphthalimide compounds, are interesting in that there are, in principle, two alternative pathways (directions) for the electron transfer. The electron transfer, however, is unidirectional, as deduced from pH-dependent fluorescence quenching studies on different compounds. The role of electronic coupling matrix element and the charges in protonation are considered to explain the directionality of the electron transfer and other various results. A related mechanism is proposed to interpret the fluorescence behavior of similar molecules as fluorescent sensors of metal ions.


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In this paper, it was found that glucose oxidase (GOD) has been stably immobilized on glassy carbon electrode modified with mesoporous carbon FDU-15 (MC-FDU-15) and Nafion by simple technique. The sorption behavior of GOD immobilized on MC-FDU-15 matrix was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis), FTIR, respectively, which demonstrated that MC-FDU-15 could facilitate the electron exchange between the active center of GOD and electrode. The direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis behavior of GOD on the modified electrode were characterized by cyclic voltammogram (CV) which indicated that GOD immobilized on Nafion and MC-FDU-15 matrices display direct, reversible and surface-controlled redox reaction with an enhanced electron transfer rate constant of 4.095 s(-1) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (PBS) (pH 7.12).


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Investigation of a heterogeneous electron-transfer (ET) reaction at the water/1,2-dichloroethane interface employing a double-barrel micropipet technique is reported. The chosen system was the reaction between Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in the aqueous phase (W) and ferrocene in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE). According to the generation and the collection currents as well as collection efficiency, the ET-ion-transfer (IT) coupling process at such an interface and competing reactions with the organic supporting electrolyte in the organic phase can be studied. In addition, this technique has been found to be an efficient method to distinguish and measure the charge-transfer coupling reaction between two ions (IT-IT) processes occurring simultaneously at a liquid/liquid interface. On this basis, the formal Gibbs energies of transfer of some ions across the W/DCE interface, such as NO3-, NO2-, Cl-, COO-, TBA(+), IPAs+, Cs+, Rb+, K+, Na+, and Li+, for which their direct transfers are usually difficult to obtain because of the IT-IT coupling processes, were quantitatively evaluated.


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Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is employed to investigate the effect of solution viscosity on the rate constants of electron transfer (ET) reaction between potassium ferricyanide in water and 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) in 1,2-dichloroethane. Either tetrabutylammonium (TBA(+)) or ClO4- is chosen as the common ion in both phases to control the interfacial potential drop. The rate constant of heterogeneous ET reaction between TCNQ and ferrocyanide produced in-situ, k(12), is evaluated by SECM and is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the aqueous solution and directly proportional to the diffusion coefficient of K4Fe(CN)(6) in water when the concentration of TCNQ in the DCE phase is in excess. The k(12) dependence on viscosity is explained in terms of the longitudinal relaxation time of the solution. The rate constant of the heterogeneous ET reaction between TCNQ and ferricyanide, k(21), is also obtained by SECM and these results cannot be explained by the same manner.


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We synthesized a kind of gold nanoparticle protected by a synthetic lipid (didodecyidimethylammonium bromide, DDAB). With the help of these gold nanoparticles, hemoglobin can exhibit a direct electron transfer (DET) reaction. The formal potential locates at -169 mV vs. Ag/AgCl. Spectral data indicated the hemoglobin on the electrode was not denatured. The lipid-protected gold nanoparticles were very stable (for at least 8 months). Their average diameter is 6.42 nm. It is the first time to use monolayer-protected nanoparticles to realize the direct electrochemistry of protein.


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In this work, we report the findings of a study on scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) to investigate the interfacial electron-transfer (ET) reaction between the 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane radical anion (TCNQ(.-)) in 1,2-dichloroethane and ferricyanide in an ice-like matrix (a mixture of insulting ice and conductive liquid) under low temperatures. Experimental results indicate that the formed liquid/ice-like matrix interface is superficially similar in electrochemical characteristics to a liquid/liquid interface at temperatures above -20 degreesC. Furthermore, imaging data show that the surface of the ice-like matrix is microscopically flat and physically stable and can be applied as either a conductive or an insulting substrate for SECM studies. Perchlorate ion was selected as the common ion in both phases, the concentrations of which controlled the interfacial potential difference. The effect of perchlorate concentration in the DCE phase on interfacial reactions has been studied in detail. The apparent heterogeneous rate constants for TCNQ(.-) oxidation by Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in another phase under different temperatures have been calculated by a best-fit analysis, where the experimental approach curves are compared with the theoretically derived relationships. Reaction rate data obey Butler-Volmer formulation before and after the freezing point, which is similar to most other known cases of ET reactions at liquid/liquid interfaces. However, there is a sharp change observed for heterogeneous rate constants around the freezing point of the aqueous phase, which reflects the phase transition. At temperatures below -20 degreesC, surface-confined voltammograms for the reduction of ferricyanide were obtained, and the ice-like matrix became an insulating one, which indicates that the aqueous phase is really a frozen phase.


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It was found that at neutral pH the hydroxylation reaction rate of phenol was accelerated with an increase of the amounts of 1,4-quinone (1,4-BQ), This acceleration was ascribed to the formation of semiquinone from 1,4-BQ. The semiquinone and 1,4-BQ were suggested to play a role of actual oxidant (electron transfer) in the catalytic cycle. With further reaction, most 1,4-BQ was converted into 1,4-hydroquinone (HQ) and the corresponding mechanism was proposed.


