986 resultados para Delayed Metamorphosis


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A 4-wheel is a simple graph on 5 vertices with 8 edges, formed by taking a 4-cycle and joining a fifth vertex (the centre of the 4-wheel) to each of the other four vertices. A lambda -fold 4-wheel system of order n is an edge-disjoint decomposition of the complete multigraph lambdaK(n) into 4-wheels. Here, with five isolated possible exceptions when lambda = 2, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a lambda -fold 4-wheel system of order n to be transformed into a lambda -fold Ccyde system of order n by removing the centre vertex from each 4-wheel, and its four adjacent edges (retaining the 4-cycle wheel rim), and reassembling these edges adjacent to wheel centres into 4-cycles.


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PURPOSE: To report a case of delayed rectus muscle hemorrhage after strabismus surgery. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: Rectus muscle hemorrhage occurred 36 hours after strabismus surgery in a 26-year-old man, causing temporary loss of vision and reduced ocular motility. Urgent lateral cantholysis and orbital exploration to restore hemostasis were undertaken. Full recovery of vision occurred and a small residual motility disturbance was present 3 months postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Delayed rectus muscle hemorrhage post-strabismus surgery is rare but can have sight-threatening effects. When vision is threatened because of optic nerve compromise, urgent orbital exploration may allow full recovery of function. (Am J Ophthalmol 2001;131: 818-819, (C) 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.).


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Nineteen persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 19 matched control participants completed a battery of online lexical decision tasks designed to isolate the automatic and attentional aspects of semantic activation within the semantic priming paradigm. Results highlighted key processing abnormalities in PD. Specifically, persons with PD exhibited a delayed time course of semantic activation. In addition, results suggest that experimental participants were unable to implicitly process prime information and, therefore, failed to engage strategic processing mechanisms in response to manipulations of the relatedness proportion. Results are discussed in terms of the 'Gain/Decay' hypothesis (Milberg, McGlinchey-Berroth, Duncan, & Higgins, 1999) and the dopaminergic modulation of signal to noise ratios in semantic networks.


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Under certain circumstances, external stimuli will elicit an involuntary shift of spatial attention, referred to as attentional capture. According to the contingent involuntary orienting account (Folk, Remington, & Johnston, 1992), capture is conditioned by top-down factors that set attention to respond involuntarily to stimulus properties relevant to one's behavioral goals. Evidence for this comes from spatial cuing studies showing that a spatial cuing effect is observed only when cues have goal-relevant properties. Here, we examine alternative, decision-level explanations of the spatial cuing effect that attribute evidence of capture to postpresentation delays in the voluntary allocation of attention, rather than to on-line involuntary shifts in direct response to the cue. In three spatial cuing experiments, delayed-allocation accounts were tested by examining whether items at the cued location were preferentially processed. The experiments provide evidence that costs and benefits in spatial cuing experiments do reflect the on-line capture of attention. The implications of these results for models of attentional control are discussed.


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In a previous study eight MHC class I-matched sheep were vaccinated with a minimal cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) peptide epitope vaccine and were challenged with the retrovirus, bovine leukemia virus (BLV). Half the vaccinated animals remained PCR negative after challenge, whereas the remaining half and the placebo group became PCR positive within 4 weeks postchallenge (Hislop AD, Good MF, Mateo L, Gardner J, Gatei MH, Daniel RCW, Meyers BV, Lavin MF, and Suhrbier A: Nat Med 1998; 4: 1193). Here we show that neither epitope mutations nor processing differences explained why half the peptide-vaccinated animals failed to resist the BLV challenge. However, in these animals the development of BLV-induced lymphosarcomas was significantly delayed compared with the placebo group, suggesting a role for CTLs in preventing retrovirus-induced cancers. Importantly, two of the initially protected animals become PCR positive after similar to1.5 years, indicating extended suppression but not elimination of challenge virus by vaccine-induced CTLs. The late emergence of virus could not be explained by epitope escape mutations or the loss of memory CTL responses. We speculate that high levels of effector CTL may be needed to protect animals from a postchallenge viremia and maintenance of such effector CTLs, rather than memory CTLs, may be required to prevent subsequent emergence of virus from latent pools.


