118 resultados para Dutos
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Problems associated to longitudinal interactions in buried pipelines are characterized as three-dimensional and can lead to different soil-pipe issues. Despite the progress achieved in research on buried pipelines, little attention has been given to the three-dimensional nature of the problem throughout the last decades. Most of researches simplify the problem by considering it in plane strain condition. This dissertation aims to present a study on the behavior of buried pipelines under local settlement or elevation, using three-dimensional simulations. Finite element code Plaxis 3D was used for the simulations. Particular aspects of the numerical modeling were evaluated and parametric analyzes were performed, was investigated the effects of soil arching in three-dimensional form. The main variables investigated were as follows: relative density, displacement of the elevation or settlement zone, elevated zone size, height of soil cover and pipe diameter/thickness ratio. The simulations were performed in two stages. The first stage was involved the validation of the numerical analysis using the physical models put forward by Costa (2005). In the second stage, numerical analyzes of a full-scale pipeline subjected to a localized elevation were performed. The obtained results allowed a detailed evaluation of the redistribution of stresses in the soil mass and the deflections along the pipe. It was observed the reduction of stresses in the soil mass and pipe deflections when the height of soil cover was decreased on regions of the pipe subjected to elevation. It was also shown for the analyzed situation that longitudinal thrusts were higher than vi circumferential trusts and exceeded the allowable stresses and deflections. Furthermore, the benefits of minimizing stress with technical as the false trench, compressible cradle and a combination of both applied to the simulated pipeline were verified
The flows turbulent and laminar are present in various applications of engineering and one of the villain of energy loss big is the surface friction. Currently, there are several research aimed for the study of reducing drag (DR) with the objective of developing effective methods to reduce the friction. Regardless of numerous research carried out until today, the phenomenon DR still remains in study not it is fully understood. This paper studied the drag reduction by polymer induction in turbulent internal flows in ducts. We constructed a testing bench to perform the analysis of drag reduction, the bench has basically two manometers with a 8.5 psi full scale, a peripheral pump 0.5 HP, an acrylic tank, valves and tubes pvc and is situated in the Laboratory Fluid Mechanics UFRN. Were used as polymer additives to polyethylene glycol 4000, the Polyox WSR N60K, Polyox WSR 301 and Polyox WSR 205. The rationale for the choice of these polymers is their wide application in situations requiring greater energy efficiency, such as the addition reducing polymers for the jet used by the fire department to achieve greater distances. The induced drag reduction polymers is investigated from the turbulent flow analysis, with Reynolds number in a range between 2×104
The flows turbulent and laminar are present in various applications of engineering and one of the villain of energy loss big is the surface friction. Currently, there are several research aimed for the study of reducing drag (DR) with the objective of developing effective methods to reduce the friction. Regardless of numerous research carried out until today, the phenomenon DR still remains in study not it is fully understood. This paper studied the drag reduction by polymer induction in turbulent internal flows in ducts. We constructed a testing bench to perform the analysis of drag reduction, the bench has basically two manometers with a 8.5 psi full scale, a peripheral pump 0.5 HP, an acrylic tank, valves and tubes pvc and is situated in the Laboratory Fluid Mechanics UFRN. Were used as polymer additives to polyethylene glycol 4000, the Polyox WSR N60K, Polyox WSR 301 and Polyox WSR 205. The rationale for the choice of these polymers is their wide application in situations requiring greater energy efficiency, such as the addition reducing polymers for the jet used by the fire department to achieve greater distances. The induced drag reduction polymers is investigated from the turbulent flow analysis, with Reynolds number in a range between 2×104
Welding is one of the most employed process for joining steel pipes. Although, manual welding is still the most used one, mechanized version and even automatized one have increased its demand. Thus, this work deals with girth welding of API 5L X65 pipes with 8” of nominal diameter and 8.0 mm thickness, beveled with V-30º narrow gap. Torch is moved by a bug carrier (mechanized welding) and further the parameters are controlled as a function of angular position (automatized welding). Welding parameters are presented for filling the joint with two-passes (root and filling/capping passes). Parameters for the root pass were extracted from previous author´s work with weldments carried out in plates, but validated in this work for pipe welding. GMAW processes were assessed with short-circuit metal transfer in both conventional and derivative modes using different technologies (RMD, STT and CMT). After the parameter determination, mechanical testing was performed for welding qualification (uniaxial tension, face and root bending, nick break, Charpy V-notch impact, microhardness and macrograph). The initially obtained results for RMD and CMT were acceptable for all testing and, in a second moment, also for the STT. However, weld beads carried out by using the conventional process failed and revealed the existence of lack of fusion, which required further parametrization. Thus, a Parameter-Variation System for Girth Welding (SVP) was designed and built to allow varying the welding parameters as a function of angular position by using an inclinometer. The parameters were set for each of the three angular positions (flat, vertical downhill and overhead). By using such equipment and approach, the conventional process with parameter variation allowed reducing the welding time for joint accomplishment of the order of 38% for the root pass and 30% for the filling/capping pass.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Integridade de Materiais da Engenharia, 2016.
