977 resultados para Digital archives
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This paper describes the cost-benefit analysis of digital long-term preservation (LTP) that was carried out in the context of the Finnish National Digital Library Project (NDL) in 2010. The analysis was based on the assumption that as many as 200 archives, libraries, and museums will share an LTP system. The term ‘system’ shall be understood as encompassing not only information technology, but also human resources, organizational structures, policies and funding mechanisms. The cost analysis shows that an LTP system will incur, over the first 12 years, cumulative costs of €42 million, i.e. an average of €3.5 million per annum. Human resources and investments in information technology are the major cost factors. After the initial stages, the analysis predicts annual costs of circa €4 million. The analysis compared scenarios with and without a shared LTP system. The results indicate that a shared system will have remarkable benefits. At the development and implementation stages, a shared system shows an advantage of €30 million against the alternative scenario consisting of five independent LTP solutions. During the later stages, the advantage is estimated at €10 million per annum. The cumulative cost benefit over the first 12 years would amount to circa €100 million.
Após o sucesso de vendas do Viagra, medicamento indicado para o tratamento da disfunção erétil, lançado em 1998, houve uma rápida proliferação de artigos, livros e encontros sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas. Desde 2000, um intenso debate sobre o envolvimento da indústria farmacêutica na produção biomédica sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas e a concomitante busca por um medicamento similar ao Viagra destinado às mulheres tem envolvido profissionais de diferentes disciplinas. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo investigar os discursos científicos sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas, através do exame dos artigos publicados no periódico Archives of Sexual Behavior, desde sua fundação, em 1971, até 2007. O periódico foi escolhido por sua legitimidade neste campo de saberes, por abranger um amplo período (36 anos) e seu caráter multidisciplinar. Pretendeu-se investigar quando, como e por quais grupos profissionais as disfunções sexuais femininas foram descritas e abordadas no periódico. No caso das chamadas disfunções sexuais, as descrições científicas, que vêm aumentando significativamente nos últimos anos, dão origem a prescrições de terapias, medicamentos, intervenções cirúrgicas, programas de educação sexual e políticas públicas. Ou seja, subjacente a esse discurso, que afirma ser empírico e imparcial, estão processos que se encontram muito além dos limites de um laboratório ou das atividades de um pesquisador. Buscou-se, assim, pensar a produção científica como produto de articulações e negociações que se desenrolam em esferas diversas, envolvendo processos culturais, sociais, econômicos e também cognitivos ou científicos, em contraposição às concepções que caracterizam a ciência como um projeto que apenas revela verdades. Para tanto, foi apresentado o contexto do surgimento de uma ciência da sexualidade, no decorrer do século XIX e, em seguida, o contexto no qual emergiram os discursos sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas, o que propiciou sua emergência naquele dado momento, o modo como foram definidas e por quem, como se articularam a processos sociais, econômicos e culturais e que transformações sofreram ao longo dos anos.
Dorsally displaced fractures of the distal radius fractures are one of the commonest in day-to-day practice. There is still no consensus among surgeons regarding the suitability of using volar or the dorsal cortex as basis for internal fixation for dorsally displaced fractures.
We report an anatomical study, which compares the thickness of the volar and dorsal cortices of cadaveric adult radii using digital photography.
Results of this study show that the volar cortex was statistically, significantly thicker than the dorsal cortex. We believe that the volar cortex may behave as the calcar of the distal radius and hence internal fixation devices applied to the volar cortex may provide a more stable internal fixation compared to those based on the dorsal cortex.
BACKGROUND: Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital (LADD) syndrome (OMIM #149730) is an autosomal-dominant congenital disorder that can be caused by heterozygous mutations in the tyrosine kinase domains of the genes encoding fibroblast growth factor receptors 2 (FGFR2) and 3 (FGFR3), and has been found in association with a mutation in the FGF10 gene, which encodes an Fgfr ligand. Clinical signs vary, but the condition is characterised by involvement of the lacrimal and salivary systems, cup-shaped ears, hearing loss and dental abnormalities. Additional features may include involvement of the hands and feet with other body systems particularly the kidneys.
