66 resultados para ECAP


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A complete understanding of how grain refinement, grain size, and processing affect the corrosion resistance of different alloys has not yet been fully developed. Determining a definitive 'grain size-corrosion resistance' relationship, if one exists, is inherently complex as the processing needed to achieve grain refinement also imparts other changes to the microstructure (such as texture, internal stress, and impurity segregation). This work evaluates how variation in grain size and processing impact the corrosion resistance of high purity aluminium. Aluminium samples with a range of grain sizes, from ∼100 μm to ∼2000 μm, were produced using different processing routes, including cold rolling, cryo rolling, equal channel angular pressing, and surface mechanical attrition treatment. Evaluation of all the samples studied revealed a tendency for corrosion rate to decrease as grain size decreases. This suggests that a Hall-Petch type relationship may exist for corrosion rate and grain size. This phenomenon, discussed in the context of grain refinement and processing, reveals several interesting and fundamental relationships.


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The potential of new designed continues ECAP machine in intermediate industrial scale has been discussed in the present work. The improved mechanical and microstructural properties of processed materials has been investigated on commercial aluminium alloy 6061 in T6 condition. The 6061-T6 sheet was subjected to one, two, three and four passes of ECAP. The results showing the significant improvement of mechanical properties after ECAP processing.


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The severe plastic deformation of a Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP), 0.61C-22.3Mn-0.19Si-0.14Ni-0.27Cr (wt. %) steel by Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) at elevated temperatures was used to study the deformation mechanism as a function of accumulated strain and processing parameters. The relationship between the microstructures after different deformation schedules of ECAP at the temperatures of 200, 300 and 400oC, strain hardening behavior and mechanical properties was studied. The best balance between strength and ductility (1702 MPa and 24%) was found after 2 passes at 400oC and 300oC of ECAP. It was due to the formation of deformation microbands and twins in the microstructure. The twinning was observed after all deformation schedules except after 1 pass at 400oC. The important finding was the formation of twins in the ultrafine grains. Moreover, the stacking faults were observed in the subgrains with the size of 50nm. It is also worth mentioning the formation of nano- twins within the micro-twins at the same time. It was found that the deformation schedule affects the dislocation substructure with formation of deformation bands, cells, subgrains, two variants of twins that, in turn, influence the strain-hardening behavior and mechanical properties. Keywords: Twinning Induced Plasticity steels; Equal Channel Angular Pressing; mechanical properties; transmission electron microscopy; micro/nano twins; dislocation substructure.


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This study contrasts the extent to which laboratory and industrial scale variants of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) impart desirable microstructures and mechanical properties in Grades 2 and 4 titanium. Industrial-scale ECAP-Conform (ECAP-C) with post-ECAP thermo-mechanical processing (TMP) enhanced performance levels beyond those achieved with the same material processed in the laboratory by ECAP only. ECAP-C processed titanium demonstrated exceptional tensile properties and fatigue strength, superior even to conventional Ti-6Al-4V.


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Severe plastic deformation via equal-channel angular pressing was shown to induce characteristic ultra-fast diffusion paths in Ni (Divinski et al., 2011). The effect of heat treatment on these paths, which were found to be represented by deformation-modified general high-angle grain boundaries (GBs), is investigated by accurate radiotracer self-diffusion measurements applying the 63Ni isotope. Redistribution of free volume and segregation of residual impurities caused by the heat treatment triggers relaxation of the diffusion paths. A correlation between the GB diffusion kinetics, internal friction, microstructure evolution and microhardness changes is established and analyzed in detail. A phenomenological model of diffusion enhancement in deformation-modified GBs is proposed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Computational homogenization by means of the finite element analysis of a representative volume element of the microstructure is used to simulate the deformation of nanostructured Ti. The behavior of each grain is taken into account using a single crystal elasto-viscoplastic model which includes the microscopic mechanisms of plastic deformation by slip along basal, prismatic and pyramidal systems. Two different representations of the polycrystal were used. Each grain was modeled with one cubic finite element in the first one while many cubic elements were used to represent each grain in the second one, leading to a model which includes the effect of grain shape and size in a limited number of grains due to the computational cost. Both representations were used to simulate the tensile deformation of nanostructured Ti processed by ECAP-C as well as the drawing process of nanostructured Ti billets. It was found that the first representation based in one finite element per grain led to a stiffer response in tension and was not able to predict the texture evolution during drawing because the strain gradient within each grain could not be captured. On the contrary, the second representation of the polycrystal microstructure with many finite elements per grain was able to predict accurately the deformation of nanostructured Ti.


