941 resultados para Deposition.
Chromium oxides, CrxOy, are of great interest due to the wide variety of their technological applications. Among them, CrO2 has been extensively investigated in recent years because it is an attractive compound for use in spintronic heterostructures. However, its synthesis at low temperatures has been a difficult task due to the metastable nature of this oxide. This is indeed essential to ensure interface quality and the ability to coat thermal-sensitive materials such as those envisaged in spintronic devices. Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) is a technique that has the potential to meet the requirements stated above. In this work, we describe our efforts to grow chromium oxide thin films by PLD from Cr8O21 targets, using a KrF excimer laser. The as-deposited films were investigated by X-ray diffraction and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. Structural and chemical composition studies showed that the films consist of a mixture of amorphous chromium oxides exhibiting different stoichiometries depending on the processing parameters, where nanocrystals of mainly Cr2O3 are dispersed. The analyses do not exclude the possibility of co-deposition of Cr2O3 and a low fraction of CrO2.
Laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition (LCVD) has been extensively studied in the last two decades. A vast range of applications encompass various areas such as microelectronics, micromechanics, microelectromechanics and integrated optics, and a variety of metals, semiconductors and insulators have been grown by LCVD. In this article, we review briefly the LCVD process and present two case studies of thin film deposition related to laser thermal excitation (e.g., boron carbide) and non-thermal excitation (e.g., CrO(2)) of the gas phase.
A remarkable accumulation of marine boulders located above the present spring tide level has occurred in two coastal lowlands of the Algarve (Portugal). The size-interval of the particles studied here is seldom reported in the literature in association with extreme events of coastal inundation, thus making this study of relevance to many other coasts worldwide. The spreads of boulders extend several hundred meters inland and well beyond the present landward limit of storm activity. The marine origin of the boulders is demonstrated by well-developed macro-bioerosion sculpturing and in situ skeletal remains of endolithic shallow marine bivalves. The good state preservation of the fossils within the boulders indicates that abrasion duringtransport and redeposition was not significant. We envisage boulder deposition as having taken place during the Lisbon tsunami of ad 1755 through the simultaneous landward entrainment of coarse particles from nearshore followed by rapid shoreward suspended-dominated transport and non-graded redeposition that excluded significant sorting by weight or boulder dimensions. We use numerical hydrodynamic modeling of tsunami (and storm) waves to test the observational data on boulder dimensions (density, size, distribution) on the most likely processes of sediment deposition. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of the study of boulder deposits in tsunami reconstruction. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Here we report on the structural, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of Co-doped and (Co,Mo)-codoped SnO2 thin films deposited on r-cut sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Substrate temperature during deposition was kept at 500 degrees C. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the undoped and doped films are crystalline with predominant orientation along the [1 0 1] direction regardless of the doping concentration and doping element. Optical studies revealed that the presence of Mo reverts the blue shift trend observed for the Co-doped films. For the Co and Mo doping concentrations studied, the incorporation of Mo did not contribute to increase the conductivity of the films or to enhance the ferromagnetic order of the Co-doped films. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is an interest to create zinc/tin alloys to replace cadmium as a corrosion protective coating material. Existing aqueous electroplating systems for these alloys are commercially available but have several limitations. Dangerous and highly toxic complexing agents are uses e.g. cyanides. To overcome these problems, ionic liquids could provide a solution to obtain an alloy containing 20 to 30% of zinc. Ionic liquids (IL’s) often have wider electrochemical windows which allow the deposition of e.g. refractive metals that can not be deposited from aqueous solutions. In IL’s it is often not necessary to add complexing agents. The Zn/Sn alloy deposition from IL’s is therefore a promising application for the plating industry. Nevertheless, there are some issues with this alternative for aqueous systems. The degradation of the organic components, the control of the concentration of two metals and the risk of a two phase deposition instead of an alloy had to be overcome first. It is the main purpose of this thesis to obtain a Zn/Sn alloy with 20% zinc using IL’s as an electrolyte. First a separate study was performed on both the zinc and the tin deposition. Afterwards, an attempt to deposit a Zn/Sn alloy was made. An introduction to a study about the electrodeposition of refractive metals concludes this work. It initiated the research for oxygen-free IL’s to deposit molybdenum or tungsten. Several parameters (temperature, metal source and concentration, organic complexing agents,…) were optimized for both the zinc, tin and zinc/tin deposition. Experiments were performed both in a parallel plate cell and a Hull cell, so as to investigate the effect of current density as well. Ethaline200 was selected as electrolyte. As substrate, brass and iron were selected, while as anode a plate of the metal to deposit was chosen, tin for the alloy. The best efficiencies were always obtained on brass; however the iron substrate resulted in the best depositions. A concentration of 0.27M ZnCl2, 0.07M SnCl2 with 0.015M of K3-HEDTA as complexant resulted in a deposition containing the desired alloy with the amount of 20% zinc and 80% tin with good appearance. Refractory metals as molybdenum and tungsten cannot be electrodeposited from aqueous solutions without forming a co-deposition with Ni, Co or Fe. Here, IL’s could again provide a solution. A first requirement is the dissolution of a metal source. MoO3 could be suitable, however there are doubts about using oxides. Oxygen-free IL’s were sought for. A first attempt was the combination of ZnCl2 with chlormequat (CCC), which gave liquids below 150°C in molar ratios of 2 : 1 and 3 : 1. Unfortuna tely, MoO3 didn’t dissolve in these IL’s. Another route to design oxygen-free IL’s was the synthesis of quaternary ammonium salts. None of the methods used, proved viable as reaction time was long and resulted in very low yields. Therefore, no sufficient quantities were obtained to perform the possible electrochemical behavior of refractive metals.
