935 resultados para Diabetes typ 1


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Background. Patients with type 1 diabetes are at markedly increased risk of vascular complications. In this respect it is noteworthy that hyperglycaemia that is shown to cause endothelial dysfunction, has clearly been shown to be a risk factor for diabetic microvascular disease. However, the role of hyperglycaemia as a predictor of macrovascular disease is not as clear as for microvascular disease, although type 1 diabetes itself increases the risk of cardiovascular disease substantially. Furthermore, it is not known whether it is the short-term or the long-term hyperglycaemia that confers possible risk. In addition, the role of glucose variability as a predictor of complications is to a large extent unexplored. Interestingly, although hyperglycaemia increases the risk of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes, it is unclear whether pre-eclampsia, a condition characterized by endothelial dysfunction, is also a risk factor for microvascular complication, diabetic nephropathy. Aims. This doctoral thesis investigated the role of acute hyperglycaemia and glucose variability on arterial stiffness and cardiac ventricular repolarisation in male patients with type 1 diabetes as well as in healthy male volunteers. The thesis also explored whether acute hyperglycaemia leads to an inflammatory response, endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Finally, the role of pre-eclampsia, as a predictor of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes was examined. Subjects and methods. In order to study glucose variability and the daily glycaemic control, 22 male patients with type 1 diabetes, without any diabetic complications, were monitored for 72-h with a continuous glucose monitoring system. At the end of the 72-h glucose monitoring period a 2-h hyperglycaemic clamp was performed both in the patients with type 1 diabetes and in the 13 healthy age-matched male volunteers. Blood pressure, arterial stiffness and QT time were measured to detect vascular changes during acute hyperglycaemia. Blood samples were drawn at baseline (normoglycaemia) and during acute hyperglycaemia. In another patient sample, women with type 1 diabetes were followed during their pregnancy and restudied eleven years later to elucidate the role of pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension as potential risk factors for diabetic nephropathy. Results and conclusions. Acute hyperglycaemia increased arterial stiffness as well as caused a disturbance in the myocardial ventricular repolarisation, emphasizing the importance of a strict daily glycaemic control in male patients with type 1 diabetes. An inflammatory response was also observed during acute hyperglycaemia. Furthermore, a high mean daily blood glucose but not glucose variability per se is associated with arterial stiffness. While glucose variability in turn correlated with central blood pressure, the results suggest that the glucose metabolism is closely linked to the haemodynamic changes in male patients with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes. Notably, the results are not directly applicable to females. Finally, a history of a pre-eclamptic pregnancy, but not pregnancy-induced hypertension was associated with increased risk of diabetic nephropathy.


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Vitamin D is synthesised in the skin through the action of UVB radiation (sunlight), and 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) measured in serum as a marker of vitamin D status. Several studies, mostly conducted in high latitudes, have shown an association between type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and low serum 25OHD. We conducted a case-control study to determine whether, in a sub-tropical environment with abundant sunlight (latitude 27.5°S), children with T1DM have lower serum vitamin D than children without diabetes. Fifty-six children with T1DM (14 newly diagnosed) and 46 unrelated control children participated in the study. Serum 25OHD, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) and selected biochemical indices were measured. Vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms Taq1, Fok1, and Apa1 were genotyped. Fitzpatrick skin classification, self-reported daily hours of outdoor exposure, and mean UV index over the 35d prior to blood collection were recorded. Serum 25OHD was lower in children with T1DM (n=56) than in controls (n=46) [mean (95%CI)=78.7 (71.8-85.6) nmol/L vs. 91.4 (83.5-98.7) nmol/L, p=0.02]. T1DM children had lower self-reported outdoor exposure and mean UV exposure, but no significant difference in distribution of VDR polymorphisms. 25OHD remained lower in children with T1DM after covariate adjustment. Children newly diagnosed with T1DM had lower 1,25(OH)2D [median (IQR)=89 (68-122) pmol/L] than controls [121 (108-159) pmol/L, p=0.03], or children with established diabetes [137 (113-153) pmol/L, p=0.01]. Children with T1DM have lower 25OHD than controls, even in an environment of abundant sunlight. Whether low vitamin D is a risk factor or consequence of T1DM is unknown. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Purpose: To compare lens dimensions and refractive index distributions in type 1 diabetes and age-matched control groups. Methods: There were 17 participants with type 1 diabetes, consisting of two subgroups (7 young [23 ± 4 years] and 10 older [54 ± 4 years] participants), with 23 controls (13 young, 24 ± 4 years; 10 older, 55 ± 4 years). For each participant, one eye was tested with relaxed accommodation. A 3T clinical magnetic resonance imaging scanner was used to image the eye, employing a multiple spin echo (MSE) sequence to determine lens dimensions and refractive index profiles along the equatorial and axial directions. Results: The diabetes group had significantly smaller lens equatorial diameters and larger lens axial thicknesses than the control group (diameter mean ± 95% confidence interval [CI]: diabetes group 8.65 ± 0.26 mm, control group 9.42 ± 0.18 mm; axial thickness: diabetes group 4.33 ± 0.30 mm, control group 3.80 ± 0.14 mm). These differences were also significant within each age group. The older group had significantly greater axial thickness than the young group (older group 4.35 ± 0.26 mm, young group 3.70 ± 0.25 mm). Center refractive indices of diabetes and control groups were not significantly different. There were some statistically significant differences between the refractive index fitting parameters of young and older groups, but not between diabetes and control groups of the same age. Conclusions: Smaller lens diameters occurred in the diabetes groups than in the age-matched control groups. Differences in refractive index distribution between persons with and without diabetes are too small to have important effects on instruments measuring axial thickness.


