899 resultados para Dual band
L'electromagnetisme és una branca de la física que està en continu estudi. Fins a mitjans de la dècada dels 60 es pensava que, per a la propagació de les ones electromagnètiques fos possible, els medis propagatius havien de presentar una permitivitat dielèctrica i una permeabilitat magnètica simultàniament positives. No obstant, Victor G. Veselago va revolucionar la teoria electromagnètica amb la idea dels medis amb ε i μ negatives i va donar amb això origen als medis metamaterials. En el present treball s'estudiaran els principis físics en els que es fonamenten els metamaterials. Es veuran algunes de les seves característiques que els converteixen en medis exòtics i com aquestes poden ser utilitzades en el desenvolupament de dispositius amb prestacions difícils d'obtenir amb les tecnologies convencionals. A continuació s'aplicaran els conceptes tractats en el disseny d'un inversor d'impedàncies implementat mitjançant ressonadors en anells oberts complementaris. Aquest dispositiu, que presentarà un funcionament en banda dual, serà utilitzat en el posterior disseny d'un divisor de potencia. Finalment es realitzarà la implementació física del divisor de potencia dissenyat i es verificarà el seu correcte funcionament amb les mesures pertinents.
El primer objectiu del projecte és l’estudi i disseny d’un desfassador bi – banda reconfigurable per integrar en sistemes d’antenes intel·ligents i amb aplicació a sistemes dual band WLAN operant en els marges freqüencials 2.4 - 2.5 GHz i 5.15 – 5.35GHz. El desfassador que es proposa realitzar està basat en un acoblador híbrid multibanda, diplexors i circuits reconfigurables commutats amb díodes PIN. El segon objectiu del projecte és l’aprenentatge de la metodologia de disseny de circuits d’RF i més concretament les següents etapes: estudi i disseny teòric (analític), simulació circuital (ADS), simulació electromagnètica (Momentum), cosimulació circuital-electromagnètica i fabricació, així com les diferents interacions i mecanismes d’optimització entre aquestes etapes.
El proyecto está dedicado al estudio y diseño de filtros paso-banda y en banda dual con tecnología microstrip mediante estructuras resonantes de tipo open-loop. Se ha llevado a cabo el diseño de un filtro paso-banda con respuesta Chebyshev, un filtro pasobanda con ceros de transmisión y un filtro de banda dual para WCDMA y WiFi, empleado el método de diseño para filtros basados en resonadores inter-acoplados. Se presentan los modelos eléctricos de los filtros de RF simulados junto con sus respectivos layouts y se comparan las respuestas obtenidas de los dispositivos con las respuestas ideales. En el proyecto se realiza un estudio del comportamiento de los diferentes tipos de acoplamiento entre resonadores open-loop en función de la geometría de la estructura. Las tendencias de comportamiento de los acoplamientos permiten el diseño y colocación de los resonadores para satisfacer las especificaciones del filtro.
O trabalho descrito nesta dissertação de mestrado foca-se em geral na investigação de antenas impressas. São apresentados conceitos básicos, em conjunto com alguns exemplos desenvolvidos. No entanto, o principal foco prende-se com técnicas de miniaturização e reconfigurabilidade de antenas. A miniaturização de antenas é um tema de investigação de longa data, no entanto, novas técnicas e soluções são apresentadas regularmente. Nesta tese, é aplicada uma técnica recente, baseada na introdução de indutores encapsulados no elemento ressonante de uma antena, que permite miniaturizar um monopólio impresso com uma frequência de ressonância de 2.5 GHz. Outro assunto abordado neste trabalho é a reconfigurabilidade de antenas. Algumas das técnicas mais comuns na investigação actual são apresentadas e debatidas. Uma solução com recurso a díodos PIN é usada para estudar esta capacidade. Os conceitos e características deste tipo de componentes são apresentadas sendo feito o desenho e fabrico de um possível monopólio impresso reconfigurável para operação em dupla banda. Por fim, são combinadas as técnicas de miniaturização com inductor encapsulado e reconfigurabilidade através de díodos PIN, por forma a projectar uma antena reconfigurável muito pequena, para operação em duas bandas distintas. Os resultados são discutidos e com base nestes, algumas possíveis otimizações são propostas. The work reported in this dissertation is focused in the printed antenna research. Basic concepts of printed antennas are presented, along with a few examples that were developed. The main focus however, is around miniaturization and reconfigurability of antennas. Antenna miniaturization is a long time research subject, however, new techniques and solutions are presented everyday. In this thesis, a recent technique based on the introduction of chip inductors in the resonating element of a printed antenna is used in order to miniaturize a monopole with a resonating frequency at 2.5 GHz. Another issue approached in this work is antenna reconfigurability. Some common techniques used in antenna reconfiguration are presented and debated. A solution with PIN diodes is used to study this capability. The concepts and characteristics of this type of components are presented and an example of a reconfigurable printed monopole for dual-band operation is designed and fabricated. At last, miniaturization with chip inductor and reconfigurability through PIN diodes are used together to create a very small antenna for dual-band operation. The simulated and measured results are discussed and upon these, some possible optimizations are proposed.
