788 resultados para Denture stomatitis


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Advances in healthcare over the last 100 years has resulted in an ever increasing elderly population. This presents greater challenges for adequate systemic and oral healthcare delivery. With increasing age there is a natural decline in oral health, leading to the loss of teeth and ultimately for some having to wear denture prosthesis. It is currently estimated that approximately one fifth of the UK and US populations have some form of removable prosthesis. The microbiology of denture induced mucosal inflammation is a pivotal factor to consider in denture care management, similar to many other oral diseases of microbial influence, such as caries, gingivitis and periodontitis. Dentures support the growth of microbial biofilms, structures commonly known as denture plaque. Microbiologically, denture stomatitis (DS) is a disease primarily considered to be of yeast aetiology, with the literature disproportionately focussed on Candida spp. However, the denture surface is capable of carrying up to 1011 microbes per milligram, the majority of which are bacteria. Thus it is apparent that denture plaque is more diverse than we assume. There is a fundamental gap in our understanding of the bacterial composition of denture plaque and the role that they may play in denture related disease such as DS. This is categorised as inflammation of the oral mucosa, a disease affecting around half of all denture wearers. It has been proposed that bacteria and fungi interact on the denture surface and that these polymicrobial interactions lead to synergism and increased DS pathogenesis. Therefore, understanding the denture microbiome composition is the key step to beginning to understand disease pathogenesis, and ultimately help improve treatments and identify novel targets for therapeutic and preventative strategies. A group of 131 patients were included within this study in which they provided samples from their dentures, palatal mucosa, saliva and dental plaque. Microbes residing on the denture surface were quantified using standard Miles and Misra culture technique which investigated the presence of Candida, aerobes and anaerobes. These clinical samples also underwent next generation sequencing using the Miseq Illumina platform to give a more global representation of the microbes present at each of these sites in the oral cavity of these denture wearers. This data was then used to compare the composition and diversity of denture, mucosal and dental plaque between one another, as well as between healthy and diseased individuals. Additional comparisons included denture type and the presence or absence of natural teeth. Furthermore, microbiome data was used to assess differences between patients with varying levels of oral hygiene. The host response to the denture microbiome was investigated by screening the patients saliva for the presence and quantification of a range of antimicrobial peptides that are associated with the oral cavity. Based on the microbiome data an in vitro biofilm model was developed that reflected the composition of denture plaque. These biofilms were then used to assess quantitative and compositional changes over time and in response to denture cleansing treatments. Finally, the systemic implications of denture plaque were assessed by screening denture plaque samples for the presence of nine well known respiratory pathogens using quantitative PCR. The results from this study have shown that the bacterial microbiome composition of denture wearers is not consistent throughout the mouth and varies depending on sample site. Moreover, the presence of natural dentition has a significant impact on the microbiome composition. As for healthy and diseased patients the data suggests that compositional changes responsible for disease progression are occurring at the mucosa, and that dentures may in fact be a reservoir for these microbes. In terms of denture hygiene practices, sleeping with a denture in situ was found to be a common occurrence. Furthermore, significant shifts in denture microbiome composition were found in these individuals when compared to the denture microbiome of those that removed their denture at night. As for the host response, some antimicrobial peptides were found to be significantly reduced in the absence of natural dentition, indicating that the oral immune response is gradually impaired with the loss of teeth. This study also identified potentially serious systemic implications in terms of respiratory infection, as 64.6% of patients carried respiratory pathogens on their denture. In conclusion, this is the first study to provide a detailed understanding of the oral microbiome of denture wearers, and has provided evidence that DS development is more complex than simply a candidal infection. Both fungal and bacterial kingdoms clearly play a role in defining the progression of DS. The biofilm model created in this study demonstrated its potential as a platform to test novel actives. Future use of this model will aid in greater understanding of host: biofilm interactions. Such findings are applicable to oral health and beyond, and may help to identify novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of DS and other biofilm associated diseases.