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Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur patienter upplevde patient-undervisningen samt hur sjuksköterskans roll såg ut i patientundervisningen. Metod: Uppsatsen har genomförts som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Artiklar har sökts i databaserna ELIN samt Cinahl. Artiklar publicerade mellan 1999-2009 och som var tillgängliga i fulltext inkluderades i resultatdelen som omfattade 14 kvalitativa studier samt en litteraturstudie. Resultat: I resultatet framgick att patienterna upplevde att gruppundervisning var ett bra alternativ till enskild undervisning då de kunde ta del av andras erfarenheter och på det sättet få mer kunskap om sjukdomen. Dessutom upplevde de att det var givande att träffa personer med samma sjukdom. I studien framgick att enskild undervisning var önskvärt från både patienter och sjuksköterskor då det kunde upplevas lättare att ta upp de frågor de hade där. Sjuksköterskan kunde vara ett stort stöd för patienten. Förutom att förmedla sina kunskaper och undervisa patienten var lyssna, uppmuntra och stötta något som sjuksköterskorna ansåg vara viktigt i mötet med patienten. Något som togs upp av patienter och sjuksköterskorna var att de ansåg att det vore bra om patienterna under besöken träffade samma personer då det skulle underlätta uppföljningarna.


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Syfte: att kartlägga hemtjänstpersonalens kunskaper om diabetes och diabetesrelaterade läkemedel, agerandet i vissa specifikt beskrivna sjukdomssituationer samt kunskaper om för verksamheten gällande delegeringsrutiner.Metod: Studien genomfördes med en strukturerad enkät som innehöll frågor om diabetes, diabetesrelaterade läkemedel, hemtjänstpersonalens handlande vid vissa specifikt beskrivna sjukdomsfall samt frågor om för verksamheten gällande delegeringsrutiner. Totalt delades 120 enkäter ut till hemtjänstpersonal i tre olika kommuner. En svarsfrekvens på 70% erhölls. Resultat: De största bristerna i hemtjänstpersonalens kunskaper handlade om läkemedel och insulinpreparat. Personalen hade inte heller helt klart för sig skillnader mellan typ 1 och typ 2 diabetes. De flesta visste hur ett normalt blodsockervärde bör ligga men många visste inte i vilka situationer som ett blodsockervärde var angeläget att kontrollera. De flesta kunde identifiera tecken på lågt blodsocker och visste delvis hur de skulle agera i den aktuella situationen. Det var svårare för personalen att känna igen högt blodsocker där endast en tredjedel kände igen symtomen. Positivt var ändå att fler än de som kände igen symtomen (51 %) handlade korrekt i situationen och kontaktade sjukvård. Delegeringsförfarandet visade sig vara olika. De flesta svarade att de fick teoretisk genomgång inför varje beviljad delegering. Ungefär 46 % ansåg sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper för att ge insulin till vårdtagare.