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Obesity is a chronic disease that has multi-factorial aetiology, characterized by high degree of body fat; the degree of obesity will vary according to the Body Mass Index (BMI=m2 /kg). The severe degree of obesity is characterized by BMI>40 and it is regularly associated to endocrine-metabolic or mechanic clinical alterations, and to psychological disorders. Binge Eating (BE) results were overly high for this population. The Bariatric Surgery has been the treatment chosen by those diagnosed with severe obesity as this intervention provides prompt outcomes for loss of weight and clinical improvement conditions. However, recent research has acquiesced that after two years between 20% and 30% of people subject to this intervention gained weight. The main objective of this research is to assess the psychological and behavioral characteristics of those diagnosed with severe obesity that have been subject to Gastric Bypass Surgery in the past 24 months. Specific aspects were investigated: (1) characteristics of different personalities and diagnose of clinic and personality disorders; (2) BE and its relation with loss of weight; (2) the difference between the groups regarding post-surgery care, e.g. physical activity, psychological and dietician input. Method: 40 adults (women and men) aged 23 and 60 year-old who went through a bariatric surgery in the past 24 months, in the city of Natal-RN (Brazil); they were assembled in two groups n=20, Gain group displaying loss of < 50% of their initial surplus of weight, and the Loss group displaying loss of >50%. The research protocol is made of a socio-demographic questionnaire and 3 psychometric instruments: Rorschach – Comprehensive System; Millon Personality Inventory (MCMI-III); and the Binge Eating Scale (Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (ECAP). Through Rorschach significant differences between these groups were verified according to the kind of personality (EB) - more EB Extratensivo in Gain group and Intratensivo in Loss group – and the lack of control to express affect, increasing the answer for Color Pure at Group I. Concerning the people standardization, the sample as a whole tends to show psychic pain, denigrated selfperception, high levels of self-criticism, distorted perceptions, vulnerability to develop mood disorders and high scores regarding Suicide. MCMI-III results showed more clinic and personality disorders in Group I: Depressive Disorder and Schizotypal, Anxiety, Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder; Thought Disorder, Bipolar- Manic and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In relation to ECAP, the results indicated significant differences, showing increased BE results in Gain group. There were found significant differences between BE severity and the presence of clinic and personality disorders. Concerning the post-surgery care, the observed differences are statistically significant regarding physical activities with median-increased differences in Loss group. There is a difference between the initial weight and the time post-surgery, indicating that the higher the initial weight and the time after the surgery the higher the re-gain of weight post-surgery. Finally, the results show that the participants with more than 3 years of surgery will have Clinic and Major Depressive Disorders; Somatoform Disorder; Dysthymia. These results confirm prior studies related to BE post-surgery and re-gain of weight as well as the proneness of clinic disorders in severe obesity people. That means the results reinforce that the surgery process is a facet of the severe obesity treatment. The post-surgery process needs to be the main focus of attention and have a long-term input to sustain the care of the surgery results and the quality of life of the patients.


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O presente relatório refere-se às atividades, do estágio inserido no Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais do Segundo Ciclo, desenvolvidas no âmbito da Reabilitação Psicomotora em Saúde Mental. Estas práticas de estágio foram realizadas no Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais (CAO) – Casa Do Sol e no Centro de Apoio Social do Pisão (CASP). A Intervenção no CAO e no CASP foi dirigida a indivíduos adultos com perturbação psiquiátrica, de ambos os sexos, residentes e/ou utentes destes centros. Esta intervenção foi constituída pelas seguintes quatro etapas: 1ª Observação informal das aulas de expressão corporal, dos momentos de refeições, dos ateliês de carpintaria, jardinagem, artes plásticas e culinária; 2ª Reabilitação / Intervenção psicomotora (duração aproximada de 6 meses); 3ª Avaliação formal de alguns casos utilizando instrumentos de avaliação nomeadamente a Bateria Psicomotora de Vítor da Fonseca (BPM) e a Escala do Comportamento Adaptativo Verão Portuguesa de Sofia Santos e Pedro Morato (ECAP). 4ª Elaboração e Ajustamento do Plano Terapêutico.