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Type I diabetes is thought to occur as a result of the loss of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells by an environmentally triggered autoimmune reaction. In rodent models of diabetes, streptozotocin (STZ), a genotoxic methylating agent that is targeted to the beta cells, is used to trigger the initial cell death. High single doses of STZ cause extensive beta -cell necrosis, while multiple low doses induce limited apoptosis, which elicits an autoimmune reaction that eliminates the remaining cells. We now show that in mice lacking the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG), beta -cell necrosis was markedly attenuated after a single dose of STZ. This is most probably due to the reduction in the frequency of base excision repair-induced strand breaks and the consequent activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), which results in catastrophic ATP depletion and cell necrosis. Indeed, PARP activity was not induced in A-PNG(-/-) islet cells following treatment with STZ in vitro. However, 48 h after STZ treatment, there was a peak of apoptosis in the beta cells of APNG(-/-) mice. Apoptosis was not observed in PARP-inhibited APNG(+/+) mice, suggesting that apoptotic pathways are activated in the absence of significant numbers of DNA strand breaks. Interestingly, STZ-treated APNG(-/-) mice succumbed to diabetes 8 months after treatment, in contrast to previous work with PARP inhibitors, where a high incidence of beta -cell tumors was observed. In the multiple-low-dose model, STZ induced diabetes in both APNG(-/-) and APNG(-/-) mice; however, the initial peak of apoptosis was 2.5-fold greater in the APNG(-/-) mice. We conclude that APNG substrates are diabetogenic but by different mechanisms according to the status of APNG activity.


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Genetic and environmental sources of covariation among the P3(00) and online performance elicited in a delayed-response working memory task, and psychometric IQ assessed by the multidimensional aptitude battery, were examined in an adolescent twin sample. An association between frontal P3 latency and task performance (phenotypic r = -0.33; genotypic r = -0.49) was indicated, with genes (i.e. twin status) accounting for a large part of the covariation ( > 70%). In contrast, genes influencing P3 amplitude mediated only a small part (2%) of the total genetic variation in task performance. While task performance mediated 15% of the total genetic variation in IQ (phenotypic r = 0.22; genotypic r = 0.39) there was no association between P3 latency and IQ or P3 amplitude with IQ. The findings provide some insight into the inter-relationships among psychophysiological, performance and psychometric measures of cognitive ability, and provide support for a levels-of-processing genetic model of cognition where genes act on specific sub-components of cognitive processes.


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In the marine environment a wide range of invertebrates have a pelagobenthic lifecycle that includes planktonic larval and benthic adult phases. Transition between these morphologically and ecologically distinct phases typically occurs when the developmentally competent larva comes into contact with a species-specific environmental cue. This cue acts as a morphogenetic signal that induces the completion of the postlarval/juvenile/adult developmental program at metamorphosis. The development of competence often occurs hours to days after the larva is morphologically mature. In the non-feeding - lecithotrophic - larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata and the gastropod mollusc Haliotis asinina, gene expression patterns in pre-competent and competent stages are markedly different, reflecting the different developmental states of these larval stages. For example, the expression of Hemps, an EGF-like signalling peptide required for the induction of Herdmania metamorphosis, increases in competent larvae. Induction of settlement and metamorphosis results in further changes in developmental gene expression, which apparently is necessary for the complete transformation of the larval body plan into the adult form.


