961 resultados para Dihydrofolate Reductase
Chagas disease is nowadays the most serious parasitic health problem. This disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. The great number of deaths and the insufficient effectiveness of drugs against this parasite have alarmed the scientific community worldwide. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a model for the design and prediction of new antitrypanosomal agents was obtained. This used a mixed approach, containing simple descriptors based on fragments and topological substructural molecular design descriptors. A data set was made up of 188 compounds, 99 of them characterized an antitrypanosomal activity and 88 compounds that belong to other pharmaceutical categories. The model showed sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values above 85%. Quantitative fragmental contributions were also calculated. Then, and to confirm the quality of the model, 15 structures of molecules tested as antitrypanosomal compounds (that we did not include in this study) were predicted, taking into account the information on the abovementioned calculated fragmental contributions. The model showed an accuracy of 100% which means that the ""in silico"" methodology developed by our team is promising for the rational design of new antitrypanosomal drugs. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 31: 882-894. 2010
Neuropsychological impairment occurs in 20%-40% of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivors, possibly mediated by folate depletion following methotrexate chemotherapy. We evaluated the relationship between two folate pathway polymorphisms and neuropsychological impairment after childhood ALL chemotherapy. Eighty-six childhood ALL survivors were recruited between 2004-2007 at Texas Children's Hospital after exclusion for central nervous system leukemia, cranial irradiation, and age<1 year at diagnosis. Neuropsychological evaluation at a median of 5.3 years off therapy included a parental questionnaire and the following child performance measures: Trail Making Tests A and B, Grooved Pegboard Test Dominant-Hand and Nondominant-Hand, and Digit Span subtest. We performed genotyping for polymorphisms in two folate pathway genes: reduced folate carrier (RFC1 80G>A, rs1051266) and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR Intron-1 19bp deletion). Fisher exact test, logistic regression, Student's t-test, and ANOVA were used to compare neuropsychological test scores by genotype, using a dominant model to group genotypes. In univariate analysis, survivors with cumulative methotrexate exposure ≥9000 mg/m2 had an increased risk of attention disorder (OR=6.2, 95% CI 1.2 – 31.3), compared to survivors with methotrexate exposure <9000 mg/m2. On average, female survivors scored 8.5 points higher than males on the Digit Span subtest, a test of working memory (p=0.02). The RFC1 80G>A and DHFR Intron-1 deletion polymorphisms were not related to attention disorder or impairment on tests of attention, processing speed, fine motor speed, or memory. These data imply a strong relationship between methotrexate dose intensity and impairment in attention after childhood ALL therapy. We did not find an association between the RFC1 80G>A or DHFR Intron-1 deletion polymorphisms and long-term neuropsychological impairment in childhood ALL survivors.^
Folylpolyglutamate synthetase, which is responsible for the addition of a polyglutamate tail to folate and folate derivatives, is an ATP-dependent enzyme isolated from eukaryotic and bacterial sources, where it plays a key role in the retention of the intracellular folate pool. Here, we report the 2.4-Å resolution crystal structure of the MgATP complex of the enzyme from Lactobacillus casei. The structural analysis reveals that folylpolyglutamate synthetase is a modular protein consisting of two domains, one with a typical mononucleotide-binding fold and the other strikingly similar to the folate-binding enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. We have located the active site of the enzyme in a large interdomain cleft adjacent to an ATP-binding P-loop motif. Opposite this site, in the C domain, a cavity likely to be the folate binding site has been identified, and inspection of this cavity and the surrounding protein structure suggests that the glutamate tail of the substrate may project into the active site. A further feature of the structure is a well defined Ω loop, which contributes both to the active site and to interdomain interactions. The determination of the structure of this enzyme represents the first step toward the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of polyglutamylation of folates and antifolates.
NADPH:protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) oxidoreductase (POR) is the key enzyme of chlorophyll biosynthesis in angiosperms. In barley, two POR enzymes, termed PORA and PORB, exist. Both are nucleus-encoded plastid proteins that must be imported posttranslationally from the cytosol. Whereas the import of the precursor of PORA, pPORA, previously has been shown to depend on Pchlide, the import of pPORB occurred constitutively. To study this striking difference, chimeric precursor proteins were constructed in which the transit sequences of the pPORA and pPORB were exchanged and fused to either their cognate polypeptides or to a cytosolic dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) reporter protein of mouse. As shown here, the transit peptide of the pPORA (transA) conferred the Pchlide requirement of import onto both the mature PORB and the DHFR. By contrast, the transit peptide of the pPORB directed the reporter protein into both chloroplasts that contained or lacked translocation-active Pchlide. In vitro binding studies further demonstrated that the transit peptide of the pPORA, but not of the pPORB, is able to bind Pchlide. We conclude that the import of the authentic pPORA and that of the transA-PORB and transA-DHFR fusion proteins is regulated by a direct transit peptide-Pchlide interaction, which is likely to occur in the plastid envelope, a major site of porphyrin biosynthesis.
