921 resultados para Docker,ARM,Raspberry PI,single board computer,QEMU,Sabayon Linux,Gentoo Linux
BACKGROUND: Several clinical studies on chronic stroke conducted with end-effector-based robots showed improvement of the motor function in the affected arm. Compared to end-effector-based robots, exoskeleton robots provide improved guidance of the human limb and are better suited to train task-oriented movements with a large range of motions. OBJECTIVE: To test whether intensive arm training with the arm exoskeleton ARMin I is feasible with chronic-stroke patients and whether it improves motor function in the paretic arm. METHODS: Three single cases with chronic hemiparesis resulting from unilateral stroke (at least 14 months after stroke). A-B design with 2 weeks of multiple baseline measurements (A), 8 weeks of training (B) with repetitive measurements and a follow-up measurement 8 weeks after training. The training included shoulder and elbow movements with the robotic rehabilitation device ARMin I. Two subjects had three 1-hour sessions per week and 1 subject received five 1-hour sessions per week. The main outcome measurement was the upper-limb part of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA). RESULTS: The ARMin training was well tolerated by the patients, and the FMA showed moderate, but significant improvements for all 3 subjects (p < 0.05). Most improvements were maintained 8 weeks after discharge. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that intensive training with an arm exoskeleton is feasible with chronic-stroke patients. Moderate improvements were found in all 3 subjects, thus further clinical investigations are justified.
This paper presents the Smarty Board; a new micro-controller board designed specifically for the robotics teaching needs of Australian schools. The primary motivation for this work was the lack of commercially available and cheap controller boards that would have all their components including interfaces on a single board. Having a single board simplifies the construction of programmable robots that can be used as platforms for teaching and learning robotics. Reducing the cost of the board as much as possible was one of the main design objectives. The target user groups for this device are the secondary and tertiary students, and hobbyists. Previous studies have shown that equipment cost is one of the major obstacles for teaching robotics in Australia. The new controller board was demonstrated at high-school seminars. In these demonstrations the new controller board was used for controlling two robots that we built. These robots are available as kits. Given the strong demand from high-school teachers, new kits will be developed for the next robotic Olympiad to be held in Australia in 2006.
This paper describes some new wireless sensor hardware developed for pastoral and environmental applications. From our early experiments with Mote hardware we were inspired to develop our devices with improved radio range, solar power capability, mechanical and electrical robustness, and with unique combinations of sensors. Here we describe the design and evolution of a small family of devices: radio/processor board, a soil moisture sensor interface, and a single board multi-sensor unit for animal tracking experiments.
The aim of this paper is to utilize a poroviscohyperelastic (PVHE) model which is developed based on the porohyperelastic (PHE) model to explore the mechanical deformation properties of single chondrocytes. Both creep and relaxation responses are investigated by using FEM models of micropipette aspiration and AFM experiments, respectively. The newly developed PVHE model is compared thoroughly with the SnHS and PHE models. It has been found that the PVHE can accurately capture both creep and stress relaxation behaviors of chondrocytes better than other two models. Hence, the PVHE is a promising model to investigate mechanical properties of single chondrocytes.
In this paper, the design and implementation of a single shared bus, shared memory multiprocessing system using Intel's single board computers is presented. The hardware configuration and the operating system developed to execute the parallel algorithms are discussed. The performance evaluation studies carried out on Image are outlined.
[ES]Este trabajo describe una serie de mejoras aplicables a un kit comercial de robot humanoide Robonova, con el fin de que este reproduzca el comportamiento cinemático del ser humano con mayor autonomía. Entre ellas destacan la implementación de sensores infrarrojos, sensores de posición, cámaras de visión y conexiones en serie de servomotores. Todo ello controlado desde un ordenador de placa reducida Raspberry Pi.
