48 resultados para Dimocarpus longan Lour.


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Fruit drop in lychee can cause major yield losses in Australia, the severity varying with cultivar and season. Research in China, South Africa and Israel has demonstrated the potential for synthetic auxins used as foliar sprays to reduce fruit drop in lychee. Trials were initiated in Australia to test the efficacy of the synthetic auxin, 3-5-6 Trichloro-2-phridyl-oxyacetic acid (3-5-6 TPA) at 50 ppm on the cultivars Tai So, Fay Zee Sui and Kwai Mai Pink. Results indicate that in most cases the TPA reduced natural fruit drop however the size of the fruit at the time of application affects the response and the ideal application time varies with cultivar; approximately 13 mm fruit length in 'Kwai Mai Pink', 20 mm in 'Fay Zee Sui' and 27 mm in 'Tai So'. If applied too early in 'Tai So', it caused an increase in fruit drop. The TPA was most effective when natural fruit drop was high, reducing fruit drop from 74.7 to 34.9% in 'Kwai Mai Pink' and least effective when natural fruit drop was low. An increase in the percentage of fruit with poorly developed (chicken tongue) seed and slightly larger fruit size was also observed in treated trees.


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Se estableció un ensayo permanente de campo en postrera de 1987 para estudiar a largo plazo los efectos de rotación de cultivos y control de malezas sobre la dinámica de las malezas y su potencial de semillas en el suelo. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo en parcelas divididas, siendo el factor A:Rotación (sorgo­ sorgo; maíz-sorgo; maíz-soya; pepino-soya; pepino-sorgo)y el factor B:Control de malezas (control químico; control por el período crítico y el control limpia periódica). Después de tres años, en postrera de 1990, se determinó el nivel y la composición del banco de semillas de las malezas por rotación, control de malezas y especies de malezas mediante el método de cultivación para luego compararlo con la abundancia actual. Los resultados demuestran cambios drásticos del enmalezamiento después de solo 3 años de realizar el ensayo. El rango del enmalezamiento actual varió de 88 hasta 440 índ/m 2, mientras en el enmalezamiento potencial se determinó 3125 hasta 12,969 semillas /m2, obteniéndose tasas de emergencia de semillas de 1.99% a 10.42 %. El mayor enmalezamiento (actual y potencial) lo mostró la rotación pepino-soya con 330 ind/m2 y 6,771 sem/m2 respectivamente, y el control químico con 227 ind/m2 y 6062 sem/m2, debido a la predominancia de la especie Rottboelia cochinchinensis (Lour) Clayton, obteniendo ésta de 25 a 405 ind/m2. El menor enmalezamiento actual se registró en la rotación maíz-sorgo con 101 ind/m2, y el potencial en la rotación maíz- soya con 4010 sem/m2 .y el control limpia periódica presentó el menor enmalezamiento (actual y potencial) con 109 ind/m2 y 3531 ind/m2 respectivamente.


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El presente trabajo es el resultado de un diagnóstico realizado en el municipio de Nueva Guinea, Zelaya Central, en la época de apante (1994-1995). El estudio fue dirigido a los factores biológicos que afectan la producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) principalmente plagas, enfermedades y malezas. El estudio abarcó nueve colonias y 14 productores del municipio de Nueva Guinea. Los resultados muestran que el principal problema de plagas es la babosa Vaginulus plebeius Fisher. Las medias de control contra las plagas están enfocadas al manejo de la especie en mención. Referente a las malezas se observó predominancia de malezas de hoja fina tales como retumbo Rottboellia cochinchinenesís (Lour) Clayton, zacate guinea Panicum maximun Jacq., retana Ischaemun ciliari Salisb y el zacate gallina Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Las malezas de hoja ancha se presentaron en menor proporción, sobresaliendo la especie batatilla o campanila lpomoea tilliaceae (Wild) Choisy. La diversidad de las malezas es mayor en labranza convencional. la menor cantidad de especies de malezas se encontró en la labranza mínima. Las enfermedades de mayor relevancia son la antracnosis Colletotríchum lindemutianum ( Sacc & Magnus ) BCMV (virus del mosaíco común del frijol) y bacteriosis común del frijol Xanthomonas campestris pv phaseoli ( Smith ) Dye. La escasa precipitación durante el período del estudio probablemente influyó en que las enfermedades fungosas no se manifestaran en los lotes muestreados. El análisis económico muestra que la producción de frijol común en Nueva Guinea no fue rentable en el ciclo estudiado.


