983 resultados para Downs, Anthony
Uppsatsen har som syfte att undersöka förändringen i användningen av begrepp kopplade till partiet Feministiskt initiativ mellan riksdagsvalet år 2010 och år 2014 hos de sittande riksdagspartierna. Utifrån detta syftar uppsatsen även till att undersöka huruvida det går att utläsa mönster i den eventuella förändringen med utgångspunkt i deras placering i det politiska spektrumet. Studiens primärkällor är valmanifest, valaffischer samt almedalstalen från de nuvarande sittande riksdagspartierna. Dessa källor har bearbetats utifrån en kvantitativ deskriptiv innehållsanalys (almedalstal samt valmanifest), deskriptiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys (valaffischerna) samt en kvalitativ innehållsanalys (valmanifesten). Resultaten från dessa analyser har studerats utifrån Bonnie Meguids teori kring etablerade partiers möjlighet att påverka framgången hos nischade partier, samt Anthony Down’s teori som syftar till att förklara varför partier väljer att vara flexibla gentemot åsikts-strömningar, även om åsikten tidigare inte varit en fokusfråga hos partiet. Slutsatserna visar att det finns en påverkan på alla nuvarande sittande riksdagspartier utom Moderaterna, och att det inte går att utläsa något mönster på partiernas anpassning till Feministiskt initiativ utifrån politisk färg. Majoriteten av de undersökta partierna har valt ett följsamt förhållningssätt till Feministiskt initiativ, vilket innebär att de valt att anamma de frågor som Feministiskt initiativ lyfter.
O teste de condutividade elétrica tem sido excelente ferramenta para avaliar a qualidade de sementes de diversas espécies e, mais recentemente, estudos têm sido conduzidos visando verificar sua aplicabilidade em sementes florestais. Assim este trabalho objetivou estabelecer metodologia específica do teste de condutividade elétrica para sementes de branquilho. Foram usados três lotes de sementes resultantes do armazenamento em embalagens de vidro (Lote I), pano (Lote II) e papel (Lote III), em câmara fria (10ºC e 60% UR), por cinco meses, os quais foram submetidos ao teste de germinação, avaliando-se a porcentagem e o índice de velocidade de germinação. No teste de condutividade elétrica foram estudadas três quantidades de sementes por repetição (25, 50 e 75 sementes), três volumes de água deionizada (50, 75 e 100mL) e 11 tempos de embebição das sementes (2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48 e 72h), a 25ºC. O lote I apresentou maior porcentagem e velocidade de germinação. O teste de condutividade elétrica possibilitou a mesma discriminação dos lotes que o teste de germinação, em combinações variadas dos fatores estudados. Foi possível separar o lote de melhor qualidade fisiológica (Lote I) dos demais lotes, já a partir de 2 horas de embebição, utilizando-se amostras de 75 sementes embebidas em 50, 75 ou 100mL de água; ou amostras de 50 sementes embebidas em 50mL de água, a partir de 18 horas de embebição. Desta forma, pode-se recomendar o uso de 75 sementes, embebidas em 75mL de água, por 24 horas à temperatura de 25ºC, para a condução do teste de condutividade elétrica.
Sebastiania commersoniana (Euphorbiaceae) is a tree species of riparian forests in Brazil. Seeds of this species released from mature fruits have heteromorphy in coat colour: dark (dark-brown to black), striated (dark with light-grey stria) and clear (light-grey to whitish). In this work two experiments were carried out in order to study the effect of temperature on seed germination in interaction with coat colour. Germination final percentage and speed index were evaluated. In the first experiment seeds of the three colours were submitted to constant (30°C) and alternating (20-35°C) temperatures. For all the seed colours, best results were obtained at alternating temperature. Physiological quality of striated seeds was greater than those clear seeds and dark seeds were intermediate. In the second experiment striated and clear seeds were submitted to three amplitudes of alternating temperature: 5°C (20-25°C and 25-30°C), 10°C (20-30°C and 25-35°C) and 15°C (20-35°C). Both germination percentage and speed were higher in striated seeds and for the two seed colours, best results were obtained at 20-30°C and 20-35°C. These temperatures are recommended for the germination test.
