995 resultados para Dental infection


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Purpose: The goal of this study was to evaluate microbiota and radiographic peri-implant bone loss associated with ligature-induced peri-implantitis. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six dental implants with 4 different surfaces (9 commercially pure titanium, 9 titanium plasma-sprayed, 9 hydroxyapatite, and 9 acid-etched) were placed in the edentulous mandibles of 6 dogs. After 3 months with optimal plaque control, abutment connection was performed. On days 0, 20, 40, and 60 after placement of cotton ligatures, both microbiologic samples and periapical radiographs were obtained. The presence of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia/nigrescens, Campylobacter spp, Capnocytophaga spp, Fusobacterium spp, beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, and Candida spp were evaluated culturally. Results: P intermedia/nigrescens was detected in 13.89% of implants at baseline and 100% of implants at other periods. P gingivalis was not detected at baseline, but after 20 and 40 days it was detected in 33.34% of implants and at 60 days it was detected in 29.03% of dental implants. Fusobacterium spp was detected in all periods. Streptococci were detected in 16.67% of implants at baseline and in 83.34%, 72.22%, and 77.42% of implants at 20, 40, and 60 days, respectively. Campylobacter spp and Candida spp were detected in low proportions. The total viable count analysis showed no significant differences among surfaces (P = .831), although a significant difference was observed after ligature placement (P < .0014). However, there was no significant qualitative difference, in spite of the difference among the periods. The peri-implant bone loss was not significantly different between all the dental implant surfaces (P = .908). Discussion and Conclusions: These data suggest that with ligature-induced peri-implantitis, both time and periodontal pathogens affect all surfaces equally after 60 days.


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Although there is considerable published research on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), individual biases persist because of lack of information regarding HIV virus transmission. As a result, both infected patients and health care professionals suffer. The objective of this study was to determine if there is prejudice among university professors at the School of Dentistry at Aracatuba's Sao Paulo State University (FOA-UNESP) concerning HIV-positive patients or HIV-positive health care professionals. Out of the seventy-seven professors who responded to the questionnaire, 62.3 percent (forty-eight) stated that they advise their students not to refuse to treat a patient with HIV. Although 96.2 percent (fifty-two) of the fifty-four professors who treat patients have reported that they treat patients who are HIV-positive, only 65.3 percent of them were aware of infection control precautions, and only 32.7 percent reported that they would treat an HIV-positive patient like any other patient. There is also prejudice regarding HIV-positive professionals because only 48.1 percent (thirty-seven) of the professors responded that they would be willing to be treated by an infected professional. It can be concluded that there is prejudice among some of the FOA-UNESP university professors regarding individuals who are HIV-positive.


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Objectives: Ozone has been used as an alternative method for the decontamination of water, food, equipment and instruments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of ozonated water on the sanitization of dental instruments that were contaminated by Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and the spores of Bacillus atrophaeus. Methods: A total of one hundred and twenty standardized samples of diamond dental burs were experimentally contaminated with E. coli (ATCC 25922), S. aureus (ATCC 6538) and C. albicans (ATCC 18804) and the spores of B. atrophaeus (ATCC 6633) for 30min. After the contamination, the samples were exposed to ozonated water (10mg/L O3) for 10 or 30min. The control group was composed of samples that were exposed to distilled water for 30min. After the exposure to the ozonated water, 0.1mL aliquots were seeded onto BHI agar to count the colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) of E. coli, S. aureus, and B. atrophaeus. Sabouraud dextrose agar was used to count the CFU/mL of C. albicans. The results were subjected to an analysis of variance and the Tukey test. Results: For all of the microorganisms studied, the ozonated water reduced the number of CFU/mL after 10 and 30. min of sanitization, and this microbial reduction was dependent on the duration of the exposure to the ozonated water. E. coli exhibited the greatest reduction in CFU/mL (2.72-3.78. log) followed by S. aureus (2.14-3.19. log), C. albicans (1.44-2.14. log) and the spores of B. atrophaeus (1.01-1.98. log). Conclusion: The ozonated water was effective in reducing the CFU of E. coli, S. aureus, C. albicans and B. atrophaeus spores, suggesting that ozonated water can be used for the sanitization of dental instruments. © 2012 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.


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Control of cross-contamination between dental offices and prosthetic laboratories is of utmost importance to maintain the health of patients and dental office staff. The purpose of this study was to evaluate disinfection protocols, considering antimicrobial effectiveness and damage to the structures of prostheses. Solutions of 1% sodium hypochlorite, 2% chlorhexidine digluconate, 50% vinegar and sodium perborate were evaluated. Specimens were contaminated in vitro with standardized suspensions of Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis spores. Disinfection by immersion for 10. min was performed. Final counts of microorganisms were obtained using the plating method. Results were statistically compared by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Dunn's test. The surface roughness of 40 specimens was analyzed before and after 10 disinfection cycles, and results were compared statistically using Student's t test. The solution of 50% vinegar was as effective as 1% sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine against C. albicans, E. coli and S. mutans. The sodium perborate solution showed the lowest antimicrobial effectiveness. Superficial roughness increased after cycles in 1% sodium hypochlorite (p=0.02). Solutions of 1% sodium hypochlorite, 2% chlorhexidine and 50% vinegar were effective for the disinfection of heat-polymerized acrylic specimens. Sodium hypochlorite increased the superficial roughness. © 2013 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.


