75 resultados para Donahue,Theron
A new species of the genus Hexabdella Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, Hexabdella cinquaginta sp.n. is herein described, representing the second species of the family Bdellidae from the neotropical region. It can be distinguished from H. singula by its lobed striae on lateral margins of hysterosoma and by the leg chaetotaxy. A key to species of the genus is presented. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.
BACKGROUND The safety and efficacy of adding antiretroviral drugs to standard zidovudine prophylaxis in infants of mothers with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection who did not receive antenatal antiretroviral therapy (ART) because of late identification are unclear. We evaluated three ART regimens in such infants. METHODS Within 48 hours after their birth, we randomly assigned formula-fed infants born to women with a peripartum diagnosis of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection to one of three regimens: zidovudine for 6 weeks (zidovudine-alone group), zidovudine for 6 weeks plus three doses of nevirapine during the first 8 days of life (two-drug group), or zidovudine for 6 weeks plus nelfinavir and lamivudine for 2 weeks (three-drug group). The primary outcome was HIV-1 infection at 3 months in infants uninfected at birth. RESULTS A total of 1684 infants were enrolled in the Americas and South Africa (566 in the zidovudine-alone group, 562 in the two-drug group, and 556 in the three-drug group). The overall rate of in utero transmission of HIV-1 on the basis of Kaplan-Meier estimates was 5.7% (93 infants), with no significant differences among the groups. Intrapartum transmission occurred in 24 infants in the zidovudine-alone group (4.8%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.2 to 7.1), as compared with 11 infants in the two-drug group (2.2%; 95% CI, 1.2 to 3.9; P=0.046) and 12 in the three-drug group (2.4%; 95% CI, 1.4 to 4.3; P=0.046). The overall transmission rate was 8.5% (140 infants), with an increased rate in the zidovudine-alone group (P=0.03 for the comparisons with the two-and three-drug groups). On multivariate analysis, zidovudine monotherapy, a higher maternal viral load, and maternal use of illegal substances were significantly associated with transmission. The rate of neutropenia was significantly increased in the three-drug group (P < 0.001 for both comparisons with the other groups). CONCLUSIONS In neonates whose mothers did not receive ART during pregnancy, prophylaxis with a two-or three-drug ART regimen is superior to zidovudine alone for the prevention of intrapartum HIV transmission; the two-drug regimen has less toxicity than the three-drug regimen. (Funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD] and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00099359.)
How should I treat a patient with severe mitral regurgitation and acute decompensated heart failure?
Coral reefs persist in an accretion-erosion balance and ocean acidification resulting from anthropogenic CO2 emissions threatens to shift this balance in favor of net reef erosion. Corals and calcifying algae, largely responsible for reef accretion, are vulnerable to environmental changes associated with ocean acidification, but the direct effects of lower pH on reef erosion has received less attention, particularly in the context of known drivers of bioerosion and natural variability. This study examines the balance between reef accretion and erosion along a well-characterized natural environmental gradient in Kane'ohe Bay, Hawai'i using experimental blocks of coral skeleton. Comparing before and after micro-computed tomography (µCT) scans to quantify net accretion and erosion, we show that, at the small spatial scale of this study (tens of meters), pH was a better predictor of the accretion-erosion balance than environmental drivers suggested by prior studies, including resource availability, temperature, distance from shore, or depth. In addition, this study highlights the fine-scale variation of pH in coastal systems and the importance of microhabitat variation for reef accretion and erosion processes. We demonstrate significant changes in both the mean and variance of pH on the order of meters, providing a local perspective on global increases in pCO2. Our findings suggest that increases in reef erosion, combined with expected decreases in calcification, will accelerate the shift of coral reefs to an erosion-dominated system in a high-CO2 world. This shift will make reefs increasingly susceptible to storm damage and sea-level rise, threatening the maintenance of the ecosystem services that coral reefs provide.
The practically continuous, paleomagnetically dated late Gauss-Brunhes sediment profiles of ODP Sites 699 and 701, south of the present Polar Front Zone (PFZ), and Site 704, north of the present PFZ, are used for a high-resolution study of abundance fluctuations of eight stratigraphic marker species in space and time. Ecological restrictions and preferences of the diatom species Hemidiscus karstenii, Actinocyclus ingens f. planus, Thalassiosira elliptipora, Thalassiosira kolbei, Thalassiosira vulnifica, Simonseniella barboi, Cosmiodiscus insignis, and Nitzschia weaveri are deduced. The ages of their first abundant appearance datums (FAAD), last-appearance datums (LAD), and last abundant appearance datums (LAAD) at the three sites are determined. The interpolated datum ages agree relatively well with those determined by other authors, if one interprets most of their LADs as LAADs. FAADs and LAADs produce more accurate datums than LADs. For the late Matuyama (younger than approximately 2.0 Ma), when PFZ fluctuations effected all three site sites, the datum ages determined agree within the methodically caused limits of accuracy for each datum. For the early Matuyama (older than approximately 2.0 Ma) the results can be interpreted as either that the ages of the FAAD of T. kolbei and LAAD of T. vulnifica datums determined at Sites 699 and 701 are more reliable or that these datums are diachronous between these two sites and Site 704. Such a diachroneity could be caused by different paleoceanographic conditions (stable subantarctic conditions over Site 704 and stable antarctic conditions over Sites 699 and 701). A few taxonomic changes were necessary. One new genus is defined (Simonseniella gen. nov.) and five new combinations are proposed: Simonseniella barboi (Brun) comb, nov., Simonseniella praebarboi (Schrader) comb, nov., Simonseniella curvirostris (Jousé) comb, nov., Thalassiosira elliptipora (Donahue) comb, nov., and Thalassiosira vulnifica (Gombos) comb. nov.
Climate change threatens both the accretion and erosion processes that sustain coral reefs. Secondary calcification, bioerosion, and reef dissolution are integral to the structural complexity and long-term persistence of coral reefs, yet these processes have received less research attention than reef accretion by corals. In this study, we use climate scenarios from RCP 8.5 to examine the combined effects of rising ocean acidity and sea surface temperature (SST) on both secondary calcification and dissolution rates of a natural coral rubble community using a flow-through aquarium system. We found that secondary reef calcification and dissolution responded differently to the combined effect of pCO2 and temperature. Calcification had a non-linear response to the combined effect of pCO2 and temperature: the highest calcification rate occurred slightly above ambient conditions and the lowest calcification rate was in the highest temperature-pCO2 condition. In contrast, dissolution increased linearly with temperature-pCO2 . The rubble community switched from net calcification to net dissolution at +271 µatm pCO2 and 0.75 °C above ambient conditions, suggesting that rubble reefs may shift from net calcification to net dissolution before the end of the century. Our results indicate that (i) dissolution may be more sensitive to climate change than calcification and (ii) that calcification and dissolution have different functional responses to climate stressors; this highlights the need to study the effects of climate stressors on both calcification and dissolution to predict future changes in coral reefs.
Agrin is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is widely expressed in neurons and microvascular basal lamina in the rodent and avian central nervous system. Agrin induces the differentiation of nerve-muscle synapses, but its function in either normal or diseased brains is not known. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by loss of synapses, changes in microvascular architecture, and formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Here we have asked whether AD causes changes in the distribution and biochemical properties of agrin. Immunostaining of normal, aged human central nervous system revealed that agrin is expressed in neurons in multiple brain areas. Robust agrin immunoreactivity was observed uniformly in the microvascular basal lamina. In AD brains, agrin is highly concentrated in both diffuse and neuritic plaques as well as neurofibrillary tangles; neuronal expression of agrin also was observed. Furthermore, patients with AD had microvascular alterations characterized by thinning and fragmentation of the basal lamina. Detergent extraction and Western blotting showed that virtually all the agrin in normal brain is soluble in 1% SDS. In contrast, a large fraction of the agrin in AD brains is insoluble under these conditions, suggesting that it is tightly associated with β-amyloid. Together, these data indicate that the agrin abnormalities observed in AD are closely linked to β-amyloid deposition. These observations suggest that altered agrin expression in the microvasculature and the brain parenchyma contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC9 gene encodes a DNA ligase protein that is targeted to both the nucleus and the mitochondria. While nuclear Cdc9p is known to play an essential role in nuclear DNA replication and repair, its role in mitochondrial DNA dynamics has not been defined. It is also unclear whether additional DNA ligase proteins are present in yeast mitochondria. To address these issues, mitochondrial DNA ligase function in S.cerevisiae was analyzed. Biochemical analysis of mitochondrial protein extracts supported the conclusion that Cdc9p was the sole DNA ligase protein present in this organelle. Inactivation of mitochondrial Cdc9p function led to a rapid decline in cellular mitochondrial DNA content in both dividing and stationary yeast cultures. In contrast, there was no apparent defect in mitochondrial DNA dynamics in a yeast strain deficient in Dnl4p (Δdnl4). The Escherichia coli EcoRI endonuclease was targeted to yeast mitochondria. Transient expression of this recombinant EcoRI endonuclease led to the formation of mitochondrial DNA double-strand breaks. While wild-type and Δdnl4 yeast were able to rapidly recover from this mitochondrial DNA damage, clones deficient in mitochondrial Cdc9p were not. These results support the conclusion that yeast rely upon a single DNA ligase, Cdc9p, to carry out mitochondrial DNA replication and recovery from both spontaneous and induced mitochondrial DNA damage.