En aquest treball s’ha dissenyat i fabricat una antena monopol en estructura planar capaç de treballar correctament a les freqüències WLAN de 2,45-2,5 GHz (802.11b/g) i 4,9-5,875 GHz (802.11a/h/j). Per arribar a aquest objectiu primer s’ha presentat el model de línia de transmissió acabada en circuit obert per simular el comportament d’una antena. S’han comparat i verificat els resultats amb el model d’antena de fil. Seguidament, s’ha estudiat el comportament que introdueix el fet de carregar l’antena amb un ressonador LC. Finalment, s’ha passat del model d’antena de fil a una estructura planar. Aquesta geometria ha permès la realització del trap LC de forma distribuïda a través d’un ressonador CLL. El principi de disseny de l’antena està basat en la introducció d’aquest ressonador CLL amb freqüència de ressonància situada entre les dos bandes de treball i que junt amb l’ajust dels diversos paràmetres que defineixen l’antena han permès obtenir més 1 GHz d’ample de banda a la freqüència de 5 GHz.
A compact dual-band uniplanar antenna for operation in the 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN/HIPERLAN2 communication bands is presented. The dual-band antenna is obtained by modifying one of the lateral strips of a slot line, thereby producing two different current paths. The antenna occupies a very small area of 14.5times16.6 mm2 including the ground plane on a substrate having dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness 1.6 mm at 2.2 GHz. The antenna resonates with two bands from 2.2 to 2.52 GHz and from 5 to 10 GHz with good matching, good radiation characteristics and moderate gain
This thesis describes the development and analysis of an Isosceles Trapezoidal Dielectric Resonator Antenna (ITDRA) by realizing different DR orientations with suitable feed configurations enabling it to be used as multiband, dual band dual polarized and wideband applications. The motivation for this work has been inspired by the need for compact, high efficient, low cost antenna suitable for multi band application, dual band dual polarized operation and broadband operation with the possibility of using with MICs, and to ensure less expensive, more efficient and quality wireless communication systems. To satisfy these challenging demands a novel shaped Dielectric Resonator (DR) is fabricated and investigated for the possibility of above required properties by trying out different orientations of the DR on a simple microstrip feed and with slotted ground plane as well. The thesis initially discusses and evaluates recent and past developments taken place within the microwave industry on this topic through a concise review of literature. Then the theoretical aspects of DRA and different feeding techniques are described. Following this, fabrication and characterization of DRA is explained. To achieve the desired requirements as above both simulations and experimental measurements were undertaken. A 3-D finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic simulation tool, HFSSTM by Agilent, is used to determine the optimum geometry of the dielectric resonator. It was found to be useful in producing approximate results although it had some limitations. A numerical analysis technique, finite difference time domain (FDTD) is used for validating the results of wide band design at the end. MATLAB is used for modeling the ITDR and implementing FDTD analysis. In conclusion this work offers a new, efficient and relatively simple alternative for antennas to be used for multiple requirements in the wireless communication system.
