45 resultados para Dodecane


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The prepn. and characterization of a series of ionic liqs. based on S-alkylthiouronium cations prepd. from thiourea, 1,3-dimethylthiourea, 1,3-diethylthiourea and 1,3-tetramethylthiourea coupled with bis{(trifluoromethane)sulfonyl}imide, bromide, methylsulfate or ethylsulfate anions are reported. All are liqs. at room temp. or solids with m.ps. close to room temp., except for the bromide salts, which have m.ps. below 92 °C. Systematic variation in the N- and S-alkyl substituents demonstrates how the phys. properties of these ionic liqs. can be readily controlled. The mutual miscibility limits of representative examples with octane, dodecane and toluene have been detd. as a function of temp., and the extn. of dibenzothiophene from dodecane as a model for desulfurisation of diesel has been investigated.


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A crescente procura de recursos fosseis a que se tem assistido nos ultimos anos, tem resultado num crescimento sem precedentes dos precos, com consequencias imprevisiveis e que levara, no espaco de decadas, ao seu inevitavel esgotamento. A procura de um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentavel, baseado em recursos renovaveis e o grande desafio que se coloca a civilizacao no seculo XXI. A biomassa vegetal, atraves das designadas gBio-refinarias h, e uma alternativa logica para a producao de produtos quimicos e de materiais mas tambem de combustiveis e energia. Os oleos vegetais constituem uma das fracoes da biomassa vegetal, cuja exploracao tem merecido redobrada atencao nos ultimos anos, como fonte de materiais e de combustiveis. Assim, a presente dissertacao tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais polimericos derivados de oleos vegetais, seguindo duas abordagens distintas, nomeadamente a preparacao de polimeros atraves de polimerizacao por etapas e polimerizacao em cadeia (Parte B e C, respetivamente). Em primeiro lugar, foram sintetizados poliesteres alifaticos de cadeia longa a partir de monomeros provenientes do oleo de colza (Capitulo III). A auto-metatese do acido erucico com catalisadores de rutenio, seguida de hidrogenacao da ligacao dupla, originou o acido 1,26-hexacosanodioico, que por sua vez foi convertido em hexacosano-1,26-diol. Subsequentemente, a policondensacao do acido ƒ¿,ƒÖ-dicarboxilico de cadeia longa com o hexacosano-1,26-diol originou o poliester 26,26. O diacido C26 foi tambem polimerizado com outros alcano-diois de cadeia curta, nomeadamente o dodecano-1,12-diol e o butano-1,2-diol, produzindo, respetivamente, os poliesteres 12,26 e 4,26. Estes poliesteres de fontes 100% renovaveis possuem valores de Mn na ordem dos 8-14 kDa e valores de PDI entre 2.1 e 2.7. As propriedades destes poliesteres alifaticos foram avaliadas atraves de varias tecnicas, revelando elevada cristalinidade (com uma estrutura cristalina como a do polietileno) e elevadas temperaturas de fusao (74-104 ‹C), cristalizacao (68-92 ‹C) e degradacao (323-386 ‹C). Em segundo lugar, foram sintetizados polimeros lineares termo-reversiveis a partir de derivados do oleo de ricinio (Capitulo IV). Para tal foram preparados monomeros que incorporam aneis furanicos inseridos atraves do acoplamento tiol-eno, e que posteriormente foram polimerizados pela reacao de Diels-Alder (DA) entre os grupos furano (dieno A) e estruturas complementares do tipo maleimida (dienofilo B). Para as polimerizacoes DA foram consideradas duas abordagens diferentes, nomeadamente (i) o uso de monomeros com dois aneis furanicos terminais em conjunto com uma bismaleimida (sistemas AA+BB) e (ii) a utilizacao de um monomero que incorpora ambos os grupos reativos, furano e maleimida, na sua estrutura (sistema AB). Este estudo demonstrou claramente que ambas as estratégias foram bem sucedidas embora com diferentes resultados em termos da natureza dos produtos obtidos. Estes polímeros lineares apresentam valores relativamente baixos de Tg (-40 to -2 °C) devido à natureza flexível dos grupos separadores das funções reativas, e de Mn (4.5-9.0 kDa) dada a observada tendência de ciclização associada a concentrações baixas de monómero. A aplicação da reação de retro-DA aos polímeros em causa confirmou o seu caráter reversível, ou seja, a possibilidade de promover, em condições controladas, a despolimerização com recuperação dos monómeros de partida. Esta particularidade abre caminhos para materiais macromoleculares originais com aplicações promissoras tais como auto-reparação e reciclabilidade. Em terceiro lugar, sintetizaram-se polímeros não-lineares termo-reversíveis a partir de derivados do óleo de ricínio (Capítulo V). Para tal foram preparados monómeros trifuncionais e posteriormente polimerizados através da reação de DA entre os grupos reativos complementares furano/maleimida. Foram consideradas três abordagens distintas para preparar estes polímeros não-lineares, nomeadamente através da utilização de (i) um monómero bisfurânico em combinação com uma trismaleimida (sistema A2+B3) e (ii) um monómero trisfurânico em conjunto com uma bismaleimida (sistema A3+B2) que originaram materiais ramificados ou reticulados, e ainda (iii) a utilização de monómeros assimetricamente substituídos do tipo A2B ou AB2 capazes de originar estruturas macromoleculares hiper-ramificadas. Todos os sistemas apresentaram valores de Tg perto de 0 °C, o que era de esperar para estes materiais não-lineares. A aplicação da reação de retro-DA comprovou mais uma vez o caráter termo-reversível das polimerizações em causa. Em quarto lugar e último lugar, foram preparados copolímeros de acetato de vinilo (VAc) com monómeros derivados de óleo de girassol (Capítulo VI). Ésteres vinílicos de ácidos gordos (FAVE) foram sintetizados por transvinilação dos ácidos oleico e linoleico com VAc catalisada por um complexo de irídio. Os monómeros vinílicos preparados foram caracterizados e posteriormente homopolimerizados e copolimerizados com VAc através do uso dos grupos vinílicos terminais como função inicial de polimerização. A variação do tipo e quantidade de monómero FAVE e da quantidade de iniciador radicalar originou copolímeros de VAc com valores de Mn na gama de 1.2-3.0 kDa e valores de Tg de -5 a 16 °C. Os copolímeros foram avaliados em testes de cura oxidativa através das insaturações nas suas cadeias alifáticas para formar materiais reticulados, e os resultados sugerem que eles podem ser sistemas efetivos de cura para aplicações como tintas, vernizes e outros tipos de revestimento. Todos os materiais poliméricos preparados ao longo deste trabalho constituem contribuições atrativas para a área dos polímeros oriundos de recursos renováveis e representam uma prova indiscutível de que os óleos vegetais são percursores promissores de materiais macromoleculares com potenciais aplicações.