This paper aims to evaluate the physiological quality of Sebastiania commersoniana seeds stored in cloth bag, plastic bag and glass container and kept in two conditions: laboratory workbench and cold chamber (4 ± 2°C e 80% relative humidity - RH) for 531 days. Periodically, samples were taken in order to determine the moisture content and to perform germination tests. The experimental design was completely randomized, in factorial scheme of 3 × 2 (wrappings × conditions), for each period of storage evaluated (0, 158, 271, 389 and 531 days of storage). Supplementary, a polynomial regression was adjusted in order to describe the physiological quality of the seeds for the different conditions during the experimental period. The results lead to the following considerations: a) storage under variable temperature and air humidity (laboratory workbench) can be used for periods of over five and a half months, with the seeds stored in cloth bag, plastic bag or glass container; b) the physiological quality of the seeds was not hardly altered when stored in cold chamber in cloth bag, plastic bag and glass container for over 18 months.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of different vigor tests to assess S. commersoniana seeds physiological quality during storage. Therefore, seeds were stored in cloth bags, plastic bags and glass containers for 531 days, both at room temperature and in a cold chamber. Periodically samples were taken and the following tests were conducted: standard germination, germination speed index, first count after germination, seedlings fresh and dry matter, electrical conductivity (imbibitions for 2 and 24 hours) and accelerated aging, in order to monitoring the seeds physiologic quality. Data were submitted to polynomial regression analysis, for each of the combination of packaging/storage condition. The results obtained led to the following considerations: a) the speed germination index and the accelerated aging test permitted a good evaluation of the seed-lots quality; b) the first count of germination did not allow any prediction about seed lots vigor; c) seedling fresh and dry matter did not discriminate among seed lots; d) electrical conductivity test after 2 h imbibitions was not adequate to evaluate the seed lots vigor and e) the electric conductivity test with 24 h imbibitions was more adequate to differentiate among seed lots, but with little efficiency to discriminate among seed lots with intermediate vigor or with low quality differences.
This edition of the FAL Bulletin analyses the maritime cycle and its impact on the overall business cycle. In particular, it considers the financial and economic crisis which shook the world from 2008 onwards, affecting both world trade and levels of economic activity, with serious consequences for maritime transport.
Em 2004 foram eleitos os vereadores que compunham a Câmara Municipal de Belém, tendo sido ocupadas às vagas deixadas por aqueles que não se reelegeram. Esse quadro da reeleição possibilitou a afirmação e fortalecimento de partidos políticos que, por vários mandatos, permanecem com representação política e assento no Parlamento Municipal. É o caso do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), do Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB), do Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira (PSDB), do Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (PTB) entre outros.Esse grupo político tem estado representado no Parlamento municipal por um longo período ininterrupto. O campeão de renovação de mandato é o Vereador Pastor Paulo Queiroz da IEQ (Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular) que está no seu quarto mandato. Em seguida, vem o Vereador Pastor Raul Batista da IURD (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus) que está no seu terceiro mandato e o Vereador Iran Moraes da AD (Assembleia de Deus) que está no seu terceiro mandato. O ponto de partida da pesquisa, parte dos pressupostos sugeridos por Pereira e Rennó (2001) e sustentado por Downs (1958) de que, o objetivo central de um político é a busca de reeleição.Anthony Downs considera que o individuo dentro da sua racionalidade, tem a capacidade de interpretar as suas escolhas dentro de uma lógica de alternativas possíveis. Ele não se deixa ser seduzido pelos movimentos dos candidatos, mas, faz a sua escolha dentro das alternativas que se apresenta, mas mantém as escolhas racionais. Percebe-se que ao longo dos anos, os parlamentares evangélicos têm demonstrado maior força em algumas denominações em se manter no parlamento para vários mandatos. É o caso dos parlamentares da Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular, Adventista do Sétimo Dia, Universal do reino de Deus, Assembleia de Deus. O processo de renovação contínua de mandato é baseado no apoio das lideranças e nos serviços prestados aos seguimentos internos das Igrejas.
Based on the reflections of Habermas and his conception of modernity, understood as an unfinished project, Giddens stresses that in all societies the maintenance of personal identity and its connection to broader social identities is a primordial requirement for ontological security. To achieve ontological security, modernity had to (re) invent traditions and get away from genuine traditions, that is, those values radically linked to the pre-modern past. This is a character of the discontinuity of modernity, the separation between what is presented as the new and that which persists as the legacy of the old. This article discusses the relationship between tradition and modernity and the dialogue between Giddens and Habermas. The goal is to identify the points of contact and the differences in the theses defended by both authors, in order to assess their contributions to discussions of the rationalization of contemporary societies. Late or reflexive modernity is an uninterrupted process of changes that affect the foundations of Western society. Faced with a reality of constant change, it is necessary to choose between the certainty of the past and a new reality of continuous change. In this sense, and according to the Habermasian perspective, the reflexive character of modernity is found in this process of choosing between the certainties inherited from the past and new social forms, a process that that leads to the reflection on - or even the recasting of - social practices, causing the rationalization and (re) invention of various aspects of life in society.
In his interview with Daniel Lee, Anthony DiGiorgio recollects the impact Hurricane Hugo had on Winthrop University and the Rock Hill Community. DiGiorgio discusses weather reports leading up to the hurricane, his personal experience with the storm, and the aftermath of Hugo on campus. DiGiorgio shares the ways in which Winthrop University assisted the community and its faculty and staff. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.