973 resultados para Dual polarization


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Radar and satellite data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission-Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (TRMM-LBA) project have been examined to determine causes for convective storm initiation in the southwest Amazon region. The locations and times of storm initiation were based on the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) S-band dual-polarization Doppler radar (S-Pol). Both the radar and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-8 (GOES-8) visible data were used to identify cold pools produced by convective precipitation. These data along with high-resolution topographic data were used to determine possible convective storm triggering mechanisms. The terrain elevation varied from 100 to 600 m. Tropical forests cover the area with numerous clear-cut areas used for cattle grazing and farming. This paper presents the results from 5 February 1999. A total of 315 storms were initiated within 130 km of the S-Pol radar. This day was classified as a weak monsoon regime where convection developed in response to the diurnal cycle of solar heating. Scattered shallow cumulus during the morning developed into deep convection by early afternoon. Storm initiation began about 1100 LST and peaked around 1500-1600 LST. The causes of storm initiation were classified into four categories. The most common initiation mechanism was caused by forced lifting by a gust front (GF; 36%). Forcing by terrain (>300 m) without any other triggering mechanism accounted for 21% of the initiations and colliding GFs accounted for 16%. For the remaining 27% a triggering mechanism was not identified. Examination of all days during TRMM-LBA showed that this one detailed study day was representative of many days. A conceptual model of storm initiation and evolution is presented. The results of this study should have implications for other locations when synoptic-scale forcing mechanisms are at a minimum. These results should also have implications for very short-period forecasting techniques in any location where terrain, GFs, and colliding boundaries influence storm evolution.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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El diseño de una antena reflectarray bajo la aproximación de periodicidad local requiere la determinación de la matriz de scattering de estructuras multicapa con metalizaciones periódicas para un gran número de geometrías diferentes. Por lo tanto, a la hora de diseñar antenas reflectarray en tiempos de CPU razonables, se necesitan herramientas númericas rápidas y precisas para el análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa. En esta tesis se aplica la versión Galerkin del Método de los Momentos (MDM) en el dominio espectral al análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa necesarias para el diseño de antenas reflectarray basadas en parches apilados o en dipolos paralelos coplanares. Desgraciadamente, la aplicación de este método numérico involucra el cálculo de series dobles infinitas, y mientras que algunas series convergen muy rápidamente, otras lo hacen muy lentamente. Para aliviar este problema, en esta tesis se propone un novedoso MDM espectral-espacial para el análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa, en el cual las series rápidamente convergente se calculan en el dominio espectral, y las series lentamente convergentes se calculan en el dominio espacial mediante una versión mejorada de la formulación de ecuaciones integrales de potenciales mixtos (EIPM) del MDM. Esta versión mejorada se basa en la interpolación eficiente de las funciones de Green multicapa periódicas, y en el cálculo eficiente de las integrales singulares que conducen a los elementos de la matriz del MDM. El novedoso método híbrido espectral-espacial y el tradicional MDM en el dominio espectral se han comparado en el caso de los elementos reflectarray basado en parches apilados. Las simulaciones numéricas han demostrado que el tiempo de CPU requerido por el MDM híbrido es alrededor de unas 60 veces más rápido que el requerido por el tradicional MDM en el dominio espectral para una precisión de dos cifras significativas. El uso combinado de elementos reflectarray con parches apilados y técnicas de optimización de banda ancha ha hecho posible diseñar antenas reflectarray de transmisiónrecepción (Tx-Rx) y polarización dual para aplicaciones de espacio con requisitos muy restrictivos. Desgraciadamente, el nivel de aislamiento entre las polarizaciones ortogonales en antenas DBS (típicamente 30 dB) es demasiado exigente para ser conseguido con las antenas basadas en parches apilados. Además, el uso de elementos reflectarray con parches apilados conlleva procesos de fabricación complejos y costosos. En esta tesis se investigan varias configuraciones de elementos reflectarray basadas en conjuntos de dipolos paralelos con el fin de superar los inconvenientes que presenta el elemento basado en parches apilados. Primeramente, se propone un elemento consistente en dos conjuntos apilados ortogonales de tres dipolos paralelos para aplicaciones de polarización dual. Se ha diseñado, fabricado y medido una antena basada en este elemento, y los resultados obtenidos para la antena indican que tiene unas altas prestaciones en términos de ancho de banda, pérdidas, eficiencia y discriminación contrapolar, además de requerir un proceso de fabricación mucho más sencillo que el de las antenas basadas en tres parches apilados. Desgraciadamente, el elemento basado en dos conjuntos ortogonales de tres dipolos paralelos no proporciona suficientes grados de libertad para diseñar antenas reflectarray de transmisión-recepción (Tx-Rx) de polarización dual para aplicaciones de espacio por medio