955 resultados para Drosophila mojavensis


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Most human ACTA1 skeletal actin gene mutations cause dominant, congenital myopathies often with severely reduced muscle function and neonatal mortality. High sequence conservation of actin means many mutated ACTA1 residues are identical to those in the Drosophila Act88F, an indirect flight muscle specific sarcomeric actin. Four known Act88F mutations occur at the same actin residues mutated in ten ACTA1 nemaline mutations, A138D/P, R256H/L, G268C/D/R/S and R372C/S. These Act88F mutants were examined for similar muscle phenotypes. Mutant homozygotes show phenotypes ranging from a lack of myofibrils to almost normal sarcomeres at eclosion. Aberrant Z-disc-like structures and serial Z-disc arrays, ‘zebra bodies’, are observed in homozygotes and heterozygotes of all four Act88F mutants. These electron-dense structures show homologies to human nemaline bodies/rods, but are much smaller than those typically found in the human myopathy. We conclude that the Drosophila indirect flight muscles provide a good model system for studying ACTA1 mutations.


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We have isolated about a thousandDrosophila P-element transposants that allow thein situ detection of genomic enhancer elements by a histochemical assay for β-galactosidase activity. We summarize the β-galactosidase staining patterns of over 200 such transposants in the adult. Our aim was to identify genes that are likely to be involved in the chemosensory and motor pathways ofDrosophila. Based on β-galactosidase expression patterns in the tissues of our interest, we have chosen some strains for further analysis. Behavioral tests on a subset of the transposants have, in addition, identified several strains defective in their chemosensory responses.


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Understanding the basis of normal heart remodeling can provide insight into the plasticity of the cardiac state, and into the potential for treating diseased tissue. In Drosophila, the adult heart arises during metamorphosis from a series of events, that include the remodeling of an existing cardiac tube, the elaboration of new inflow tracts, and the addition of a layer of longitudinal muscle fibers. We have identified genes active in all these three processes, and studied their expression in order to characterize in greater detail normal cardiac remodeling. Using a Transglutaminase-lacZ transgenic line, that is expressed in the inflow tracts of the larval and adult heart, we confirm the existence of five inflow tracts in the adult structure. In addition, expression of the Actin87E actin gene is initiated in the remodeling cardiac tube, but not in the longitudinal fibers, and we have identified an Act87E promoter fragment that recapitulates this switch in expression. We also establish that the longitudinal fibers are multinucleated, characterizing these cells as specialized skeletal muscles. Furthermore, we have defined the origin of the longitudinal fibers, as a subset of lymph gland cells associated with the larval dorsal vessel. These studies underline the myriad contributors to the formation of the adult Drosophila heart, and provide new molecular insights into the development of this complex organ. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The roles of myosin during muscle contraction are well studied, but how different domains of this protein are involved in myofibril assembly in vivo is far less understood. The indirect flight muscles (IFMs) of Drosophila melanogaster provide a good model for understanding muscle development and function in vivo. We show that two missense mutations in the rod region of the myosin heavy-chain gene, Mhc, give rise to IFM defects and abnormal myofibrils. These defects likely result from thick filament abnormalities that manifest during early sarcomere development or later by hypercontraction. The thick filament defects are accompanied by marked reduction in accumulation of flightin, a myosin binding protein, and its phosphorylated forms, which are required to stabilise thick filaments. We investigated with purified rod fragments whether the mutations affect the coiled-coil structure, rod aggregate size or rod stability. No significant changes in these parameters were detected, except for rod thermodynamic stability in one mutation. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that these mutations may produce localised rod instabilities. We conclude that the aberrant myofibrils are a result of thick filament defects, but that these in vivo effects cannot be detected in vitro using the biophysical techniques employed. The in vivo investigation of these mutant phenotypes in IFM development and function provides a useful platform for studying myosin rod and thick filament formation generically, with application to the aetiology of human myosin rod myopathies. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Here we report the results of a study aimed at examining stability of adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms under seminatural conditions (henceforth SN), in four large outbred fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster populations, selected for emergence in a narrow window of time under laboratory (henceforth LAB) light/dark (LD) cycles. When assessed under LAB, selected flies display enhanced stability in terms of higher amplitude, synchrony and accuracy in emergence and activity rhythms compared to controls. The present study was conducted to assess whether such differences in stability between selected and control populations, persist under SN where several gradually changing time-cues are present in their strongest form. The study revealed that under SN, emergence waveform of selected flies was modified, with even more enhanced peak and narrower gate-width compared to those observed in the LAB and compared to control populations in SN. Furthermore, flies from selected populations continued to exhibit enhanced synchrony and accuracy in their emergence and activity rhythms under SN compared to controls. Further analysis of zeitgeber effects revealed that enhanced stability in the rhythmicity of selected flies under SN was primarily due to increased sensitivity to light because emergence and activity rhythms of selected flies were as stable as controls under temperature cycles. These results thus suggest that stability of circadian rhythms in fruit flies D. melanogaster, which evolved as a consequence of selection for emergence in a narrow window of time under weak zeitgeber condition of LAB, persists robustly in the face of day-to-day variations in cycling environmental factors of nature.