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Denna litteraturstudies syfte var att identifiera och evidensgradera de omvårdnadsåtgärder med vilka sjuksköterskan kan motivera patienter med diabetes typ-2 till egenvård. De 27 utvalda artiklarna, som svarade mot uppsatsens syfte, söktes från databaserna Cinahl, Elin@dalarna, Medline och PubMed. För att kunna bedöma utsedda kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklars vetenskapliga kvalitet granskades artiklarna utifrån modifierade granskningsmallar efter förlagor av Forsberg och Wengström (2008). Kvalitetsbedömningen gav vid handen att av 27 artiklar, var 3 av hög vetenskaplig kvalitet och 24 artiklar var av medelgod kvalitet men ingen artikel bedömdes vara av låg kvalitet. På basen av artikelkvaliteten evidensgranskades de funna omvårdnadsåtgärderna i enlighet med Bahtsevanis (2008) rekommendationer. I litteraturstudien identifierades fyra huvudområden i omvårdnadsåtgärder inom diabetesvården: Livsstilsförändringar, Utbildning, Egenvård samt Personalens betydelse. Omvårdnadsåtgärderna Livsstilsförändringar, Utbildning och Egenvård vilade på måttligt vetenskapligt underlag och omvårdnadsåtgärden Personalens betydelse vilade på stark vetenskaplig grund. Resultaten diskuterades utgående från omvårdnadsteoretiker Orems humanistiska modell, som inbegriper egenvårdsbrist, som är en beskrivning av och förklaring till varför en person behöver omvårdnad, vilken sker när egenvårdskapaciteten är mindre än personens egenvårdskrav. Modellen bygger på antaganden om och generella kännetecken på till exempel omvårdnadssituationer och inkluderar begreppen omvårdnadskapacitet, hjälpmetoder och olika omvårdnadssystem.


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Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att söka evidens för metoder som kan stödja patienter med typ-2 diabetes till livsstilsförändringar. Metod: En litteraturstudie, som innehåller 16 kvantitativa och kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar, som var publicerade mellan 2000-2010. Databasen som användes var Cinahl och sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna. Sökorden som använts var: diabetes type 2, type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes, patient education, empowerment, health behaviour och self-management. Resultat: I resultaten kom uppsatsförfattarna fram till olika kategorier som visar olika åtgärder till livsstilsförändringar. Studierna baserades på olika åtgärder såsom; datorintervention, utbildningar, telefonsamtal, motiverande samtal, transteoretiska modellen och sjuksköterskespecialister. Empowerment var enligt uppsatsförfattarna det övergripande temat som de flesta studier baserade åtgärderna på.


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Hypoglycemia is the commonest and most serious side-effect of insulin treatment for Type 1 diabetes (T1DM). The prevalence of hypoglycemia is lower in insulin-treated Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) than in T1DM but the prevalence increases with duration of insulin therapy and increasingly resembles T1DM. As hypoglycemia has not been widely recognised to affect people with T2DM, its impact on quality of life (QoL) has received little attention.

A systematic literature review was performed to identify empirical papers published in English since 1966 reporting the effect of hypoglycemia on any patient-reported outcomes (PROs), including QoL, in T2DM. Despite our specific interest in QoL, the inclusion criteria were defined broadly to encompass a range of self-assessed psychosocial outcomes, including generic and diabetes-specific QoL, emotional well-being and health utilities. Studies were excluded in which the impact of hypoglycemia was confounded by treatment effects. Our search included: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL. Abstracts were screened independently by two investigators.

Of 2,469 abstracts, Thirty-one met the inclusion criteria and were subjected to data extraction and analysis. These comprised four controlled trials and twenty-seven others (including cross-sectional and health utility studies). The results indicate associations between the experience of hypoglycemia and a range of adverse PROs, including impaired QoL and well-being, higher levels of anxiety, depression and anger and loss of health utility. Fear of hypoglycemia was also associated with compensatory lifestyle limitations and changes.

Publications suggest that QoL and other psychosocial outcomes are impaired by the experience and/or fear of hypoglycemia in T2DM, however, very few studies have directly investigated this phenomenon to date. Interpretation of the evidence is hampered by inconsistent or inadequate definitions and measurement of both hypoglycemia and QoL outcomes, by confounding of the impact of hypoglycemia and by treatment factors. Targeted research using appropriate study design is needed to quantify and qualify the true impact of hypoglycemia on QoL in people with T2DM.


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To determine whether improvements in glycemic control and diabetes-specific quality of life (QoL) scores reported in research studies for the type 1 diabetes structured education program Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) are also found when the intervention is delivered within routine U.K. health care.

Before and after evaluation of DAFNE to assess impact on glycemic control and QoL among 262 adults with type 1 diabetes.

