113 resultados para Dique Carrizal


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Editors: Jan. 1819-Mar. 1831, M. A. Jullien.--Apr.-Sept. 1831, Auguste Jullien, Anselme Petetin.--Oct. 1831-Mar. 1835? Hippolyte Carnot (with Pierre Leroux, 1832-35?)


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1811-15 unnumbered.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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El embarazo es un proceso que debe transcurrir con toda normalidad y sin ningún riesgo en toda mujer en edad fértil. El control prenatal constituye uno de los eventos más importantes para la salud materno fetal. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar el perfil prenatal en mujeres que reciben atención médica en los Equipos Comunitarios de Salud San Simón, Potrero, Quebrada y Carrizal del municipio de San Simón, departamento de Morazán. La metodología empleada fue de tipo prospectivo, transversal, descriptiva, de campo, bibliográfica y de laboratorio, se hizo uso de técnicas documentales y técnicas de laboratorio. Se trabajó con una muestra de 81 embarazadas a quienes se les realizó pruebas de sangre y examen general de orina. Resultados: El examen general de orina presentó mayor porcentaje de alteraciones sugestivas a patologías con un 17.6% en el ECOS San Simón, 25.0% ECOS Potreros, 12.5% en ECOS Quebradas y 27.1% en ECOS Carrizal. El hematócrito y hemoglobina presentaron 11.8% de alteración en el ECOS San Simón, 25.0% en ECOS Potrero, 6.2% en ECOS Carrizal y en ECOS Quebrada no hubo alteración. Se descarta la presencia de incompatibilidad sanguínea materno fetal, VIH, sífilis y diabetes gestacional. Se obtuvo un 14.8% de embarazadas con abortos previos. Conclusiones: A partir de la información presentada en los datos descriptivos y la prueba de hipótesis aplicada, estadísticamente se concluyó que: La prueba que presentó mayor efecto en la alteración del perfil prenatal con sugestividad a patología en las embarazadas es el examen general de orina, seguido de las pruebas de Hematócrito-Hemoglobina.


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Este articulo parte de un análisis reflexivo de la categoría paisaje en tanto concepto o herramienta de trabajo geográfico. Posteriormente, se hace entrega de una experiencia de aplicación de un método de trabajo en un paisaje concreto como lo es la zona comprendida por los distritos de Sabanilla, San Isidro y Carrizal del cantón de Alajuela. Costa Rica. ABSTRACT This article starts with a reflective analysis of the category landscape, as a conceptual or working tool for the geographical investigation. An application of a method is to a concrete landscape in a Costa Rica zone is the presented. The application refers to three districts of the Central Country of Alajuela: Sabanilla, San Isidro and Carrizal.


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In 1995, the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, the Queensland Department of Main Roads and Redland Shire Council initiated the Koala Speed Zone Trial in the Koala Coast, south-east Queensland. The aim of the trial was to assess the effect of differential speed signs on the number of koalas ( Phascolarctos cinereus) hit by vehicles in the Koala Coast from 1995 to 1999. On the basis of information collected by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service 1407 koalas were hit by vehicles in the Koala Coast during the five-year study ( mean 281 koalas per year, range 251 - 315). Monitoring of vehicle speeds by the Queensland Department of Main Roads suggested that there was no significant reduction in vehicle speed during the trial period from August to December. Consequently, there was no evidence to suggest that a reduction in the number of koalas hit by vehicles occurred during the trial. Approximately 70% of koalas were hit on arterial and sub-arterial roads and approximately 83% did not survive. The location of each koala hit was recorded and the signed speed limit of the road was noted. Most koalas that were hit by vehicles were young healthy males. Pooling of data on koala collisions and road speed limits suggested that the proportion of koalas that survived being hit by vehicles was slightly higher on roads with lower speed limits. However, vehicle speed was not the only factor that affected the number of koalas hit by vehicles. It is suggested that habitat destruction, koala density and traffic volume also contribute to road-associated koala mortality in the Koala Coast.