La radiothérapie stéréotaxique corporelle (SBRT) est une technique couramment employée pour le traitement de tumeurs aux poumons lorsque la chirurgie n’est pas possible ou refusée par le patient. Une complication de l’utilisation de cette méthode provient du mouvement de la tumeur causé par la respiration. Dans ce contexte, la radiothérapie asservie à la respiration (RGRT) peut être bénéfique. Toutefois, la RGRT augmente le temps de traitement en raison de la plus petite proportion de temps pour laquelle le faisceau est actif. En utilisant un faisceau de photons sans filtre égalisateur (FFF), ce problème peut être compensé par le débit de dose plus élevé d’un faisceau FFF. Ce mémoire traite de la faisabilité d’employer la technique de RGRT en combinaison avec l’utilisation un faisceau FFF sur un accélérateur Synergy S (Elekta, Stockholm, Suède) avec une ceinture pneumatique, le Bellows Belt (Philips, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas), comme dispositif de suivi du signal respiratoire. Un Synergy S a été modifié afin de pouvoir livrer un faisceau 6 MV FFF. Des mesures de profils de dose et de rendements en profondeur ont été acquises en cuve à eau pour différentes tailles de champs. Ces mesures ont été utilisées pour créer un modèle du faisceau 6 MV FFF dans le système de planification de traitement Pinnacle3 de Philips. Les mesures ont été comparées au modèle à l’aide de l’analyse gamma avec un critère de 2%, 2 mm. Par la suite, cinq plans SBRT avec thérapie en arc par modulation volumétrique (VMAT) ont été créés avec le modèle 6 MV du Synergy S, avec et sans filtre. Une comparaison des paramètres dosimétriques a été réalisée entre les plans avec et sans filtre pour évaluer la qualité des plans FFF. Les résultats révèlent qu’il est possible de créer des plans SBRT VMAT avec le faisceau 6 MV FFF du Synergy S qui sont cliniquement acceptables (les crières du Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 0618 sont respectés). Aussi, une interface physique de RGRT a été mise au point pour remplir deux fonctions : lire le signal numérique de la ceinture pneumatique Bellows Belt et envoyer une commande d’irradiation binaire au linac. L’activation/désactivation du faisceau du linac se fait par l’entremise d’un relais électromécanique. L’interface comprend un circuit électronique imprimé fait maison qui fonctionne en tandem avec un Raspberry Pi. Un logiciel de RGRT a été développé pour opérer sur le Raspberry Pi. Celui-ci affiche le signal numérique du Bellows Belt et donne l’option de choisir les limites supérieure et inférieure de la fenêtre d’irradiation, de sorte que lorsque le signal de la ceinture se trouve entre ces limites, le faisceau est actif, et inversement lorsque le signal est hors de ces limites. Le logiciel envoie donc une commande d’irradiation au linac de manière automatique en fonction de l’amplitude du signal respiratoire. Finalement, la comparaison entre la livraison d’un traitement standard sans RGRT avec filtre par rapport à un autre plan standard sans RGRT sans filtre démontre que le temps de traitement en mode FFF est réduit en moyenne de 54.1% pour un arc. De la même manière, la comparaison entre la livraison d’un traitement standard sans RGRT avec filtre par rapport à un plan de RGRT (fenêtre d’irradiation de 75%) sans filtre montre que le temps de traitement de RGRT en mode FFF est réduit en moyenne de 27.3% par arc. Toutefois, il n’a pas été possible de livrer des traitements de RGRT avec une fenêtre de moins de 75%. Le linac ne supporte pas une fréquence d’arrêts élevée.
This paper compares the effects on corporate performance and managerial self-dealing in a situation in which the CEO reports to a single Board that is responsible for both monitoring management and establishing performance targets to an alternative in which the CEO reports to two Boards, each responsible for a different task. The equilibrium set of the common agency game induced by the dual board structure is fully characterized. Compared to a single board, a dual board demands less aggressive performance targets from the CEO, but exerts more monitoring. A consequence of the first feature is that the CEO always exerts less effort toward production with a dual board. The effect of a dual board on CEO self-dealing is ambiguous: there are equilibria in which, in spite of the higher monitoring, self-dealing is higher in a dual system. The model indicates that the strategic interdependence generated by the assignment of different tasks to different boards may yield results that are far from the desired ones.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Il seguente lavoro di tesi è finalizzato alla realizzazione dell’elettronica di controllo per una vettura prototipo, Nel Capitolo 1 della tesi viene descritto più nel dettaglio il progetto Formula SAE, introducendo gli aspetti peculiari della competizione; successivamente segue una breve descrizione del team UniBo Motorsport. Il Capitolo 2 descrive l’elettronica implementata nella stagione 2013 evidenziandone i punti di forza e le debolezze al fine di poter trarre delle conclusioni per comprendere la direzione intrapresa con questo lavoro di tesi. Nel Capitolo 3 viene presentata la soluzione proposta,motivandone le scelte e la necessità di suddividere il lavoro in più unità distinte, mantenendo le peculiarità tecniche del già eccellente lavoro effettuato nel corso degli anni da chi mi ha preceduto ed aggiungendo quelle funzionalità che permettono di mantenere la soluzione in una posizione dominante nel panorama della Formula Student. La progettazione dell’hardware che compone la soluzione proposta è descritta nel Capitolo 4, introducendo dapprima la metodologia adottata per la progettazione partendo dalle specifiche fino ad arrivare al prodotto finito ed in seguito ne viene descritta l’applicazione ad ogni unità oggetto del lavoro. Sono state progettate da zero tre unità: una centralina di controllo motore (ECU), una di controllo veicolo (VCU) ed un controller lambda per la gestione di sonde UEGO. Un aiuto fondamentale nella progettazione di queste tre unità è stato dato da Alma Automotive, azienda che fin dal principio ha supportato, anche economicamente, le varie evoluzioni dell’hardware e del software della vettura. Infine viene descritto nel capitolo 5 il software che verrà eseguito sulle unità di controllo, ponendo particolare risalto al lavoro di adattamento che si è reso necessario per riutilizzare il software in uso negli anni precedenti.
Il progresso scientifico e le innovazioni tecnologiche nei campi dell'elettronica, informatica e telecomunicazioni, stanno aprendo la strada a nuove visioni e concetti. L'obiettivo della tesi è quello d'introdurre il modello del Cloud computing per rendere possibile l'attuale visione di Internet of Thing. Nel primo capitolo si introduce Ubiquitous computing come un nuovo modo di vedere i computer, cercando di fare chiarezza sulla sua definizione, la sua nascita e fornendo un breve quadro storico. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata la visione di Internet of Thing (Internet delle “cose”) che si avvale di concetti e di problematiche in parte già considerate con Ubiquitous computing. Internet of Thing è una visione in cui la rete Internet viene estesa agli oggetti di tutti i giorni. Tracciare la posizione degli oggetti, monitorare pazienti da remoto, rilevare dati ambientali sono solo alcuni esempi. Per realizzare questo tipo di applicazioni le tecnologie wireless sono da considerare necessarie, sebbene questa visione non assuma nessuna specifica tecnologia di comunicazione. Inoltre, anche schede di sviluppo possono agevolare la prototipazione di tali applicazioni. Nel terzo capitolo si presenta Cloud computing come modello di business per utilizzare su richiesta risorse computazionali. Nel capitolo, vengono inizialmente descritte le caratteristiche principali e i vari tipi di modelli di servizio, poi viene argomentato il ruolo che i servizi di Cloud hanno per Internet of Thing. Questo modello permette di accelerare lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di applicazioni di Internet of Thing, mettendo a disposizione capacità di storage e di calcolo per l'elaborazione distribuita dell'enorme quantità di dati prodotta da sensori e dispositivi vari. Infine, nell'ultimo capitolo viene considerato, come esempio pratico, l'integrazione di tecnologie di Cloud computing in una applicazione IoT. Il caso di studio riguarda il monitoraggio remoto dei parametri vitali, considerando Raspberry Pi e la piattaforma e-Health sviluppata da Cooking Hacks per lo sviluppo di un sistema embedded, e utilizzando PubNub come servizio di Cloud per distribuire i dati ottenuti dai sensori. Il caso di studio metterà in evidenza sia i vantaggi sia le eventuali problematiche che possono scaturire utilizzando servizi di Cloud in applicazioni IoT.
The widespread of low cost embedded electronics makes it easier to implement the smart devices that can understand either the environment or the user behaviors. The main object of this project is to design and implement home use portable smart electronics, including the portable monitoring device for home and office security and the portable 3D mouse for convenient use. Both devices in this project use the MPU6050 which contains a 3 axis accelerometer and a 3 axis gyroscope to sense the inertial motion of the door or the human hands movement. For the portable monitoring device for home and office security, MPU6050 is used to sense the door (either home front door or cabinet door) movement through the gyroscope, and Raspberry Pi is then used to process the data it receives from MPU6050, if the data value exceeds the preset threshold, Raspberry Pi would control the USB Webcam to take a picture and then send out an alert email with the picture to the user. The advantage of this device is that it is a small size portable stand-alone device with its own power source, it is easy to implement, really cheap for residential use, and energy efficient with instantaneous alert. For the 3D mouse, the MPU6050 would use both the accelerometer and gyroscope to sense user hands movement, the data are processed by MSP430G2553 through a digital smooth filter and a complementary filter, and then the filtered data will pass to the personal computer through the serial COM port. By applying the cursor movement equation in the PC driver, this device can work great as a mouse with acceptable accuracy. Compared to the normal optical mouse we are using, this mouse does not need any working surface, with the use of the smooth and complementary filter, it has certain accuracy for normal use, and it is easy to be extended to a portable mouse as small as a finger ring.
OBJECTIVE Angiographic C-arm CT may allow performing percutaneous stereotactic tumor ablations in the interventional radiology suite. Our purpose was to evaluate the accuracy of using C-arm CT for single and multimodality image fusions and to compare the targeting accuracy of liver lesions with the reference standard of MDCT. MATERIALS AND METHODS C-arm CT and MDCT scans were obtained of a nonrigid rapid prototyping liver phantom containing five 1-mm targets that were placed under skin-simulating deformable plastic foam. Target registration errors of image fusion were evaluated for single-modality and multimodality image fusions. A navigation system and stereotactic aiming device were used to evaluate target positioning errors on postinterventional scans with the needles in place fused with the C-arm CT or MDCT planning images. RESULTS Target registration error of the image fusion showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) between both modalities. In five series with a total of 25 punctures for each modality, the lateral target positioning error (i.e., the lateral distance between the needle tip and the planned trajectory) was similar for C-arm CT (mean [± SD], 1.6 ± 0.6 mm) and MDCT (1.82 ± .97 mm) (p = 0.33). CONCLUSION In a nonrigid liver phantom, angiographic C-arm CT may provide similar image fusion accuracy for comparison of intra- and postprocedure control images with the planning images and enables stereotactic targeting accuracy similar to that of MDCT.