998 resultados para ECOLOGIA ANIMAL
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The isotopic concentrations of carapace scutes, skin, muscle and blood of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Balearic Archipelago were analysed to investigate the pattern of variation between tissues and to assess the position of this species in the trophic webs of the Algerian Basin. Skin showed higher δ13C values than muscle or carapace scutes and these showed higher values than blood. Conversely, muscle showed higher δ15N values than skin, skin showed higher values than blood and blood showed higher values than carapace scutes. Dead and live sea turtles from the same habitat did not differ in the concentration of stable isotopes. However, some of the tissues of the turtles caught in drifting longlines in the oceanic realm showed higher δ13C values than those from the turtles caught by hand or in trammel nets over the continental shelf, although they did not differ in the δ15N. Comparison of the concentration of stable isotopes in the turtles with that of other species from several areas of the Algerian Basin revealed that they consumed planktonic prey and that the trophic level of the sea turtles was higher than that of carnivorous cnidarians but lower than that of zooplanktophagous fish and crustaceans.
We analysed concentrations of cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium in blood from males and females of the 2 sibling species of giant petrels, the northern Macronectes halli and the southern M. giganteus, breeding sympatrically at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica). Blood samples were collected in 1998 during the incubation period, from 5 November to 10 December. Between species, cadmium and lead concentrations were significantly higher for northern than for southern giant petrels, which probably resulted from northern giant petrels wintering in more polluted areas (mainly on the Patagonian Shelf and Falkland Islands) compared to southern giant petrels (wintering mainly around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands). Between sexes, cadmium concentrations were significantly higher for females than for males in both species, corresponding to the more pelagic habits of females compared to the more scavenging habits of males. Lead and cadmium concentrations in circulating blood decreased significantly over the incubation period, suggesting that when breeding at Bird Island, exposure to the source of pollution had ended, and these metals had been cleared from the blood and excreted, or rapidly transferred to other tissues. Association of lead and cadmium with a common source of pollution was further corroborated by a significant positive correlation between the levels of the 2 elements found. Mercury levels were similar between the species, but showed an opposite trend between sexes, with males showing higher levels than females in northern giant petrels, and the opposite was true in southern giant petrels, with no changes throughout incubation. Selenium levels were similar between sexes, but significantly greater for northern than for southern giant petrels. Moreover, there was a significant increase in the selenium levels over the incubation period in northern giant petrels. Age of adult birds did not affect metal concentrations. Coefficients of variation of metal levels were consistently lower for northern than for southern giant petrels, particularly for mercury, suggesting that the former species is more dietary specialised than the latter. Contaminant analyses, when combined with accurate information on seabird movements, obtained through geolocation or satellite tracking, help us to understand geographic variation of pollution in the marine environment.
We studied the mercury contamination of 13 species of seabirds breeding on Bird Island, South Georgia, in 1998. Total mercury concentrations in body feather samples of birds caught at their breeding colonies were determined. Among the species, grey-headed albatross (8933 ng g-1) and southern giant petrel (7774 ng g-1) showed the highest, and gentoo penguin (948 ng g-1) the lowest body feather mercury concentrations. Mercury levels were negatively correlated with the proportion of crustaceans (mainly krill) in the species¹ diets, suggesting that the trophic level is the most important factor in explaining the variation of mercury concentrations in Antarctic seabirds. In 4 species studied for age effects among adult birds (grey-headed and black-browed albatross, northern and southern giant petrel), no age-dependent variation in mercury levels was found. Sex differences were also assessed: female gentoo penguins had lower mercury levels than males, which may be related to the elimination of part of the mercury body burden by females into eggs. In contrast, northern giant petrel males had lower levels than females, which may be related to a higher consumption by males of carrion from Antarctic fur seals. In grey-headed albatrosses, mercury levels were 113% higher than in 1989, when this species was investigated at the same site, indicating a possible increase in mercury pollution of the Southern Ocean during the last decade.
Understanding how marine predators interact is a scientific challenge. In marine ecosystems, segregation in feeding habits has been largely described as a common mechanism to allow the coexistence of several competing marine predators. However, little is known about the feeding ecology of most species of chondrichthyans, which play a pivotal role in the structure of marine food webs worldwide. In this study, we examined the trophic ecology of 3 relatively abundant chondrichthyans coexisting in the Mediterranean Sea: the blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus , the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and the rabbit fish Chimaera monstrosa. To examine their trophic ecology and interspecific differences in food habits, we combined the analysis of stomach content and stable isotopes. Our results highlighted a trophic segregation between C. monstrosa and the other 2 species. G. melastomus showed a diet composed mainly of cephalopods, while E. spinax preyed mainly on shrimps and C. monstrosa on crabs. Interspecific differences in the trophic niche were likely due to different feeding capabilities and body size. Each species showed different isotopic niche space and trophic level. Specifically, C. monstrosa showed a higher trophic level than E. spinax and G. melastomus. The high trophic levels of the 3 species highlighted their important role as predators in the marine food web. Our results illustrate the utility of using complementary approaches that provide information about the feeding behaviour at short (stomach content) and long-term scales (stable isotopes), which could allow more efficient monitoring of marine food-web changes in the study area.