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Muscle development is a multistep process which includes myoblast diversification, proliferation, migration, fusion, differentiation and growth. A hierarchical exhibition of myogenic factors is important for dexterous execution of progressive events in muscle formation. EWG (erect wing) is a transcription factor known to have a role in indirect flight muscle development (IFM) in Drosophila. We marked out the precise spatio-temporal expression profile of EWG in the myoblasts, and in the developing muscles. Mutant adult flies null for EWG in myoblasts show variable number of IFM, suggesting that EWG is required for patterning of the IFM. The remnant muscle found in the EWG null flies show proper assembly of the structural proteins, which implies that some myoblasts manage to fuse, develop and differentiate normally indicating that EWG is not required for differentiation program per se. However, when EWG expression is extended beyond its expression window in a wild type background, muscle thinning is observed implying EWG function in protein synthesis inhibition. Mis-expression studies in wing disc myoblasts hinted at its role in myoblast proliferation. We thus conclude that EWG is important for regulating fusion events which in turn decides the IFM pattern. Also IFM in EWG null mutants show clumps containing broken fibres and an altered mitochondrial morphology. The vertebrate homolog of EWG is nuclear respiratory factor1 (NRF1) which is known to have a function in mitochondrial biogenesis and protection against oxidative stress. Gene expression for inner mitochondrial membrane protein, Opa1-like was found to be absent in these mutants. Also, these flies were more sensitive to oxidative stress, indicating a compromised mitochondrial functioning. Our results therefore demonstrate that EWG functions in maintaining muscles’ structural integrity by ensuing proper mitochondrial activity.


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Myopathies are muscular diseases in which muscle fibers degenerate due to many factors such as nutrient deficiency, infection and mutations in myofibrillar etc. The objective of this study is to identify the bio-markers to distinguish various muscle mutants in Drosophila (fruit fly) using Raman Spectroscopy. Principal Components based Linear Discriminant Analysis (PC-LDA) classification model yielding >95% accuracy was developed to classify such different mutants representing various myopathies according to their physiopathology.


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Mechanisms involved in establishing the organization and numbers of fibres in a muscle are not completely understood. During Drosophila indirect flight muscle (IFM) formation, muscle growth is achieved by both incorporating hundreds of nuclei, and hypertrophy. As a result, IFMs provide a good model with which to understand the mechanisms that govern overall muscle organization and growth. We present a detailed analysis of the organization of dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs), a subset of the IFMs. We show that each DLM is similar to a vertebrate fascicle and consists of multiple muscle fibres. However, increased fascicle size does not necessarily change the number of constituent fibres, but does increase the number of myofibrils packed within the fibres. We also find that altering the number of myoblasts available for fusion changes DLM fascicle size and fibres are loosely packed with myofibrils. Additionally, we show that knock down of genes required for mitochondrial fusion causes a severe reduction in the size of DLM fascicles and fibres. Our results establish the organization levels of DLMs and highlight the importance of the appropriate number of nuclei and mitochondrial fusion in determining the overall organization, growth and size of DLMs. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.