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Desulfurization is one of the most important processes in the refining industry. Due to a growing concern about the risks to human health and environment, associated with the emissions of sulfur compounds, legislation has become more stringent, requiring a drastic reduction in the sulfur content of fuel to levels close to zero (< 10 ppm S). However, conventional desulfurization processes are inefficient and have high operating costs. This scenario stimulates the improvement of existing processes and the development of new and more efficient technologies. Aiming at overcoming these shortcomings, this work investigates an alternative desulfurization process using ionic liquids for the removal of mercaptans from "jet fuel" streams. The screening and selection of the most suitable ionic liquid were performed based on experimental and COSMO-RS predicted liquid-liquid equilibrium data. A model feed of 1-hexanethiol and n-dodecane was selected to represent a jet-fuel stream. High selectivities were determined, as a result of the low mutual solubility between the ionic liquid and the hydrocarbon matrix, proving the potential use of the ionic liquid, which prevents the loss of fuel for the solvent. The distribution ratios of mercaptans towards the ionic liquids were not as favorable, making the traditional liquid-liquid extraction processes not suitable for the removal of aliphatic S-compounds due to the high volume of extractant required. This work explores alternative methods and proposes the use of ionic liquids in a separation process assisted by membranes. In the process proposed the ionic liquid is used as extracting solvent of the sulfur species, in a hollow fiber membrane contactor, without co-extracting the other jet-fuel compound. In a second contactor, the ionic liquid is regenerated applying a sweep gas stripping, which allows for its reuse in a closed loop between the two membrane contactors. This integrated extraction/regeneration process of desulfurization produced a jet-fuel model with sulfur content lower than 2 ppm of S, as envisaged by legislation for the use of ultra-low sulfur jet-fuel. This result confirms the high potential for development of ultra-deep desulfurization application.