The space constraints on wireless gadgets is a challenge to antenna designers as the ground plane dimensions of the printed monopole significantly affect s the antenna characteristics.Investigations on ground plane truncations have led to the development of an extremely broad band printed monopole antenna.Omnidirectional radiation characteristics with moderate gain makes this antenna highly suitable for mobile/wireless applications .This thesis also highlights the development of UWB printed antenna along with design equations .Optimum ground plane dimensions for compact antenna applications,folding technique for miniaturization and double folding for dual band application are the other highlights of this thesis.
With the recent progress and rapid increase in the field of communication, the designs of antennas for small mobile terminals with enhanced radiation characteristics are acquiring great importance. Compactness, efficiency, high data rate capacity etc. are the major criteria for the new generation antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to design a compact printed radiating structure having broadband behavior along with good efficiency and enhanced gain. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of planar transmission lines in mid-seventies. When we view the antenna through a transmission line concept, the mechanism behind any electromagnetic radiator is quite simple and interesting. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and orientation of the discontinuities control the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non-resonant. This thesis deals with antennas that are developed from a class of transmission lines known as coplanar strip-CPS, a planar analogy of parallel pair transmission line. The specialty of CPS is its symmetric structure compared to other transmission lines, which makes the antenna structures developed from CPS quite simple for design and fabrication. The structural modifications on either metallic strip of CPS results in different antennas. The first part of the thesis discusses a single band and dual band design derived from open ended slot lines which are very much suitable for 2.4 and 5.2 GHz WLAN applications. The second section of the study is vectored into the development of enhanced gain dipoles. A single band dipole and a wide band enhanced gain dipole suitable for 5.2/5.8 GHZ band and imaging applications are developed and discussed. Last part of the thesis discusses the development of directional UWBs. Three different types of ultra-compact UWBs are developed and almost all the frequency domain and time domain analysis of the structures are discussed.
A dual band RFID applications in 800 900 MHz and 2400 MHz band is presented. The Asymmetric Coplanar Strip (ACS) fed antenna consists of inverted L shaped monopole with a capacitive loading to provide necessary impedance matching and current distribution. The antenna has wide bandwidth from 790 MHz tol050 MHz and from 2350 MHz to 2640 MHz coving the RFID UHF and Microwave frequencies. The uniplanar antenna having overall dimensions of 48 mm x 14 mm is printed on one side of a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4 and height 1.6 mm.
This work presents a wideband low-distortion sigmadelta analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standard. The proposed converter makes use of low-distortion swing suppression SDM architecture which is highly suitable for low oversampling ratios to attain high linearity over a wide bandwidth. The modulator employs a 2-2 cascaded sigma-delta modulator with feedforward path with a single-bit quantizer in the first stage and 4-bit in the second stage. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8V supply voltage. Simulation results show that, a peak SNDR of 57dB and a spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) of 66dB is obtained for a 10MHz signal bandwidth, and an oversampling ratio of 8.
O presente trabalho apresenta um projeto e análise de uma antena monopolo planar multibanda operante nas frequências de 2000 MHz, 2500 MHz e 3500 MHz para aplicação em dispositivos móveis 3G e 4G. Dentre essas faixas estão contidos os espectros 3G (1895- 2165 MHz), 4G (2500-2690 MHz) e 4G (3400-3600 MHz) utilizadas pelo LTE e WIMAX 3,5. Para o desenvolvimento desse estudo foi tomado como referência uma antena dual-band de Hua- Ming Chen projetada para operar em sistemas ISM 1800 MHz, redes Wireless e Bluetooth 2400 MHz. O projeto proposto neste trabalho é uma modificação na estrutura da antena dual-band adaptada para tripla ressonância simultânea em frequências utilizadas em redes móveis 4G. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto utilizou-se para simulação o software CST® MICROWAVE STUDIO baseado no método Integração Finita no Domínio, as simulações foram feitas no domínio do tempo. Após obtenção satisfatória dos resultados simulados, um protótipo da antena foi confeccionado para medição e teste, os resultados apresentados são coerentes aos obtidos na simulação, o que valida o método proposto.
