977 resultados para Delta(9)-desaturase


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Recent research has identified marine molluscs as an excellent source of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (lcPUFAs), based on their potential for endogenous synthesis of lcPUFAs. In this study we generated a representative list of fatty acyl desaturase (Fad) and elongation of very long-chain fatty acid (Elovl) genes from major orders of Phylum Mollusca, through the interrogation of transcriptome and genome sequences, and various publicly available databases. We have identified novel and uncharacterised Fad and Elovl sequences in the following species: Anadara trapezia, Nerita albicilla, Nerita melanotragus, Crassostrea gigas, Lottia gigantea, Aplysia californica, Loligo pealeii and Chlamys farreri. Based on alignments of translated protein sequences of Fad and Elovl genes, the haeme binding motif and histidine boxes of Fad proteins, and the histidine box and seventeen important amino acids in Elovl proteins, were highly conserved. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned reference sequences was used to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships for Fad and Elovl genes separately. Multiple, well resolved clades for both the Fad and Elovl sequences were observed, suggesting that repeated rounds of gene duplication best explain the distribution of Fad and Elovl proteins across the major orders of molluscs. For Elovl sequences, one clade contained the functionally characterised Elovl5 proteins, while another clade contained proteins hypothesised to have Elovl4 function. Additional well resolved clades consisted only of uncharacterised Elovl sequences. One clade from the Fad phylogeny contained only uncharacterised proteins, while the other clade contained functionally characterised delta-5 desaturase proteins. The discovery of an uncharacterised Fad clade is particularly interesting as these divergent proteins may have novel functions. Overall, this paper presents a number of novel Fad and Elovl genes suggesting that many mollusc groups possess most of the required enzymes for the synthesis of lcPUFAs.


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水分利用效率反映了环境养分资源对植物生理状况的影响。在C3 植物中 ,碳同位素分辨率 (Δ)可用来反映植物水分利用效率 (WUE)状况[1,2 ] ,(已被用作衡量C3 植物叶片气体交换对环境变化的指标 ,如土壤水分亏缺[3 ] 、光辐射[4] 、湿度[5 ] 、高CO2 [6] 和盐渍[7] 。植物Δ与WUE或干物质产量间呈负相关[8] ,但Wrightetal认为正常水分条件下Δ和WUE为负相关 ,而干旱条件下Δ和WUE无相关性[9] ,但就Δ和WUE关系在氮素和水分互作条件下的变化至今研究较少。由于不同资源胁迫预处理会使植物产生一系列生理适应机制[10 ] ,所以 ,我们对不同氮素溶液下培养的小麦幼苗通过添加不同量PEG( 6 0 0 0 )来模拟水分亏缺条件 ,利用稳定性碳同位素技术探讨不同氮素营养和水分亏缺条件下小麦Δ和WUE的关系。1 材料与方法小偃 6号小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .cv .xiaoyanNo .6 )在 2 5℃恒温、黑暗条件下于吸湿滤纸上萌发 5d后 ,选长势均一的幼苗移至装蛭石和炭沙 (1∶1,v/v)的塑料盒中 ,每周用改良的半强度Hoagland营养液灌...