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Factors involved in the determination of PAHs (16 priority PAHs as an example) and PCBs (10 PCB congeners, representing 10 isomeric groups) by capillary gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS, for PAHs) and electron capture detection (GC/ECD , for PCBs) were studied, with emphasis on the effect of solvent. Having various volatilities and different polarities, solvent studied included dichloromethane, acetonitrile, hexan e, cyclohexane, isooctane, octane, nonane, dodecane, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, o-xylene, and mesitylene. Temperatures of the capillary column, the injection port, the GC/MS interface, the flow rates of carrier gas and make-up gas, and the injection volume were optimized by one factor at a time method or simplex optimization method. Under the optimized conditions, both peak height and peak area of 16 PAHs, especially the late-eluting PAHs, were significantly enhanced (1 to 500 times) by using relatively higher boiling point solvents such as p-xylene and nonane, compared with commonly used solvents like benzene and isooctane. With the improved sensitivity, detection limits of between 4.4 pg for naphthalene and 30.8 pg for benzo[g,h,i]perylene were obtained when p-xylene was used as an injection solvent. Effect of solvent on peak shape and peak intensity were found to be greatly dependent on temperature parameters, especially the initial temperature of the capillary column. The relationship between initial temperature and shape of peaks from 16 PAHs and 10 PCBs were studied and compared when toluene, p-xylene, isooctane, and nonane were used as injection solvents. If a too low initial temperature was used, fronting or split of peaks was observed. On the other hand, peak tailing occurred at a too high initial column temperature. The optimum initial temperature, at which both peak fronting and tailing were avoided and symmetrical peaks were obtained, depended on both solvents and the stationary phase of the column used. On a methyl silicone column, the alkane solvents provided wider optimum ranges of initial temperature than aromatic solvents did, for achieving well-shaped symmetrical GC peaks. On a 5% diphenyl: 1% vinyl: 94% dimethyl polysiloxane column, when the aromatic solvents were used, the optimum initial temperature ranges for solutes to form symmetrical peaks were improved to a similar degree as those when the alkanes were used as injection solvents. A mechanism, based on the properties of and possible interactions among the analyte, the injection solvent, and the stationary phase of the capillary column, was proposed to explain these observations. The effect of initial temperature on peak height and peak area of the 16 PAHs and the 10 PCBs was also studied. The optimum initial temperature was found to be dependent on the physical properties of the solvent used and the amount of the solvent injected. Generally, from the boiling point of the solvent to 10 0C above its boiling point was an optimum range of initial temperature at which cthe highest peak height and peak area were obtained.


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Dipyrromethene-Cu(II) derivatives possessing two dodecane alkyl chains have been used for the modification of gold electrodes. Electroactive host molecules have been incorporated into a lipophilic dodecanethiol SAM deposited onto gold electrodes through hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions (embedment technique). The presence of dipyrromethene-Cu(II) redox centers on the electrode surface was proved by cyclic voltammetry and Osteryoung square-wave voltammetry. The Au electrodes incorporating redox active Cu(II)-dipyrromethene SAMs were used for the direct voltammetric determination of paracetamol in human plasma.