de técnicas de optimización de banda ancha. Por este motivo, en la tesis se propone un nuevo elemento reflectarray que proporciona los grados de libertad suficientes para cada polarización. El nuevo elemento consiste en dos conjuntos ortogonales de cuatro dipolos paralelos. Cada conjunto contiene tres dipolos coplanares y un dipolo apilado. Para poder acomodar los dos conjuntos de dipolos en una sola celda de la antena reflectarray, el conjunto de dipolos de una polarización está desplazado medio período con respecto al conjunto de dipolos de la otra polarización. Este hecho permite usar solamente dos niveles de metalización para cada elemento de la antena, lo cual simplifica el proceso de fabricación como en el caso del elemento basados en dos conjuntos de tres dipolos paralelos coplanares. Una antena de doble polarización y doble banda (Tx-Rx) basada en el nuevo elemento ha sido diseñada, fabricada y medida. La antena muestra muy buenas presentaciones en las dos bandas de frecuencia con muy bajos niveles de polarización cruzada. Simulaciones numéricas presentadas en la tesis muestran que estos bajos de niveles de polarización cruzada se pueden reducir todavía más si se llevan a cabo pequeñas rotaciones de los dos conjuntos de dipolos asociados a cada polarización. ABSTRACT The design of a reflectarray antenna under the local periodicity assumption requires the determination of the scattering matrix of a multilayered structure with periodic metallizations for quite a large number of different geometries. Therefore, in order to design reflectarray antennas within reasonable CPU times, fast and accurate numerical tools for the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures are required. In this thesis the Galerkin’s version of the Method of Moments (MoM) in the spectral domain is applied to the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures involved in the design of reflectarray antennas made of either stacked patches or coplanar parallel dipoles. Unfortunately, this numerical approach involves the computation of double infinite summations, and whereas some of these summations converge very fast, some others converge very slowly. In order to alleviate this problem, in the thesis a novel hybrid MoM spectral-spatial domain approach is proposed for the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures. In the novel approach, whereas the fast convergent summations are computed in the spectral domain, the slowly convergent summations are computed by means of an enhanced Mixed Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) formulation of the MoM in the spatial domain. This enhanced formulation is based on the efficient interpolation of the multilayered periodic Green’s functions, and on the efficient computation of the singular integrals leading to the MoM matrix entries. The novel hybrid spectral-spatial MoM code and the standard spectral domain MoM code have both been compared in the case of reflectarray elements based on multilayered stacked patches. Numerical simulations have shown that the CPU time required by the hybrid MoM is around 60 times smaller than that required by the standard spectral MoM for an accuracy of two significant figures. The combined use of reflectarray elements based on stacked patches and wideband optimization techniques has made it possible to design dual polarization transmit-receive (Tx-Rx) reflectarrays for space applications with stringent requirements. Unfortunately, the required level of isolation between orthogonal polarizations in DBS antennas (typically 30 dB) is hard to achieve with the configuration of stacked patches. Moreover, the use of reflectarrays based on stacked patches leads to a complex and expensive manufacturing process. In this thesis, we investigate several configurations of reflectarray elements based on sets of parallel dipoles that try to overcome the drawbacks introduced by the element based on stacked patches. First, an element based on two stacked orthogonal sets of three coplanar parallel dipoles is proposed for dual polarization applications. An antenna made of this element has been designed, manufactured and measured, and the results obtained show that the antenna presents a high performance in terms of bandwidth, losses, efficiency and cross-polarization discrimination, while the manufacturing process is cheaper and simpler than that of the antennas made of stacked patches. Unfortunately, the element based on two sets of three coplanar parallel dipoles does not provide enough degrees of freedom to design dual-polarization transmit-receive (Tx-Rx) reflectarray antennas for space applications by means of wideband optimization techniques. For this reason, in the thesis a new reflectarray element is proposed which does provide enough degrees of freedom for each polarization. This new element consists of two orthogonal sets of four parallel dipoles, each set containing three coplanar dipoles and one stacked dipole. In order to accommodate the two sets of dipoles in each reflectarray cell, the set of dipoles for one polarization is shifted half a period from the set of dipoles for the other polarization. This also makes it possible to use only two levels of metallization for the reflectarray element, which simplifies the manufacturing process as in the case of the reflectarray element based on two sets of three parallel dipoles. A dual polarization dual-band (Tx-Rx) reflectarray antenna based on the new element has been designed, manufactured and measured. The antenna shows a very good performance in both Tx and Rx frequency bands with very low levels of cross-polarization. Numerical simulations carried out in the thesis have shown that the low levels of cross-polarization can be even made smaller by means of small rotations of the two sets of dipoles associated to each polarization.