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本文采用物种生物学的方法分析了绵枣[Scilla sinensis (Lour.) Merr.]多倍体复合体细胞地理、形态、生态适应和发育节律的变异。此外,还对AA细胞型居群进行了等位酶分析和杂交实验。结果如下: 1. 细胞学检查秀自中国境内45个居群,检出AA、AB、BB、AAA、BBB和AABB 6个细胞型。多数居群由1种细胞型组成。AA几乎占据着该复合体在中国的整个分布区。BB仅局限于华中和华东地区。AABB分布于华中和华东地区的北侧、东北地区的东南部及台湾岛。45个居的细胞型组成以细胞地理分布图表示。总结前人与我们的工作,该复合体中已发现12个整倍体细胞型(AA、AB、BB、AAA、ABB、BBB、AAAA、AABB、ABBB、BBBB、AABBB和AAABBB)和各种基于多倍体的非整倍体。其基本细胞型为AA、BB和AABB。AA分布于除日本和大陆上BB分布区中心外该复合体的整个分布区。BB分布中国华东和华中地区、朝鲜的济州岛和日本。AABB分布日本、朝鲜和中国东北地区的东南部及华中、华东地区的东侧。另外,BB居群染色体数量最多,AABB次之,而AA最低。 2. 野外调查和栽培实验表明AA细胞型在中国东部和西部地区间存在形态和生态分化,东部居群形态变异较小,其共同特征是纺锤形鳞茎,红褐色;根茎短柱状;叶多灰绿色,蜡质明显,斜升;花葶较强壮而直立;花紫红色;子房每室1胚珠。西部为AA细胞型的现代变异中心,居群间形态变异大,区别于东部居群的特点是鳞茎纺锤形或近球形,根茎短柱状或盘状,叶鲜绿色,蜡质不明显,平卧地面;花葶1-4枝,直立,多花葶时斜升;花白色或淡红色,子房每室胚珠1 ~ 2枚。AA和BB细胞型是向着适于不同地理区的环境发展,因而具有不同的形态和生物学特性的两个类型。BB鳞茎近球形,黄褐色,根茎不明显,为盘状;叶墨绿色,柔软而平卧地面,是适于阴湿的林下环境的结果。春季萌发较早,约在3月初,其夏季休眠特性刚好可渡过华中地区东部夏季的高温多雨,待秋季温度下降时开花结实。而AA划适应了光照较强而干旱的山坡草地灌丛的类型。其发育节律变异较大,但萌动较BB晚,无夏季休眠。AABB细胞型的形态介于两祖先二倍体之间,没有形成独特的生态适应和发育节律。 3. 对AA细胞型的等位酶分析表明,该种的居群表现出较高的遗传变异(A = 2.0, P = 58.6%, H_o = 0.172 和 H_e = 0.185)。居群间存在较明显的分化(F_(ST) = 0.314)。东西两地区间也存在遗传分化。 4. AA居群间多数组合的F_1都低于对照的花粉育性和结实率。尤其是东部和西部居群间组合的F_1花粉育性和结实率极低,几近不育。如果仅仅考虑该复合体的形态变异,它只能作为一个形态复杂多变的种,Scilla sinensis (Lour) Merr.。可是如此处理就掩盖了其细胞型间清晰的进化关系。为弥补这一缺陷,当研究细胞型间的进化关系时,可采用生物学和概念。AA细胞型为S. sinensis (Lour.) Merr., 可分两亚种:subsp. sinensis 和 subsp. alboviridis (Hand.-Mazz.) K. Y. Ding。BB细胞型为S. thunbergii Miyabe et Kudo。而ABB及含有A和B染色体组的多倍体作为杂交种S. x sino-japonica K.Y.Ding。两个二倍体种形态界限很清楚,但AABB的存在湮灭了两者的间断。


