954 resultados para Djuna Barnes


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The summary of the law states "A special By-Law decreasing the number of directors of the Corporation".


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The By-Law summary states it is "a by-law relating generally to the transaction of the business and affairs of Barnes Wines, Limited". The sub headings of the bill are as follows: Head Office, Corporate Seal, Meetings of Shareholders, Directors, Officers, Notices, Interpretation.


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The summary states "a by-law respecting the borrowing of money, the issuing of securities and the securing of liabilities of Barnes Wines, Limited".


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The By-Law reads "being a by-law increasing the number of directors of the Corporation be it enacted and it is hereby enacted as a special by-law of Barnes Wines, Limited (hereinafter called the "Corporation") as follows: 1. The number of directors of the Corporation be and the same is hereby increased from five to six so that the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall hereafter be composed of six directors. 2. The quorum for meetings of directors be and the same is hereby fixed at three. 3. All prior by-laws and resolutions of the Corporation inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby amended, modified and revised in order to give effect to this special by-law."


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Conocer mayormente la influencia que la Institución Libre de Enseñanza ha tenido en el pensamiento español y en concreto en el pedagógico a través del discípulo Domingo Barnes. Barnes tiene el concepto de educación íntimamente ligado al concepto de hombre y educación como integral y armónica. Ver la relación entre la paidología y la pedagogía a nivel de teoría de las ciencias, que tienen en la idea de desenvolvimiento su concepto clave comprensivo del fenómeno ontogénico evolutivo y del fenómeno educativo. La educabilidad del niño es estudiada en sus presupuestos paidológicos de 'plasticidad', desarrollo y aprendizaje, y la educación en el surgir de los deseos e intereses que marcan las etapas del desenvolvimiento y correlativamente las del proceso educativo. La figura del educador es vista, fundamentalmente desde la perspectiva paido-pedagogica: la preparación que debe poseer el maestro educador, y su función de suscitar, estimular, encauzar y dirigir el proceso de desenvolvimiento. La valoración de Barnes se hace con criterios internos, es decir, surgidos del análisis de su obra, y externos en cuanto su obra es enjuicida dentro del contexto cultural pedagógico español y de las corrientes pedagógicas y paidológicas de su tiempo.


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We present a complete description of the analytic properties of the Barnes double zeta and Gamma functions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We show that at one-loop order, negative-dimensional, Mellin-Barnes (MB) and Feynman parametrization (FP) approaches to Feynman loop integral calculations are equivalent. Starting with a generating functional, for two and then for n-point scalar integrals, we show how to reobtain MB results, using negative-dimensional and FP techniques. The n-point result is valid for different masses, arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension.


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Em O Papagaio de Flaubert (1988), de Julian Barnes, o narrradorprotagonista deixa-se seduzir pela questão: como é que apreendemos o passado? A partir dessa problemática essa obra será estudada com base nos estudos freudianos. O objetivo é expor o trabalho do narrador para demonstrar que a representação do passado como verdade única e inalterável é impossível.


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A partir do conceito de integrais de Mellin-Barnes, apresentamos afunção de Fox e algumas de suas propriedades a fim de discutir aequação diferencialfracionária associada ao problema do telégrafo.Palavras-chave.


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Julian Barnes, Pat Barker, and Hanif Kureishi are all canonical authors whose fictions are widely believed to reflect the cultural and political state of a nation that is post-war, post-imperial and post-modern. While much has been written on how Barker’s and Kureishi’s early works in particular respond to and intervene in the presiding political narrative of the 1980s – Thatcherism – treatment of how revenants of Thatcherism have shaped these writers’ works from 1990 on has remained cursory. Thatcherism is more than an obvious historical reference point for Barker, Barnes, and Kureishi; their works demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of how Thatcher’s reworkings of the repertoires of Englishness – a representational as well as political and cultural endeavour – persist beyond her time in office. Barnes, Barker, and Kureishi seem to have reached the same conclusion as political and cultural critics: Thatcher and Thatcherism have remade not only the contemporary political and cultural landscapes but also the electorate and consequently the English themselves. Tony Blair’s conception of the New Britain proved less than satisfactory because contemporary repertoires of Englishness repeat and rework historical and not incidentally imperial formulations of England and Englishness rather than envision civic and populist formulations of renewal. Barnes’s England, England and Arthur & George confront the discourse of inevitability that has come to be attached to contemporary formulations of both political and cultural Englishness – both in terms of its predictable demise and its belated celebration. Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia and “The Body” speak to an alteration that has taken place in which historical Englishness and Thatcherism have become complementary rather than contrasting discourses. What Barker’s Border Crossing and Double Vision offer against this backdrop is a subtle interrogation of how renewal itself comes to be a presiding mode of cultural reflection that absorbs revolutionary possibility.


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"The illustrations in this volume have already appeared in the pages of 'The Quiver,' and are now printed from the original wood blocks; but many of the poems are here published for the first time."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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