999 resultados para Deformable face mask


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Little is known about the physiological mechanisms subserving the experience of air hunger and the affective control of breathing in humans. Acute hunger for air after inhalation of CO2 was studied in nine healthy volunteers with positron emission tomography. Subjective breathlessness was manipulated while end-tidal CO2- was held constant. Subjects experienced a significantly greater sense of air hunger breathing through a face mask than through a mouthpiece. The statistical contrast between the two conditions delineated a distributed network of primarily limbic/paralimbic brain regions, including multiple foci in dorsal anterior and middle cingulate gyrus, insula/claustrum, amygdala/periamygdala, lingual and middle temporal gyrus, hypothalamus, pulvinar, and midbrain. This pattern of activations was confirmed by a correlational analysis with breathlessness ratings. The commonality of regions of mesencephalon, diencephalon and limbic/paralimbic areas involved in primal emotions engendered by the basic vegetative systems including hunger for air, thirst, hunger, pain, micturition, and sleep, is discussed with particular reference to the cingulate gyrus. A theory that the phylogenetic origin of consciousness came from primal emotions engendered by immediate threat to the existence of the organism is discussed along with an alternative hypothesis by Edelman that primary awareness emerged with processes of ongoing perceptual categorization giving rise to a scene [Edelman, G. M. (1992) Bright Air, Brilliant Fire (Penguin, London)].


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[Derricotte is wearing a leather helmet with a face mask, possibly first face mask on a UM helmet.]


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Este estudo avaliou os efeitos esqueléticos da tração reversa da maxila utilizando imagens 2D (telerradiografia lateral) geradas a partir da tomografia de feixe cônico (imagens 3D). A amostra foi composta por 20 crianças (15 do gênero feminino, e 5 do masculino), com idade variando de 5,6 a 10,7 anos que apresentavam má-oclusão de Classe III de Angle. A tomografia foi realizada antes do tratamento (T1) e logo após o tratamento (T2). O tratamento foi realizado por meio da tração reversa da maxila utilizando-se o aparelho expansor Hyrax associado à máscara facial individualizada, com força de 600 a 800g de cada lado, durante 14 horas por dia. A correção da relação de caninos em Classe I ou com sua sobrecorreção em Classe II foi obtida após 4 a 8 meses de tratamento. Para verificar o erro sistemático e casual foi utilizado o teste t pareado e a fórmula de Dahlberg, respectivamente. O teste t pareado (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre as medidas cefalométricas obtidas em T1 e T2. Na maxila houve aumento do SNA 2,2°, A-Nperp 1,47mm e em Co-A 2,58mm. Na mandíbula, SNB diminuiu -0,54° e P-Nperp, -1,45mm, enquanto Co-Gn aumentou 1,04mm. Houve melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular ANB 2,74° e Wits 4,23mm. As variáveis GoGn.SN, Gn.SN, FH.Md, Mx.Md, e AFAI aumentaram demonstrando que houve uma rotação da mandíbula no sentido horário. O plano palatino rotacionou no sentido anti-horário. Pode se concluir que o tratamento de tração reversa da maxila na idade precoce promoveu uma melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular devido a um avanço da maxila e um deslocamento da mandíbula para baixo e para trás.


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Background There is a potential risk of infection with blood-borne viruses if a doctor receives a blood splash to a mucous membrane. The quantification of facial contamination with blood has never been documented in the context of dermatological surgery. Objectives (i) To identify the number of facial blood splashes that occur during skin surgery and to identify the procedures that present higher risks for the operator and assistant. (ii) To assess the provision of eye protection and attitudes to its use in dermatological surgery in the U.K. Methods (i) Prospective, observational study in the skin surgery suite of a U.K. teaching hospital assessing 100 consecutive dermatological surgery procedures, plus 100 consecutive operations in which an assistant was present. Primary outcome: number of face-mask visors with at least one blood splash. Secondary outcomes: to identify if any of the following variables influenced the occurrence of a blood splash: grade of operator, site and type of procedure, and the use of electrocautery. (ii) A postal survey of all U.K.-based members of the British Society of Dermatological Surgery (BSDS) was conducted assessing facilities available and the attitudes of U.K.-based clinicians to the use of face masks during surgery. Results (i) In 33% of all surgical procedures there was at least one facial splash to the operator (range 1–75) and in 15% of procedures the assistant received at least one splash (range 1–11). Use of monopolar electrocautery was significantly less likely to result in splashes to the mask compared with bipolar electrocautery [odds ratio (OR) 0Æ04; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0Æ01–0Æ19]. Compared with the head/neck, operations on the body were significantly more likely to result in splashes to the mask (OR 6Æ52) (95% CI 1Æ7–25Æ07). The type of procedure and the status of the operator did not have a bearing on the likelihood of receiving a splash to the mask. (ii) From the survey, 33 of 159 (20Æ8%) of BSDS members had no face masks available and 54 of 159 (34Æ0%) did not wear any facial protection while operating. The majority (53Æ5%) thought they received a splash in £ 1% of procedures. Conclusions There is a substantial risk of a splash of blood coming into contact with the face during dermatological surgery for both the operator and assistant, regardless of the procedure. The risk of receiving a blood splash to the face may be substantially underestimated by U.K.-based dermatologists. The use of protective eyewear is advisable at all times, but particularly when using bipolar electrocautery, or when operating on high-risk individuals.