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Early development and metamorphosis of Reniera sp., a haplosclerid demosponge, have been examined to determine how gastrulation occurs in this species, and whether there is an inversion of the primary germ layers at metamorphosis. Embryogenesis occurs by unequal cleavage of blastomeres to form a solid blastula consisting micro- and macromeres; multipolar migration of the micromeres to the surface of the embryo results in a bi-layered embryo and is interpreted as gastrulation. Polarity of the embryo is determined by the movement of pigment-containing micromeres to one pole of the embryo; this pole later becomes the posterior pole of the swimming larva. The bi-layered larva has a fully differentiated monociliated outer cell layer, and a solid interior of various cell types surrounded by dense collagen. The pigmented cells at the posterior pole give rise to long cilia that are capable of responding to environmental stimuli. Larvae settle on their anterior pole. Fluorescent labeling of the monociliated outer cell layer with a cell-lineage marker (CMFDA) demonstrates that the monociliated cells resorb their cilia, migrate inwards, and transdifferentiate into the choanocytes of the juvenile sponge, and into other amoeboid cells. The development of the flagellated choanocytes and other cells in the juvenile from the monociliated outer layer of this sponge's larva is interpreted as the dedifferentiation of fully differentiated larval cells-a process seen during the metamorphosis of other ciliated invertebrate larvae-not as inversion of the primary germ layers. These results suggest that the sequences of development in this haplosclerid demosponge are not very different than those observed in many cnidarians.


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Secondary metabolites synthesised by sessile invertebrates appear to play a role in creating and maintaining space on hard substrata by repelling competitors. In this study, we investigated the responses of the larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata to haliclonacyclamine A (HA), the major component of a suite of cytotoxic alkaloids extracted from the sponge Haliclona sp. 628. Both Haliclona sp. 628 and Herdmania curvata inhabit the crest and slope of Heron Island Reef. High rates of settlement were induced in competent H. curvata larvae by a range of concentrations of HA, all lower than that naturally occurring in the sponge. HA did not induce precompetent larvae to settle. Although early metamorphosis of HA-induced larvae was normal, larvae exposed to all but the lowest concentration of HA were developmentally arrested after completion of tail resorption, at about 4 h after the initiation of metamorphosis. These postlarvae underwent extensive cellular necrosis within 24 h. We also demonstrate that the addition of a transcriptional inhibitor, actinomycin D, to larvae also causes inhibition of metamorphosis after tail resorption is completed. Analyses of incorporation of radiolabelled nucleotides to measure levels of transcription during normal development and after the addition of the transcriptional inhibitor indicate that there is a significant burst of transcriptional activity just after tail resorption is completed. Despite inhibiting metamorphosis at the same stage as actinomycin D, HA increases initial rates of RNA synthesis after induction of metamorphosis in a manner similar to that observed in normal postlarvae until the onset of cellular necrosis. We conclude that HA initially induces H. curvata larvae to settle and progress through early metamorphosis possibly by engaging the same pathway as other artificial and environmental cues but subsequently inhibits completion of metamorphosis, resulting in death of the postlarvae. Since HA does not affect overall transcription rates, it appears to disrupt another important developmental process during early metamorphosis.


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In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the metamorphosis of a lambda-fold K-3,K-3-design of order n into a lambda-fold 6-cycle system of order n, by retaining one 6-cycle subgraph from each copy of K-3,K-3, and then rearranging the set of all the remaining edges, three from each K-3,K-3, into further 6-cycles so that the result is a lambda-fold 6-cycle system.


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Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein, present in serum during early pregnancy and essential for maintaining viability of the embryo. It is a homologue of chaperonin 10 (Cpn10) but, unlike Cpn10, it has an extracellular role. EPF has immunosuppressive and growth regulatory properties. Previously we have reported the preparation of recombinant EPF (rEPF) and shown that treatment with rEPF will suppress clinical signs of MBP-EAE in Lewis rats and PLP-EAE in SJL/J mice. In the present study, these findings have been extended to investigate possible mechanisms involved in the action of EPF. Following treatment of mice with rEPF from the day of inoculation, there were fewer infiltrating CD3+ and CD4+ cells in the parenchyma of the spinal cord during the onset of disease and after the initial episode, compared with mice treated with vehicle. Expression of the integrins LFA-1, VLA-4 and Mac-1 and of members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 was suppressed in the central nervous system (CNS) following rEPF treatment. The expression of PECAM-1 was not affected. To determine if rEPF suppressed T cell activation in the periphery, the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction of normal BALB/c mice to trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) following treatment with rEPF was studied. The results showed that treatment with rEPF suppressed the DTH reaction, demonstrating the ability of EPF to downregulate the cell-mediated immune response. These results indicate that suppression of immunological mechanisms by rEPF plays a major role in the reduction of clinical signs of disease in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.