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The multistep syntheses of several bicyclic triamines are described, all of which have an imbedded 1,5,9-triazacyclododecane ring. In 1,5,9-triazabicyclo[7.3.3]pentadecanes 12, 13, 15, and 16, two nitrogens are bridged by three carbons. The monoprotonated forms of these triamines are highly stabilized by a hydrogen-bonded network involving the bridge and both bridgehead nitrogens, producing a difference of more than 8 pK(a) units in acidities of their monoprotonated and diprotonated forms. The one- and zero-carbon bridges in 1,5,9-triazabicyclo[9.1.1]tridecane (23) and 7-methyl-1,5,9-triazabicyclo[5.5.0]dodecane (39) do not enhance the stabilities of their monoprotonated forms. X-ray crystal structures and computational studies of 12.HI and 16.HI reveal similar, but somewhat weaker, hydrogen-bonded networks, relative to 15.HI. The activation free energies for conformational inversion of 13.HI (14.4 +/- 0.2 kcal/mol), 16.HI (15.0 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol) and 16 (8.8 +/- 0.3 kcal/mol) were measured by variable-temperature H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. These experimental barriers give an estimate of 6.2 kcal/mol for the strength of the bifurcated hydrogen bond between the bridge nitrogen and cavity proton in 16.HI. Computational studies support the hypothesis that N-inversion occurs in an open conformation, leading to an estimate of 10.32 kcal/mol for the enthalpy of the bifurcated hydrogen bond in 16.HI in the gas phase.


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It has been established that 6-(5,6-dialkyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2'-bipyridines (R,hemi-BTPs) have properties which are intermediate between those of the terpyridines and the bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)pyridines (BTPs). However, they resemble the terpyridines much more closely than the BTPs. It has been shown that Et, hemi-BTP when dissolved in TPH-a dodecane-like solvent-is a selective reagent for the separation of americium(III) from europium(III). Solution NMR in acetonitrile largely confirmed the crystallographic results. There was no evidence for a 1 : 3 complex cation, or for significant differences between metal(III)-N distances for the pyridine and 1,2,4-triazine rings. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding plays a crucial role in the formation of metal coordination spheres, which explains the differences between the terpyridyl, R,hemi-BTPs and the BTPs. Protonation of the R,hemi-BTPs facilitates a conformational change which is necessary for complexation.


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Allergic asthma represents an important public health issue, most common in the paediatric population, characterized by airway inflammation that may lead to changes in volatiles secreted via the lungs. Thus, exhaled breath has potential to be a matrix with relevant metabolomic information to characterize this disease. Progress in biochemistry, health sciences and related areas depends on instrumental advances, and a high throughput and sensitive equipment such as comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC–ToFMS) was considered. GC × GC–ToFMS application in the analysis of the exhaled breath of 32 children with allergic asthma, from which 10 had also allergic rhinitis, and 27 control children allowed the identification of several hundreds of compounds belonging to different chemical families. Multivariate analysis, using Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis in tandem with Monte Carlo Cross Validation was performed to assess the predictive power and to help the interpretation of recovered compounds possibly linked to oxidative stress, inflammation processes or other cellular processes that may characterize asthma. The results suggest that the model is robust, considering the high classification rate, sensitivity, and specificity. A pattern of six compounds belonging to the alkanes characterized the asthmatic population: nonane, 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane, decane, 3,6-dimethyldecane, dodecane, and tetradecane. To explore future clinical applications, and considering the future role of molecular-based methodologies, a compound set was established to rapid access of information from exhaled breath, reducing the time of data processing, and thus, becoming more expedite method for the clinical purposes.


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In the present work are established initially the fundamental relationships of thermodynamics that govern the equilibrium between phases, the models used for the description of the behavior non ideal of the liquid and vapor phases in conditions of low pressures. This work seeks the determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for a series of multicomponents mixtures of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, prepared synthetically starting from substances with analytical degree and the development of a new dynamic cell with circulation of the vapor phase. The apparatus and experimental procedures developed are described and applied for the determination of VLE data. VLE isobarics data were obtained through a Fischer s ebulliometer of circulation of both phases, for the systems pentane + dodecane, heptane + dodecane and decane + dodecane. Using the two new dynamic cells especially projected, of easy operation and low cost, with circulation of the vapor phase, data for the systems heptane + decane + dodecane, acetone + water, tween 20 + dodecane, phenol + water and distillation curves of a gasoline without addictive were measured. Compositions of the equilibrium phases were found by densimetry, chromatography, and total organic carbon analyzer. Calibration curves of density versus composition were prepared from synthetic mixtures and the behavior excess volumes were evaluated. The VLE data obtained experimentally for the hydrocarbon and aqueous systems were submitted to the test of thermodynamic consistency, as well as the obtained from the literature data for another binary systems, mainly in the bank DDB (Dortmund Data Bank), where the Gibbs-Duhem equation is used obtaining a satisfactory data base. The results of the thermodynamic consistency tests for the binary and ternary systems were evaluated in terms of deviations for applications such as model development. Later, those groups of data (tested and approved) were used in the KijPoly program for the determination of the binary kij parameters of the cubic equations of state original Peng-Robinson and with the expanded alpha function. These obtained parameters can be applied for simulation of the reservoirs petroleum conditions and of the several distillation processes found in the petrochemistry industry, through simulators. The two designed dynamic cells used equipments of national technology for the determination of VLE data were well succeed, demonstrating efficiency and low cost. Multicomponents systems, mixtures of components of different molecular weights and also diluted solutions may be studied in these developed VLE cells