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L’augmentation de la population âgée dans la société indique que les systèmes de soins de la santé font face à de nouveaux défis. Les hauts niveaux d’incapacité qui en résultent peuvent être réduits par les nouvelles technologies, la promotion de la santé ainsi que des stratégies de prévention. Les écrits scientifiques récents soulignent la supériorité des prothèses dentaires implanto-portées par rapport aux prothèses conventionnelles en termes de satisfaction et de qualité de la vie des patients. Cependant, il n'est toujours pas clair si ces avantages ont des effets positifs à long terme sur la santé orale et générale ainsi que sur la qualité de vie des populations âgées. Objectifs, Hypothèses : Notre but était de mesurer l’impact des prothèses mandibulaires retenues par 2 implants sur la qualité de vie associée à la santé bucco-dentaire et générale ainsi que sur la santé orale et la qualité du sommeil des aînés édentés. Nous avons évalué les hypothèses nulles suivantes : il n'y a aucune différence entre les individus portants des prothèses mandibulaires retenues par 2 implants (IODs) et ceux qui portent des prothèses conventionnelles (CDs), par rapport à la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire et générale, la santé orale et la qualité du sommeil, un an après avoir reçu leurs nouvelles prothèses. Méthodes : Dans cette étude randomisée contrôlée, 255 aînés ont reçu au hasard IODs ou les CDs, les deux types de prothèses étant opposés à des prothèses maxillaires conventionnelles. La qualité de la vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire (OHRQoL) et la santé générale subjective ont été mesurées avec les questionnaires Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20) et Short Form-36 (SF-36) en condition pré-traitement et après un an. La qualité du sommeil et la somnolence diurne ont été mesurées à l’aide du questionnaire Qualité de Sommeil de Pittsburg et de l'Échelle de Somnolence Epworth. La santé orale a été évaluée par un examen clinique. Les variables indépendantes étaient le sens de cohérence et le type de prosthèse, ainsi que des variables socio-démographiques. En utilisant des analyses statistiques bi et multi-factorielles, des comparaisons à l’intérieur d’un même groupe et entre deux groupes ont été effectuées. Résultats : Les différences pré et post traitement pour les cotes OHIP étaient significativement plus grandes pour le groupe IOD que le groupe CD (p<0.05). Le type de traitement et la cote pré-traitement étaient des facteurs significatifs à OHRQoL (p < 0.0001). Dans le groupe CD, il y avait une diminution significative par rapport aux cotes de «Physical Component Scores (PCS)», le fonctionnement physique, le rôle physique et la douleur physique entre les données pré-traitement et un an après le traitement, ce qui indique une diminution au niveau de la santé générale subjective. Dans le groupe IOD, une diminution statistiquement non significative a été remarquée par rapport à toutes les cotes des sous-échelles de SF-36, sauf pour la douleur physique. Le modèle final de régression a démontré qu’après ajustement pour les variables âge, sexe, statut marital et type de traitement, la cote totale finale d’OHIP et les données de bases de PCS prédisaient la cote finale de PCS (p < 0.0001). Aucune corrélation significative entre sens de cohérence et OHRQoL n'a été détectée (r =-0.1; p > 0.05). Les aînés porteurs des prothèses conventionnelles avaient presque 5 fois plus de chance d’avoir une stomatite prothétique que ceux portant des prothèses mandibulaires hybrides retenues par 2 implants (p < 0.0001). Les aînés ayant subjectivement une mauvaise santé générale avaient une qualité de sommeil moins bonne que ceux avec une meilleure santé générale subjective (p < 0.05). Les personnes qui avaient une OHRQoL moins bonne étaient presque 4 fois plus somnolentes pendant le jour que celles avec une meilleure OHRQoL (p=0.003, χ2; OR =3.8 CI 1.5 to 9.8). L'analyse de régression a montré que la santé générale subjective et OHRQoL prévoient la qualité du sommeil (p=0.022 et p=0.001, respectivement) et la somnolence diurne (p=0.017 et p=0.005, respectivement). Conclusions: Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que, chez les aînés édentés, des prothèses mandibulaires hybrides retenues par deux implants amènent une amélioration significative de la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire et maintiennent la sensation d’une meilleure santé physique. Des prothèses hybrides implanto-portées peuvent contribuer à la santé orale en réduisant les traumatismes infligés à la muqueuse orale et en contrôlant la stomatite prothétique. Les aînés édentés dont le niveau de qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire est bas, peuvent aussi avoir des troubles de qualité du sommeil.