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Phorsphors of BaY2F8 : Ce3+, BaY2F8: EU2+ and BaY2F8 : Ce, Eu were prepared by higher temperature solid reaction and their excitation, emission and diffuse reflection spectra were made. We firstly found that the competition of energy transfer from Ce3+ to Eu2+ and electron transfer from Ce3+ to EU3+ existed in CeF3 and EuF3-co-doped BaY2F8 systems. The f-f transition emission of EU2+ was increased with increasing x in systems BaY2F8 : 0. 03Ce, xEU. Ce4+ ions coexist,with Ce3+ ions and substitute Y3+ for Ce4+ in the systems BaY2F8 : Eu, Cc.


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This paper presents a microelectrode voltammetric determination of heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants (k(s)) and diffusion coefficients (D) of 7,7,8',8 '-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) in polyelectrolytes. The diffusion coefficients are estimated using cyclic voltammetry under linear diffusion conditions, and the heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants are obtained under mixed linear and radial diffusion in the polyelectrolyte. k(s) and D increase with increasing temperature, and the activation barriers of the electrode reaction for reduction of TCNQ are obtained. On the other hand, the dependencies of D and k(s) of TCNQ on the size and charge of the counterion are compared in the polyelectrolyte. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The monolayer of cytochrome c oxidase maintaining physiological activity and attached covalently to the self-assembled monolayers of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) on a gold electrode was obtained. The results of cyclic voltammetry show that direct electron transfer between cytochrome c oxidase and the electrode surface is a fast and diffusionless process. MPA has a dual role as both electrode modifier and the bridging molecule which: keeps cytochrome c oxidase at an appropriate orientation without denaturation and enables direct electron transfer between the protein and the modified electrode. Immobilized cytochrome c oxidase exhibits biphasic phenomena between the concentration of the electrolyte and the normal potentials; meanwhile its electrochemical behavior is also influenced by the buffer components. The quasi-reversible electron transfer process of cytochrome c oxidase with formal potential 385 mV vs. SHE in 5mM phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.4) corresponds to the redox reaction of cyt a(3) in cytochrome c oxidase, and the heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant obtained is 1.56 s(-1). By cyclic voltammetry measurements, it was observed that oxidation and reduction of cytochrome c in solution were catalyzed by the immobilized cytochrome c oxidase. This cytochrome c oxidase/MPA/Au system provides a good mimetic model to study the physiological functions of membrane-associated enzymes and hopefully to build a third-generation biosensor without using a mediator.


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A glucose oxidase (GOD) electrode with ferrocene (Fc) used as an electron transfer mediator has been described. Using Nafion, Fc was modified on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode surface, and glucose oxidase was then immobilized on the Fc-Nafion film, forming a GOD-Fc-Nafion enzyme electrode. The preparation method was quite simple and rapid. The enzyme electrode showed a reversible reaction of the redox couple (Fc+/Fc), used in a biosensor system, displayed a sensitive catalytic current response (response time was less than 20 s) on variation of the glucose concentration, with a wide linear range up to 16 mM and with good repeatability. The enzyme electrode showed almost no deterioration over the course of three weeks. There was little or no interference from electro-active anions, such as ascorbic acid, to the determination of glucose based on Nafion film and lower oxidizing potentials of the enzyme electrode.


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The review provides insight into the mechanism of ligand substitution and electron transfer (from chromium(III) to iron(III)) by comparison of the reactivity of some tetraazamacrocyclic chromium(III) complexes in the conjugate acid-base forms. Use of two geometrical isomers made possible to estimate the influence of geometry and protolytic reactions in trans and cis position towards the leaving group on the rate enhancement. Studies on the reaction rates in different media demonstrated the role played by outer sphere interactions in a monodentate ligand substitution. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The classic, non-photochemical blue bottle experiment involves the reaction of methylene blue (MB) with deprotonated glucose, to form a bleached form of the dye, leuco-methylene blue (LMB), and subsequent colour recovery by shaking with air. This reaction is a popular demonstrator of key principles in kinetics and reaction mechanisms. Here it is modified so as to highlight features of homogenous and heterogeneous photoinduced electron transfer (PET) (Pure Appl. Chem., 2007, 79, 293-465) reactions, i.e. blue bottle light experiments. The homogeneous blue bottle light experiment uses methylene blue, MB, as the photo-sensitizer and triethanolamine as the sacrificial electron donor. Visible light irradiation of this system leads to its rapid bleaching, followed by the ready restoration of its original colour upon shaking away from the light source. The heterogeneous blue bottle light experiment uses titania as the photo-sensitizer, MB as a redox indicator and glucose as the sacrificial electron donor. UVA light irradiation of this system leads to the rapid bleaching of the MB and the gradual restoration of its original colour with shaking and standing. The latter 'dark' step can be made facile and more demonstrator-friendly by using platinised titania particles. These two photochemical versions of the blue bottle experiment are used to explore the factors which underpin homogeneous and heterogeneous PET reactions and provide useful demonstrations of homogeneous and heterogeneous photochemistry.