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In the present work are established initially the fundamental relationships of thermodynamics that govern the equilibrium between phases, the models used for the description of the behavior non ideal of the liquid and vapor phases in conditions of low pressures. This work seeks the determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for a series of multicomponents mixtures of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, prepared synthetically starting from substances with analytical degree and the development of a new dynamic cell with circulation of the vapor phase. The apparatus and experimental procedures developed are described and applied for the determination of VLE data. VLE isobarics data were obtained through a Fischer's ebulliometer of circulation of both phases, for the systems pentane + dodecane, heptane + dodecane and decane + dodecane. Using the two new dynamic cells especially projected, of easy operation and low cost, with circulation of the vapor phase, data for the systems heptane + decane + dodecane, acetone + water, tween 20 + dodecane, phenol + water and distillation curves of a gasoline without addictive were measured. Compositions of the equilibrium phases were found by densimetry, chromatography, and total organic carbon analyzer. Calibration curves of density versus composition were prepared from synthetic mixtures and the behavior excess volumes were evaluated. The VLE data obtained experimentally for the hydrocarbon and aqueous systems were submitted to the test of thermodynamic consistency, as well as the obtained from the literature data for another binary systems, mainly in the bank DDB (Dortmund Data Bank), where the Gibbs-Duhem equation is used obtaining a satisfactory data base. The results of the thermodynamic consistency tests for the binary and ternary systems were evaluated in terms of deviations for applications such as model development. Later, those groups of data (tested and approved) were used in the KijPoly program for the determination of the binary kij parameters of the cubic equations of state original Peng-Robinson and with the expanded alpha function. These obtained parameters can be applied for simulation of the reservoirs petroleum conditions and of the several distillation processes found in the petrochemistry industry, through simulators. The two designed dynamic cells used equipments of national technology for the determination Humberto Neves Maia de Oliveira Tese de Doutorado PPGEQ/PRH-ANP 14/UFRN of VLE data were well succeed, demonstrating efficiency and low cost. Multicomponents systems, mixtures of components of different molecular weights and also diluted solutions may be studied in these developed VLE cells


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The development of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, the fungus cultured by the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens was inhibited in vitro by synthetic compounds containing the piperonyl group. In addition, worker ants that were fed daily on an artificial diet to which these compounds were added had a higher mortality rate than the controls. The inhibition of the fungal growth increased with the size of the carbon side chain ranging from C1 through C8 and decreasing thereafter. 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxybenzyloxy)octane (compound 5) was the most active compound and inhibited the fungal development by 80% at a concentration of 15 μg m1-1. With worker ants the toxic effects started with compound 5 and increased with the number of carbons in the side chain. Thus, for the same concentration (100 μg m1-1) the mortality rates observed after 8 days of diet ingestion were 82%, 66% and 42%, for 1-(3,4-methylenedioxybenzyloxy)decane, 1-(3,4-methylenedioxybenzyloxy)dodecane and compound 5, respectively, whereas with commercial piperonyl butoxide the mortality was 68%. The latter compound, which is known as a synergist insecticide, was as inhibitory to the symbiotic fungus as the synthetic compound 5. The possibility of controlling these insects in the future using compounds that can target simultaneously both organisms is discussed. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.


