817 resultados para Design theory


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This paper, written in memory of Professor Wolfgang Beitz, discusses some of the influences of the work undertaken in Germany on systematic engineering design. It highlights differences between the language regions, and gives examples of design research and design education linked to Konstruktionslehre - the standard text on systematic engineering design for which Professor Beitz was most widely recognised outside Germany. The paper finishes with a plea for a greater exchange of ideas.


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The years between 1945 and the early 1980s are the most celebrated in Italy’s design history. From the rhetoric of reconstruction to the postmodern provocations of the Memphis design collective, Italy’s architects played a vital role in shaping the country’s encounter with post-war modernity. Yet as often as this story has been told, it is incomplete. Craft was vital to the realisation of post-war Italian design, and an area of intense creativity in its own right, and yet has been marginalised and excluded in design historiography.


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Les schémas en annexe ont été réalisés avec le logiciel Adobe Illustrator.


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Les projets interdisciplinaires constituent rarement le terrain des études 
sur le processus de conception en design. Les théories générales du design, en tentant de définir ce qui est commun à toutes les disciplines du design, ont davantage étudié les cas typiques que les cas atypiques. Or, nous croyons qu’il existe dans les projets interdisciplinaires une négociation argumentative et une ouverture vers l’autre, propice à l’analyse du processus de conception en design. Pour réaliser l’étude de ce processus, la stratégie empruntée a été la «recherche-projet» qui propose une participation active sur le terrain. 
À l’intérieur de cette stratégie méthodologique, nous avons réalisé l’étude de cas d’un projet hybride, une signalétique identitaire destinée à marquer les écocentres montréalais et orienter leurs usagers. Comme plusieurs autres pratiques du design, la complexité des projets interdisciplinaires demande l’apport de plusieurs acteurs dans le processus. 
Ces personnes conçoivent le projet à travers des représentations visuelles et des échanges verbaux, nous avons choisi de faire porter notre étude principalement sur le second. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi comme cadre théorique le Traité de l’argumentation de Chaïm Perelman et Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca en nous intéressant plus spécifiquement aux concepts d’«accord» et d’«auditoire». Parce que le véhicule de l’action en design est la notion de «projet», l’Anthropologie du projet de Jean-Pierre Boutinet sera notre guide à travers cette conduite. L’objet de recherche de ce mémoire sera donc le processus de conception en design qui sera étudié à travers le regard de l’argumentation. L’argumentation s'est révélée la clé du problème que posent les jugements de valeur, commune à toutes les disciplines du design. Qu’est-ce qu’un «bon» projet réalisé? Est-il possible de répondre à cette question, sans tomber dans un cadre argumentatif, sans devoir révéler les arguments qui nous permettent de croire vraisemblable une telle proposition? C’est en mettant en lien la théorie du projet en design et la théorie de l’argumentation que nous avons éclairé la pratique du designer, sa relation à ses collègues et ultimement avec lui-même. L’argumentation s’est avérée un outil permettant la construction de la réalité dans le projet interdisciplinaire.


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Há muitos anos, técnicas de Computação Evolucionária vem sendo aplicadas com sucesso na solução dos mais variados tipos de problemas de otimização. Na constante procura pelo ótimo global e por uma melhor exploração da superfície de busca, as escolhas para ajustar estes métodos podem ser exponencialmente complexas e requerem uma grande quantidade de intervenção humana. Estes modelos tradicionais darwinianos apóiam-se fortemente em aleatoriedade e escolhas heurísticas que se mantém fixas durante toda a execução, sem que acompanhem a variabilidade dos indivíduos e as eventuais mudanças necessárias. Dadas estas questões, o trabalho introduz a combinação de aspectos da Teoria do Design Inteligente a uma abordagem hibrida de algoritmo evolucionário, através da implementação de um agente inteligente o qual, utilizando lógica fuzzy, monitora e controla dinamicamente a população e seis parâmetros definidos de uma dada execução, ajustando-os para cada situação encontrada durante a busca. Na avaliação das proposições foi construído um protótipo sobre a implementação de um algoritmo genético para o problema do caixeiro viajante simétrico aplicado ao cenário de distância por estradas entre as capitais brasileiras, o que permitiu realizar 580 testes, simulações e comparações entre diferentes configurações apresentadas e resultados de outras técnicas. A intervenção inteligente entrega resultados que, com sucesso em muitos aspectos, superam as implementações tradicionais e abrem um vasto espaço para novas pesquisas e estudos nos aqui chamados: “Algoritmos Evolucionários Híbridos Auto-Adaptáveis”, ou mesmo, “Algoritmos Evolucionários Não-Darwinianos”.