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect on intraocular pressure (IOP) and the safety and tolerability of oromucosal administration of a low dose of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (?-9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, 4 way crossover study was conducted at a single center, using cannabis-based medicinal extract of ?-9-THC and CBD. Six patients with ocular hypertension or early primary open angle glaucoma received a single sublingual dose at 8 AM of 5 mg ?-9-THC, 20 mg CBD, 40 mg CBD, or placebo. Main outcome measure was IOP. Secondary outcomes included visual acuity, vital signs, and psychotropic effects. RESULTS: Two hours after sublingual administration of 5 mg ?-9-THC, the IOP was significantly lower than after placebo (23.5 mm Hg vs. 27.3 mm Hg, P=0.026). The IOP returned to baseline level after the 4-hour IOP measurement. CBD administration did not reduce the IOP at any time. However, the higher dose of CBD (40 mg) produced a transient elevation of IOP at 4 hours after administration, from 23.2 to 25.9 mm Hg (P=0.028). Vital signs and visual acuity were not significantly changed. One patient experienced a transient and mild paniclike reaction after ?-9-THC administration. CONCLUSIONS: A single 5 mg sublingual dose of ?-9-THC reduced the IOP temporarily and was well tolerated by most patients. Sublingual administration of 20 mg CBD did not reduce IOP, whereas 40 mg CBD produced a transient increase IOP rise. Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Depuis quelques décennies, la consommation de cannabis et son usage thérapeutique sont le sujet de nombreux débats. Le cannabis est la drogue illicite la plus consommée au monde et cette consommation se trouve dix fois plus élevée chez les patients atteints de schizophrénie que dans la population générale. L’hypothèse d’une automédication initialement proposée afin d’expliquer la consommation élevée de cannabis chez les patients atteints de schizophrénie est maintenant remise en question. En effet, les rapports indiquant une aggravation des symptômes plutôt qu’une amélioration suite à une consommation à long terme sont de plus en plus nombreux. Sachant que le cannabis peut induire des effets soit plaisants soit aversifs, la question se pose à savoir si une prédominance de la valence motivationnelle positive ou une diminution de la valence négative du cannabis peut expliquer la consommation élevée parmi les individus ayant un diagnostic de schizophrénie? Bien qu’un grand nombre de recherches pré-cliniques aient été menées chez l’animal normal pour évaluer l’effet motivationnel du Δ9-tétrahydrocannabinol (THC) et autres cannabinoïdes synthétiques, aucune n’a abordé cette problématique dans un modèle animal de la schizophrénie. Cette lacune nous a donc amené à étudier la valence motivationnelle du THC et de l’agoniste cannabinoïde WIN55,212-2 (WIN) dans un modèle animal de la schizophrénie: la lésion néonatale de l’hippocampe ventral (NVHL). Dans le premier article, nous présentons les résultats de quatre expériences. Une première avait pour objectif de déterminer si la procédure expérimentale que nous avons utilisée permettait de reproduire des signes distinctifs du modèle animal de la schizophrénie. Par la suite, nous avons évalué i) l’effet d’une dose de WIN sur l’activité locomotrice spontanée et ii) la valence motivationnelle du THC (0.5 mg/kg, i.p) et du WIN (1 mg/kg, i.p) chez les rats adolescents (jour post-natal 28-40, PD28-40) et adultes (PD56) au moyen du paradigme de préférence de place conditionnée (PPC). Tel qu’attendu, la réponse locomotrice à l’amphétamine (0.75 et 1.5 mg/kg) chez les rats NVHL adultes était supérieure à celle des rats contrôles (test distinctif du modèle). Le THC a induit une tendance aversive chez les rats contrôles adultes. Enfin, le WIN a stimulé l’activité locomotrice et induit une aversion significative chez les rats adultes NVHL. Dans un deuxième article, nous avons évalué la valence motivationnelle du THC (0.5 mg/kg), du WIN (1 et 3 mg/kg) et l’effet de l’amphétamine au moyen du paradigme d’autostimulation électrique intracérébrale (ASI). Les résultats montrent que : i) l’effet amplificateur de l’amphétamine sur l’ASI était de plus courte durée chez les rats NVHL; ii) le THC produit une légère atténuation de la récompense chez les rats contrôles tandis que le WIN a produit une atténuation plus prononcée de la récompense chez les rats NVHL, un effet qui a été bloqué par l’antagoniste aux récepteurs CB1, le AM251 (3 mg/kg). Pour la première fois les résultats suggèrent une altération du système endocannabinoïde dans un modèle animal de la schizophrénie. Ils indiquent qu’une exposition aigüe conduit à une prédominance de la valence négative. Bien qu’en apparente contradiction avec les études cliniques, ces résultats soulignent l’importance du contexte socio-environnemental pour expliquer les effets du cannabis chez les patients. De plus ils encouragent les futures études à évaluer cette valence sur un modèle d’exposition chronique.


