233 resultados para Dinophyceae
The samples were concentrated down to 50 cm**3 by slow decantation after storage for 20 days in a cool and dark place. The species identification was done under light microscope OLIMPUS-BS41 connected to a video-interactive image analysis system at magnification of the ocular 10X and objective - 40X. A Sedgwick-Rafter camera (1ml) was used for counting. 400 specimen were counted for each sample, while rare and large species were checked in the whole sample (Manual of phytoplankton, 2005). Species identification was mainly after Carmelo T. (1997) and Fukuyo, Y. (2000). Total phytoplankton abundance was calculated as sum of taxon-specific abundances. Total phytoplankton biomass was calculated as sum of taxon-specific biomasses. The cell biovolume was determined based on morpho-metric measurement of phytoplankton units and the corresponding geometric shapes as described in detail in (Edier, 1979).
A research was carried out along a transect from the Yamal Peninsula coast towards the outer shelf of the southwestern the Kara Sea in September 2007. 130 phytoplankton species were identified, among which 63 were found in the area for the first time. Total phytoplankton abundance varied from of 0.2 x10**9 to 11.3x10**9 cells/m**2, while biomass from 43 to 1057 mgC/m**2. A well pronounced cross-shelf zoning in phytoplankton communities was ascertained. The inner shelf zone about 30 km wide with depths down to 30 meters was characterized by predominance of diatoms (up to 80% of total algal abundance and biomass). The second group by value was dinoflagellates. Seaward in the area of depth increase from 30 to 140 m, the zone of the Yamal Current was located, which was 40 km wide and notable for its active water dynamics. Total abundance in the zone was maximal for the entire investigated area: up to 11.3x10**9 cells/m**2. Autotrophic flagellates were the leading group in phytoplankton, their share in total abundance reached 56-82%. Further than 70 km from the shore, the outer shelf zone was found with the water column rigidly stratified. The highest for the whole area phytoplankton biomass was identified here (up to 1.06 gC/m**2), 80% of which concentrated above the halocline. Diatoms dominated in phytoplankton abundance (up to 92%) and biomass (up to 90%) that resulted from mass development of two species: Chaetoceros diadema and Leptocylindrus danicus.
The Sonne transit cruise SO226-3 DipFIP took place from March 4th (Wellington, New Zealand) to March 28th (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) in 2013. CTD data for 16 stations along the cruise track were recorded using the onboard a SEABIRD SBE 9 plus CTD down to depth of 800m. Obtained hydrographic data were binned to 1 m intervals with the available SBE software. Obvious outliers in the readings of the oxygen sensor close to the sea surface have been manually removed. Fluorospectrometer (bbe Moldaenke) pigment data measured for 24 depth intervals are available for 10 stations. Measurements were conducted in the shipboard laboratory on water samples from the CTD rosette. Data are averages of a least 30 readings per sample.
Pack ice in the Bellingshausen Sea contained moderate to high stocks of microalgal biomass (3-10 mg Chl a/m**2) spanning the range of general sea-ice microalgal microhabitats (e.g., bottom, interior and surface) during the International Polar Year (IPY) Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA) studies. Measurements of irradiance above and beneath the ice as well as optical properties of the microalgae therein demonstrated that absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by particulates (microalgae and detritus) had a substantial influence on attenuation of PAR and irradiance transmission in areas with moderate snow covers (0.2-0.3 m) and more moderate effects in areas with low snow cover. Particulates contributed an estimated 25 to 90% of the attenuation coefficients for the first-year sea ice at wavelengths less than 500 nm. Strong ultraviolet radiation (UVR) absorption by particulates was prevalent in the ice habitats where solar radiation was highest - with absorption coefficients by ice algae often being as large as that of the sea ice. Strong UVR-absorption features were associated with an abundance of dinoflagellates and a general lack of diatoms - perhaps suggesting UVR may be influencing the structure of some parts of the sea-ice microbial communities in the pack ice during spring. We also evaluated the time-varying changes in the spectra of under-ice irradiances in the austral spring and showed dynamics associated with changes that could be attributed to coupled changes in the ice thickness (mass balance) and microalgal biomass. All results are indicative of radiation-induced changes in the absorption properties of the pack ice and highlight the non-linear, time-varying, biophysical interactions operating within the Antarctic pack ice ecosystem.