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No âmbito do 2º Ciclo de Reabilitação Psicomotora realizou-se o aprofundamento de competências profissionais, na área da saúde mental. O estágio teve lugar na Casa de Saúde de São João de Deus – no Funchal, instituição particular de solidariedade social. A Reabilitação Psicomotora é transdisciplinar com aplicações em diversas áreas, incidindo a aplicação prática em indivíduos com Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais, e em indivíduos com Alcoolismo, respetivamente, numa Unidade de Evolução Prolongada, e no Centro de Reabilitação Alcoólica. A intervenção realizada será ilustrada mediante a descrição de estudos de caso (N=4). O objetivo da intervenção centrou-se na promoção de um funcionamento independente, sendo as atividades centradas na promoção de regras e normas, manutenção de atividades de vida diária, promoção de relações interpessoais e manutenção de capacidades sensoriomotoras e a promoção da qualidade de vida junto de um grupo de indivíduos com Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais. Por sua vez, no Centro de Reabilitação Alcoólica (N=10), os objetivos da intervenção foram a tomada de consciência do problema, responsabilização e promoção de hábitos associados a um estilo de vida saudável. A avaliação inclui instrumentos de medida do funcionamento adaptativo (ECAP) e da qualidade de vida (EPR) e a bateria psicomotora (BPM), na unidade de evolução prolongada, e SF-36, e URICA no centro de recuperação de alcoologia, aplicados em dois momentos (inicial e final). Mediante os resultados obtidos a intervenção, que envolveu um conjunto de atividades de mediação corporal, teve um impacto positivo observando-se algumas melhorias no funcionamento adaptativo, qualidade de vida e competências psicomotoras.


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This work is part of a general effort to demonstrate the effect of the bulk microstructure of titanium as a model bone implant material on viability of osteoblasts (bone-forming cells). The objective of this work was to study the proliferation of preosteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells extracted from mice embryos on commercial purity titanium substrates. Two distinct states of titanium were considered: as-received material with an average grain size of 4.5 microm and that processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), with an average grain size of 200 nm. We report the first results of an in vitro study into the effect of this extreme grain refinement on viability and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells. By means of MTT assays it was demonstrated that ECAP processing of titanium enhances MC3T3-E1 culture proliferation in a spectacular way. This finding suggests that bone implants made from ECAP processed titanium may promote bone tissue growth.


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Equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) is a well-established thermo-mechanical processing technique. This technique allows virtually unlimited strain and manipulation of texture by processing route, while the cross-section of the sample remains unchanged during processing. In order to clarify the effectiveness of ECAP on preparing anisotropic permanent magnets, the microstructure and magnetic properties of a melt-spun Nd13.5Fe73.8Co6.7B5.6Ga0.4 alloy processed at 773-K for 300-s by ECAP were investigated. Macrotexture analysis carried out for the exit channel of ECAP shows that the basal plane of the tetragonal Nd2Fe14B crystal aligns parallel to the shear band, i.e., the c-axis texture formation normal to the shear band induced by the ECAP process. Due to this texture formation, the technical magnetization behaviour becomes anisotropic, and the remanent magnetization is clearly enhanced along the direction perpendicular to the shear band. This anisotropic microstructure is realized at a relatively low processing temperature of 773-K, well below the melting point of the Nd-rich intergranular phase. As a consequence of this lower processing temperature, the nanostructure of the melt-spun alloy remains approximately 20 to 30-nm, considerably smaller than the typical grain size obtained after conventional die-upsetting. Our study demonstrates that equal-channel angular pressing has a potential for realising anisotropic nanostructured magnets.