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本论文对葛属(Pueraria DC.)进行了形态学、解剖学及植物地理学研究,重点分析了小叶、托叶、花序及花的形态变异规律。首次发现葛属生长习性和种皮纹饰特征在组的划分上具有重要的分类学意义,支持前人运用托叶着生方式、花序类型及每节簇生花的数目等特征划分组的观点。首次在光学显微镜下对葛属植物14种1变种叶表皮性状做了较为全面、深入的观察,发现葛属叶表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁的式样以及气孔大小有一定分类学意义,为葛属的分类修订提供了新资料。首次应用电子扫描显微镜观察了葛属10种1变种和2个外类群广西土黄芪Nogra guangxiensis C. F. Wei和琼豆Teyleria koordersii (Backer ex Koord.-Schum.) Backer的种皮纹饰特征,发现葛属的种皮纹饰有网纹型、断棱型、复网纹型和锐棱型等4种类型,他们与托叶的着生方式具有一定的关联性。托叶背着的类群为网纹型,其中采自中国和越南不同居群的山野葛Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr.种皮次级纹饰有差别,这显示山野葛分化比较活跃。托叶基着的三裂叶野葛P. phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.、大花三裂叶野葛P. phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. var. javanica (Benth.) Baker、苦葛P. peduncularis (Graham ex Benth.) Benth.以及云南野葛P. yunnanensis Franch.的种皮纹饰为断棱形,小花野葛P. stricta Kurz种皮纹饰为复网纹型,喜玛拉雅葛藤P. wallichii DC.种皮纹饰为锐棱型。依据种皮纹饰推断,喜玛拉雅葛藤最原始,黄毛葛藤P. calycina Franch.最进化,与形态学特征演化方向相吻合。广西土黄芪种皮纹饰为网纹型,琼豆种皮纹饰为复网纹型,表明它们与葛属亲缘关系较近。这与形态学和分子证据相吻合。本文首次运用广义线形模型(GLM)结合地理信息系统(GIS)对葛属现有地理分布、潜在分布及50年后潜在分布进行了分析。所预测的潜在分布范围与观察到的地理分布范围一致,说明对特化的气候忍耐性是限制葛属物种地理分布的主要因素。温度、降水和海拔高度对葛属地理分布限制作用比较大。未来潜在分布预测显示葛属有向南、北扩散的趋势。 作者在研究了四千余份腊叶标本及野外形态考察的基础上,结合叶表皮及种皮纹饰资料,确认葛属分为3组,共19种3变种。其中,对Sect. Breviramulae Maesen ex Z. F. Le & X. Y. Zhu进行了合格发表,运用形态学、解剖学及种皮纹饰资料恢复了云南野葛种的地位,并为其指定了后选模式,P. pulcherrima (Koord.-Schum.) Merr. ex Koord.-Schum.正确的学名为P. sericans Schum.,对4个名称进行了归并。本文还给出了组和种的检索表、葛属各个种的形态描述、地理分布图及模式标本照片。


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MC RR抑制大型沉水植物苦草 (Vallisnerianatans (Lour.)Hara .)的生长和发育。在 0 0 0 0 1— 10mg/L的浓度下 ,苦草种子的发芽、子叶生长、真叶的形成和生长、不定根的形成和生长以及根毛的生长都受到了一定的抑制作用。当MC RR浓度≥ 0 .1mg/L时 ,处理第 30d ,MC RR对苦草鲜重和第一片真叶的生长有极显著的抑制作用 ,当MC RR浓度为 10mg/L时 ,根的生长和叶片的发生也受到了极显著的抑制作用


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Oxidation-reduction properties of surface sediments are tightly associated with the geochemistry of substances, and reducing organic substances (ROS) from hydrophytes residues may play an important role in these processes. In this study, composition, dynamics, and properties of ROS from anaerobic decomposition of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Potamogenton crispus Linn, Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara, Lemna trisulca Linn and Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittr) Kirch were investigated using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The type of hydrophytes determined both the reducibility and composition of ROS. At the peak time of ROS production, the anaerobic decomposition of M. flos-aquae produced 6 types of ROS, among which 3 belonged to strongly reducing organic substance (SROS), whereas there were only 3-4 types of ROS from the other hydrophytes, 2 of them exhibiting strong reducibility. The order of potential of hydrophytes to produce ROS was estimated to be: M. flos-aquae > E. crassipes > L. trisulca > P. crispus approximate to V. natans, based on the summation of SROS and weakly reducing organic substances (WROS). The dynamic pattern of SROS production was greatly different from WROS. The total SROS appeared periodic fluctuation with reducibility gradually weakening with incubation time, whereas the total WROS increased with incubation time. Reducibility of ROS from hydrophytes was readily affected by acid, base and ligands, suggesting that their properties were related to these aspects. In addition to the reducibility, we believe that more attention should be paid to the other behaviors of ROS in surface sediments.