The level and fate of hMSH3 (human MutS homolog 3) were examined in the promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 and its methotrexate-resistant derivative HL-60R, which is drug resistant by virtue of an amplification event that spans the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and MSH3 genes. Nuclear extracts from HL-60 and HL-60R cells were subjected to an identical, rapid purification protocol that efficiently captures heterodimeric hMutSα (hMSH2⋅hMSH6) and hMutSβ (hMSH2⋅hMSH3). In HL-60 extracts the hMutSα to hMutSβ ratio is roughly 6:1, whereas in methotrexate-resistant HL-60R cells the ratio is less than 1:100, due to overproduction of hMSH3 and heterodimer formation of this protein with virtually all the nuclear hMSH2. This shift is associated with marked reduction in the efficiency of base–base mismatch and hypermutability at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) locus. Purified hMutSα and hMutSβ display partial overlap in mismatch repair specificity: both participate in repair of a dinucleotide insertion–deletion heterology, but only hMutSα restores base–base mismatch repair to extracts of HL-60R cells or hMSH2-deficient LoVo colorectal tumor cells.
Combinatorial libraries of synthetic and natural products are an important source of molecular information for the interrogation of biological targets. Methods for the intracellular production of libraries of small, stable molecules would be a valuable addition to existing library technologies by combining the discovery potential inherent in small molecules with the large library sizes that can be realized by intracellular methods. We have explored the use of split inteins (internal proteins) for the intracellular catalysis of peptide backbone cyclization as a method for generating proteins and small peptides that are stabilized against cellular catabolism. The DnaE split intein from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 was used to cyclize the Escherichia coli enzyme dihydrofolate reductase and to produce the cyclic, eight-amino acid tyrosinase inhibitor pseudostellarin F in bacteria. Cyclic dihydrofolate reductase displayed improved in vitro thermostability, and pseudostellarin F production was readily apparent in vivo through its inhibition of melanin production catalyzed by recombinant Streptomyces antibioticus tyrosinase. The ability to generate and screen for backbone cyclic products in vivo is an important milestone toward the goal of generating intracellular cyclic peptide and protein libraries.
The DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes is organized into a series of loops that are permanently attached at their bases to the nuclear scaffold or matrix at sequences known as scaffold-attachment or matrix-attachment regions. At present, it is not clear what effect affixation to the nuclear matrix has on chromatin architecture in important regulatory regions such as origins of replication or the promoter regions of genes. In the present study, we have investigated cell-cycle-dependent changes in the chromatin structure of a well characterized replication initiation zone in the amplified dihydrofolate reductase domain of the methotrexate-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHOC 400. Replication can initiate at any of multiple potential sites scattered throughout the 55-kilobase intergenic region in this domain, with two subregions (termed ori-β and ori-γ) being somewhat preferred. We show here that the chromatin in the ori-β and ori-γ regions undergoes dramatic alterations in micrococcal nuclease hypersensitivity as cells cross the G1/S boundary, but only in those copies of the amplicon that are affixed to the nuclear matrix. In contrast, the fine structure of chromatin in the promoter of the dihydrofolate reductase gene does not change detectably as a function of matrix attachment or cell-cycle position. We suggest that attachment of DNA to the nuclear matrix plays an important role in modulating chromatin architecture, and this could facilitate the activity of origins of replication.
Leucine-rich nuclear export signals (NESs) are recognized by the NES receptor exportin 1 and are central to the export of multiple shuttling proteins and RNAs. The export of messenger RNA in vertebrates was, however, thought to occur by a different pathway, because inhibition by injection of a synthetic Rev NES conjugate could not be demonstrated. Here we find that peptide conjugates composed of the NES of either protein kinase A inhibitor protein (PKI) or the HIV-1 Rev protein, when coupled to human serum albumin, are potent inhibitors of mRNA and small nuclear RNA export. These results provide direct evidence that mRNA export in vertebrates depends on interactions between an NES and its cognate NES receptors. PKI NES conjugates are significantly more efficient at inhibiting RNA export than are REV NES conjugates, indicating that different NESs may have different abilities to promote protein and RNA export. Surprisingly, an expected control conjugate containing the mutant Rev NES sequence M10 strongly inhibited the export of intronless dihydrofolate reductase mRNA. Nuclear injection of NES peptide conjugates led to mislocalization to the nucleus of 10–20% of the cytoplasmic Ran GTPase-binding protein (RanBP1) indicating that RanBP1 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm via an NES pathway. These results demonstrate that in vertebrates the export of mRNA, like that of small nuclear RNA, 5S rRNA, and transport factors such as RanBP1, employs NES-mediated molecular machinery.