The efficiency of inhibition to corrosion of steel AISI 1018 of surfactant coconut oil saponified (SCO) and heterocyclic type mesoionics (1,3,4-triazólio-2-tiolato) in systems microemulsionados (SCO-ME and SCO-ME-MI) Of type O/A (rich in water emulsion) region with the work of Winsor IV. The systems microemulsionados (SCO-ME and SCO-ME-MI) were evaluated with a corrosion inhibitor for use in saline 10,000 ppm of chloride enriched with carbon dioxide (CO2). The assessment of corrosion inhibitors were evaluated by the techniques of linear polarization resistance (LPR) and loss of weight (MW) in a cell instrumented given the gravity and electrochemical devices. The systems were shooting speed of less than 60 minutes and efficiency of inhibition [SCO-ME (91.25%) and SCO-ME-MI (98.54%)]
The transport of fluids through pipes is used in the oil industry, being the pipelines an important link in the logistics flow of fluids. However, the pipelines suffer deterioration in their walls caused by several factors which may cause loss of fluids to the environment, justifying the investment in techniques and methods of leak detection to minimize fluid loss and environmental damage. This work presents the development of a supervisory module in order to inform to the operator the leakage in the pipeline monitored in the shortest time possible, in order that the operator log procedure that entails the end of the leak. This module is a component of a system designed to detect leaks in oil pipelines using sonic technology, wavelets and neural networks. The plant used in the development and testing of the module presented here was the system of tanks of LAMP, and its LAN, as monitoring network. The proposal consists of, basically, two stages. Initially, assess the performance of the communication infrastructure of the supervisory module. Later, simulate leaks so that the DSP sends information to the supervisory performs the calculation of the location of leaks and indicate to which sensor the leak is closer, and using the system of tanks of LAMP, capture the pressure in the pipeline monitored by piezoresistive sensors, this information being processed by the DSP and sent to the supervisory to be presented to the user in real time
With the increasing of demand for natural gas and the consequent growth of the pipeline networks, besides the importance of transport and transfer of oil products by pipeline, and when it comes to product quality and integrity of the pipeline there is an important role regarding to the monitoring internal corrosion of the pipe. This study aims to assess corrosion in three pipeline that operate with different products, using gravimetric techniques and electrical resistance. Chemical analysis of residues originated in the pipeline helps to identify the mechanism corrosive process. The internal monitoring of the corrosion in the pipelines was carried out between 2009 and 2010 using coupon weight loss and electrical resistance probe. Physico-chemical techniques of diffraction and fluorescence X-rays were used to characterize the products of corrosion of the pipelines. The corrosion rate by weight loss was analyzed for every pipeline, only those ones that has revealed corrosive attack were analyzed located corrosion rate. The corrosion potential was classified as low to pipeline gas and ranged from low to severe for oil pipelines and the pipeline derivatives. Corrosion products were identified as iron carbonate, iron oxide and iron sulfide
INTRODUÇÃO: Lutzomyia intermedia s. s. e L. neivai, usualmente consideradas como pertencentes a uma só espécie, constituem um complexo de espécies. Foram analisadas as medidas de várias estruturas de exemplares das duas espécies, provenientes do Brasil, Paraguai, Argentina e Bolívia. MÉTODO: Foram medidas 39 estruturas em exemplares de ambos os sexos, com ocular graduada, fazendo-se comparações por análise de variância (ANOVA). RESULTADOS: Constatou-se desvio significativo nas proporções de fêmeas e de machos com cada fórmula palpal e influência da região de origem dos insetos. O labro e os palpos maxilares foram mais longos nas fêmeas e o antenômero III mais longo nos machos. Foram constatadas várias diferenças entre medidas das asas, quase todas maiores nas fêmeas. A proporção de espermatecas com cabeça simples em L. neivai é significativamente maior que em L. intermedia. Também foram observadas diferenças significativas nos comprimentos das bombas e dos dutos ejaculadores entre as espécies. DISCUSSÃO: As variações nas fórmulas palpais ressaltam o risco do uso desta fórmula para a associação entre exemplares de ambos os sexos. As diferenças nos comprimentos dos palpos e no labro podem estar ligadas à hematofagia das fêmeas. Comenta-se sobre as possíveis implicações da maior relação comprimento/largura das asas em machos. As diferenças nas proporções de fêmeas das duas espécies com os diferentes tipos de cabeça de espermatecas podem auxiliar na identificação específica. As diferenças nos comprimentos das bombas e dos dutos ejaculadores e nas relações entre estes comprimentos podem auxiliar na identificação dos machos, ainda difícil.