CASE REPORT: Previous literature on the subject has been reviewed and this case is the first presentation of LADD syndrome in the Republic of Ireland, as a sporadic case in a 12-year-old girl who exhibited a range of dental and digital anomalies.
TREATMENT: Her general medical practitioner managed her medical care whilst her oral care necessitated a multidisciplinary approach involving restorative and orthodontic elements.
FOLLOW-UP: The initial restorative phase of treatment has successfully improved the appearance of the patient's anterior teeth using direct resin composite build-ups.
Copyright & Risk: Scoping the Wellcome Digital Library is a comprehensive case study which assesses the merits of the risk-managed approach to copyright clearance adopted by the Wellcome Library in the course of their pilot digitisation project Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics (http://wellcomelibrary.org/collections/digital-collections/makers-of-modern-genetics/#).
In an information-driven society where the volume and value of produced and consumed data assumes a growing importance, the role of digital libraries gains particular importance. This work analyzes the limitations in current digital library management systems and the opportunities brought by recent distributed computing models. The result of this work is the implementation of the University of Aveiro integrated system for digital libraries and archives. It concludes by analyzing the system in production and proposing a new service oriented digital library architecture supported in a peer-to-peer infrastructure
Travail réalisé à l'École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI), sous la direction de M. Yvon Lemay dans le cadre du cours BLT6850 Recherche individuelle, à l'hiver 2009.
Notre recherche s’insère dans la mouvance des humanités numériques; nous y faisons dialoguer les arts et les sciences de l’information. Depuis quelques décennies, la danse est un sujet d’études et de recherche à part entière. Il devient donc nécessaire de mieux décrire la danse dans les archives, sachant que la description en amont influe grandement sur l’accès en aval. Les méthodes d’extraction automatique de connaissances nous semblent offrir de nouvelles possibilités. L’objectif de notre recherche est de contribuer au développement d’outils de gestion de l’information dans les archives de la danse en comparant un vocabulaire de description de la danse dans les archives et un vocabulaire de représentation de la danse dans la littérature, recueilli grâce à des méthodes d’extraction automatique de connaissances, pour en distinguer une possible complémentarité, particulièrement en ce qui a trait au vocabulaire de l’expérience esthétique. D’abord, nous analysons un vocabulaire de description de la danse dans les archives. Nous décrivons certains outils de description des archives de la danse et nous analysons le thésaurus de descripteurs Collier. Nous constatons que le vocabulaire de description de la danse dans les archives ne semble pas prendre en compte l’expérience esthétique. Ensuite, nous analysons un vocabulaire de représentation de la danse dans la littérature. Un vocabulaire structuré de l’expérience esthétique de la danse moderne est ainsi extrait d’un corpus de textes de l’écrivain français Stéphane Mallarmé et analysé. Puis nous comparons les deux vocabulaires afin d'en distinguer la complémentarité quant à la description de l’expérience esthétique. Nous formulons une première suggestion d’amélioration de certains thésaurus employés dans les archives de la danse : un thésaurus au vocabulaire essentiellement factuel, comme le thésaurus de descripteurs Collier, peut être enrichi de termes à propos de l’expérience esthétique. Le vocabulaire de représentation de la danse dans la littérature est jusqu’à un certain point complémentaire au vocabulaire de description de l’expérience esthétique de la danse dans les archives. Nous menons ainsi une première expérimentation qui justifie en partie la pertinence de certaines méthodes d’extraction de connaissances dans le développement et la maintenance de ressources documentaires pour le domaine des arts d’interprétation tels que la danse.
Travail de recherche réalisé à l’EBSI, Université de Montréal, dans le cadre du cours SCI6112 Évaluation des archives offert au trimestre d’hiver 2013 par le professeur Yvon Lemay.
A digital reconstruction of Samuel Beckett's personal library, based on the volumes preserved at his apartment in Paris, in archives (Beckett International Foundation) and private collections (James and Elizabeth Knowlson Collection, Anne Atik, Noga Arikha, Terrence Killeen,...).
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