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In this letter, a new approach for crop phenology estimation with remote sensing is presented. The proposed methodology is aimed to exploit tools from a dynamical system context. From a temporal sequence of images, a geometrical model is derived, which allows us to translate this temporal domain into the estimation problem. The evolution model in state space is obtained through dimensional reduction by a principal component analysis, defining the state variables, of the observations. Then, estimation is achieved by combining the generated model with actual samples in an optimal way using a Kalman filter. As a proof of concept, an example with results obtained with this approach over rice fields by exploiting stacks of TerraSAR-X dual polarization images is shown.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05


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Protein crystallization has gained a new strategic and commercial relevance in the postgenomic era due to its pivotal role in structural genomics. Producing high quality crystals has always been a bottleneck to efficient structure determination, and this problem is becoming increasingly acute. This is especially true for challenging, therapeutically important proteins that typically do not form suitable crystals. The OptiCryst consortium has focused on relieving this bottleneck by making a concerted effort to improve the crystallization techniques usually employed, designing new crystallization tools, and applying such developments to the optimization of target protein crystals. In particular, the focus has been on the novel application of dual polarization interferometry (DPI) to detect suitable nucleation; the application of in situ dynamic light scattering (DLS) to monitor and analyze the process of crystallization; the use of UV-fluorescence to differentiate protein crystals from salt; the design of novel nucleants and seeding technologies; and the development of kits for capillary counterdiffusion and crystal growth in gels. The consortium collectively handled 60 new target proteins that had not been crystallized previously. From these, we generated 39 crystals with improved diffraction properties. Fourteen of these 39 were only obtainable using OptiCryst methods. For the remaining 25, OptiCryst methods were used in combination with standard crystallization techniques. Eighteen structures have already been solved (30% success rate), with several more in the pipeline.


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We demonstrate successful 3-mode-division-multiplexed × 192-Gb/s dual-polarization 8QAM (total 576 Gb/s) transmission over 480 km of few-mode fiber (FMF). This distance was obtained using an all few-mode re-circulating loop containing a 60 km FMF span. © 2013 IEEE.


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A reconfigurable nonlinear equalizer (RNLE) based on inverse Volterra series transfer function is proposed for dual-polarization (DP) and multiband coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. It is shown that the RNLE outperforms by 2 dB the linear equalization in a 260-Gb/s DP-OFDM system at 1500 km. The RNLE improves the tolerance to inter/intraband nonlinearities, being independent on polarization tributaries, modulation format, signal bit rate, subcarrier number, and distance. © 1989-2012 IEEE.


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Optical millimeter wave generation is realized using dual polarization modes operation from a co-located dual distributed feedback fiber laser configuration. A narrow linewidth optical millimeter wave signal at 32.5 GHz is demonstrated without using complex control mechanism.


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A new generation of high-capacity WDM systems with extremely robust performance has been enabled by coherent transmission and digital signal processing. To facilitate widespread deployment of this technology, particularly in the metro space, new photonic components and subsystems are being developed to support cost-effective, compact, and scalable transceivers. We briefly review the recent progress in InP-based photonic components, and report numerical simulation results of an InP-based transceiver comprising a dual-polarization I/Q modulator and a commercial DSP ASIC. Predicted performance penalties due to the nonlinear response, lower bandwidth, and finite extinction ratio of these transceivers are less than 1 and 2 dB for 100-G PM-QPSK and 200-G PM-16QAM, respectively. Using the well-established Gaussian-Noise model, estimated system reach of 100-G PM-QPSK is greater than 600 km for typical ROADM-based metro-regional systems with internode losses up to 20 dB. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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Unrepeatered 100 Gbit/s per channel wave-divisionmultiplexed dual-polarization-QPSK transmission with random distributed feedback fiber laser-based Raman amplification using fiber Bragg grating is demonstrated. Transmission of 1.4 Tb/s (14 × 100 Gbit/s) was possible in 352.8 km link and 2.2 Tb/s (22 × 100 Gbit/s) was achieved in 327.6 km without employing remote optically pumped amplifier or speciality fibers.