As vigas de aço alveoladas podem ser fabricadas a partir de perfis laminados a quente e possuem vantagens como: maior rigidez a flexão, possibilidade de passagem de dutos de instalações pelas aberturas, maior penetração de luz natural e bom aspeto estético. Devido à presença de aberturas na alma da viga, podem ocorrer diversos modos de colapso, que dependem da geometria da viga, das dimensões das aberturas, do tipo de carregamento e das condições de fronteira. A sua geometria flexível permite diversas configurações, sendo desejável que o projeto conduza a soluções eficientes e económicas. Para tal, o conhecimento do comportamento estrutural destas vigas é de fundamental importância. Neste trabalho, abordam-se diversos aspetos específicos deste tipo de vigas e discutem-se as correspondentes metodologias de dimensionamento.
O trabalho realizado foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um estágio curricular de seis meses realizado na Refinaria de Sines da Galp Energia. O principal objetivo foi a otimização da maior coluna de destilação de vácuo existente, uma vez que com o início do funcionamento de novas unidades, como é o caso do Hydrocraker, a produção de gasóleo de vácuo na Refinaria não é suficiente para assegurar a carga das unidades sendo necessário importar, diminuindo assim as margens das unidades. Foi implementada a simulação da coluna de destilação de vácuo II em ASPEN PLUS® para o caso de design, usando as condições de operação que o licenciador usou nas suas simulações para o re-vamping da unidade. Posteriormente foi efetuada a implementação para o caso de Test Run, em que são verificadas as produções projetadas para a coluna, e foram implementados na coluna 4 casos de operação real, onde foram recolhidos os dados de operação e comparadas as características dos produtos simulados com os resultados obtidos nos ensaios das amostras efetuados pelo Laboratório. No caso de design verifica-se que o modelo representa de forma aceitável as características dos pro-dutos extraídos. Tanto para o caso de Test Run como para os casos reais verifica-se que o modelo representa, na maioria dos casos, as características do destilado e do HVGO nas partes finais das destilações destes produtos, enquanto que o modelo representa as características do LVGO na fase inicial da destilação. Para otimização da coluna de vácuo verificou-se que os parâmetros com maior influência na produção de gasóleo de vácuo são a temperatura da zona de flash da coluna e o caudal de vapor de stripping introduzido no fundo da coluna.
O fruto de Platonia insignisé uma baga uniloculada cuja forma varia de oblata a oblonga. O exocarpo é unisseriado; o mesocarpo é parenquimático, contendo numerosos dutos secretores e feixes vasculares ramificados; o endocarpo constitui a camada pulposa que envolve as sementes no fruto maduro, quando se destaca do restante do pericarpo. As camadas celulares mais internas do endocarpo são radialmente alongadas e permanecem firmemente aderidas às camadas mais externas da testa, por meio de interdigitações. As sementes são anátropas e se tornam unitegumentadas e exalbuminosas. A testa é multisseriada e apresenta numerosos feixes vasculares que partem do feixe rafeal único como ramos pós-calazais; o tégmen encontra-se colapsado, sendo distintos apenas alguns braquisclereídes dispersos. O embrião, do tipo conferruminado, consta de um espesso eixo hipocótilo-radícula, rico em reservas lipídicas, em cujo meristema fundamental estão presentes abundantes dutos secretores.