Cyclophilin and FK506 binding protein (FKBP) accelerate cis–trans peptidyl-prolyl isomerization and bind to and mediate the effects of the immunosuppressants cyclosporin A and FK506. The normal cellular functions of these proteins, however, are unknown. We altered the active sites of FKBP12 and mitochondrial cyclophilin from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by introducing mutations previously reported to inactivate these enzymes. Surprisingly, most of these mutant enzymes were biologically active in vivo. In accord with previous reports, all of the mutant enzymes had little or no detectable prolyl isomerase activity in the standard peptide substrate-chymotrypsin coupled in vitro assay. However, in a variation of this assay in which the protease is omitted, the mutant enzymes exhibited substantial levels of prolyl isomerase activity (5–20% of wild-type), revealing that these mutations confer sensitivity to protease digestion and that the classic in vitro assay for prolyl isomerase activity may be misleading. In addition, the mutant enzymes exhibited near wild-type activity with two protein substrates, dihydrofolate reductase and ribonuclease T1, whose folding is accelerated by prolyl isomerases. Thus, a number of cyclophilin and FKBP12 “active-site” mutants previously identified are largely active but protease sensitive, in accord with our findings that these mutants display wild-type functions in vivo. One mitochondrial cyclophilin mutant (R73A), and also the wild-type human FKBP12 enzyme, catalyze protein folding in vitro but lack biological activity in vivo in yeast. Our findings provide evidence that both prolyl isomerase activity and other structural features are linked to FKBP and cyclophilin in vivo functions and suggest caution in the use of these active-site mutations to study FKBP and cyclophilin functions.
The genome of the Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV or HHV8) was mapped with cosmid and phage genomic libraries from the BC-1 cell line. Its nucleotide sequence was determined except for a 3-kb region at the right end of the genome that was refractory to cloning. The BC-1 KSHV genome consists of a 140.5-kb-long unique coding region flanked by multiple G+C-rich 801-bp terminal repeat sequences. A genomic duplication that apparently arose in the parental tumor is present in this cell culture-derived strain. At least 81 ORFs, including 66 with homology to herpesvirus saimiri ORFs, and 5 internal repeat regions are present in the long unique region. The virus encodes homologs to complement-binding proteins, three cytokines (two macrophage inflammatory proteins and interleukin 6), dihydrofolate reductase, bcl-2, interferon regulatory factors, interleukin 8 receptor, neural cell adhesion molecule-like adhesin, and a D-type cyclin, as well as viral structural and metabolic proteins. Terminal repeat analysis of virus DNA from a KS lesion suggests a monoclonal expansion of KSHV in the KS tumor.