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本论文由四部分组成,前三部分为实验论文,第四部分为文献综述。第一、二部分分别报道了中药西藏胡黄连和鸡矢藤的化学成分研究结果。从两种药用植物中共分离和鉴定了32个化学成分,其中3个为新化合物。第三部分为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。第四部分概述了近年来植物多糖的研究进展。 第一章为西藏胡黄连化学成分研究。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离方法从药用植物西藏胡黄连(Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Pennell)的根茎中共分离纯化出7个化合物。运用MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、HSQC和HMBC等现代谱学方法,结合理化分析对这些化合物的结构进行了分析鉴定。7个化合物中有两个是酚性的葡萄糖苷类成分:西藏胡黄连酚苷D (1)、4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloyl glucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6);四个苯乙基苷类化合物:plantamajoside (2)、plantainoside D (3)、西藏胡黄连苷A (4) 和西藏胡黄连苷F (5);一个苯基小分子化合物:香豆酸甲酯 (7)。其中化合物1和5未见文献报道,确定为新化合物;化合物3为首次从该种植物中分到。 第二章为鸡矢藤化学成分研究。从鸡矢藤(Paederia scandense (Lour) Merrill)全草中分离出25个化合物,通过理化常数和波谱数据鉴定了它们的结构。25个化合物中包括一个蒽醌类成分:茜根定-1-甲醚 (1);两个香豆素:异东莨菪香豆素 (2)和5-羟基-8-甲氧基吡喃香豆素 (3);两个香豆素-木脂素化合物:臭矢菜素 B (4)和臭矢菜素 D (5);一个木脂素:异落叶松树脂醇 (6);两个黄酮:diadzein (7)和蒙花苷 (8);三个三萜类化合物:齐墩果酸 (9)、乌苏酸 (10)和 3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖基乌苏烷 (11);三个甾体及其糖苷:b-谷甾醇 (12)、胡萝卜苷 (13)和(24R)-豆甾-4-烯-3-酮 (14);六个小分子化合物:对羟基苯甲酸 (15),咖啡酸 (16),香豆酸 (17),丁烯二酸 (18),3,5-二甲氧基-4-羟基苯甲酸(19),咖啡酸-4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(20);五个环烯醚萜类化合物:鸡矢藤苷 (21),鸡矢藤酸 (22),鸡矢藤酸甲酯 (23),saprosmoside E (24)和paederoside B (25)。其中化合物25未见文献报道,为新化合物。化合物1~8、11、14、15~20为首次从该化合物中分离得到。同时对鸡矢藤中环烯醚萜类化合物做了高效液相-串联质谱(HPLC-MSn)分析,探讨了这类化合物的质谱裂解规律。 第三章为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。首先确定了黄芪多糖含量的测定方法,并进行了方法学验证;其次探讨了黄芪中黄芪多糖的提取工艺,确定以酶法-Sevag法联用来去除黄芪多糖中的蛋白质,可使其提取物中黄芪多糖总含量达到70%以上。 第四章为近年来植物多糖的研究进展。主要包括植物多糖的提取纯化、多糖的定性定量检测方法、多糖的结构分析和多糖的药理活性。 This dissertation consists of four parts. The first and second parts reports the studies on the chemical constituents of medicinal plants of Picrorhiza Scrophulariiflora and Paederia scandens. The third part is about the extract technique of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The last part reviews the progress of the studies on plant polysaccharides.   The first chapter is about the chemical constituents of P. Scrophulariiflora which is widely used as an important medicine to treat various immune-related diseases. A new phenyl glycoside, scrophenoside D (1) and a new phenylethyl glycoside, scroside F (5), together with five known compounds, plantamajoside (2), plantainoside D (3), scroside A (4), 4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloylglucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6); and methyl-p-coumarate (7) were isolated from the stems of P. scrophulariiflora. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and chemical methods. The second chapter is about the chemical constituents of medicinal herb of P. scandens. Twenty-five compounds were isolated and purified by normal and reversed phase silica gel column chromatography. By physicochemical properties and spectral analysis, their structures were identified as rubiadin-1-methylether (1), isoscopoletin (2), 5-hydroxyl-8-methoxyl-coumarin (3), cleomiscosin B (4), cleomiscosin D (5), isolariciresinol (6), diadzein (7), linarin (8), oleanolic acid (9), ursolic acid (10), 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyloxyl-ursane (11), b-sitosterol (12), b-daucosterol (13), (24R)-stigmast-4-ene-3-one (14), p-hydroxyl-benzoic acid (15), caffic acid (16), coumaric acid (17), trans-butenedioic acid (18), 3,5-dimethoxyl-4-hydroxylbenzoic acid (19), caffeic acid 4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (20), paederoside (21), paederosidic acid (22), paederosidic acid methyl ester (23), saprosmoside E (24), paederoside B (25). Among them, compound 25 is a new compound. Compounds 1~8、11、14、15~20 were isolated from this plant for the first time. Futhermore, we studied the HPLC-MSn analysis and investigation of fragmentation behavior of the sulfur-containing iridoid glucosides. The third chapter is about the extracting process of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The method of the content determination is built. The optimum condition of extraction of polysaccharides from Radix Astragali is defined and the more effective way to remove protein is combined enzyme method with Sevag method, by which the content of polysaccharides extract can be up to 70%. The last part is a review of the research progress of the plant polysaccharides, which includes its extraction, isolation, purification, determination, structure analysis, and pharmacology.


