84 resultados para Dynamin
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is critical for sodium and BP homeostasis. ENaC is regulated by Nedd4-2-mediated ubiquitylation, which leads to its internalization; this process can be reversed by deubiquitylation, which is regulated by the aldosterone-induced enzyme Usp2-45. In a second regulatory pathway, ENaC can be activated by luminal serine protease-mediated cleavage of its extracellular loops. Whether these two regulatory processes interact, however, is unknown. Here, in HEK293 cells stably transfected with ENaC, Usp2-45 interacted with ENaC, leading to deubiquitylation of the channel and stimulation of ENaC activity >20-fold. This was accompanied by a modest increase in cell surface expression of ENaC and by proteolytic cleavage of alphaENaC and gammaENaC at their extracellular loops. When endocytosis was inhibited with dominant negative dynamin (DynK44R), channel density and gammaENaC cleavage were increased, but alphaENaC cleavage and ENaC activity were not augmented. When Usp2-45 was coexpressed with DynK44R, both alphaENaC cleavage and activity were recovered. In summary, these data suggest that Usp2-45 deubiquitylation of ENaC enhances the proteolytic activation of both alphaENaC and gammaENaC, possibly by inducing a conformational change and by interfering with endocytosis, respectively
Several tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) family members activate both the classical and the alternative NF-κB pathways. However, how a single receptor engages these two distinct pathways is still poorly understood. Using lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR) as a prototype, we showed that activation of the alternative, but not the classical, NF-κB pathway relied on internalization of the receptor. Further molecular analyses revealed a specific cytosolic region of LTβR essential for its internalization, TRAF3 recruitment, and p100 processing. Interestingly, we found that dynamin-dependent, but clathrin-independent, internalization of LTβR appeared to be required for the activation of the alternative, but not the classical, NF-κB pathway. In vivo, ligand-induced internalization of LTβR in mesenteric lymph node stromal cells correlated with induction of alternative NF-κB target genes. Thus, our data shed light on LTβR cellular trafficking as a process required for specific biological functions of NF-κB.
Arenaviruses are enveloped negative-strand RNA viruses that contain a bi-segmented genome. They are rodent-borne pathogens endemic to the Americas and Africa, with the exception of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) that is world-wide distributed. The arenaviruses include numerous important human pathogens including the Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV), the causative agent of a severe viral hemorrhagic fever in humans with several hundred thousand infections per year in Africa and thousands of deaths. Viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites, strictly depending on cellular processes and factors to complete their replication cycle. The binding of a virus to target cells is the first step of every viral infection, and is mainly mediated by viral proteins that can directly engage cellular receptors, providing a key determinant for viral tropism. This early step of infection represents a promising target to block the pathogen before it can take control over the host cell. Old World arenaviruses, such as LASV and LCMV, bind to host cells via attachment to their main receptor, dystroglycan (DG), an ubiquitous receptor for extracellular matrix proteins. The engagement of DG by LASV results in a fast internalization and transfer the virus to late endosomal compartment suggesting that the virus binding to DG causes marked changes in the dynamics of the receptor. These events could result in the clustering of the receptor and subsequent induction of signaling that could be modulated by the virus. Recently, numerous findings also suggest the presence of alternative receptor(s) for LASV in absence of the main DG receptor. In my first project, I was interested to investigate the effects of virus-receptor binding on the tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of DG and to test if this post-translational modification was crucial for the internalization of the LASV-receptor complex. We found that engagement of cellular DG by a recombinant LCMV expressing the envelope GP of LASV in human epithelial cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of DG. LASV GP binding to DG further resulted in dissociation of the adapter protein utrophin from virus-bound DG. Virus-induced