Atmospheric pollution by motor vehicles is considered a relevant source of damage to architectural heritage. Thus the aim of this work was to assess the atmospheric depositions and patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in façades of historical monuments. Eighteen PAHs (16 PAHs considered by US EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in thin black layers collected from façades of two historical monuments: Hospital Santo António and Lapa Church (Oporto, Portugal). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for morphological and elemental characterisation of thin black layers; PAHs were quantified by microwave-assisted extraction combined with liquid chromatography (MAE-LC). The thickness of thin black layers were 80–110 μm and they contained significant levels of iron, sulfur, calcium and phosphorus. Total concentrations of 18 PAHs ranged from 7.74 to 147.92 ng/g (mean of 45.52 ng/g) in thin black layers of Hospital Santo António, giving a range three times lower than at Lapa Church (5.44– 429.26 ng/g; mean of 110.25 ng/g); four to six rings compounds accounted at both monuments approximately for 80–85% of ΣPAHs. The diagnostic ratios showed that traffic emissions were significant source of PAHs in thin black layers. Composition profiles of PAHs in thin black layers of both monuments were similar to those of ambient air, thus showing that air pollution has a significant impact on the conditions and stone decay of historical building façades. The obtained results confirm that historical monuments in urban areas act as passive repositories for air pollutants present in the surrounding atmosphere.
Thin Solid Films, vol. 427, nº 1-2
In this study the inhalation doses and respective risk are calculated for the population living within a 20 km radius of a coal-fired power plant. The dispersion and deposition of natural radionuclides were simulated by a Gaussian dispersion model estimating the ground level activity concentration. The annual effective dose and total risk were 0.03205 mSv/y and 1.25 x 10-8, respectively. The effective dose is lower than the limit established by the ICRP and the risk is lower than the limit proposed by the U.S. EPA, which means that the considered exposure does not pose any risk for the public health.