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Dictyostelium discoideum wird als Modellorganismus für diverse Krankheitsbilder benutzt. Darunter zählen lysosomale, neurodegenerative Störungen sowie Stoffwechselerkrankungen. Werden diese Amöben mit einer Fettsäure gefüttert, so wird die Biogenese von lipid droplets (LDs) initiiert. Diese dynamischen Organellen dienen der Neutrallipidspeicherung. Das Proteom der LDs konnte für D. discoideum entschlüsselt werden. Unter den rund 70 Proteinen, befinden sich ca. 15, die eine Funktion im Lipidstoffwechsel haben. Darunter befinden sich auch Mitglieder der Enzymklasse der short-shain Dehydrogenasen/Reduktasen. Diese zeigen, wie viele andere LD-Proteine auch, eine duale Lokalisation im Endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) und auf LDs. In dieser Arbeit konnten die Sequenzen, die den Wechsel von einer doppelte Phospholipidschicht (ER) auf eine einfache Membran (LDs) möglich machen, entschlüsselt werden. Im Fall der Proteine SdrB/C/D/E/F handelt es sich dabei um ein membranständiges N-terminales Peptid gefolgt von einer Membrandomäne. Helix-brechende Aminosäuren wie Prolin und Glycin in diesen Domänen erzeugen einen Knick, sodass sowohl die C- als auch N-Termini fusioniert an ein Reporterprotein cytoplasmatisch lokalisieren können. Direkt nach der Membrandomäne befindet sich ein kurzer Abschnitt mit basischen, positiv geladenen Aminosäuren, die mit der negativ geladenen Oberfläche der LDs interagieren. Die Membrandomäne allein ist zwar für eine ER-Lokalisation ausreichend, eine LD-Verteilung kann jedoch nur in Kombination mit dem basischen Abschnitt erfolgen. Des Weiteren konnte die Lokalisation von SdrG aufgeklärt werden. Dieses Protein lokalisiert sowohl im ER, als auch auf LDs und den Peroxisomen. Die knockouts einzelner Sdr-Gene zeigten keinen Phänotyp. Auch der Doppel-knockout von SdrB und SdrC blieb Phänotyp-frei. Aus diesem Grund wurden die tandemartig im Genom vorliegenden Gene SdrD-F in einem Triple-knockout untersucht, ebenso wie ein Penta-knockout der Gene SdrB-F. Weiterhin konnten keine Auswirkungen auf die Phagocytose bzw. auf die Verwertung von Fettsäuren und die Mitoserate festgestellt werden. Ebenfalls verläuft der Aufbau und die Degradation von lipid droplets wildtypisch. Mittels Gaschromatographie gekoppelter Massenspektrometrie konnte jedoch ein geringer Unterschied in der Fettsäurekomposition der LDs festgestellt werden. Sobald diese fünf Proteine nicht mehr vorhanden sind, werden 5% weniger 18:1 Δ11 Fettsäuren gebildet und es verbleiben mehr 16:0 Fettsäuren in den LDs. Eine Übernahme der Funktion als Δ9 Desaturase, nach dem Abschnüren der LDs vom Endoplasmatischen Retikulum ist wahrscheinlich.


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Introducción: El síndrome de Möbius y Möbius Like es una entidad poco frecuente caracterizada principalmente por parálisis congénita del VI y VII par craneal. Su etiología es poco conocida aunque se ha asociado a inductores del aborto. El objetivo de este estudio es describir factores anómalos, tóxicos o nocivos que hayan estado presentes en el embarazo de las madres de estos pacientes. Metodología: se realizó una encuesta auto-diligenciable a 15 madres de pacientes con el diagnóstico, indagando sobre condiciones anómalas y/o exposicionales del embarazo, el padre y el ambiente. Resultados: Las madres se encontraban entre los 16 y 34 años al momento de quedar embarazadas, en su mayoría eran solteras, estudiantes y sin planes de embarazo. Once en total usaron algún medicamento y/o sustancias durante la gestación; seis de ellas Misoprostol (40%). Las otras sustancias utilizadas incluyeron: alternativas, cigarrillo, alcohol, ibuprofeno, anticonceptivos, otros. Como anomalías del periodo prenatal se reportaron sangrado activo y/o amenaza de aborto, infección, exposición a químicos ambientales y enfermedad materna activa. Las condiciones paternas descritas fueron alcoholismo y/o drogadicción, enfermedad y edad ≥ 40 años en bajo porcentaje. Conclusión: El síndrome de Möbius y Möbius Like es una patología poco frecuente de la cual aún se debe seguir investigando sobre su etiología, para plantear posibles medidas de prevención.


