567 resultados para Discos abrasivos
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
The quality and efficiency in straw cutting are determinants in the sowing process, according to the occurrence of "tamp" and stops, the magnitude of the straw removal or even the known effects of the seed "envelopment" where the cutting mechanism can not cut the remaining straw. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of different mechanisms for straw cutting of a seeder individualized in different amounts of crop coverage artificially added in a clay soil. The experiment was conducted at Unesp – Sao Paulo State University in the Experimental Farm Lageado, belonging to the College of Agricultural Sciences - Unesp, Botucatu. The experimental design was split plot with four replications, with main plots consisting of five quantities of black oat straw, in area with no-tillage system and subplots of three opening furrows mechanisms, which are: plane disk (PD), corrugated disk (CD) and wavy disk (WD). The wavy disk provided greater rolling resistance, reducing the speed of the set (tractor and equipment). The plane cutting disk showed the highest values of mobilized soil area, deeper penetration into the soil, requiring lower values of vertical force and higher values of lateral force. Regarding the type of waste and doses used, they offered no resistance to cutting and there was no change in the horizontal force on straw.
En Mendoza, el cultivo del álamo representa la actividad forestal de mayor importancia dentro de los bosques cultivados bajo riego. La superficie cultivada con estos se estima que alcanza aproximadamente unas 16.000 ha incluyendo las plantaciones en macizo y las plantaciones en línea o cortinas. El microorganismo patógeno Septoria musiva es el agente causal de una de las enfermedades con mayor influencia en la cantidad y calidad de la madera producida por los álamos, el cual se manifiesta produciendo manchas foliares y cancros en troncos y ramas. El sitio y las condiciones meteorológicas adversas, y así como otros agentes de estrés, tales como plagas de insectos, pueden aumentar la incidencia y severidad de la infección por uno o más patógenos. Durante las últimas décadas, los daños causados por estrés hídrico en álamos se están incrementando en varios países, produciendo decaimiento de árboles, ataque de parásitos oportunistas y muerte de plantas. Considerando la importancia del cultivo de álamos en Mendoza y a nivel nacional, sumado al hecho que Septoria musiva es un patógeno endémico en la región provocando grandes pérdidas económicas, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto del estrés hídrico en la colonización de tallos y hojas de clones de Populus spp. inoculados por Septoria musiva. Los clones de álamo Harvard y Conti-12 fueron sometidos a tres niveles de estrés hídrico en invernadero (lámina de reposición del 90, 70, 50 % del agua disponible). Luego la mitad de las plantas de cada clon fueron inoculadas con un aislado de Septoria musiva y la otra mitad fueron utilizadas como testigos. La respuesta al patógeno se midió 95 días después, como longitud promedio de cancro y porcentaje promedio del perímetro del tallo afectado por la lesión. Los valores para estas variables fueron mayores cuando aumento el nivel de estrés hídrico para ambos clones. También se llevó a cabo un ensayo de disco de hojas, utilizando hojas de las plantas sometidas a los diferentes niveles de estrés. Estos fueron colocados en cajas de Petri e inoculados con Septoria musiva y sus respectivos testigos con agua estéril. Los clones mostraron una respuesta diferencial al estrés hídrico. En Harvard el porcentaje promedio de área necrótica en hojas aumentó cuando el agua disponible para la planta fue mayor, en cambio en el Clon Conti-12 sucedió lo contrario. Esta investigación aporta información valiosa para el manejo de la salud de las plantaciones forestales de álamo. La información generada en este trabajo resulta de máxima utilidad para los productores, los cuales deberían tomar los recaudos necesarios en el manejo del agua en las plantaciones de modo de disminuir el efecto del estrés hídrico. Situación ésta que puede provocar aumento de la susceptibilidad a la enfermedad por parte de las plantas. Este conocimiento permitirá a los productores maximizar los beneficios del cultivo y reducir al mínimo el riesgo a cancrosis.