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In this paper, three kinds of snake venoms and lour kinds of enzymes (phospholipase A(2), fibrinolytic enzyme, arginine esterase and L-amino acid oxidase) isolated from the snake venom were analyzed. As the snake venom was different, the MALDI/TOF/MS showed difference, The MALDI/TOF/MS determination results could be affected Ly the concentrations of snake venom enzymes, And the mechanisms of desorption and ionization was also given in this study, By using MALDI/TOF/MS we obtained the accurate molecular weights and homogeneities of the enzymes. The apparent characteristics of the positive MALDI/TOF/MS of enzymes composed by two subunits were also given out, The results showed that MALDI/TOF/MS is an effective analytic method for discovering new components from snake venom complexes. And it is reliable to use this method to determine the molecular weights and purifies of protein molecules.


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对贵阳地区一生境内不同生长条件(石生苔藓、无树冠、不同树冠类型以及同种树冠不同树冠厚度)下的细叶小羽藓(Haplocladium microphyllum(Hedw.)Broth)碳氮同位素进行了研究。不同生境的苔藓铲δ^13C和δ^15N值具有相似的变化趋势和明显的相关关系。石生苔藓δ^13C和δ^15N值比土生苔藓偏高指示了其相对干燥和受到干沉降控制的生境;树冠下方光照条件差、湿度高、缺少干沉降氮的输入是苔藓δ^13C和δ^15N值偏低的主要原因;而树冠类型、叶片形态、叶面性质造成树冠对大气沉降氮吸收能力的不同是三种树冠下方苔藓氮同位素组成差异的潜在因素。此外,同一树冠(桂花树Osmanthus fiagrans Lour)下方苔藓的氮含量和碳氮同位素平均组成与树冠厚度呈线性关系。尤其是δ^15N的响应很好地反映了吸收过程中树冠厚度对大气沉降氮源同位素组成的控制作用。结果表明。苔藓δ^13C值能很好地指示苔藓的生境差异和生理响应(如光合作用能力和氮需求等);而δ^15N值在示踪氮源和反映不同树冠吸收过程的同位素分馏效应方面更具有优势,二者的相关关系是环境因素相互作用的重要线索。此外,细叶小羽藓Haplocladium microphyllum(Hedw.)Broth具有高效利用大气沉降氮和分布广泛等特点,可进一步应用于该地区大气氮沉降的指示或监测研究.