dissociation of utrophin and consequent virus internalization were affected by the broadly specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. We speculate that the detachment of virus- bound DG from the actin-based cytoskeleton following DG phosphorylation may facilitate subsequent endocytosis of the virus-receptor complex. In the second project, I was interested to characterize the newly indentified LASV alternative receptor Axl in the context of productive arenavirus infection. In a first step, we demonstrated that Axl supports productive infection by rLCMV-LASVGP in a DG-independent manner. In line with previous studies, cell entry of rLCMV-LASVGP via Axl was less efficient when compared to functional DG. Interestingly, Axl-mediated infection showed rapid kinetics similar to DG-dependent entry. Using a panel of inhibitors, we found that Axl-mediated cell entry of rLCMV-LASVGP involved a clathrin-independent pathway that critically depended on actin and dynamin and was sensitive to EIPA but not to PAK inhibitors, compatible with a macropinocytosis-like mechanism of entry. In a next step, we aimed to investigate the molecular mechanism by which rLCMV-LASVGP recognizes Axl. Phosphatidylserine (PS) is the natural ligand of Axl via the adaptor protein Gas6. We detected the presence of PS in the envelope of Old World arenaviruses, suggesting that PS could mediate Axl-virus binding, in a mechanism of apoptotic mimicry already described for other viruses. Whether envelope PS and/or the GP of LASV plays any role in virus entry via Axl is still an open question. The molecular mechanisms underlying host cell-virus interaction are of particular interest to answer basic scientific questions as well as to apply key findings to translational research. Understanding pathogen induced-signaling and its link to invasion of the host cell is of great importance to develop drugs for therapeutic intervention against highly pathogenic viruses like LASV. - Les Arenavirus sont des virus enveloppés à ARN négatifs organisés sous forme de génome bisegmenté. Ils sont véhiculés par les rongeurs et se retrouvent de manière endémique aux Amériques et en Afrique avec l'exception du virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) qui lui est distribué mondialement. De nombreux pathogènes humains font parti de la famille des Arenavirus dont le virus de l'Ancien Monde Lassa (LASV), un agent responsable de fièvres hémorragiques sévères chez les humains. Le virus de Lassa cause plusieurs centaines de milliers d'infections par année en Afrique ainsi que des milliers de morts. De manière générale, les virus sont des parasites intracellulaires obligatoires qui dépendent strictement de processus et facteurs cellulaires pour clore leur cycle de réplication. L'attachement d'un virus à sa cellule cible représente la première étape de chaque infection virale et est principalement dirigée par des protéines virales qui interagissent directement avec leur récepteurs cellulaires respectifs fournissant ainsi un indicateur déterminant pour le tropisme d'un virus. Cette première étape de l'infection représente aussi une cible prometteuse pour bloquer le pathogène avant qu'il ne puisse prendre le contrôle de la cellule. Les Arenavirus de l'Ancien Monde comme LASV et LCMV s'attachent à la cellule hôte en se liant à leur récepteur principal, le dystroglycan (DG), un récepteur ubiquitaire pour les protéines de la matrice extracellulaire. La liaison du DG par LASV résulte en une rapide internalisation transférant le virus aux endosomes tardifs suggérant ainsi que l'attachement du virus au DG peut provoquer des changements marqués dans la dynamique moléculaire du récepteur. Ces événements sont susceptibles d'induire un regroupement du récepteur à la surface cellulaire, ainsi qu'une induction subséquente qui pourrait être, par la suite, modulée par le virus. Récemment, plusieurs découvertes suggèrent aussi la présence d'un récepteur alternatif pour LASV en l'absence du récepteur principal, le DG. Concernant mon premier projet, j'étais intéressée à étudier les effets de la liaison virus- récepteur sur la phosphorylation des acides aminés tyrosines se trouvant dans la partie cytoplasmique du DG, le but étant de tester si cette modification post-translationnelle était cruciale pour Γ internalisation du complexe LASV-DG récepteur. Nous avons découvert que l'engagement du récepteur DG par le virus recombinant LCMV, exprimant la glycoprotéine de LASV, dans des cellules épithéliales humaines induit une phosphorylation de résidu(s) tyrosine se situant dans le domaine cytoplasmique du DG. La liaison de la glycoprotéine de LASV au DG induit par la suite la dissociation de la protéine adaptatrice utrophine du complexe virus-DG récepteur. Nous avons observé que cette dissociation de l'utrophine, induite par le virus, ainsi que son internalisation, sont affectées par l'inhibiteur à large spectre des tyrosines kinases, la génistéine. Nous avons donc supposé que le détachement du virus, lié au récepteur DG, du cytosquelette d'actine suite à la phosphorylation du DG faciliterait l'endocytose subséquente du complexe virus-récepteur. Dans le second projet, j'étais intéressée à caractériser le récepteur alternatif Axl qui a été récemment identifié dans le contexte de l'infection productive des Arenavirus. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que le récepteur alternatif Axl permet l'infection des cellules par le virus LCMV recombinant LASV indépendamment du récepteur DG. Conformément aux études publiées précédemment, nous avons pu observer que l'entrée du virus recombinant LASV via Axl est moins efficace que via le récepteur principal DG. De façon intéressante, nous avons aussi remarqué que l'infection autorisée par Axl manifeste une cinétique virale d'entrée similaire à celle observée avec le récepteur DG. Utilisant un éventail de différents inhibiteurs, nous avons trouvé que l'entrée du virus recombinant rLCMV-LASVGP via Axl implique une voie d'entrée indépendante de la clathrine et dépendant de manière critique de l'actine et de la dynamine. Cette nouvelle voie d'entrée est aussi sensible à l'EIPA contrairement aux inhibiteurs PAK indiquant un mécanisme d'entrée compatible avec un mécanisme de macropinocytose. L'étape suivante du projet a été d'investiguer le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel le virus recombinant rLCMV-LASVGP reconnaît le récepteur alternatif Axl. La phosphatidylsérine (PS) se trouve être un ligand naturel pour Axl via la protéine adaptatrice Gas6. Nous avons détecté la présence de PS dans l'enveloppe des Arenavirus du Vieux Monde suggérant que la PS pourrait médier la liaison du virus à Axl dans un mécanisme de mimétisme apoptotique déjà observé et décrit pour d'autres virus. Cependant, il reste encore à déterminer qui de la PS ou de la glycoprotéine de l'enveloppe virale intervient dans le processus d'entrée de LASV via le récepteur alternatif Axl. Les mécanismes moléculaires à la base de l'interaction entre virus et cellule hôte sont d'intérêts particuliers pour répondre aux questions scientifiques de base ainsi que dans l'application de découvertes clés pour la recherche translationnelle. La compréhension de la signalisation induite par les pathogènes ainsi que son lien à l'invasion de la cellule hôte est d'une importance considérable pour le développement de drogues pour l'intervention thérapeutique contre les virus hautement pathogènes comme LASV.
The highly pathogenic Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV) and the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) use α-dystroglycan as a cellular receptor and enter the host cell by an unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the viruses are delivered to acidified endosomes in a Rab5-independent manner bypassing classical routes of incoming vesicular trafficking. Here we sought to identify cellular factors involved in the unusual and largely unknown entry pathway of LASV and LCMV. Cell entry of LASV and LCMV required microtubular transport to late endosomes, consistent with the low fusion pH of the viral envelope glycoproteins. Productive infection with recombinant LCMV expressing LASV envelope glycoprotein (rLCMV-LASVGP) and LCMV depended on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as well as lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), an unusual phospholipid that is involved in the formation of intraluminal vesicles (ILV) of the multivesicular body (MVB) of the late endosome. We provide evidence for a role of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) in LASV and LCMV cell entry, in particular the ESCRT components Hrs, Tsg101, Vps22, and Vps24, as well as the ESCRT-associated ATPase Vps4 involved in fission of ILV. Productive infection with rLCMV-LASVGP and LCMV also critically depended on the ESCRT-associated protein Alix, which is implicated in membrane dynamics of the MVB/late endosomes. Our study identifies crucial cellular factors implicated in Old World arenavirus cell entry and indicates that LASV and LCMV invade the host cell passing via the MVB/late endosome. Our data further suggest that the virus-receptor complexes undergo sorting into ILV of the MVB mediated by the ESCRT, possibly using a pathway that may be linked to the cellular trafficking and degradation of the cellular receptor.
