853 resultados para Directly modulated feedback
Seborrheic keratoses (SKs) are common, benign epithelial tumors of the skin that do not, or very rarely, progress into malignancy, for reasons that are not understood. We investigated this by gene expression profiling of human SKs and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and found that several genes previously connected with keratinocyte tumor development were similarly modulated in SKs and SCCs, whereas the expression of others differed by only a few fold. In contrast, the tyrosine kinase receptor FGF receptor-3 (FGFR3) and the transcription factor forkhead box N1 (FOXN1) were highly expressed in SKs, and close to undetectable in SCCs. We also showed that increased FGFR3 activity was sufficient to induce FOXN1 expression, counteract the inhibitory effect of EGFR signaling on FOXN1 expression and differentiation, and induce differentiation in a FOXN1-dependent manner. Knockdown of FOXN1 expression in primary human keratinocytes cooperated with oncogenic RAS in the induction of SCC-like tumors, whereas increased FOXN1 expression triggered the SCC cells to shift to a benign SK-like tumor phenotype, which included increased FGFR3 expression. Thus,we have uncovered a positive regulatory loop between FGFR3 and FOXN1 that underlies a benign versus malignant skin tumor phenotype.
Escherichia coli-based bioreporters for arsenic detection are typically based on the natural feedback loop that controls ars operon transcription. Feedback loops are known to show a wide range linear response to the detriment of the overall amplification of the incoming signal. While being a favourable feature in controlling arsenic detoxification for the cell, a feedback loop is not necessarily the most optimal for obtaining highest sensitivity and response in a designed cellular reporter for arsenic detection. Here we systematically explore the effects of uncoupling the topology of arsenic sensing circuitry on the developed reporter signal as a function of arsenite concentration input. A model was developed to describe relative ArsR and GFP levels in feedback and uncoupled circuitry, which was used to explore new ArsR-based synthetic circuits. The expression of arsR was then placed under the control of a series of constitutive promoters, which differed in promoter strength, and which could be further modulated by TetR repression. Expression of the reporter gene was maintained under the ArsR-controlled Pars promoter. ArsR expression in the systems was measured by using ArsR-mCherry fusion proteins. We find that stronger constitutive ArsR production decreases arsenite-dependent EGFP output from Pars and vice versa. This leads to a tunable series of arsenite-dependent EGFP outputs in a variety of systematically characterized circuitries. The higher expression levels and sensitivities of the response curves in the uncoupled circuits may be useful for improving field-test assays using arsenic bioreporters.
Immune-endocrine interplay may play a major role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis. In the present study, we have investigated the interaction between macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a major pro-inflammatory and growth-promoting factor markedly expressed in active endometriotic lesions, and estradiol (E(2)) in ectopic endometrial cells. Our data showed a significant increase of MIF protein secretion and mRNA expression in endometriotic cells in response to E(2). MIF production was blocked by Fulvestrant, an estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist, and induced by ERα and ERβ selective agonists propyl-pyrazole-triol (PPT) and diarylpropionrile (DPN), respectively, thus demonstrating a specific receptor-mediated effect. Cell transfection with MIF promoter construct showed that E(2) significantly stimulates MIF promoter activity. Interestingly, our data further revealed that MIF reciprocally stimulates aromatase protein and mRNA expression via a posttranscriptional mRNA stabilization mechanism, that E(2) itself can upregulate aromatase expression, and that inhibition of endogenous MIF, using MIF specific siRNA, significantly inhibits E(2)-induced aromatase. Thus, the present study revealed the existence of a local positive feedback loop by which estrogen acts directly on ectopic endometrial cells to upregulate the expression of MIF, which, in turn, displays the capability of inducing the expression of aromatase, the key and rate-limiting enzyme for estrogen synthesis. Such interplay may have a considerable impact on the development of endometriosis.
Chromosome replication in Caulobacter crescentus is tightly regulated to ensure that initiation occurs at the right time and only once during the cell cycle. The timing of replication initiation is controlled by both CtrA and DnaA. CtrA binds to and silences the origin. Upon the clearance of CtrA from the cell, the DnaA protein accumulates and allows loading of the replisome at the origin. Here, we identify an additional layer of replication initiation control that is mediated by the HdaA protein. In Escherichia coli, the Hda protein inactivates DnaA after replication initiation. We show that the Caulobacter HdaA homologue is necessary to restrict the initiation of DNA replication to only once per cell cycle and that it dynamically colocalizes with the replisome throughout the cell cycle. Moreover, the transcription of hdaA is directly activated by DnaA, providing a robust feedback regulatory mechanism that adjusts the levels of HdaA to inactivate DnaA.