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Objectifs: Observer l’évolution de la stomatite prothétique dans le temps quant à la fréquence et la sévérité ainsi que son association avec de potentiels facteurs de risque au cours d’un suivi longitudinal de 2 ans. Matériels et méthodes : Cent trente-cinq patients âgés complètement édentés et en bonne santé ont été sélectionnés pour participer à cette étude et ont été divisés de façon randomisée en deux groupes. Ils ont tous reçu une prothèse dentaire amovible totale conventionnelle au maxillaire supérieur. La moitié d’entre eux a reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire implanto-portée retenue par deux attachements boule et l’autre moitié une prothèse conventionnelle. Ils ont été suivis sur une période de deux ans. Les données sociodémographiques, d’habitudes de vie, d’hygiène et de satisfaction des prothèses ont été amassées à l’aide de questionnaires. Les patients ont aussi subi un examen oral complet lors duquel une évaluation de la stomatite prothétique, basée sur la classification de Newton, a été effectuée ainsi qu’un prélèvement de la plaque prothétique. Les analyses microbiologiques pertinentes afin de détecter la présence de Candida ont ensuite été effectuées. Des tests Chi-carré de Pearson et McNemar ont été utilisés pour analyser la fréquence de la stomatite, son association avec de possibles facteurs de risque ainsi que son évolution dans le temps. Des rapports de cotes (odds ratio) et leurs intervalles de confiance (95%) ont été effectués afin de déterminer la force d’association entre les facteurs de risque et la stomatite prothétique. Résultats : La prévalence de la stomatite a augmenté entre la première (63,6%) et la deuxième année de suivi (88,7%) avec une incidence de 78,8%. Les patients souffrant d’une stomatite de type 2 ou 3 et qui brossent leur palais ont environ 6 fois plus de chance de voir la sévérité de leur stomatite diminuer [p = 0,04 OR 5,88 CI (1,1-32,2)]. Il n’y a pas d’association statistiquement significative entre la fréquence de la stomatite et les facteurs de risque investigués. La prévalence de la candidose est demeurée stable dans le temps (45,8% et 49,2% à la première et deuxième année de suivi respectivement, p > 0,05). Il n’y a pas d’association entre la présence d’une candidose orale, la stomatite prothétique et les facteurs de risque étudiés. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que la stomatite prothétique progresse dans le temps indépendamment de la présence d’une candidose. Le brossage du palais pourrait être une approche simple à conseiller aux patients souffrant d’une stomatite prothétique de type 2 ou 3.


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P>Although photodynamic therapy (PDT) has shown great promise for the inactivation of Candida species, its effectiveness against azole-resistant pathogens remains poorly documented. This in vitro study describes the association of Photogem (R) (Photogem, Moscow, Russia) with LED (light emitting diode) light for the photoinactivation of fluconazole-resistant (FR) and American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) strains of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. Suspensions of each Candida strain were treated with five Photogem (R) concentrations and exposed to four LED light fluences (14, 24, 34 or 50 min of illumination). After incubation (48 h at 37 degrees C), colonies were counted (CFU ml-1). Single-species biofilms were generated on cellulose membrane filters, treated with 25.0 mg l-1 of Photogem (R) and illuminated at 37.5 J cm-2. The biofilms were then disrupted and the viable yeast cells present were determined. Planktonic suspensions of FR strains were effectively killed after PDT. It was observed that the fungicidal effect of PDT was strain-dependent. Significant decreases in biofilm viability were observed for three strains of C. albicans and for two strains of C. glabrata. The results of this investigation demonstrated that although PDT was effective against Candida species, fluconazole-resistant strains showed reduced sensitivity to PDT. Moreover, single-species biofilms were less susceptible to PDT than their planktonic counterparts.