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A infecção pela Helicobacter pylori é uma das mais comuns em humanos e apesar de possuir tropismo pelo estômago, pode ser encontrada na cavidade oral, mantendo uma relação comensal com o hospedeiro, enquanto a cárie dental também é uma doença infecciosa e resulta do metabolismo da placa bacteriana. Ambas as infecções apresentam alta prevalência em países em desenvolvimento, pois estas populações estão mais expostas a fatores ambientais de risco, e normalmente são adquiridas durante a infância. A prevalência destas infecções foi investigada na cavidade oral de escolares assintomáticos para doenças gástricas, provenientes de uma população de Belém-Pa, relacionando-se a alguns parâmetros de higiene e saúde bucal, condição socioeconômica e fatores de susceptibilidade genética como os grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis. Foram investigados 104 indivíduos, com idade média de 17 anos. De todos os participantes foram coletadas amostras de saliva e placa dental. A saliva foi coletada para identificação do estado secretor ABO e Lewis e estimação dos parâmetros salivares, e ambas, saliva e placa dental, foram coletadas para analise molecular dos genes 16S RNAr da H. pylori e FUT2. A H. pylori foi detectada em 79,8% dos escolares, com freqüência de 66,35% na placa dental e 58,65% na saliva. A prevalência de cárie foi de 82,8% na população estudada. A avaliação clínica da saúde bucal mostrou que o CPO-D médio encontrado foi de 3,53. Observou-se que a experiência de cárie tende a aumentar à medida que acresce a idade e que a infecção por H. pylori foi maior na primeira infância. O grau de instrução e o número de visitas ao dentista mostraram diferenças significantes em relação a presença de H. pylori. A distribuição fenotípica dos grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis não mostrou diferenças significantes entre indivíduos infectados e não-infectados, que expliquem haver maior susceptibilidade genética para infecção por H. pylori e cárie dental. No conjunto desta analise as elevadas freqüências encontradas denotam a necessidade de cuidados e tratamento das doenças dentais, como a cárie e sugere-se que a H. pylori na cavidade oral pode contribuir para a infecção e re-infecção do estômago após tratamento.


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A espécie Pyrostegia venusta é uma liana trepadeira popularmente conhecida como flor-de-São-João. É utilizada na medicina popular para o tratamento de diversas doenças. Na literatura científica, vários compostos bioativos já foram isolados e algumas atividades biológicas importantes, como a atividade antimicrobiana e imunomoduladora, já foram atribuídas a esta espécie. A cárie e a doença periodontalsão as doenças bucais mais prevalentes na população brasileira, sendo o biofilme dental o seu fator etiológico primário. A candidíase oral ocorre devido à infecção por espécies do gênero Candida que, em determinadas situações, podem se comportar como patógenos oportunistas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo físico, químico e biológico da espécie vegetal Pyrostegia venusta e investigar seu potencial na prevenção das principais doenças bucais. Foram realizados ensaios de citotoxicidade do extrato bruto e frações em células mononucleares do sangue periférico e em macrófagos murinos. Para avaliar a atividade imunomoduladora do extrato bruto e frações, foi realizada dosagem de óxido nítrico (NO) produzido por macrófagos estimulados com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). Foi realizado ensaio de microdiluição em caldo para determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) e concentração fungicida mínima (CFM) do extrato bruto, frações e marcadores. Também foram avaliados o efeito na inibição da aderência de Streptococcus mutans em lamínula de vidro, o efeito na redução do pH e a capacidade de inibição do brotamento de Candida albicans do extrato bruto e frações. A espécie Pyrostegia venusta não foi citotóxica em baixas concentrações. A produção de NO foi inibida pelas frações acetato de etila e n-butanólica. O extrato bruto, frações e marcadores apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana contra Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus oralis e Candida albicans, capacidade de inibição da aderência e redução do pH. O extrato bruto e frações hexânica, acetato de etila e n-butanólica apresentaram capacidade de inibição do brotamento. A espécie Pyrostegia venusta pode ser uma alternativa na prevenção e tratamento das principais doenças bucais. No entanto, mais estudos são necessários antes de considerá-la realmente promissora.