In this paper we propose a class for introducing the probability teaching using the game discs which is based on the concept of geometric probability and which is supposed to determine the probability of a disc randomly thrown does not intercept the lines of a gridded surface. The problem was posed to a group of 3nd year of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - Jo~ao C^amara. Therefore, the students were supposed to build a grid board in which the success percentage of the players had been previously de ned for them. Once the grid board was built, the students should check whether that theoretically predetermined percentage corresponded to reality obtained through experimentation. The results and attitude of the students in further classes suggested greater involvement of them with discipline, making the environment conducive for learning.
In this paper we propose a class for introducing the probability teaching using the game discs which is based on the concept of geometric probability and which is supposed to determine the probability of a disc randomly thrown does not intercept the lines of a gridded surface. The problem was posed to a group of 3nd year of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - Jo~ao C^amara. Therefore, the students were supposed to build a grid board in which the success percentage of the players had been previously de ned for them. Once the grid board was built, the students should check whether that theoretically predetermined percentage corresponded to reality obtained through experimentation. The results and attitude of the students in further classes suggested greater involvement of them with discipline, making the environment conducive for learning.
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el comportamiento del color de discos y restauraciones en resina compuesta sometidos a altas temperaturas con fines forenses. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo de naturaleza pseudoexperimental in vitro que describió los cambios colorimétricos que ocurrieron en 75 discos y 75 dientes restaurados en resina compuesta (Z100 3M-ESPE®), confeccionados en cinco colores (A1, A2, A3, A3.5 y B2), al ser sometidos a la acción de altas temperaturas, con el propósito de establecer parámetros cualitativos a partir del cambio de color de utilidad forense. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron explicar los cambios de color por espectrometría, de tal forma que una resina compuesta, a 200 ºC, pierde brillo y matiz; a 400 ºC, pierde brillo, matiz y saturación; y a 600 ºC, 800 ºC y 1.000 ºC gana brillo y pierde matiz y saturación. Así, no existieron diferencias significativas en las coordenadas de color L* a* b* al comparar los discos con los dientes restaurados. En conclusión, la interpretación visual del cambio de color y las coordenadas de color L* a* b* a través del uso de un espectrofotómetro puede constituirse en un método comparativo de bajo costo y de aplicación forense al momento de identificar el tipo y el color de un material restaurador en un cadáver o en restos humanos quemados, carbonizados o incinerados, para obtener marcadores positivos durante el cotejo ante mórtem-post mórtem, y estimar la temperatura máxima alcanzada durante la exposición.
51 p.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 2016.
Current pear pruning making use of pneumatic shears still is a very labour intensive operation. The Proder project “Avaliação da poda mecânica em pomares de pera” was designed to contribute to solutions that would reduce the present dependence in labour and therefore to promote a reduction in pruning costs. This paper shows the results of a trial made to evaluate the influence of mechanical topping in manual pruning complement field work and pear yield. Topping was performed using a Reynolds 6DT 3.0m cutting bar with six hydraulic-driven circular disc-saws mounted in the three point tractor linkage system. The field trial was performed in a commercial orchard with 20 years, planted in an array of 4m x 2m with tree lines oriented in North-South direction. Trees were trained as the central leader system. In this trial, in a randomised complete block design with four replications, two treatments are being compared leading to 8 plots with one line of 14 trees per plot. The treatments tests were: T1 - manual pruning performed by workers using pneumatic shears, in each year; T2 - Topping the canopy parallel to the ground, using a discs-saw pruning machine mounted in a front loader of an agricultural tractor, followed by manual pruning complement performed by workers with pneumatic shears. Tree height and width was measured, before and after pruning. Work was timed and pear yields evaluated. Mechanical topping seems to be effective in the control of tree height, which can contribute to increase 14% of work rates on manual pruning complement. No significant differences in pear yield were found between treatments.