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As a basis for the commercial separation of normal paraffins a detailed study has been made of factors affecting the adsorption of binary liquid mixtures of high molecular weight normal paraffins (C12, C16, and C20) from isooctane on type 5A molecular sieves. The literature relating to molecular sieve properties and applications, and to liquid-phase adsorption of high molecular weight normal paraffin compounds by zeolites, was reviewed. Equilibrium isotherms were determined experimentally for the normal paraffins under investigation at temperatures of 303oK, 323oK and 343oK and showed a non-linear, favourable- type of isotherm. A higher equilibrium amount was adsorbed with lower molecular weight normal paraffins. An increase in adsorption temperature resulted in a decrease in the adsorption value. Kinetics of adsorption were investigated for the three normal paraffins at different temperatures. The effective diffusivity and the rate of adsorption of each normal paraffin increased with an increase in temperature in the range 303 to 343oK. The value of activation energy was between 2 and 4 kcal/mole. The dynamic properties of the three systems were investigated over a range of operating conditions (i.e. temperature, flow rate, feed concentration, and molecular sieve size in the range 0.032 x 10-3 to 2 x 10-3m) with a packed column. The heights of adsorption zones calculated by two independent equations (one based on a constant width, constant velocity and adsorption zone and the second on a solute material balance within the adsorption zone) agreed within 3% which confirmed the validity of using the mass transfer zone concept to provide a simple design procedure for the systems under study. The dynamic capacity of type 5A sieves for n-eicosane was lower than for n-hexadecane and n-dodecane corresponding to a lower equilibrium loading capacity and lower overall mass transfer coefficient. The values of individual external, internal, theoretical and experimental overall mass transfer coefficient were determined. The internal resistance was in all cases rate-controlling. A mathematical model for the prediction of dynamic breakthrough curves was developed analytically and solved from the equilibrium isotherm and the mass transfer rate equation. The experimental breakthrough curves were tested against both the proposed model and a graphical method developed by Treybal. The model produced the best fit with mean relative percent deviations of 26, 22, and 13% for the n-dodecane, n-hexadecane, and n-eicosane systems respectively.


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The chemical composition of surface associated metabolites of two Fucus species (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) was analysed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to describe temporal patterns in chemical surface composition. Method: The two perennial brown macroalgae F. vesiculosus and F. serratus were sampled monthly at Bülk, outer Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27'21 N / 10°11'57 E) over an entire year (August 2012 - July 2013). Per month and species six non-fertile Fucus individuals were collected from mixed stands at a depth of 0.5 m under mid water level. For surface extraction approx. 50 g of the upper 5-10 cm apical thalli tips were cut off per species. The surface extraction of Fucus was performed according to the protocol of de Nys and co-workers (1998) with minor modifications (see Rickert et al. 2015). GC/EI-MS measurements were performed with a Waters GCT premier (Waters, Manchester, UK) coupled to an Agilent 6890N GC equipped with a DB-5 ms 30 m column (0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.25 mM film thickness, Agilent, USA). The inlet temperature was maintained at 250°C and samples were injected in split 10 mode. He carrier gas flow was adjusted to 1 ml min-1. Alkanes were used for referencing of retention times. For further details (GC-MS sample preparation and analysis) see the related publication (Rickert et al. submitted to PLOS ONE).


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The synthesis of size-monodispersed indium nanoparticles via an innovative simultaneous phase transfer and ripening method is reported. The formation of nanoparticles occurs in a one-step process instead of well-known two-step phase transfer approaches. The synthesis involves the reduction of InCl3 with LiBH4 at ambient temperature and although the reduction occurs at room temperature, fine indium nanoparticles, with a mean diameter of 6.4 ± 0.4 nm, were obtained directly in non-polar n-dodecane. The direct synthesis of indium nanoparticles in n-dodecane facilitates their fast formation and enhances their size-monodispersity. In addition, the nanoparticles were highly stable for more than 2 months. The nanoparticles were characterised by dynamic light scattering (DLS), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to determine their morphology, structure and phase purity.