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Cannabis is a potential treatment for epilepsy, although the few human studies supporting this use have proved inconclusive. Previously, we showed that a standardized cannabis extract (SCE), isolated Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC), and even Delta(9)-THC-free SCE inhibited muscarinic agonist-induced epileptiform bursting in rat olfactory cortical brain slices, acting via CB1 receptors. The present work demonstrates that although Delta(9)-THC (1microM) significantly depressed evoked depolarizing postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in rat olfactory cortex neurones, both SCE and Delta(9)-THC-free SCE significantly potentiated evoked PSPs (all results were fully reversed by the CB1 receptor antagonist SR141716A, 1microM); interestingly, the potentiation by Delta(9)-THC-free SCE was greater than that produced by SCE. On comparing the effects of Delta(9)-THC-free SCE upon evoked PSPs and artificial PSPs (aPSPs; evoked electrotonically following brief intracellular current injection), PSPs were enhanced, whereas aPSPs were unaffected, suggesting that the effect was not due to changes in background input resistance. Similar recordings made using CB1 receptor-deficient knockout mice (CB1(-/-)) and wild-type littermate controls revealed cannabinoid or extract-induced changes in membrane resistance, cell excitability and synaptic transmission in wild-type mice that were similar to those seen in rat neurones, but no effect on these properties were seen in CB1(-/-) cells. It appears that the unknown extract constituent(s) effects over-rode the suppressive effects of Delta(9)-THC on excitatory neurotransmitter release, which may explain some patients' preference for herbal cannabis rather than isolated Delta(9)-THC (due to attenuation of some of the central Delta(9)-THC side effects) and possibly account for the rare incidence of seizures in some individuals taking cannabis recreationally


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Background: Cannabinoids from cannabis (Cannabis sativa) are anti-inflammatory and have inhibitory effects on the proliferation of a number of tumorigenic cell lines, some of which are mediated via cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoid (CB) receptors are present in human skin and anandamide, an endogenous CB receptor ligand, inhibits epidermal keratinocyte differentiation. Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease also characterised in part by epidermal keratinocyte hyper-proliferation. Objective: We investigated the plant cannabinoids Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabinol and cannabigerol for their ability to inhibit the proliferation of a hyper-proliferating human keratinocyte cell line and for any involvement of cannabinoid receptors. Methods: A keratinocyte proliferation assay was used to assess the effect of treatment with cannabinoids. Cell integrity and metabolic competence confirmed using lactate-dehydrogenase and adenosine tri-phosphate assays. To determine the involvement of the receptors, specific agonist and antagonist were used in conjunction with some phytocannabinoids. Western blot and RT-PCR analysis confirmed presence of CB1 and CB2 receptors. Results: The cannabinoids tested all inhibited keratinocyte proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. The selective CB2 receptor agonists JWH015 and BML190 elicited only partial inhibition, the non-selective CB agonist HU210 produced a concentration-dependent response, the activity of theses agonists were not blocked by either C81 /C82 antagonists. Conclusion: The results indicate that while CB receptors may have a circumstantial role in keratinocyte proliferation, they do not contribute significantly to this process. Our results show that cannabinoids inhibit keratinocyte proliferation, and therefore support a potential role for cannabinoids in the treatment of psoriasis. (c) 2006 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fatty acid compositions of the -choline and -inositol phospholipids of breast tumours of women undergoing surgery for treatment of breast disease (malignant n = 12; benign n = 10) and normal breast tissue of women undergoing breast reduction surgery (n = 6) were determined. The fatty acid compositions of erythrocyte phospholipids were also determined in the same subjects and in an additional number of normal healthy volunteers (n = 16). Levels of oleic acid were lower in both phospholipid fractions of erythrocytes of women with breast disease and in the phosphatidylcholine fraction of breast tumours compared with normal breast tissue. Significantly higher levels of linoleic acid were found in erythrocytes of tumour-bearing subjects and a similar trend was evident in the phosphatidylcholine fraction of tumour compared with normal breast tissues. Conversely, lower levels of two of the products of linoleic acid chain elongation and desaturation, dihomogamma-linolenic and arachidonic acids, were found in the erythrocyte phospholipids of tumour-bearing subjects and in the choline phospholipids of breast tumour tissues. These data suggest that in women with breast disease, there may be inhibition of 6-desaturase, and enhanced activity of 9-desaturase, enzymes which play an important role in determining membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition. This pattern of altered fatty acid composition characteristic of erythrocyte phospholipids of tumour-bearing subjects and phosphatidylcholine of breast tumour tissue was less evident in the case of the breast tumour phosphatidylinositol in which differences other than those described were seen.