Este trabalho pretende contribuir para encontrar soluções alternativas à poda da oliveira com moto - serra, de modo a reduzir a dependência da utilização da mão - de - obra e baixar os custos desta operação cultural. Avaliou-se o impacto da realização da poda da oliveira com uma máquina de podar de discos, comparativamente com a poda realizada com moto – serra. Definiramse três modalidades de poda: A - poda manual efectuada com moto - serra; B - poda mecânica realizada com máquina de podar de discos; C - poda manual de complemento efectuada com moto – serra, após uma intervenção prévia da máquina de podar de discos. Mantiveram-se os tratamentos estabelecidos no início de cada ensaio sem novas intervenções de poda, para avaliar o efeito da sua aplicação durante o maior período de tempo possível. Paralelamente, com o decorrer dos ensaios foram estabelecidos mais tratamentos de modo a iniciar o estudo da periodicidade da realização de intervenções de poda. A avaliação do efeito dos tratamentos consistiu na quantificação da produção de azeitona e do desempenho do vibrador, em termos de eficiência de colheita e de tempo de vibração por árvore. Este trabalho também permitiu comparar a capacidade de trabalho da máquina de podar de discos com a poda manual executada com moto - serra, e proceder a uma estimativa dos custos de poda. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a poda mecânica não afectou a capacidade produtiva das oliveiras, sendo possível, após a intervenção inicial de poda mecânica, deixar as árvores durante vários anos sem podar, mantendo o nível produtivo. Em termos de desempenho do vibrador na colheita de azeitona, este não foi consideravelmente afectado pela aplicação de poda mecânica, embora em cultivares de reconhecida dificuldade de colheita por vibração, tenha havido uma penalização da eficiência de colheita nas árvores podadas mecanicamente, a qual foi ultrapassada vibrando as árvores às pernadas. Relativamente à periodicidade de execução de intervenções de poda, principalmente de poda mecânica, apesar dos ensaios não terem um longo período de execução, permitiram constatar que a aplicação da poda mecânica com a frequência de 2, 3 ou 4 anos após a intervenção inicial penaliza a produção de azeitona. Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram a definição de uma estratégia de poda para aplicação da poda mecânica na oliveira durante um longo período de tempo. Tal estratégia baseia-se na redução das intervenções de poda, aumentando o número de anos entre duas intervenções consecutivas, de modo a explorar a capacidade produtiva das árvores e a repartir os custos de poda e de eliminação dos ramos podados durante esse período de tempo.
The subject of my research is the romantic dating culture, the practice of 'going with', among preadolescents ('tweens') in Finland during the 1990s. Preadolescence is a cultural construction of the post-industrial period, experienced by school students between the ages of 7 to 13. Deemed by researchers as a shallow, unchallenging and uninteresting period, it has been shadowed in previous studies by early childhood and puberty. This study combines paradigms of the folkloristic research of children's lore, which began in the 1970s, with those of later, turn-of-the-century girls study. The phenomena of romantic girl culture are studied in several ways, through ample and varied subject materials collected in different places at different times. The research material was collected directly from schoolchildren through interviews, questionnaires and the observations of preadolescents' behavior in discos, among other methods. Part of the material consists of reminiscent thematic writings and parts have been quoted from tween message boards. A general picture of romantic preadolescent dating culture is formed in this study from five previously published articles and a summary. The influence of western culture, with its respect for relationships, is evident in tween dating culture. Seven- to thirteen-year olds use the elements of the society around them to construct an appropriate way for themselves to 'go out' with someone. Many expressions in preadolescent dating culture are contrary to the models of adult relationships. For example, a couple isn't necessarily expected to meet each other even once, or the other party, the boy, doesn't even need to know he's dating someone. Girls organize and experience relationships by playing card fortune-telling, calculating 'Love Percentages', and other methods. Categorizing tween dating culture and its related emotional qualities from an adult point of view as simply a play is one example of the hierarchical system of generations where childhood emotions, actions and conceptions of reality aren't valued as highly as the 'real life' of adults. Lowest on the totem pole are little girls, who in this study get their voices backed up by the researcher's adulthood and research-based sisterhood. Keywords: childhood, children's lore, dating culture, girls and boys, girls study, fortune-telling games, preadolescence/tweens