This thesis presents the outcomes of my Ph.D. course in telecommunications engineering. The focus of my research has been on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and in particular on the design of aiding schemes operating both at position and physical level and the evaluation of their feasibility and advantages. Assistance techniques at the position level are considered to enhance receiver availability in challenging scenarios where satellite visibility is limited. Novel positioning techniques relying on peer-to-peer interaction and exchange of information are thus introduced. More specifically two different techniques are proposed: the Pseudorange Sharing Algorithm (PSA), based on the exchange of GNSS data, that allows to obtain coarse positioning where the user has scarce satellite visibility, and the Hybrid approach, which also permits to improve the accuracy of the positioning solution. At the physical level, aiding schemes are investigated to improve the receiver’s ability to synchronize with satellite signals. An innovative code acquisition strategy for dual-band receivers, the Cross-Band Aiding (CBA) technique, is introduced to speed-up initial synchronization by exploiting the exchange of time references between the two bands. In addition vector configurations for code tracking are analyzed and their feedback generation process thoroughly investigated.
Background: High dilutions of various starting materials, e.g. copper sulfate, Hypericum perforatum and sulfur, showed significant differences from controls and amongst different dilution levels in ultraviolet light (UV) transmission [1,2]. Exposure of high dilutions to external physical factors such as UV light or elevated temperature (37°C) also yielded significantly different UV transmissions compared to unexposed dilutions [2,3]. In a study with highland frogs it was shown that animals incubated with thyroxine 30c but not with thyroxine 30c exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of a microwave oven or mobile phone metamorphosed more slowly than control animals [4]. Aims: The aim was to test whether the EMF of a mobile phone influences the UV absorbance of dilutions of quartz and Atropa belladonna (AB). Methodology: Commercially available dilutions of 6x, 12x, 15x, 30x in H2O and 19% ethanol of quartz (SiO2) and of 4x, 6x, 12x, 15x, 30x in H2O and 19% ethanol of AB were used in the experiments (Weleda AG, Arlesheim, Switzerland). Four samples of each dilution were exposed to the EMF of a mobile phone (Philips, Savvy Dual Band) at 900 MHz with an output of 2 W for 3 h, while control samples (4 of each dilution) were kept in a separate room. Absorbance of the samples in the UV range (from 190 to 340 nm) was measured in a randomized order with a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer equipped with an auto sampler. In total 5 separate measurement days will be carried out for quartz and for AB dilutions. The average absorbance from 200 to 340 nm and from 200 to 240 nm was compared among dilution levels using a Kruskal-Wallis test and between exposed and unexposed samples using a Mann-Whitney-U test. Results: Preliminary results after 2 measurement days indicated that for quartz the absorbance of the various dilution levels was different from each other (except 12x and 15x), and that samples exposed to an EMF did not show a difference in UV absorbance from unexposed samples. Preliminary results after one measurement day indicated that for AB the absorbance of the various dilution levels was different from each other. The samples exposed to an EMF did not show a difference in UV absorbance from unexposed samples (except 4x in the range from 200 – 240 nm). Conclusions: These results suggest that exposure of high dilutions of quartz and AB to a mobile phone EMF as used here does not alter UV absorbance of these dilutions. The final results will show whether this holds true.
We present the design of a submillimeter-wave mixer based on electromagnetic band gap (EBG) technology and using subharmonic local oscillator (LO) injection. The indicated device converts an incoming submilimeter wavelength signal into a 1-5 GHz intermediate frequency (IF) signal by mixing it with a subharmonic LO signal. The mixer consists of a dual-band receiver and two coplanar stripline (CPS) filters, collocated on top of a three-dimensional (3-D) EBG structure. A four-element array of the proposed receivers was designed, fabricated and tested. The configuration demonstrated reasonable performance: conversion loss below 8 dB and noise temperature below 3000 K. The presented concept can be used for higher frequencies, provided the availability of sufficiently powerful LO sources.