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The head is the most important and specialized region in the body because it contains a range of specialized organs and, because it has interconnections between specialized organs, there is a great overlap of images. Thus, computed tomography (CT) helps in diagnosing diseases in this region, such as oral conditions, as they provide millimetric slices or cuts and demonstrate the relationship between the various anatomical structures involved, in volume and depth. Within dentistry, CT helps in the identification of pathological processes such as infection, tumors, visualization of embedded teeth and bone bed. This study aimed to assess the density of the mandibular alveolar bone at a determined point to later predict how periodontal disease is involved in bone resorption. For this, we performed a blind retrospective study (n = 124) of the CT scan files of dog skulls at FMVZ-UNESP in order to determine the density of the jaw bone using a Hounsfield scale, in the region of the dental apex of the cranial root of the first molar tooth in dogs. The results obtained were evaluated using mean and standard deviation (27.28 +/- 9.53 HU) in order to predict the normal density of the mandibular alveolar bone in the studied region. Thus, this data analysis allows a more concise evaluation of bone resorption of mandibular alveolar bone and, therefore, provides an adequate surgical planning in cases of osteosynthesis given mainly by the presence of installed periodontal disease.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the 5-year performance and success rate of titanium screw-type implants with the titanium plasma spray (TPS) or the sand-blasted, large grit, acid-etched (SLA) surface inserted in a two-stage sinus floor elevation (SFE) procedure in the posterior maxilla. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 59 delayed SFEs were performed in 56 patients between January 1997 and December 2001, using a composite graft with autogenous bone chips combined with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) or synthetic porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP). After a healing period averaging 7.75 months, 111 dental implants were inserted. After an additional 8-14-week healing period, all implants were functionally loaded with cemented crowns or fixed partial dentures. The patients were recalled at 12 and 60 months for clinical and radiographic examination. RESULTS: One patient developed an acute infection in the right maxillary sinus after SFE and did not undergo implant therapy. Two of the 111 inserted implants had to be removed because of a developing atypical facial pain, and 11 implants were lost to follow-up and were considered drop-outs. The remaining 98 implants showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 5-year examination. The peri-implant soft tissues were stable over time; the mean probing depths and mean attachment levels did not change during the follow-up period. The measurement of the bone crest levels (DIB values) indicated stability as well. Based on strict success criteria, all 98 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 5-year success rate of 98% (for TPS implants 89%, for SLA implants 100%). CONCLUSION: This prospective study assessing the performance of dental implants inserted after SFE demonstrated that titanium implants can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration with high predictability for at least 5 years of follow-up in carefully selected patients.


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Dental caries lead to children being less ready to learn and results in diminished productivity in the classroom. Tooth decay causes pain and infection, leading to impaired chewing, speech, and facial expression, in addition to a loss in self-esteem. There have been many studies supporting the safety and efficacy of community water fluoridation in reducing dental caries. Water fluoridation has been identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. The decline in the prevalence and severity of tooth decay in the United States during the past 60 years has been attributed largely to the increased use of fluoride; in particular, the widespread utilization of community water fluoridation. However, in the decades since fluoridation was first introduced, reductions in dental caries have declined, most likely due to the presence of other sources of fluoride. Questions have been raised regarding the need to continue to fluoridate community water supplies in the face of possible excessive exposure to fluoride. Nevertheless, dental caries continue to be a significant public health burden throughout the world, including the United States, especially among low-income and disadvantaged populations. Although many poor children receive their dental care through Medicaid, the percentage of Texas children with untreated dental caries continues to exceed the U.S. average and is well above Healthy People 2010 goals, even as state Medicaid expenditures continue to rise. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between Medicaid dental expenditures and community water fluoridation levels in Texas counties. By examining this relationship, the cost-effectiveness of community water fluoridation in the Texas pediatric Medicaid beneficiary population, as measured by publicly financed dental care expenditures, may be ascertained.^


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El miedo al dolor constituye un obstáculo que interfiere la consul- ta dental del paciente y, con el objeto de prevenirlos, se diseña una escala de exploración del miedo a la consulta dental y de las estra- tegias deseables para disminuirlo. Se utilizó el Método de Escalonamiento de Likert y se aplicó a 105 pacientes en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza. Los pacientes responden que sienten mucho miedo a que el odontólo- go pueda trasmitirles una infección, ser revisados sin guantes, o que no se los cambie, y a las consecuencias de la mala higiene. En segundo lugar tienen mucho miedo a que el odontólogo pueda tocar un nervio, que perfore excesivamente, que se quiebre una pieza dentaria o se equivoque en el diagnóstico. La mayoría desea ser tratada comprensivamente y que se le explique los procedi- mientos y anticipe lo que va a sentir.


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Background/aims: Clinical and laboratory studies are consistent with a major role for cell-mediated immunity in recovery from oral infection with Candida albicans, but the role of humoral immunity remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative contributions of cellular and humoral immunity to protection against oral candidiasis in a murine model, and to determine whether host responses could be enhanced by different immunization strategies. Results: Active oral immunization was protective in BALB/c and CBA/CaH mice, reducing both fungal burden and duration of infection after secondary challenge, whereas systemic immunization failed to protect against subsequent oral challenge. Candida-specific IgM was the predominant antibody detected in serum following both primary and secondary oral challenge; however, Candida-specific salivary IgA was not detectable. Immunization by passive transfer of either lymphocytes or immune serum did not confer any significant protection against oral infection in either susceptible or resistant mouse strain. Conclusion: The data demonstrate a possible role for mucosa-associated immunity following active immunization by the oral route, most likely exerted by local T lymphocytes resident in the oral mucosa, but there was no evidence to support a role for humoral immunity in protection against oral candidiasis.