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In order to consider the photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a clinical treatment for candidosis, it is necessary to know its cytotoxic effect on normal cells and tissues. Therefore, this study evaluated the toxicity of PDT with PhotogemA (R) associated with red light-emitting diode (LED) on L929 and MDPC-23 cell cultures and healthy rat palatal mucosa. In the in vitro experiment, the cells (30000 cells/cm(2)) were seeded in 24-well plates for 48 h, incubated with PhotogemA (R) (50, 100, or 150 mg/l) and either irradiated or not with a red LED source (630 +/- 3 nm; 75 or 100 J/cm(2); 22 mW/cm(2)). Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay (ANOVA and Dunnet`s post hoc tests; p < 0.05) and cell morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy. In the in vivo evaluation, PhotogemA (R) (500 mg/l) was applied to the palatal mucosa of Wistar rats during 30 min and exposed to red LED (630 nm) during 20 min (306 J/cm(2)). The palatal mucosa was photographed for macroscopic analysis at 0, 1, 3, and 7 days posttreatment and subjected to histological analysis after sacrifice of the rats. For both cell lines, there was a statistically significant decrease of the mitochondrial activity (90-97%) for all PhotogemA (R) concentrations associated with red LED regardless of the energy density. However, in the in vivo evaluation, the PDT-treated groups presented intact mucosa with normal characteristics both macroscopically and histologically. From these results, it may be concluded that the association of PhotogemA (R) and red LED caused severe toxic effects on normal cell cultures, characterized by the reduction of mitochondrial activity and morphological alterations, but did not cause damage to the rat palatal mucosa in vivo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Microwave disinfection of complete dentures has been recommended to treat denture stomatitis in non-immune compromised patients. Oral candidiasis is a frequent manifestation of HIV infection. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of microwave irradiation on the disinfection of complete dentures inoculated with American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and HIV isolates of five species of Candida. Fifty dentures were made, sterilised and inoculated with the tested microorganisms (C. albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. krusei, C. glabrata and C. tropicalis). After incubation (37 degrees C/48 h), dentures were microwaved (650 W/3 min). Non-irradiated dentures were used as positive controls. Replicate aliquots of suspensions were plated at dilutions 10(-1) to 10(-4) and incubated (37 degrees C/48 h). Colony counts (cfu ml(-1)) were quantified. Dentures were also incubated at 37 degrees C for 7 days. Data were analysed with 2-way anova and Tukey HSD tests (alpha = 0.05). Dentures contaminated with all Candida species showed sterilisation after microwave irradiation. All control dentures showed microbial growth on the plates. The cfu ml(-1) for C. glabrata was higher than those of C. albicans, C. dubliniensis and C. tropicalis whereas the cfu ml(-1) for C. krusei was lower. The cfu ml(-1) for clinical isolates was higher than those of ATCC yeast. Microwave irradiation for 3 min at 650 W resulted in sterilisation of all complete dentures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Propolis is a resinous material collected by bees from the buds or other parts of plants. It is known for its biological properties, having antibacterial, antifungal and healing properties. The antifungal activity of propolis was studied in sensitivity tests on 80 strains of Candida yeasts: 20 strains of Candida albicans, 20 strains of Candida tropicalis, 20 strains of Candida krusei and 15 strains of Candida guilliermondii. The yeasts showed a clear antifungal activity with the following order of sensitivity: C. albicans > C. tropicalis > C. krusei > C. guilliermondii. Patients with full dentures who used a hydroalcoholic propolis extract showed a decrease in the number of Candida.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the ultimate tensile strength of a tissue conditioner without nystatin incorporation (GI - control group) and the same tissue conditioner modified by the addition of nystatin in two concentrations: GII - 500,000 International Units (U) and GIII - 1,000,000 U, in which each milligram of the medicament corresponded to 6079 U. Materials and Methods: Dumbbell-shaped specimens (N = 7) with a central cross-sectional area of 33 × 6 × 3 mm were produced for the three experimental groups. After polymerization following manufacturer's instructions, specimens were immersed in distilled water at 37°C for either 24 hours or 7 days and then tested in tension in the MTS 810 at 40 mm/minute. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test, at 95% level of confidence. Results: The means (force-grams (gf) ± standard deviation) of the ultimate tensile strength were: GI - 634.29 ± 122.80; GII - 561.92 ± 133.56; and GIII - 547.30 ± 73.47 for 24-hour storage, and GI - 536.68 ± 54.71; GII - 467.50 ± 143.51; and GIII - 500.62 ± 159.76 for 7-day storage. There were no statistically significant differences among the three experimental groups (p > 0.05). The ultimate tensile strength means of all experimental groups after 7 days were significantly lower than those observed after 24 hours (p = 0.04). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the addition of nystatin into the tissue conditioner investigated in concentrations below 1,000,000 U did not affect its ultimate tensile strength. Copyright © 2006 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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In indicating the microwave irradiation for disinfecting dentures it is necessary to see how this procedure influences Candida albicans integrity and viability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of microwaves to inactivate C. albicans and damage cell membrane integrity. Two 200-ml C. albicans (ATCC 10231) suspensions were obtained. A sterile denture was placed in a beaker containing the Experimental (ES) or the Control suspension (CS). ES was microwaved at 650 W for 6 min. Suspensions were optically counted using methylene blue dye uptake as indicative of membrane-damaged cells; spread on Agar Sabouraud dextrose (ASD) for viability assay; or spectrophotometrically measured at 550 nm. Cell-free solutions were submitted to content analyses of protein (Bradford and Pyrogallol red methods); Ca++ (Cresolftaleine complexone method); DNA (spectrophotometer measurements at 260 nm) and K + (selective electrode technique). Data were analysed by Student's t- or Wilcoxon z-tests (α = 0.05). All ES cells demonstrated cell membrane damage. Viable cells were non-existent in the ES ASD plates. No significant difference in optical density between ES and CS was observed (P = 0.272). ES cells released significantly high protein (P < 0.001, Bradford; P = 0.005, Pyrogallol red), K+ (P < 0.001), Ca++ (P = 0.012) and DNA (P = 0.046) contents. Microwaves inactivated C. albicans and damaged cell membrane integrity. © 2007 The Authors.


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Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (aroeira) tincture in the treatment of denture stomatitis. Method: Eighteen removable denture wearers with clinical diagnosis of type II denture stomatts and presence of candidosis associated to the denture use, as confirmed by clinical and mycological examinations, were selected for the study. The patients were allocated to two groups: TG (test group) - treatment with Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (aroeira) tincture; CG (control group), treatment with nystatin. All patients were instructed to clean the dentures with toothbrush and dentifrice, and then apply the product on the palatal mucosa and on denture surface 3 times a day, during 15 consecutive days, removing the denture at bedtime and keeping it in a receptacle with water. At the 15th day of use, the clinical and mycological examinations were redone to evaluate treatment efficacy. Data were analyzed statistically by Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests at 5% significance level. Results: The inflammatory process and Candida spp. infect on were eliminated in 66.7% and 77.8% of the cases, respectively, in TG. In CG, elimination of the inflammatory process and fungal infect on occurred in 77.8% and 88.9% of the cases, respectively. These results were statistically significant (p=0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between the treatments (p>0.05). In all cases, fungal infect on was detected only on the denture, and C. albicans was the most prevalent microorganism, being present in 94.4% of the cases. Conclusion: The treatment with Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (aroeira) tincture was effective in the treatment of denture stomatitis, promoting remission of the inflammatory process and Candida spp infection.