This paper describes the methodology adopted to assess local air quality impact in the vicinity of a coal power plant located in the south of Portugal. Two sampling areas were selected to assess the deposition flux of dust fallout and its potential spatial heterogeneity. The sampling area was divided into two subareas: the inner, with higher sampling density and urban and suburban characteristics, inside a 6-km circle centered on the stacks, and an outer subarea, mainly rural, with lower sampling density within a radius of 20 km. Particulate matter deposition was studied in the vicinity of the coal fired power plant during three seasonal sampling campaigns. For the first one, the average annual flux of dust fallout was 22.51 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 4.20 to 65.94 g/(m2 yr); for the second one was 9.47 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 0.78 to 32.72 g/(m2 yr) and for the last one was 38.42 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 1.41 to 117.48 g/(m2 yr). The fallout during the second campaign turned out to be much lower than for others. This was in part due to meteorological local patterns but mostly due to the fact that the power plant was not working at full power during the second sampling campaign.155
Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) have been largely used in the optoelectronic industry due to their singular combination of low electrical resistivity and high optical transmittance. They are usually deposited by magnetron sputtering systems being applied in several devices, specifically thin film solar cells (TFSCs). Sputtering targets are crucial components of the sputtering process, with many of the sputtered films properties dependent on the targets characteristics. The present thesis focuses on the development of high quality conductive Al-doped ZnO (AZO) ceramic sputtering targets based on nanostructured powders produced by emulsion detonation synthesis method (EDSM), and their application as a TCO. In this sense, the influence of several processing parameters was investigated from the targets raw-materials synthesis to the application of sputtered films in optoelectronic devices. The optimized manufactured AZO targets present a final density above 99 % with controlled grain size, an homogeneous microstructure with a well dispersed ZnAl2O4 spinel phase, and electrical resistivities of ~4 × 10-4 Ωcm independently on the Al-doping level among 0.5 and 2.0 wt. % Al2O3. Sintering conditions proved to have a great influence on the properties of the targets and their performance as a sputtering target. It was demonstrated that both deposition process and final properties of the films are related with the targets characteristics, which in turn depends on the initial powder properties. In parallel, the influence of several deposition parameters in the film´s properties sputtered from these targets was investigated. The sputtered AZO TCOs showed electrical properties at room temperature that are superior to simple oxides and comparable to a reference TCO – indium tin oxide (ITO), namely low electrical resistivity of 5.45 × 10-4 Ωcm, high carrier mobility (29.4 cm2V-1s-1), and high charge carrier concentration (3.97 × 1020 cm-3), and also average transmittance in the visible region > 80 %. These superior properties allowed their successful application in different optoelectronic devices.
This paper addresses the potential of polypropylene (PP) as a candidate for fused deposition modeling (FDM)-based 3D printing technique. The entire filament production chain is evaluated, starting with the PP pellets, filament production by extrusion and test samples printing. This strategy enables a true comparison between parts printed with parts manufactured by compression molding, using the same grade of raw material. Printed samples were mechanically characterized and the influence of filament orientation, layer thickness, infill degree and material was assessed. Regarding the latter, two grades of PP were evaluated: a glass-fiber reinforced and a neat, non-reinforced, one. The results showed the potential of the FDM to compete with conventional techniques, especially for the production of small series of parts/components; also, it was showed that this technique allows the production of parts with adequate mechanical performance and, therefore, does not need to be restricted to the production of mockups and prototypes.
Tantalum oxynitride thin films were produced by magnetron sputtering. The films were deposited usinga pure Ta target and a working atmosphere with a constant N2/O2ratio. The choice of this constant ratiolimits the study concerning the influence of each reactive gas, but allows a deeper understanding of theaspects related to the affinity of Ta to the non-metallic elements and it is economically advantageous.This work begins by analysing the data obtained directly from the film deposition stage, followed bythe analysis of the morphology, composition and structure. For a better understanding regarding theinfluence of the deposition parameters, the analyses are presented by using the following criterion: thefilms were divided into two sets, one of them produced with grounded substrate holder and the otherwith a polarization of −50 V. Each one of these sets was produced with different partial pressure of thereactive gases P(N2+ O2). All the films exhibited a O/N ratio higher than the N/O ratio in the depositionchamber atmosphere. In the case of the films produced with grounded substrate holder, a strong increaseof the O content is observed, associated to the strong decrease of the N content, when P(N2+ O2) is higherthan 0.13 Pa. The higher Ta affinity for O strongly influences the structural evolution of the films. Grazingincidence X-ray diffraction showed that the lower partial pressure films were crystalline, while X-rayreflectivity studies found out that the density of the films depended on the deposition conditions: thehigher the gas pressure, the lower the density. Firstly, a dominant -Ta structure is observed, for lowP(N2+ O2); secondly a fcc-Ta(N,O) structure, for intermediate P(N2+ O2); thirdly, the films are amorphousfor the highest partial pressures. The comparison of the characteristics of both sets of produced TaNxOyfilms are explained, with detail, in the text.
Aiming at biosignal acquisition for bioelectrodes application, Ti-Ag thin films were produced by GLAD, in order to tailor their electromechanical properties. The electrical behaviour of the sculptured Ti-Ag thin films was studied with increasing annealing temperatures. The results revealed a good correlation with the set of morphological features displayed. With the increase of the vapour flux angle, a more defined structure was obtained, as well as a more porous morphology, which increased the electrical resistivity of the coatings. An important point consists in the recrystallization of Ti-Ag intermetallic phases due to the temperature increase (between 558 K and 773 K), which resulted in a sharp decrease of the electrical resistivity values.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais