793 resultados para ELECTROLYTE-SOLUTIONS


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Transparent SnO2 gels were obtained from SnCl4 aqueous solution. The sol formation from tin oxihydroxy peptization in different concentrations and by electrolyte addition in solution was measured. It was verified that the residual presence of chloride ions compromises the colloidal system stability. The sol-gel transition was investigated as a function of the quantity of solid particles in the aqueous environment and of aging time at 60°C by infrared spectroscopy and rheological measurements. The transition from plastic to pseudoplastic flow observed with the increase in loading suggests that a continuous and three-dimensional network formation is closely related to hydrogen bridges and/or hydrogen clusters, culminating in the gel formation. © 1990.


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Titanium and its alloys are widely used as biomaterials due to their mechanical, chemical and biological properties. To enhance the biocompatibility of titanium alloys, various surface treatments have been proposed. In particular, the formation of titanium oxide nanotubes layers has been extensively examined. According to the literature, it is possible to induce the growth of TiO2 on the surface of titanium, employing the aqueous anodizing electrolyte. This Ti-7.5Mo alloy was anodized in glycerol electrolytes containg 0.25 wt% of NH4F, with variations in time, voltage and calcinations temperature. After anodization, the sample surfaces were analyzed with a field emission scanning electron microscopy, DRX and contact angle measurements. It was possible to observe the formation of TiO2 on the surface and these findings represent a simple surface treatment for Ti alloys that has high potential for biomedical applications. Copyright © 2013 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.


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Photoelectrochemical properties of FTO/BiVO4 electrode were investigated in different electrolytic solutions, potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium sulphate (Na2SO4), and under visible light irradiation condition. In order to accomplish that, an FTO/BiVO4 electrode was built by combining the solution combustion synthesis technique with the dip-coating deposition process. The morphology and structure of the BiVO4 electrode were investigated through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Photoelectrochemical properties were analyzed through chronoamperometry measurements. Results have shown that the FTO/BiVO4 electrode presents higher electroactivity in the electrolyte Na2SO4, leading to better current stabilization, response time, and photoinduced current density, when compared to KCl electrolyte. Besides, this electrode shows excellent performance for methylene blue degradation under visible light irradiation condition. In Na2SO4, the electrode has shown higher degradation rate, 51 %, in contrast to 44 % in KCl, plus higher rate constant, 174 × 10-4 min-1 compared to 150 × 10-4 min-1 in KCl. Results presented in this communication leads to the indication of BiVO4 thin films as alternate materials to use in heterogeneous photoelectrocatalysis, more specifically in decontamination of surface water. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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A series of four different powders ceria doped Ce1-xErxO2-delta (0.05 <= x <= 0.20) were synthesized by applying self-propagating reaction at room temperature (SPRT method). SPRT procedure is based on the self-propagating room temperature reaction between metal nitrates and sodium hydroxide, wherein the reaction is spontaneous and terminates extremely fast. The method is known to assure very precise stoichiometry of the final product in comparison with a tailored composition. XRPD, Raman spectroscopy, TEM and BET measurements were used to characterize the nanopowders at room temperature. It was shown that all obtained powders were single phase solid solutions with a fluorite-type crystal structure and all powder particles have nanometric size (about 3-4 nm). Densification was performed at 1550 degrees C, in an air atmosphere for 2 h. XRPD, SEM and complex impedance method measurements were carried out on sintered samples. Single phase form was evidenced for each sintered materials. The best value of conductivity at 700 degrees C amounted to 1.10 x 10(-2) Omega(-1) cm(-1) for Ce0.85Er0.O-3(2-delta) sample. Corresponding activation energies of conductivity amounted to 0.28 eV in the temperature range 500-700 degrees C. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lesion formation on root surfaces of human posterior teeth was studied in acetate/lactate buffers with a background electrolyte composition based on plaque fluid analyses. Lesion depth after 28 days at 37 degrees C was measured in relation to: the presence or absence of cementum; the concentration of undissociated buffer; the presence or absence of magnesium ions at plaque fluid concentration. Each factor was evaluated at several values of -log(ion activity product for hydroxyapatite): pI(HA). Solutions were formulated to minimize variation in pH, which varied by < or =0.03 for a given comparison (individual pI(HA)) and by 0.42-0.82 over the range of pI(HA) within experiments. Lesions on surfaces from which cementum had been ground were significantly deeper than on intact surfaces, but this is considered to be due to subsurface mechanical damage and not to a solubility difference. Neither the concentration of undissociated buffer nor the presence of magnesium ions significantly affected lesion depth. Lesion depth was strongly influenced by the correlated variations in pI(HA) and pH. At pI(HA) 54 and 55, only extremely shallow lesions formed. From pI(HA) 56, lesion depth increased with increasing pI(HA). The results confirm that the solubility of the mineral of root tissues is higher than that of hydroxyapatite, but indicate that it is probably lower than suggested by Hoppenbrouwers et al. [Arch Oral Biol 1987;32:319-322]. For calcium concentrations of 3-12 mM, the critical pH for root tissue mineral was calculated as 5.22-5.66 assuming solubility equivalent to pI(HA) 54 and 5.08-5.51 assuming pI(HA) 55.


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The detrimental effect of the presence of cobalt upon the current efficiency, in the commercial production of zinc by electrolysis, has been recognized for some time. Most authorities differ upon the maximum amount of cobalt allowable. This is due to the fact that the presence of other impurities either increases or diminishes the detrimental effects of the cobalt. The following tests were made with the object in view of ascertaining the relation, if any, between the amount of cobalt present and the current efficiency during the electrolysis of an otherwise pure zinc sulfate solution. The results obtained from these observations indicate that there is little apparent relation between the cobalt concentration of a given solution of zinc sulfate and the current efficiency that may be obtained on the electrolysis of that solution. For certain cobalt concentrations, however, it was noted that the time factor played an important part.


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Careful examination of the literature available shows that the electrodeposition of manganese from various aqueous solutions has not been attempted to any great extent. The best method for the electrodeposition of pure manganese consists in the electrolysis of a solution con­taining manganous and ammonium sulphates.


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The electrolytic cleaning of metals by anodic methods has been known for many years. It was recognized long ago that when the temperature and concentration of the electro­lyte were properly regulated, bright clean surfaces were obtained.


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BACKGROUND Intravenous fluids are commonly prescribed in childhood. 0.9 % saline is the most-used fluid in pediatrics as resuscitation or maintenance solution. Experimental studies and observations in adults suggest that 0.9 % saline is a poor candidate for fluid resuscitation. Although anesthesiologists, intensive care specialists, perioperative physicians and nephrologists have been the most active in this debate, this issue deserves some physiopathological considerations also among pediatricians. RESULTS As compared with so-called "balanced" salt crystalloids such as lactated Ringer, administration of large volumes of 0.9 % saline has been associated with following deleterious effects: tendency to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis (called dilution acidosis); acute kidney injury with reduced urine output and salt retention; damaged vascular permeability and stiffness, increase in proinflammatory mediators; detrimental effect on coagulation with tendency to blood loss; detrimental gastrointestinal perfusion and function; possible uneasiness at the bedside resulting in unnecessary administration of more fluids. Nevertheless, there is no firm evidence that these adverse effects are clinically relevant. CONCLUSIONS Intravenous fluid therapy is a medicine like insulin, chemotherapy or antibiotics. Prescribing fluids should fit the child's history and condition, consider the right dose at the right rate as well as the electrolyte levels and other laboratory variables. It is unlikely that a single type of fluid will be suitable for all pediatric patients. "Balanced" salt crystalloids, although more expensive, should be preferred for volume resuscitation, maintenance and perioperatively. Lactated Ringer appears unsuitable for patients at risk for brain edema and for those with overt or latent chloride-deficiency. Finally, in pediatrics there is a need for new fluids to be developed on the basis of a better understanding of the physiology and to be tested in well-designed trials.


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Bismuth ultra-thin films grown on n-GaAs electrodes via electrodeposition are porous due to a blockade of the electrode surface caused by adsorbed hydrogen when using acidic electrolytes. In this study, we discuss the existence of two sources of hydrogen adsorption and we propose different routes to unblock the n-GaAs surface in order to improve Bi films compactness. Firstly, we demonstrate that increasing the electrolyte temperature provides compact yet polycrystalline Bi films. Cyclic voltammetry scans indicate that this low crystal quality might be a result of the incorporation of Bi hydroxides within the Bi film as a result of the temperature increase. Secondly, we have illuminated the semiconductor surface to take advantage of photogenerated holes. These photocarriers oxidize the adsorbed hydrogen unblocking the surface, but also create pits at the substrate surface that degrade the Bi/GaAs interface and prevent an epitaxial growth. Finally, we show that performing a cyclic voltammetry scan before electrodeposition enables the growth of compact Bi ultra-thin films of high crystallinity on semiconductor substrates with a doping level low enough to perform transport measurements.


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This paper presents the results of an electrochemical study of the anodic characteristics of arsenopyrite in strongly alkaline solutions and of the cathodic reduction of ferrate( VI) and of dissolved oxygen at an arsenopyrite surface at potentials which are relevant to the oxidation reactions. Cyclic voltammetry at both arsenopyrite disc and arsenopyrite disc/platinum ring electrodes has shown that arsenic(III) is the main product of the anodic process at potentials in the region of the rest potential during oxidation by either ferrate( VI) or oxygen. Evidence for partial passivation of both the anodic and cathodic reactions has been obtained from potentiostatic current - time transients. The initial stage of oxidation by ferrate( VI) has been shown to be mass-transport controlled and this is also true of the oxidation by oxygen in dilute solutions of sodium hydroxide.


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The use of calcium hydroxide for scavenging zincate species is demonstrated to be a highly effective approach for increasing the electrolyte capacity and improving the performance of the zinc-air fuel cell system. A fundamental approach is established in this study to quantify the formation of calcium zincate as the product of scavenging and the amount of water compensation necessary for optimal performance. The good agreement between predicted and experimental results proves the validity of the proposed theoretical approach. By applying the results of theoretical predictions, both the electrolyte capacity and the cell longevity have been increased by more than 40%. It is also found that, using Ca(OH)2 to scavenge zincate species in concentrated KOH solutions, affects mostly the removal of zincate, rather than ZnO, from the electrolyte, whereas the presence of excess, free, mobile H2O plays a key role in dissolving ZnO and forming zincate. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the proposed approach can widely and effectively be applied to all zinc-air cell systems during their discharge cycle.


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The observation of current oscillations under potential sweep conditions when an n-InP electrode is anodized in a KOH electrolyte is reported and compared to the oscillatory behavior noted during anodization in an (NH4)2S electrolyte. In both cases oscillations are observed above 1.7 V (SCE). The charge per cycle was found to increase linearly with potential for the InP/KOH system but was observed to be independent of potential for the InP/(NH4)2S system. The period of the oscillations in the InP/KOH was found to increase with applied potential. In this case the oscillations are asymmetrical and the rising and falling segments have a different dependence on potential. Although the exact mechanism is not yet know for either system, transmission electron microscopy studies show that in both cases, the electrode is covered by a thick porous film in the oscillatory region.


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The surface properties of InP electrodes were examined following anodization in (NH4)2S and KOH electrolytes. In both solutions, the observation of current peaks in the cyclic voltammetric curves was attributed to selective etching of the substrate and a film formation process. AFM images of samples anodized in the sulfide solution, revealed surface pitting and TEM micrographs revealed the porous nature of the film formed on top of the pitted substrate. After anodization in the KOH electrolyte, TEM images revealed that a porous layer extending 500 nm into the substrate had been formed. Analysis of the composition of the anodic products indicates the presence of In2S3 in films grown in (NH4)2S and an In2O3 phase within the porous network formed in KOH.