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Contient : Seconde partie de la Chronique de Pierre de Langtoft depuis Cedwalla (683) jusqu'à Édouard I [IV] (1300) ; « Profecies des dites Merlin, que il dist en son temps d'Engletere et de rois qui ount esté puis le roy Henry, qui nasquist à Wyncestre, et de rois qui serrount touz jours més en Engletere et de lour aventours quelx ils serrount, bons ou malvas, mols ou dures. — Henry. Une agniel vendra hors de Wyncestre... » ; Chronique de Pierre de Langtoft, jusqu'en 1307


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Seed storage behaviour of 5 1 native and 9 introduced tree species in Vietnam was investigated using a brief protocol developed to aid biodiversity conservation in circumstances where little is known about the seeds. Of the 60 species, 34 appeared to show orthodox (Acacia auriculaeformis, Adenanthera pavonina, Afzelia xylocarpa, Bauhinia purpurea, Callistemon lanceolatus, Cananga odorata, Canarium nigrum, Cassia fistula, Cassia javanica, Cassia splendida, Chukrasia tabularis, Dalbergia bariaensis, Dialium cochinchinensis, Diospyros mollis, Diospyros mun, Dracuntomelon duperreanum, Erythrophleum fordii, Khaya senegalensis, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Leucaena leucocephala, Livistona cochinchinensis, Markhamia stipulata, Melaleuca cajuputi, Millettia ichthyotona, Peltophorum pterocarpum, Peltophorum tonkinensis, Pinus khasya, Pinus massoniana, Pinus merkusii, Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Sindora siamensis, Sophora tonkinense, Sterculia foetida, Swietenia macrophylla), 13 recalcitrant (Avicennia alba, Beilschmiedia roxburghiana, Caryota mitis, Dimocarpus sp., Diospyros malabarica, Dipterocarpus chartaceus, Dypsis pinnatifrons, Hopea odorata, Lithocarpus gigantophylla, Machilus odoratissimus, Melanorrhoea laccifera, Melanorrhea usitata, Syzygium cinereum) and 13 intermediate (Anisoptera cochinchinensis, Aphanamixis polystachya, Averrhoa carambola, Carissa carandas, Chrysopylum cainito, Cinnamomum camphora, Citrofortunella microcarpa, Citrus grandis var. grandis, Elaeis guineensis, Hydnocarpus anthelmintica, Madhuca floribunda, Manilkara achras, Mimusops elengi) seed storage behaviour. A double-criteria key to estimate likely seed storage behaviour showed good agreement with the above: the key can reduce the workload of seed storage behaviour identification considerably.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O uso de plantas medicinais no Munic ípio de Benevides: Elaboração do Memento Fitoterápico e Introdução da Política de Plantas Medicinais no Município de Benevides é um trabalho, desenvolvido com o objetivo de levantar as espécies vegetais utilizadas por usuários do SUS e profissionais de saú de, integrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família do município de Benevides, com vistas à elaboração do Memento Fitoterápico do município, como primeiro passo para a institucionalização da Política Municipal de Plantas Medicinais. Para o levantamento dos dados, utilizou-se a tecnologia social Etnofarmácia, desenvolvida e aplicada em parceria com a comunidade, envolvendo a aplicação do formulário etnofarmacêutico aos usuários do SUS e profissionais de saúde, o que permitiu uma análise quanti - qualitativa dos dados. Os resultados indicaram que a utilização de plantas medicinais pela população entrevistada é uma prática intensa e se deve, em parte, à dificuldade que os usuários do sistema têm em acessar os medicamentos sintéticos prescritos nas Unidades Saúde da Família (USF) do município e ao baixo padrão de renda das famílias entrevistadas. Quanto aos profissionais de saúde, os resultados indicam sensibilidade dos mesmos ao tema e disposição para prescrição, desde que se tenha disponível capacitação, protocolo clín ico e plantas medicinais nas USF. Para compor o Memento Fitoterapêutico, foram selecionadas as espécies: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Linn. (mastruz); Eleutherine plicata, Herb (marupazinho); Mentha pulegium, Linn. (hortelãzinho); Coleus amboinicus, Lour. (boldo) e Arrabidaea chica, Velrt. (parirí), segundo os critérios de frequência de citação, perfil epidemiológico do município, interesse do Ministério da Saúde e manejo da espécie.