Les virus sont utilisés depuis longtemps dans la recherche sur le cancer et ont grandement contribué à l’avancement des connaissances de même qu’à l’établissement de préceptes importants encore valables aujourd’hui dans le domaine. L’un des défis actuels est de mieux définir les étapes menant à la transition d’une cellule normale à une cellule transformée et c’est sur cette problématique que nous nous sommes penchés. Pour ce faire, nous avons tiré profit de l’utilisation de l’antigène grand-T du virus de polyome (PyLT), un virus capable d’induire des tumeurs chez les rongeurs. Cet oncogène viral à lui seul possède des propriétés intéressantes qui suggèrent que, en plus de l’immortalisation, il peut également contribuer aux événements précoces de la carcinogénèse. Ceci repose principalement sur la capacité de PyLT à induire des tumeurs en souris transgéniques et ce, avec une certaine latence ce qui suggère que des événements supplémentaires sont nécessaires. Ainsi, l’utilisation de PyLT dans un modèle de culture cellulaire permet de disséquer les changements qui lui sont attribuables. Dans un premier temps, l’établissement du profil d'expression génique associé à l'expression de PyLT dans un modèle murin nous a permis de sélectionner un bon nombre de gènes, parmi lesquels figurait Necdin. Nous avons choisi d’étudier Necdin plus en détail puisque peu d’attention était accordée à cette protéine dans le domaine du cancer, malgré que différentes données de la littérature lui suggèrent à la fois des fonctions suppresseurs de tumeur et oncogéniques. Nous avons démontré que, malgré sa fonction proposée de suppresseur de croissance, l’expression de Necdin n’est pas incompatible avec la prolifération dans la lignée cellulaire de souris NIH 3T3 et les cellules primaires humaines (IMR90), bien que l’inhibition de son expression par shARN confère un avantage prolifératif. Nous avons confirmé que Necdin est un gène cible de p53 induit par différents agents génotoxiques, toutefois son expression peut également être régulée de façon p53-indépendante. De plus, Necdin agit négativement sur l’arrêt du cycle cellulaire en réponse à l’activation de p53. Ceci suggère que Necdin est impliqué dans une boucle de régulation négative de la voie de p53 et que l’augmentation anormale de l’expression de Necdin pourrait contribuer à la perturbation la voie du suppresseur de tumeur p53. L’activation de p53 permet l’arrêt transitoire du cycle cellulaire en condition de stress, mais est aussi impliquée dans l’établissement d’un arrêt permanent nommé sénescence. La sénescence est un mécanisme de protection contre l’accumulation de mutations qui peut contribuer à l’initiation du cancer. Vu l’intéressante implication de Necdin dans la régulation de l’activité de p53, nous avons transposé les connaissances acquises du modèle murin à un modèle humain, plus adapté pour l’étude de la sénescence. La caractérisation de l’expression de Necdin dans des fibroblastes primaires humains à différents passages montre que les jeunes cellules en prolifération active expriment Necdin et que son niveau diminue avec l’établissement de la sénescence réplicative. Le même phénomène est observé lors de la sénescence prématurée provoquée par l’expression d’un oncogène et par l’exposition aux radiations ionisantes. De plus, dans des conditions normales de prolifération, la modulation de Necdin par des essais de gain et de perte de fonction n’affecte pas la durée de vie des cellules primaires. Toutefois, en condition de stress génotoxique dû à l’exposition aux irradiations, les cellules surexprimant Necdin présentent une radiorésistance accrue de la même façon que lorsque p53 est inactivé directement. Ce résultat en cellules humaines vient appuyer l’effet observé dans les cellules de souris sur l’impact qu’aura le niveau de Necdin sur la réponse de p53 en condition de stress. Un bref survol a été fait pour aborder de quelle façon nos résultats en culture cellulaire pouvaient se traduire dans des modèles de cancer chez l’humain. Nous avons caractérisé l’expression de Necdin dans deux types différents de cancer. D’abord, dans le cancer de l’ovaire, le niveau élevé de Necdin dans les tumeurs à faible potentiel de malignité (LMP) en comparaison aux cancers agressifs de l’ovaire de type séreux suggère que l’expression de Necdin se limite aux cellules de cancer LMP, qui présente généralement un p53 de type sauvage. Son expression est aussi retrouvée dans deux lignées cellulaires du cancer de l’ovaire non-tumorigéniques en xénogreffe de souris, dont l’une possède un p53 fonctionnel. De plus, la caractérisation de Necdin dans les lignées cellulaires du cancer de la prostate suggère une relation entre son expression et la présence de p53 fonctionnel. Dans le cancer de la prostate, tout comme pour le cancer de l’ovaire, Necdin semble être présent dans les lignées représentant un stade moins avancé de la maladie. L’utilisation de l’oncoprotéine virale PyLT nous a permis de révéler des propriétés intéressantes de Necdin. Nous proposons que dans certains contextes, l’expression constitutive de Necdin pourrait contribuer au cancer en retardant une réponse par p53 appropriée et possiblement en participant à l’augmentation de l’instabilité génomique. La fonction potentiellement oncogénique de Necdin quant à sa relation avec p53 que nous avons révélée requiert davantage d’investigation et les cancers caractérisés ici pourraient constituer de bons modèles à cette fin.