Abstract : Neonatal stroke occurs in 1 out of 4000 live births and usually leads to serious motor and cognitive disabilities. Ischemic brain injury results from a complex of pathophysiological events that evolve over space and time making it difficult to devise successful therapy. To date, there are no effective treatments for perinatal brain damage. Most clinical trials of neuroprotectaot drugs have failed because of their side-effects. For this reason it is important to find ways to target drugs specifically into the stressed cells. In this study we plan to contribute to the development of an efficient neuroprotective strategy against excitotoxic cell death in the neonate. In order to achieve this goal, several strategies were followed. A recently described phenomenon of induced endocytosis associated with excitotoxicity was more deeply investigated. As a simplified model we used dissociated cortical neurons exposed to an excitotoxic dose of NMDA, and we showed that this phenomenon depends on clathrin and dynamin. Using a model of neonatal focal cerebral ischemia, we demonstrated that the excitotoxicity-related endocytosis targets molecules such as TAT peptides into stressed neurons. These appear to be viable, raising the possibility of using this phenomenon as a doorway for neuroprotection. One part of the project was devoted to the study of the TAT-conjugated JNK inhibitory peptide, D-JNKI1. Adose-response study showed strong neuroprotection over a wide dose-range in the case of delayed administration (either intravenous or intraperitoneal). Since D-JNKI1 is aTAT-linked peptide, we investigated the role of its own NMDA-induced endocytosis in its neuroprotective efficacy. Furthermore, we showed that this endocytosis is JNK dependent, and that D-JNKI1 regulates its own uptake. We additionally studied the different types of cell death involved in a model of neonatal focal cerebral ischemia. Necrosis occurred rapidly in the center of the lesion whereas apoptosis and autophagic cell death occurred late at the lesion border. Inhibiting apoptosis was not protective, but use of autophagy inhibitor 3methyladenine provided a strong neuroprotection. Finally, combining two neuroprotectants that target different intracellular pathways was neuroprotective in a severe model of cerebral ischemia where neither of the drugs was efficient when administered individually. Résumé : L'ischémie néonatale connaît une incidence de 1 naissance sur 4000, entraînant généralement de sérieux dysfonctionnements moteurs et cognitifs. L'ischémie cérébrale résulte d'évènements physiopathologiques complexes qui évoluent dans l'espace et le temps rendant difficile la conception de thérapies efficaces. A l'heure actuelle, aucun traitement n'existe pour lutter contre les accidents vasculaires cérébraux qui se produisent autour de la naissance. La plupart des essais cliniques concernant des molécules neuroprotectrices ont échoué du fait de leurs effets secondaires néfastes. Pour cette raison, il est important de trouver des moyens de cibler les drogues dans les cellules stressées spécifiquement. Dans cette étude nous visons à participer au développement d'une stratégie neuroprotectrice efficace contre l'ischémie cérébrale chez le nouveau-né. Dans ce but, plusieurs stratégies ont été poursuivies. Un nouveau phénomène d'endocytose induite par un stimulus excitotoxique a été récemment décrit. Une partie de cette étude va consister à mieux comprendre ce phénomène. Pour céla, nous avons utilisé comme modèle d'étude simplifié des cultures dissociées de neurones corticaux exposées à une dose excitotoxique de NMDA. Nous avons ainsi montré que cette endocytose associée à l'excitotoxicité dépend de la clathrine et de la dynamine. A l'aide d'un modèle d'ischémie cérébrale focale chez le raton de 12 jours, nous avons démontré que cette endocytose induite par l'excitotoxicité permet de cibler des molécules diverses et en particulier les peptides TAT dans les neurones stressés. Ces neurones fortement endocytiques apparaissent comme étant encore viables, ouvrant la possibilité d'utiliser cette endocytose comme moyen d'entrée pour des molécules thérapeutiques. Une partie du projet a été consacrée à l'étude d'un inhibiteur de la voie JNK, couplé au TAT, appelé D-JNKI1. Des études de dose réponse du D-JNKI1 ont été réalisées chez l'animal, testant les effets d'une administration retardée en injection intraveineuse ou intra péritonéale. Ces études démontrent qu'une large gamme de dose permet d'obCenir une réduction de la taille de la lésion. Comme D-JNK11 est couplé au peptide TAT, nous avons étudié la contribution que sa propre endocytose lors de l'excitotoxicité apporte à ses effets protecteurs. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que cette endocytose induite par l'excitotoxicité dépend de la voie de signalisation JNK et que D-JNK11 est donc capable de réguler sa propre entrée. Nous avons en parallèle étudié les différents types de mort cellulaires impliqués dans le développement de la lésion dans un modèle sévère d'ischémie cérébrale chez le raton nouveau-né. La mort cellulaire par nécrose se développe rapidement dans le centre de la lésion alors que les morts cellulaires par apoptose et autophagique vont apparaître plus tard et au bord de la lésion. Inhiber l'apoptose n'a pas permis de réduire la taille de la lésion alors que l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur d'autophagie, la 3-méthyladénine, procure une forte neuroprotection. Finalement, la combinaison de deux peptides qui ciblent différentes voies de signalisation intracellulaire permet d'obtenir une bonne protection dans le modèle d'ischémie sévère dans lequel aucun des deux peptides administré séparément n'a donné d'effets bénéfiques.