Despite the advent of devices to track seabird movements, the extent to which productive areas and oceanic winds influence foraging strategies is still not fully understood. We investigated the main environmental determinants of foraging strategies in Cory"s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea by combining satellite-tracking information from 14 birds breeding on the Canary Islands with concurrent data on chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations and oceanic winds. Additionally, we took blood samples at the end of each foraging trip and analysed carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotopes to examine the use of trophic resources. All birds showed commuting trips, concentrating foraging activity exclusively on the African continental shelf. Foraging locations showed a strong association with chl a concentrations, suggesting birds select foraging areas according to prey availability. In contrast with other breeding colonies where Cory"s shearwaters use a dual-foraging method, birds showed a unimodal strategy and did not show differences in C and N isotope signatures in plasma, confirming that close proximity to highly productive areas strongly influences foraging strategies. In addition, birds tracked during 2 consecutive trips foraged in the same area, suggesting that high resource availability promotes fidelity to feeding grounds also at coarse scales. Persistent northeast trade winds blew during the study period, and commuting trips followed a consistent clockwise movement with a southwest heading while the birds foraged along the continental shelf, suggesting that birds used tail winds to reduce their flying costs. Our results corroborate that oceanographic conditions in the vicinity of the breeding colony have a strong effect on foraging strategies of pelagic seabirds.
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A ordem Thysanoptera reúne cerca de 5.500 espécies descritas, das quais, mais de 2.000 estão registradas para a região Neotropical. Apesar da grande diversidade de tripes existente no Brasil - que engloba quase 10% das espécies do mundo inteiro - há uma lacuna no conhecimento dessa fauna em ambientes naturais e de sua biologia e ecologia. Os poucos estudos já realizados sugerem que a família Asteraceae apresenta uma tisanopterofauna mais rica que as demais e que flores e ramos são utilizados diferencialmente pelas espécies de tripes. Este estudo objetivou contribuir para o levantamento da tisanopterofauna nativa e averiguar a flora explorada por estes insetos, quanto à utilização de flores e ramos e sua ocorrência em Asteraceae e outras famílias. A área de estudo foi o Parque Estadual de Itapuã (PEI), Viamão (50º 50’- 51º 05’W e 30º 20’- 30º 27’ S), RS. Quatro saídas de campo foram realizadas de junho de 2003 a abril de 2004. Foram determinadas três trilhas de aproximadamente 500 m em diferentes tipos de vegetação. As trilhas estabelecidas foram a da praia da Pedreira (TP) (mata baixa e vegetação rupestre), a do morro do Araçá (TA) (vegetação rupestre, vassourais e mata baixa) e a do morro da Grota (TG) (vegetação rupestre, butiazais e vassourais). Cada uma destas foi dividida em quatro subáreas, de igual extensão. A cada saída foram sorteadas duas destas subáreas, nas quais foram amostrados aleatoriamente três indivíduos de Asteraceae e três de qualquer outra família. De cada indivíduo era retirado um ramo com flores (F) e um sem flores (R). Cada ramo escolhido constituiu uma unidade amostral (UA). Para o total de 279 UAs, foram coletados 1.695 indivíduos - 870 adultos (583 ♀ e 287 ♂) e 825 larvas - de 31 espécies de Thysanoptera, em 19 gêneros e três famílias. Os Terebrantia representaram mais de 90% dos adultos e 76% dos imaturos coletados e compreenderam a maioria das espécies (26). Dentre as famílias, a mais rica e abundante foi Thripidae, com 757 indivíduos e 23 espécies. Frankliniella (9 spp.), Heterothrips (3 spp.) e Neohydatothrips (3 spp.), foram os gêneros mais ricos. Frankliniella foi também o mais abundante, perfazendo cerca de 64% do total da amostra. Os tisanópteros mais comuns foram Frankliniella rodeos e Paraleucothrips minusculus Johansen, 1983, com 363 e 92 indivíduos coletados. Os Índices de Shannon-Wiener (H’) e de dominância de Simpson (D) estimados para a tisanopterofauna do PEI foram de 2,19 e 0,211, respectivamente. Foram coletados 690 adultos e 572 larvas de tripes em F, distribuídos em 29 espécies. Já em R foram capturados 180 adultos e 253 imaturos, sendo registradas 22 espécies. O Índice de Shannon-Wiener aponta uma maior diversidade em R (H’ = 2,33) do que em F (H’ = 2,01), pois a dominância foi notadamente maior em F (D = 0,255) do que em R (D = 0,133) devido a grande abundância de Frankliniella spp. nos mesmos. Em 46 das 61 espécies vegetais coletadas foi constatada a presença de tisanópteros. Entre as famílias de plantas com maior número de espécies associadas com tripes, destacam-se Asteraceae (22), Myrtaceae (4) e Rubiaceae (4). Das 31 espécies de tripes identificadas, 19 ocorrem em Asteraceae e quatro foram registradas exclusivamente nesta família. Observou-se diferenças marcantes nos valores de H’ e D entre a tisanopterofauna habitante de asteráceas (H’ = 1,68; D = 0,311) e aquela das demais famílias (H’ = 2,11; D = 0,178).
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)