In cooperative communication networks, owing to the nodes' arbitrary geographical locations and individual oscillators, the system is fundamentally asynchronous. Such a timing mismatch may cause rank deficiency of the conventional space-time codes and, thus, performance degradation. One efficient way to overcome such an issue is the delay-tolerant space-time codes (DT-STCs). The existing DT-STCs are designed assuming that the transmitter has no knowledge about the channels. In this paper, we show how the performance of DT-STCs can be improved by utilizing some feedback information. A general framework for designing DT-STC with limited feedback is first proposed, allowing for flexible system parameters such as the number of transmit/receive antennas, modulated symbols, and the length of codewords. Then, a new design method is proposed by combining Lloyd's algorithm and the stochastic gradient-descent algorithm to obtain optimal codebook of STCs, particularly for systems with linear minimum-mean-square-error receiver. Finally, simulation results confirm the performance of the newly designed DT-STCs with limited feedback.
The innate immune reaction to tissue injury is a natural process, which can have detrimental effects in the absence of negative feedbacks by glucocorticoids (GCs). Although acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge is relatively harmless to the brain parenchyma of adult animals, the endotoxin is highly neurotoxic in animals that are treated with the GC receptor antagonist RU486. This study investigated the role of cytokines of the gp130-related family in these effects, because they are essential components of the inflammatory process that provide survival signals to neurons. Intracerebral LPS injection stimulated expression of several members of this family of cytokines, but oncostatin M (Osm) was the unique ligand to be completely inhibited by the RU486 treatment. OSM receptor (Osmr) is expressed mainly in astrocytes and endothelial cells following LPS administration and GCs are directly responsible for its transcriptional activation in the presence of the endotoxin. In a mouse model of demyelination, exogenous OSM significantly modulated the expression of genes involved in the mobilization of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), differentiation of oligodendrocyte, and production of myelin. In conclusion, the activation of OSM signaling is a mechanism activated by TLR4 in the presence of negative feedback by GCs on the innate immune system of the brain. OSM absence is associated with detrimental effects of LPS, whereas exogenous OSM favors repair response to demyelinated regions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Desde os descobrimentos pioneiros de Hubel e Wiesel acumulou-se uma vasta literatura descrevendo as respostas neuronais do córtex visual primário (V1) a diferentes estímulos visuais. Estes estímulos consistem principalmente em barras em movimento, pontos ou grades, que são úteis para explorar as respostas dentro do campo receptivo clássico (CRF do inglês classical receptive field) a características básicas dos estímulos visuais como a orientação, direção de movimento, contraste, entre outras. Entretanto, nas últimas duas décadas, tornou-se cada vez mais evidente que a atividade de neurônios em V1 pode ser modulada por estímulos fora do CRF. Desta forma, áreas visuais primárias poderiam estar envolvidas em funções visuais mais complexas como, por exemplo, a separação de um objeto ou figura do seu fundo (segregação figura-fundo) e assume-se que as conexões intrínsecas de longo alcance em V1, assim como as conexões de áreas visuais superiores, estão ativamente envolvidas neste processo. Sua possível função foi inferida a partir da análise das variações das respostas induzidas por um estímulo localizado fora do CRF de neurônios individuais. Mesmo sendo muito provável que estas conexões tenham também um impacto tanto na atividade conjunta de neurônios envolvidos no processamento da figura quanto no potencial de campo, estas questões permanecem pouco estudadas. Visando examinar a modulação do contexto visual nessas atividades, coletamos potenciais de ação e potenciais de campo em paralelo de até 48 eletrodos implantados na área visual primária de gatos anestesiados. Estimulamos com grades compostas e cenas naturais, focando-nos na atividade de neurônios cujo CRF estava situado na figura. Da mesma forma, visando examinar a influência das conexões laterais, o sinal proveniente da área visual isotópica e contralateral foi removido através da desativação reversível por resfriamento. Fizemos isso devido a: i) as conexões laterais intrínsecas não podem ser facilmente manipuladas sem afetar diretamente os sinais que estão sendo medidos, ii) as conexões inter-hemisféricas compartilham as principais características anatômicas com a rede lateral intrínseca e podem ser vistas como uma continuação funcional das mesmas entre os dois hemisférios e iii) o resfriamento desativa as conexões de forma causal e reversível, silenciando temporariamente seu sinal, permitindo