Membrane fusion and fission are antagonistic reactions controlled by different proteins. Dynamins promote membrane fission by GTP-driven changes of conformation and polymerization state, while SNAREs fuse membranes by forming complexes between t- and v-SNAREs from apposed vesicles. Here, we describe a role of the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p in fusion of yeast vacuoles. Vps1p forms polymers that couple several t-SNAREs together. At the onset of fusion, the SNARE-activating ATPase Sec18p/NSF and the t-SNARE depolymerize Vps1p and release it from the membrane. This activity is independent of the SNARE coactivator Sec17p/alpha-SNAP and of the v-SNARE. Vps1p release liberates the t-SNAREs for initiating fusion and at the same time disrupts fission activity. We propose that reciprocal control between fusion and fission components exists, which may prevent futile cycles of fission and fusion.
Ten years ago, the first cellular receptor for the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the highly pathogenic Lassa virus (LASV) was identified as alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG), a versatile receptor for proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Biochemical analysis of the interaction of alpha-DG with arenaviruses and ECM proteins revealed a strikingly similar mechanism of receptor recognition that critically depends on specific sugar modification on alpha-DG involving a novel class of putative glycosyltransferase, the LARGE proteins. Interestingly, recent genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations revealed evidence for positive selection of a locus within the LARGE gene in populations from Western Africa, where LASV is endemic. While most enveloped viruses that enter the host cell in a pH-dependent manner use clathrin-mediated endocytosis, recent studies revealed that the Old World arenaviruses LCMV and LASV enter the host cell predominantly via a novel and unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the virus is rapidly delivered to endosomes via an unusual route of vesicular trafficking that is largely independent of the small GTPases Rab5 and Rab7. Since infection of cells with LCMV and LASV depends on DG, this unusual endocytotic pathway could be related to normal cellular trafficking of the DG complex. Alternatively, engagement of arenavirus particles may target DG for an endocytotic pathway not normally used in uninfected cells thereby inducing an entry route specifically tailored to the pathogen's needs.
Like numerous other eukaryotic organelles, the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes coordinated cycles of membrane fission and fusion in the course of the cell cycle and in adaptation to environmental conditions. Organelle fission and fusion processes must be balanced to ensure organelle integrity. Coordination of vacuole fission and fusion depends on the interactions of vacuolar SNARE proteins and the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p. Here, we identify a novel factor that impinges on the fusion-fission equilibrium: the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) performs two distinct roles in vacuole fission and fusion. Fusion requires the physical presence of the membrane sector of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase sector, but not its pump activity. Vacuole fission, in contrast, depends on proton translocation by the V-ATPase. Eliminating proton pumping by the V-ATPase either pharmacologically or by conditional or constitutive V-ATPase mutations blocked salt-induced vacuole fragmentation in vivo. In living cells, fission defects are epistatic to fusion defects. Therefore, mutants lacking the V-ATPase display large single vacuoles instead of multiple smaller vacuoles, the phenotype that is generally seen in mutants having defects only in vacuolar fusion. Its dual involvement in vacuole fission and fusion suggests the V-ATPase as a potential regulator of vacuolar morphology and membrane dynamics.
OBJECTIVE: Targeting neuroprotectants specifically to the cells that need them is a major goal in biomedical research. Many peptidic protectants contain an active sequence linked to a carrier such as the transactivator of transcription (TAT) transduction sequence, and here we test the hypothesis that TAT-linked peptides are selectively endocytosed into neurons stressed by excitotoxicity and focal cerebral ischemia. METHODS: In vivo experiments involved intracerebroventricular injection of TAT peptides or conventional tracers (peroxidase, fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran) in young rats exposed to occlusion of the middle cerebral artery at postnatal day 12. Cellular mechanisms of uptake were analyzed in dissociated cortical neuronal cultures. RESULTS: In both models, all tracers were taken up selectively into stressed neurons by endocytosis. In the in vivo model, this was neuron specific and limited to the ischemic area, where the neurons displayed enhanced immunolabeling for early endosomal antigen-1 and clathrin. The highly efficient uptake of TAT peptides occurred by the same selective mechanism as for conventional tracers. All tracers were targeted to the nucleus and cytoplasm of neurons that appeared viable, although ultimately destined to die. In dissociated cortical neuronal cultures, an excitotoxic dose of N-methyl-D-aspartate induced a similar endocytosis. It was 100 times more efficient with TAT peptides than with dextran, because the former bound to heparan sulfate proteoglycans at the cell surface, but it depended on dynamin and clathrin in both cases. INTERPRETATION: Excitotoxicity-induced endocytosis is the main entry route for protective TAT peptides and targets selectively the neurons that need to be protected.