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Long reach-passive optical networks (LR-PON) are being proposed as a means of enabling ubiquitous fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) by massive sharing of network resources and therefore reducing per customer costs to affordable levels. In this paper, we analyze the chain solutions for LR-PON deployment in urban and rural areas at 100-Gb/s point-to-point transmission using dual polarization-quaternary phase shift-keying (DP-QPSK) modulation. The numerical analysis shows that with appropriate finite impulse response (FIR) filter designs, 100-Gb/s transmission can be achieved with at least 512 way split and up to 160 km total distance, which is sufficient for many of the optical paths in a practical situation, for point-to-point link from one LR-PON to another LR-PON through the optical switch at the metro nodes and across a core light path through the core network without regeneration.


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This paper assesses the potential of using spaceborne X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for monitoring water-level changes over wetlands. Our analysis is based on three sets of TerraSAR-X (TSX) observations acquired over South Florida's Everglades wetlands during an eight-month period in 2008. The first set was acquired in single HH polarization stripmap mode over our northern study area, consisting of managed wetlands and urban environments. The second set was acquired in dual-polarization stripmap mode over the western half of the same area, consisting mostly of managed wetlands. The third set was also acquired with dual-polarization stripmap mode over our southern study area, consisting of natural flow freshand salt-water wetlands in the southern Everglades. The first data set was used for a proof-of-concept study to verify that X-band data can generate coherent interferograms in wetland areas. Interferometric processing of this data set shows a high level of coherence (> 0.35) over both wetland and urban regions, maintaining interferometric phase in all three interferograms spanning 11 days. Surprisingly, phase is maintained over some of the wetlands even for interferograms spanning 33 days. The other two data sets were used to evaluate interferometric coherence of all four polarization modes and to determine dominant scattering mechanism in each wetland environment. Our results show high coherence values (> 0.4) in all polarization modes, with highest values in HH, then VV, and lowest in HV or VH. Interferograms calculated from multipolarization data show very similar fringe patterns regardless of the polarization type, suggesting that the phase information in all polarization data reflects water-level changes in wetlands and that volume scattering may be less important than commonly believed. We also used the two multipolarization data sets to conduct the Pauli decomposition, finding a strong dependence of scattering mechanism on vegetation t- - ype. The high interferometric coherence level of all polarization data suggests that a significant part of the X-band scattered signal interacts with lower sections of the vegetation (trunks and branches), because scattering from wind-affected canopies cannot support such a high coherence level. The high spatial resolution of TSX, combined with its 11-day repeat orbit, makes this X-band sensor surprisingly suitable for wetland interferometric SAR applications.


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Frequency Selective surfaces are increasingly common structures in telecommunication systems due to their geometric and electromagnetic advantages. As a matter of fact, the frequency selective surfaces with fractal geometry type would allow an even bigger reduction of the electrical length which provided greater flexibility in the design of these structures. In this work, we investigated the use of multifractal geometry in frequency selective surfaces. Three structures with different multifractal geometries have been proposed and analyzed. The first structure allowed the design of multiband structures with greater flexibility in controlling the resonant frequencies and bandwidth. The second structure provided a bandwidth increase even with the rising of the fractal level. The third structure showed response with angle stability, dual polarization and provided room for a bandwidth increase with the rising of the structural multifractality. Furthermore, the proposed structures increased the degree of freedom in the multiband designs because they have multiple resonant frequencies ratios between adjacent bands and are easy to deploy. The validation of the proposed structures was initially verified through simulations in Ansoft Designer software and then the structures were constructed and the experimental results obtained


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In this paper a novel dual-band single circular polarization antenna feeding network for satellite communications is presented. The novel antenna feed chain1 is composed of two elements or subsystems, namely a diplexer and a bi-phase polarizer. In comparison with the classic topology based on an orthomode transducer and a dual-band polarizer, the proposed feed chain presents several advantages, such as compactness, modular design of the different components, broadband operation and versatility in the subsystems interconnection. The design procedure of this new antenna feed configuration is explained. Different examples of antenna feeding networks at 20/30 GHz are presented. It is pointed out the excellent results obtained in terms of isolation and axial ratio.