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The analysis of the IR carbonyl band of the 2-substituted N-methoxy-N-methylacetamides Y-CH(2)C(O)-N(OMe)Me (Y = F1, OMe 2, OPh 3, Cl 4), supported by B3LYP/6-311++G(3df, 3pd) calculations along with the NBO analysis for 1-4, indicated the existence of cis-gauche conformers i.e. (c) and (g) for 1 and 3, (c(1), c(2)) and (g(1), g(2)) for 2, and (c) and (g(1), g(2)) for 4. In the gas phase, the g conformer population prevails over the c one, for 1 and 3, the (c(1) + c(2)) population prevails over the (g(1) + g(2)) one for 2, and the (g(1) + g(2)) conformer population is more abundant than (c) one for 4. In n-hexane solution, the cis conformer is more abundant for 1-3. The occurrence of Fermi resonance in the nu(CO) region, in n-hexane, precludes the estimative of relative populations of the (c, g(1), g(2)) conformers for 4. The SCI-PCM calculations agree with the solvent effect on the nu(CO) band component relative intensities for 1-3. NBO analysis showed that the n(N) -> pi.(CO), orbital interaction is the main factor which stabilizes the gauche (g, g(1), g(2)) conformers for 1-4 into a larger extent relative to the cis (c, c(1), c(2)) ones. The n(y) -> pi(.)(Co,) sigma(C-Y) -> pi.(CO,) pi(CO) -> sigma(C-Y) and 7co orbital interactions still contribute, but into a minor extent for the stabilization of the gauche conformers relative to the cis ones. The existence of some pyramidalization at the nitrogen atom of the Weinreb amides 1-4 is responsible for the occurrence of Y(delta)-(4)center dot center dot center dot O(delta)-(9) and Y(delta)-(4)center dot center dot center dot N(delta)-(7) short contacts in the gauche (g, g(1), g(2)) conformers, which originates strong repulsive Coulombic interactions, acting in opposition to the large orbital stabilization of the gauche conformer with respect to the cis one. Therefore, a delicate balance of the Coulombic and orbital interactions seems to be responsible for the observed stabilization of the gauche (g, g(1), g(2)) and cis (c, c(1), c(2)) conformers, both in the gas phase and in the solution for 1-4. However, the cis conformer predominance, in non polar solvents, for the 2-substituted N-methoxy-N-methyl acetamides 1-3, bearing in a first raw (fluorine and oxygen) atoms, is in the opposite direction to the gauche conformer preference for the corresponding 2-substituted N,N-dialkyl-acetamides. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To review and describe studies of the non-psychotomimetic constituent of Cannabis sativa, cannabidiol (CBD), as an anxiolytic drug and discuss its possible mechanisms of action. Method: The articles selected for the review were identified through searches in English,articles, and book chapters were handsearched for additional references. Experimental animal and human studies were included, with no time restraints. Results: Studies using animal models of anxiety and involving healthy volunteers clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD. like", and "cannabidiol and anxiety". The reference lists of the publications included, review Portuguese, and Spanish in the electronic databases ISI Web of Knowledge, SciELO, PubMed, and PsycINFO, combining the search terms "cannabidiol and anxiolytic", "cannabidiol and anxiolytic-articles, and book chapters were handsearched for additional references. Experimental animal and human studies were included, with no time restraints. Results: Studies using animal models of anxiety and involving healthy volunteers clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD. Moreover, CBD was shown to reduce anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder. Conclusion: like", and "cannabidiol and anxiety". The reference lists of the publications included, review Future clinical trials involving patients with different anxiety disorders are warranted, especially of panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorders. The adequate therapeutic window of CBD and the precise mechanisms involved in its anxiolytic action remain to be determined.