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Koala dispersal was investigated as part of a detailed ecological study of a nationally significant koala population located 20 km south-east of Brisbane, Queensland. From 1996 to 2000, 195 koalas from three sites were captured and fitted with radio-collars. A total of 40 koalas ( 23 males and 17 females) dispersed from these sites. Most (93%) dispersing individuals were 20 - 36 months of age. Three adult females ( more than 36 months old) dispersed and no adult males dispersed during the study. A significantly higher proportion of young males dispersed than females. Dispersal occurred between June and December, with most dispersal of males commencing in July and August and that of females commencing between September and November prior to, and early in, the annual breeding season. The mean straight-line distance between the natal and breeding home ranges for males and females was similar and was measured at 3.5 km ( range 1.1 - 9.7 km) and 3.4 km ( range 0.3 - 10.6 km) respectively. Dispersing males and females tended to successfully disperse south and west of their natal home ranges and were generally unable to successfully disperse to urban areas within the study area, as a high proportion of the mortality of dispersing koalas was associated with attacks by domestic dogs and with collisions with vehicles on roads. Information from other studies indicates that most young koalas disperse from their natal areas. It is likely that the social behaviour and mating systems of koala populations provide mechanisms for young koalas to disperse. The potential role of dispersal in the dynamics of regional koala populations is discussed.


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Distance sampling using line transects has not been previously used or tested for estimating koala abundance. In July 2001, a pilot survey was conducted to compare the use of line transects with strip transects for estimating koala abundance. Both methods provided a similar estimate of density. On the basis of the results of the pilot survey, the distribution and abundance of koalas in the Pine Rivers Shire, south-east Queensland, was determined using line-transect sampling. In total, 134 lines (length 64 km) were used to sample bushland areas. Eighty-two independent koalas were sighted. Analysis of the frequency distribution of sighting distances using the software program DISTANCE enabled a global detection function to be estimated for survey sites in bushland areas across the Shire. Abundance in urban parts of the Shire was estimated from densities obtained from total counts at eight urban sites that ranged from 26 to 51 ha in size. Koala abundance in the Pine Rivers Shire was estimated at 4584 (95% confidence interval, 4040-5247). Line-transect sampling is a useful method for estimating koala abundance provided experienced koala observers are used when conducting surveys.


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Objectives. This study aimed to determine the incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a large group of siblings of Australian AAA patients to determine if screening in this group is justified. Methods. 1254 siblings of 400 index AAA patients were identified and offered aortic ultrasound screening. An age and sex matched control group was recruited from patients having abdominal CT scans for non-vascular indications. AAA was defined by an infrarenal aortic diameter of greater than or equal to3 cm or a ratio of the infrarenal to suprarenal aortic diameter of greater than or equal to2.0. A ratio of 1.0-1.5 was considered normal, and a ratio of >1.5 to


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La regulación de ríos y arroyos mediante diques modifica parámetros que influyen directamente sobre la biota. En la cuenca endorreica Achiras-del Gato ha finalizado recientemente la construcción de una presa de mediana envergadura que alterará las características limnológicas del sistema y la estructura de las comunidades bentónicas. Este estudio aporta los primeros registros del macrobentos de este sistema lótico y analiza la variación espacio-temporal de la estructura de la comunidad en tramos pedemontanos del arroyo Achiras. Durante un año, antes de la construcción de la presa, se colectaron muestras de zoobentos y se registraron variables abióticas en correderas y rabiones de dos sitios del arroyo, uno situado río arriba del área del dique y otro aguas abajo de la misma. Para cada sitio, hábitat y estación del año se determinó abundancia, frecuencia, riqueza taxonómica, Índice de Shannon y equidad, y se analizaron mediante ANOVA de una y tres vías. Los atributos de las comunidades de referencia se complementaron con la determinación de taxa exclusivos e indicadores y detectores ecológicos. En el primer sitio se registraron 73 taxa, Simulium fue más abundante y Leptohyphes eximius Eaton, 1882, más frecuente. En el segundo se hallaron 75 taxa, Caenis fue más abundante y Cricotopus sp. 3 más frecuente. La abundancia y la riqueza fueron significativamente mayores en primavera, y la diversidad en rabiones de invierno. Se determinó que los atributos de la comunidad estuvieron afectados por la época de muestreo. El arroyo Achiras posee un régimen hídrico freático-pluvial, con caudales bajos en invierno y altos en verano, por lo que se esperan cambios en la biota nativa y la integridad del sistema en respuesta a la reducción de la variabilidad hidráulica cuando el funcionamiento de la presa altere el caudal natural.


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The occurrence of Lymnaea columella is recorded in Tefé, Amazonas state, where it was found together with Drepanotrema anatinum, Physa marmorata and pomacea sp. L. columella was also collected in Salvador, Bahia state, at the dique do Tororó, an urban lake formely mentioned (as "lac Baril") by Moricand (1853) as a breeding-place of Biomphalaria glabrata, Drepanotrema cimex, D. depressissimum, Pomacea lineata, P. decussata and Ancylus moricandi. The four first-mentioned species, as well as physa cubensis and Hemisinus brasiliensis, were also collected now. This is the first record of a lymnaeid in the Northeastern region of Brazil.