GroEL is an allosteric protein that facilitates protein folding in an ATP-dependent manner. Herein, the relationship between cooperative ATP binding by GroEL and the kinetics of GroE-assisted folding of two substrates with different GroES dependence, mouse dihydrofolate reductase (mDHFR) and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, is examined by using cooperativity mutants of GroEL. Strong intra-ring positive cooperativity in ATP binding by GroEL decreases the rate of GroEL-assisted mDHFR folding owing to a slow rate of the ATP-induced transition from the protein-acceptor state to the protein-release state. Inter-ring negative cooperativity in ATP binding by GroEL is found to affect the kinetic partitioning of mDHFR, but not of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, between folding in solution and folding in the cavity underneath GroES. Our results show that protein folding by this “two-stroke motor” is coupled to cooperative ATP binding.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are widespread environmental contaminants, and some are potent carcinogens in rodents. Carcinogenic PAH are activated in cells to metabolites that react with DNA to form stable covalent DNA adducts. It has been proposed [Cavalieri, E. L. & Roger, E. G. (1995) Xenobiotica 25, 677–688] that unstable DNA adducts are also formed and that apurinic sites in the DNA resulting from unstable PAH adducts play a key role in the initiation of cancer. The potent carcinogen dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (DB[a,l]P) is activated in cells to (+)-syn- and (−)-anti-DB[a,l]P-11,12-diol-13,14-epoxide (DB[a,l]PDE), which have been shown to form stable adducts with DNA. To evaluate the importance of unstable PAH adducts, we compared stable adduct formation to apurinic site formation. Stable DB[a,l]PDE adducts were determined by 33P-postlabeling and HPLC. To measure apurinic sites they were converted to strand breaks, and these were monitored by examining the integrity of a particular restriction fragment of the dihydrofolate reductase gene. The method easily detected apurinic sites resulting from methylation by treatment of cells or DNA with dimethyl sulfate or from reaction of DNA with DB[a,l]P in the presence of horseradish peroxidase. We estimate the method could detect 0.1 apurinic site in the 14-kb fragment examined. However, apurinic sites were below our limit of detection in DNA treated directly with (+)-syn- or (−)-anti-DB[a,l]PDE or in DNA from Chinese hamster ovary B11 cells so treated, although in these samples the frequency of stable adducts ranged from 3 to 10 per 14 kb. We also treated the human mammary carcinoma cell line MCF-7 with DB[a,l]P and again could not detect significant amounts of unstable adducts. These results indicate that the proportion of stable adducts formed by DB[a,l]P activated in cells and its diol epoxides is greater than 99% and suggest a predominant role for stable DNA adducts in the carcinogenic activity of DB[a,l]P.
The uptake and expression of extracellular DNA has been established as a mechanism for horizontal transfer of genes between bacterial species. Such transfer can support acquisition of advantageous elements, including determinants that affect the interactions between infectious organisms and their hosts. Here we show that erythrocyte-stage Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites spontaneously take up DNA from the host cell cytoplasm into their nuclei. We have exploited this finding to produce levels of reporter expression in P.falciparum that are substantially improved over those obtained by electroporation protocols currently used to transfect malaria parasites. Parasites were transformed to a drug-resistant state when placed into cell culture with erythrocytes containing a plasmid encoding the human dihydrofolate reductase sequence. The findings reported here suggest that the malaria genome may be continually exposed to exogenous DNA from residual nuclear material in host erythrocytes.
To understand the regulation and expression of pyrimidine biosynthesis in plants, we have examined the effect of the metabolic inhibitor 5-fluoroorotic acid (FOA) on uridine-5′-monophosphate synthase (UMPSase) expression in cell cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. UMPSase is the rate-limiting step of pyrimidine biosynthesis in plants. Addition of FOA causes an up-regulation of UMPSase enzyme activity in cell cultures after a lag phase of several days. Western-blot analysis demonstrated that the up-regulation in enzyme activity was caused by increased expression of the UMPSase protein. Northern-blot analysis demonstrated a higher level of UMPSase mRNA in the FOA-induced tissues than in control tissues. Run-on transcriptional assays showed that the UMPSase gene was transcriptionally activated after FOA treatment. The mechanism of toxicity of FOA is through thymine starvation. We found that addition of thymine abrogated the FOA-mediated up-regulation of UMPSase. In addition, methotrexate and aminopterin, which affect thymine levels by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase, also up-regulate UMPSase in N. plumbaginifolia cells.
In C3 plants large amounts of photorespiratory glycine (Gly) are converted to serine by the tetrahydrofolate (THF)-dependent activities of the Gly decarboxylase complex (GDC) and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT). Using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, we monitored the flux of carbon through the GDC/SHMT enzyme system in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Columbia exposed to inhibitors of THF-synthesizing enzymes. Plants exposed for 96 h to sulfanilamide, a dihydropteroate synthase inhibitor, showed little reduction in flux through GDC/SHMT. Two other sulfonamide analogs were tested with similar results, although all three analogs competitively inhibited the partially purified enzyme. However, methotrexate or aminopterin, which are confirmed inhibitors of Arabidopsis dihydrofolate reductase, decreased the flux through the GDC/SHMT system by 60% after 48 h and by 100% in 96 h. The uptake of [α-13C]Gly was not inhibited by either drug class. The specificity of methotrexate action was shown by the ability of 5-formyl-THF to restore flux through the GDC/SHMT pathway in methotrexate-inhibited plants. The experiments with sulfonamides strongly suggest that the mitochondrial THF pool has a long half-life. The studies with methotrexate support the additional, critical role of dihydrofolate reductase in recycling THF oxidized in thymidylate synthesis.