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It is intriguing that during human cultural evolution man has detected plant natural products that appear to target key protein receptors of important physiological systems rather selectively. Plants containing such secondary metabolites usually belong to unique chemotaxa, induce potent pharmacological effects and have typically been used for recreational and medicinal purposes or as poisons. Cannabis sativa L. has a long history as a medicinal plant and was fundamental in the discovery of the endocannabinoid system. The major psychoactive Cannabis constituent Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) potently activates the G-protein-coupled cannabinoid receptor CB(1) and also modulates the cannabinoid receptor CB(2). In the last few years, several other non-cannabinoid plant constituents have been reported to bind to and functionally interact with CB receptors. Moreover, certain plant natural products, from both Cannabis and other plants, also target other proteins of the endocannabinoid system, such as hydrolytic enzymes that control endocannabinoid levels. In this commentary we summarize and critically discuss recent findings.


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STUDY DESIGN: Open label study to determine drug dose for a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled parallel study. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy and side effects of oral Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and rectal THC-hemisuccinate (THC-HS) in SCI patients. SETTING: REHAB Basel, Switzerland. METHOD: Twenty-five patients with SCI were included in this three-phase study with individual dose adjustment, each consisting of 6 weeks. Twenty-two participants received oral THC open label starting with a single dose of 10 mg (Phase 1, completed by 15 patients). Eight subjects received rectal THC-HS (Phase 2, completed by seven patients). In Phase 3, six patients were treated with oral THC and seven with placebo. Major outcome parameters were the spasticity sum score (SSS) using the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and self-ratings of spasticity. RESULTS: Mean daily doses were 31 mg with THC and 43 mg with THC-HS. Mean SSS for THC decreased significantly from 16.72 (+/-7.60) at baseline to 8.92 (+/-7.14) on day 43. Similar improvement was seen with THC-HS. We observed a significant improvement of SSS with active drug (P=0.001) in the seven subjects who received oral THC in Phase 1 and placebo in Phase 3. Major reasons for drop out were increase of pain and psychological side effects. CONCLUSION: THC is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of spasticity. At least 15-20 mg per day were needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.


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Since the discovery that Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and related cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa L. act on specific physiological receptors in the human body and the subsequent elucidation of the mammalian endogenous cannabinoid system, no other natural product class has been reported to mimic the effects of cannabinoids. We recently found that N-alkyl amides from purple coneflower (Echinacea spp.) constitute a new class of cannabinomimetics, which specifically engage and activate the cannabinoid type-2 (CB2) receptors. Cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) and CB2 receptors belong to the family of G protein-coupled receptors and are the primary targets of the endogenous cannabinoids N-arachidonoyl ethanolamine and 2-arachidonoyl glyerol. CB2 receptors are believed to play an important role in distinct pathophysiological processes, including metabolic dysregulation, inflammation, pain, and bone loss. CB2 receptors have, therefore, become of interest as new targets in drug discovery. This review focuses on N-alkyl amide secondary metabolites from plants and underscores that this group of compounds may provide novel lead structures for the development of CB2-directed drugs.


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OBJECTIVES: The endocannabinoid system is an endogenous lipid signalling network comprising arachidonic-acid-derived ligands, cannabinoid (CB) receptors, transporters and endocannabinoid degrading enzymes. The CB(1) receptor is predominantly expressed in neurons but is also co-expressed with the CB(2) receptor in peripheral tissues. In recent years, CB receptor ligands, including Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, have been proposed as potential anticancer agents. KEY FINDINGS: This review critically discusses the pharmacology of CB receptor activation as a novel therapeutic anticancer strategy in terms of ligand selectivity, tissue specificity and potency. Intriguingly, antitumour effects mediated by cannabinoids are not confined to inhibition of cancer cell proliferation; cannabinoids also reduce angiogenesis, cell migration and metastasis, inhibit carcinogenesis and attenuate inflammatory processes. In the last decade several new selective CB(1) and CB(2) receptor agents have been described, but most studies in the area of cancer research have used non-selective CB ligands. Moreover, many of these ligands exert prominent CB receptor-independent pharmacological effects, such as activation of the G-protein-coupled receptor GPR55, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and the transient receptor potential vanilloid channels. SUMMARY: The role of the endocannabinoid system in tumourigenesis is still poorly understood and the molecular mechanisms of cannabinoid anticancer action need to be elucidated. The development of CB(2)-selective anticancer agents could be advantageous in light of the unwanted central effects exerted by CB(1) receptor ligands. Probably the most interesting question is whether cannabinoids could be useful in chemoprevention or in combination with established chemotherapeutic agents.