conclusões diretas a respeito da sua contribuição. Nossos resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de segmentação figurafundo se reflete nas taxas de disparo de neurônios individuais, assim como na potência do potencial de campo e na relação entre sua fase e os padrões de disparo produzidos pela população. Além disso, as conexões laterais inter-hemisféricas modulam estas variáveis dependendo da estimulação feita fora do CRF. Observamos também uma influência deste circuito lateral na coerência entre potenciais de campo entre eletrodos distantes. Em conclusão, nossos resultados dão suporte à ideia de um mecanismo complexo de segmentação figura-fundo atuando desde as áreas visuais primárias em diferentes escalas de frequência. Esse mecanismo parece envolver grupos de neurônios ativos sincronicamente e dependentes da fase do potencial de campo. Nossos resultados também são compatíveis com a hipótese que conexões laterais de longo alcance também fazem parte deste mecanismo
We proposed a simple feedback control method to suppress chaotic behavior in oscillators with limited power supply. The small-amplitude controlling signal is applied directly to the power supply system, so as to alter the characteristic curve of the driving motor. Numerical results are presented showing the method efficiency for a wide range of control parameters. Moreover, we have found that, for some parameters, this kind of control may introduce coexisting periodic attractors with complex basins of attraction and, therefore, serious problems with predictability of the final state the system will asymptote to. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Since the mid 1980s the Atomic Force Microscope is one the most powerful tools to perform surface investigation, and since 1995 Non-Contact AFM achieved true atomic resolution. The Frequency-Modulated Atomic Force Microscope (FM-AFM) operates in the dynamic mode, which means that the control system of the FM-AFM must force the micro-cantilever to oscillate with constant amplitude and frequency. However, tip-sample interaction forces cause modulations in the microcantilever motion. A Phase-Locked loop (PLL) is used to demodulate the tip-sample interaction forces from the microcantilever motion. The demodulated signal is used as the feedback signal to the control system, and to generate both topographic and dissipation images. As a consequence, a proper design of the PLL is vital to the FM-AFM performance. In this work, using bifurcation analysis, the lock-in range of the PLL is determined as a function of the frequency shift (Q) of the microcantilever and of the other design parameters, providing a technique to properly design the PLL in the FM-AFM system. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
New Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) conditions are proposed for the following problem, called Strictly Positive Real (SPR) synthesis: given a linear time-invariant plant, find a constant output feedback matrix Ko and a constant output tandem matrix F for the controlled system to be SPR. It is assumed that the plant has the number of outputs greater than the number of inputs. Some sufficient conditions for the solution of the problem are presented and compared. These results can be directly applied in the LMI-based design of Variable Structure Control (VSC) of uncertain plants. ©2008 IEEE.
A simple method for designing a digital state-derivative feedback gain and a feedforward gain such that the control law is equivalent to a known and adequate state feedback and feedforward control law of a digital redesigned system is presented. It is assumed that the plant is a linear controllable, time-invariant, Single-Input (SI) or Multiple-Input (MI) system. This procedure allows the use of well-known continuous-time state feedback design methods to directly design discrete-time state-derivative feedback control systems. The state-derivative feedback can be useful, for instance, in the vibration control of mechanical systems, where the main sensors are accelerometers. One example considering the digital redesign with state-derivative feedback of a helicopter illustrates the proposed method. © 2009 IEEE.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Frequency Modulated - Atomic Force Microscope (FM-AFM) is apowerful tool to perform surface investigation with true atomic resolution. The controlsystem of the FM-AFM must keep constant both the frequency and amplitude ofoscillation of the microcantilever during the scanning process of the sample. However,tip and sample interaction forces cause modulations in the microcantilever motion.A Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) is used as a demodulator and to generate feedback signalto the FM-AFM control system. The PLL performance is vital to the FM-AFMperformace since the image information is in the modulated microcantilever motion.Nevertheless, little attention is drawn to PLL performance in the FM-AFM literature.Here, the FM-AFM control system is simulated, comparing the performancefor di erent PLL designs.