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This article aims to contribute to the process of constructing a scientific and critical theory from the interrelationship of design and fashion fields. Accordingly, are not only listed fashion and design issues in contemporaneity and tensions between these two fields, but also stated the language aspects of these two areas. We hope that the approach and the issues addressed here can contribute and collaborate on research studies, discussions and reflections that lead to the deepening of these relations in the constitution of a fashion and design theory.


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The topic of this thesis fo cus on the preliminary design and the p erformance analysis of a multirotor platform. A multirotor is an electrically p owered Vertical Take Off (VTOL) machine with more than two rotors that lift and control the platform. Multirotor are agile, compact and robust, making them ideally suited for b oth indo or and outdo or application especially to carry-on several sensors like electro optical multisp ectral sensor or gas sensor. The main disadvantage is the limited endurance due to heavy Li-Po batteries and high disk loading through the use of different small prop ellers. At the same time, the design of the multirotor do es not follow any engineering principle but it follow the ideas of amateurs’ builder. An adaptation of the classic airplane design theory for the preliminary design is implemented to fill the gap and detailed study of the endurance is p erformed to define the right way to make this kind of VTOL platforms.


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The goal of this manuscript is to introduce a framework for consideration of designs for population pharmacokinetic orpharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic studies. A standard one compartment pharmacokinetic model with first-order input and elimination is considered. A series of theoretical designs are considered that explore the influence of optimizing the allocation of sampling times, allocating patients to elementary designs, consideration of sparse sampling and unbalanced designs and also the influence of single vs. multiple dose designs. It was found that what appears to be relatively sparse sampling (less blood samples per patient than the number of fixed effects parameters to estimate) can also be highly informative. Overall, it is evident that exploring the population design space can yield many parsimonious designs that are efficient for parameter estimation and that may not otherwise have been considered without the aid of optimal design theory.


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This dissertation studies the process of operations systems design within the context of the manufacturing organization. Using the DRAMA (Design Routine for Adopting Modular Assembly) model as developed by a team from the IDOM Research Unit at Aston University as a starting point, the research employed empirically based fieldwork and a survey to investigate the process of production systems design and implementation within four UK manufacturing industries: electronics assembly, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and carpet manufacturing. The intention was to validate the basic DRAMA model as a framework for research enquiry within the electronics industry, where the initial IDOM work was conducted, and then to test its generic applicability, further developing the model where appropriate, within the other industries selected. The thesis contains a review of production systems design theory and practice prior to presenting thirteen industrial case studies of production systems design from the four industry sectors. The results and analysis of the postal survey into production systems design are then presented. The strategic decisions of manufacturing and their relationship to production systems design, and the detailed process of production systems design and operation are then discussed. These analyses are used to develop the generic model of production systems design entitled DRAMA II (Decision Rules for Analysing Manufacturing Activities). The model contains three main constituent parts: the basic DRAMA model, the extended DRAMA II model showing the imperatives and relationships within the design process, and a benchmark generic approach for the design and analysis of each component in the design process. DRAMA II is primarily intended for use by researchers as an analytical framework of enquiry, but is also seen as having application for manufacturing practitioners.


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Products and services explicitly intended to influence users’ behaviour are increasingly being proposed to reduce environmental impact and for other areas of social benefit. Designing such interventions often involves adopting and adapting principles from other contexts where behaviour change has been studied. The ‘design pattern’ form, used in software engineering and HCI, and originally developed in architecture, offers benefits for this transposition process. This article introduces the Design with Intent toolkit, an idea generation method using a design pattern form to help designers address sustainable behaviour problems. The article also reports on exploratory workshops in which participants used the toolkit to generate concepts for redesigning everyday products—kettles, curtains, printers and bathroom sinks/taps—to reduce the environmental impact of use. The concepts are discussed, along with observations of how the toolkit was used by participants, suggesting usability improvements to incorporate in future versions.


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Part 3: Product-Service Systems


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Traditional engineering design methods are based on Simon's (1969) use of the concept function, and as such collectively suffer from both theoretical and practical shortcomings. Researchers in the field of affordance-based design have borrowed from ecological psychology in an attempt to address the blind spots of function-based design, developing alternative ontologies and design processes. This dissertation presents function and affordance theory as both compatible and complimentary. We first present a hybrid approach to design for technology change, followed by a reconciliation and integration of function and affordance ontologies for use in design. We explore the integration of a standard function-based design method with an affordance-based design method, and demonstrate how affordance theory can guide the early application of function-based design. Finally, we discuss the practical and philosophical ramifications of embracing affordance theory's roots in ecology and ecological psychology, and explore the insights and opportunities made possible by an ecological approach to engineering design. The primary contribution of this research is the development of an integrated ontology for describing and designing technological systems using both function- and affordance-based methods.