GLUT8 is a high-affinity glucose transporter present mostly in testes and a subset of brain neurons. At the cellular level, it is found in a poorly defined intracellular compartment in which it is retained by an N-terminal dileucine motif. Here we assessed GLUT8 colocalization with markers for different cellular compartments and searched for signals, which could trigger its cell surface expression. We showed that when expressed in PC12 cells, GLUT8 was located in a perinuclear compartment in which it showed partial colocalization with markers for the endoplasmic reticulum but not with markers for the trans-Golgi network, early endosomes, lysosomes, and synaptic-like vesicles. To evaluate its presence at the plasma membrane, we generated a recombinant adenovirus for the expression of GLUT8 containing an extracellular myc epitope. Cell surface expression was evaluated by immunofluorescence microscopy of transduced PC12 cells or primary hippocampal neurons exposed to different stimuli. Those included substances inducing depolarization, activation of protein kinase A and C, activation or inhibition of tyrosine kinase-linked signaling pathways, glucose deprivation, AMP-activated protein kinase stimulation, and osmotic shock. None of these stimuli-induced GLUT8 cell surface translocation. Furthermore, when GLUT8myc was cotransduced with a dominant-negative form of dynamin or GLUT8myc-expressing PC-12 cells or neurons were incubated with an anti-myc antibody, no evidence for constitutive recycling of the transporter through the cell surface could be obtained. Thus, in cells normally expressing it, GLUT8 was associated with a specific intracellular compartment in which it may play an as-yet-uncharacterized role.
Yeast vacuoles fragment and fuse in response to environmental conditions, such as changes in osmotic conditions or nutrient availability. Here we analyze osmotically induced vacuole fragmentation by time-lapse microscopy. Small fragmentation products originate directly from the large central vacuole. This happens by asymmetrical scission rather than by consecutive equal divisions. Fragmentation occurs in two distinct phases. Initially, vacuoles shrink and generate deep invaginations that leave behind tubular structures in their vicinity. Already this invagination requires the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p and the vacuolar proton gradient. Invaginations are stabilized by phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P) produced by the phosphoinositide 3-kinase complex II. Subsequently, vesicles pinch off from the tips of the tubular structures in a polarized manner, directly generating fragmentation products of the final size. This phase depends on the production of phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate and the Fab1 complex. It is accelerated by the PI(3)P- and phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate-binding protein Atg18p. Thus vacuoles fragment in two steps with distinct protein and lipid requirements.
Well-balanced mitochondrial fission and fusion processes are essential for nervous system development. Loss of function of the main mitochondrial fission mediator, dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1), is lethal early during embryonic development or around birth, but the role of mitochondrial fission in adult neurons remains unclear. Here we show that inducible Drp1 ablation in neurons of the adult mouse forebrain results in progressive, neuronal subtype-specific alterations of mitochondrial morphology in the hippocampus that are marginally responsive to antioxidant treatment. Furthermore, DRP1 loss affects synaptic transmission and memory function. Although these changes culminate in hippocampal atrophy, they are not sufficient to cause neuronal cell death within 10 weeks of genetic Drp1 ablation. Collectively, our in vivo observations clarify the role of mitochondrial fission in neurons, demonstrating that Drp1 ablation in adult forebrain neurons compromises critical neuronal functions without causing overt neurodegeneration.