There were significant improvements in HbA1c from baseline to 6 and 12 months (from 9.1 to 8.6 and 8.8%, respectively) in a subgroup with suboptimal control. QoL was significantly improved by 3 months and maintained at both follow-up points.

Longer-term improved glycemic control and QoL is achievable among adults with type 1 diabetes through delivery of structured education in routine care, albeit with smaller effect sizes than reported in trials.


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AIMS: Despite growing recognition of the impact of sleep on diabetes, a clear profile of people with diabetes regarding subjective sleep impairment has yet to be established. This study examines: (1) subjective sleep characteristics in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes; (2) the relationship of poor subjective sleep quality with glycaemic control, self-care and daytime functioning; (3) possible risk markers for poor sleep quality. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, Dutch adults with type 1 (n=267) or type 2 diabetes (n=361) completed an online survey, including the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), socio-demographic, clinical, self-care and psychological measures. RESULTS: Poor sleep quality (PSQI-score >5) was reported by 31% of adults with type 1 and 42% of adults with type 2 diabetes. Participants with good and poor sleep quality did not differ in self-reported HbA1c or the frequency of meeting lifestyle recommendations. Poor sleep quality was related to a higher self-care burden and higher levels of daytime sleepiness, fatigue, depressive and anxiety symptoms, and diabetes-specific distress. In multivariable logistic regression analyses examining risk markers, poor sleep quality was associated with depressive symptoms in adults with type 1 (OR=1.39, 95% CI 1.25-1.54) and type 2 diabetes (OR=1.31, 1.16-1.47), and with being female in those with type 2 diabetes (OR=2.72, 1.42-5.20). CONCLUSIONS: Poor subjective sleep quality is prevalent both in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and is related to poor daytime functioning and higher self-care burden. The temporal relation with depression and merits of therapy should be explored.


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Worldwide, the diabetes mellitus is considered a serious problem of public health; it also involves high costs for its treatment and its complications. Even though the onset of diabetes mellitus type 1 is on 5% to 10% of the diabetic population, it is the most aggressive type of anifestation; furthermore, it is the commonest chronic disease in childhood and adolescence. Such data show the importance of understanding the development of this disease from the moment the individual perceives it, according to their experience, observing the complexity of the phenomenon thoroughly. This study aimed to comprehend the experience of the adolescent with onset of diabetes mellitus type 1 in order to learn how these young individuals perceive and reason their place in the world when they experience this illness. The methodological strategy was based on qualitative research of phenomenological inspiration. We applied the main ideas of heideggerian ontology and some concepts of existential phenomenological psychology to guide our reflexive path. The participants were 10 young individuals (06 female and 04 male), ages between 15 and 18, under treatment in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. The methodological resource was the narrative, which allowed us access to the adolescents experience. The comprehension of the reports was based on the heideggerian hermeneutics, whose priority is the interpretation of the meaning expressed by the participants speech. The results showed that factors such as social, family, economic and cultural context greatly influence the perception and the way the individuals deal with, perceive and reason their experience. We noticed that the diabetes type 1 may often represent a limitation, but it does not make it impossible to be part of the world with others. The data show a significant affective ambivalence regarding the content more directly related to the disease. This demonstrates the unique way which each one gives meaning and reasons their condition of existence. This research points out the need to understand the complexity of this phenomenon in a more complete manner, considering the adolescent in their timely and historical context. We believe we can encourage thinking that may become actions which are more fit to the reality researched regarding all the parties involved with the subject, such as health professionals, adolescents, family, support programs and public health policies


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A 19-year-old female with type 1 diabetes for four years, and a 73-year-old female with type 2 diabetes for twenty years developed sudden-onset nephrotic syndrome. Examination by light microscopy, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy (in one case) identified minimal change disease (MCD) in both cases. There was a potential causative drug (meloxicam) for the 73-year-old patient. Both patients were treated with prednisone and responded with complete remission. The patient with type 1 diabetes showed complete remission without relapse, and the patient with type 2 diabetes had two relapses; complete remission was sustained after associated treatment with cyclophosphamide and prednisone. Both patients had two years of follow-up evaluation after remission. We discuss the outcomes of both patients and emphasize the role of kidney biopsy in diabetic patients with an atypical proteinuric clinical course, because patients with MCD clearly respond to corticotherapy alone or in conjunction with other immunosuppressive agents. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):331-5