Coxsackievirus A9 (CV-A9) belongs to human enteroviruses within family Picornaviridae, which are the main cause of aseptic meningitis. In addition, CV-A9 causes a wide range of other clinical manifestations of acute disease including respiratory infections, myocarditis, encephalitis and severe generalized infections in newborns. In this study, the functions of integrins αVβ6 and αVβ3 in the attachment and cellular entry of CV-A9 were analyzed. Further, virus and cell surface interactions and endocytosis of CV-A9 were studied in specific cell lines. Also, a method for production of GFP-expressing CV-A9 particles by long PCR-mediated mutagenesis and in vivo transcription was developed. The results indicated that RGD-motif (arginine-glycine-asparagine) that resides in the viral capsid is important for CV-A9 infection particularly in cell lines expressing integrin αVβ6 and that this integrin serves as a high affinity attachment receptor for the virus. CV-A9 is also capable of infecting certain cell lines independently of αV-integrins by binding to the cell surface HSPA5 protein. Regardless of the attachment stage, the internalization of the virus occurs via the same entry pathway and is dependent on β2M, dynamin, and Arf6 but independent of clathrin and caveolin-1. Furthermore, the virus internalization occurs within Arf6-containing vesicles suggesting that Arf6 is central mediator of CV-A9 endocytosis. While in this study the results of CV-A9 endocytosis were based on microscopical visualization within individual fixed cells, a rapid method for generation of a virus for real-time imaging was also described.
Resumo:O colapso induzido pelo exercício (EIC) é considerado uma síndrome autossômica recessiva que afeta principalmente cães da raça Labrador Retriever. A doença é caracterizada por fraqueza muscular e colapso após exercício intenso. Usualmente, ocorre recuperação clínica após o episódio, mas alguns animais podem vir a óbito. Os sinais clínicos são decorrentes do polimorfismo de base única (SNP) c.767G>T no gene Dynamin 1 (DNM1). O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a ocorrência deste SNP em 321 cães da raça Labrador Retriever do Estado de São Paulo. Primers específicos para a amplificação de todo o exon 6 do gene DNM1 foram usados nas PCRs utilizando DNA a partir de amostras de sangue ou swab bucal, a avaliação final foi realizada com sequenciamento direto dos produtos da PCR. Dentre os 321 animais estudados, 3,4 % (11/321) eram homozigotos para o SNP c.767G>T no gene DNM1 e 24,6% (79/321) eram heterozigotos. Somente um dos 11 animais homozigotos apresentavam sinais clínicos compatíveis com a EIC. Este é o primeiro estudo sobre a ocorrência deste SNP no Brasil e considerando que quase 25% dos animais estudados eram heterozigotos, a genotipagem dos animais para este SNP pode ser importante antes dos acasalamentos para cães desta raça. A EIC deve ser considerada nos diagnósticos diferenciais de enfermidades neuromusculares em cães da raça Labrador Retriever.
Les opioïdes sont les analgésiques les plus efficaces dans le traitement des douleurs sévères. Ils produisent leurs effets en ciblant spécifiquement les récepteurs opioïdes localisés tout le long de la voie de perception de la douleur où ils modulent la transmission de l'information douloureuse. La plupart des études dans ce domaine essaient de caractériser les récepteurs opioïdes à l'état isolé de tout partenaire de signalisation. Cette thèse, par contre, montre que le récepteur opioïde delta (DOR) peut former un complexe avec sa protéine G et l'un de ses effecteurs impliqués dans la production de l'effet analgésique, le canal potassique à rectification entrante activée par les protéines G (Kir3 ou GIRK). Après avoir établi la présence de ce complexe constitutif, on a ensuite caractérisé sa stabilité, modulation et régulation suite à une stimulation avec des agonistes opioïdes. En premier lieu, on a caractérisé la transmission de l'information du récepteur DOR, suite à son activation par un agoniste, vers le canal Kir3. On a remarqué que cette transmission ne suit pas le modèle de collision, généralement accepté, mais nécessite plutôt un simple changement dans la conformation du complexe préformé. Ensuite, on a déterminé que même suite à l'activation prolongée du récepteur DOR par un agoniste complet, le complexe DOR/Kir3 maintenait son intégrité et a été reconnu par la βarrestine (βarr) comme une seule unité signalétique provoquant ainsi l'internalisation de DOR et Kir3 par un mécanisme clathrine et dynamine-dépendant. Ainsi, prises ensemble, ces données montrent que l'activation du récepteur DOR déclenche non seulement l'activation de l'effecteur Kir3 mais également un mécanisme de régulation qui élimine cet effecteur de la membrane plasmique.