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We report a case of invasive Neisseria sicca/subflava meningitis after a spinal injection procedure during which a face mask was not worn by the proceduralist. The report highlights the importance of awareness of, and adherence to, guidelines for protective face mask use during procedures that require sterile conditions.


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O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar o viés coletivo da autobiografia ficcional de Face of an angel, da escritora estadunidense e de origem mexicana Denise Chávez. Desse modo, o trabalho pretende discutir a sociedade chicana descrita sob a ótica da narradora/protagonista, Soveida Dosamantes, investigando desde o processo histórico de que é resultado, passando pela iniquidade entre os papéis desempenhados por homens e mulheres até chegar ao discurso autorreferencial com que a narradora/protagonista representa o ambiente cultural em que se insere. Antes da narrativa propriamente dita, há a árvore genealógica da narradora/protagonista, assinalando que o que vai se descortinar ao longo da leitura é uma saga de família. Assim, Soveida Dosamantes utiliza a sua ambiência doméstica, bem como a comunidade da fictícia cidade de Água Oscura, sua cidade natal, como recorte de uma estrutura social maior. Fazendo uso do discurso autobiográfico, a narradora/protagonista criada por Denise Chávez expõe as mazelas de uma comunidade que, em virtude ser produto do colonialismo e do neocolonialismo, perdeu sua identidade cultural. Em Face of an angel, através do relato em primeira pessoa de sua narradora/protagonista, a autora Denise Chávez reproduz o universo em que nasceu e cresceu. Cedendo a Soveida Dosamantes componentes autobiográficos como complicadas relações familiares, personagens femininas nativas que funcionam como sentinelas de práticas ancestrais que o domínio europeu apagou, personagens masculinos que mascaram sua fragilidade por trás de uma força e de um poder aparentes, Chávez representa em Face of an Angel o microcosmos de uma comunidade que vem, aos poucos, subvertendo o discurso oficial e conquistando o seu terreno no panorama político e social estadunidense


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Statistical approaches for building non-rigid deformable models, such as the Active Appearance Model (AAM), have enjoyed great popularity in recent years, but typically require tedious manual annotation of training images. In this paper, a learning based approach for the automatic annotation of visually deformable objects from a single annotated frontal image is presented and demonstrated on the example of automatically annotating face images that can be used for building AAMs for fitting and tracking. This approach employs the idea of initially learning the correspondences between landmarks in a frontal image and a set of training images with a face in arbitrary poses. Using this learner, virtual images of unseen faces at any arbitrary pose for which the learner was trained can be reconstructed by predicting the new landmark locations and warping the texture from the frontal image. View-based AAMs are then built from the virtual images and used for automatically annotating unseen images, including images of different facial expressions, at any random pose within the maximum range spanned by the virtually reconstructed images. The approach is experimentally validated by automatically annotating face images from three different databases. © 2009 IEEE.


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Over the course of the last decade, infrared (IR) and particularly thermal IR imaging based face recognition has emerged as a promising complement to conventional, visible spectrum based approaches which continue to struggle when applied in practice. While inherently insensitive to visible spectrum illumination changes, IR data introduces specific challenges of its own, most notably sensitivity to factors which affect facial heat emission patterns, e.g. emotional state, ambient temperature, and alcohol intake. In addition, facial expression and pose changes are more difficult to correct in IR images because they are less rich in high frequency detail which is an important cue for fitting any deformable model. In this paper we describe a novel method which addresses these major challenges. Specifically, when comparing two thermal IR images of faces, we mutually normalize their poses and facial expressions by using an active appearance model (AAM) to generate synthetic images of the two faces with a neutral facial expression and in the same view (the average of the two input views). This is achieved by piecewise affine warping which follows AAM fitting. A major contribution of our work is the use of an AAM ensemble in which each AAM is specialized to a particular range of poses and a particular region of the thermal IR face space. Combined with the contributions from our previous work which addressed the problem of reliable AAM fitting in the thermal IR spectrum, and the development of a person-specific representation robust to transient changes in the pattern of facial temperature emissions, the proposed ensemble framework accurately matches faces across the full range of yaw from frontal to profile, even in the presence of scale variation (e.g. due to the varying distance of a subject from the camera). The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on the largest public database of thermal IR images of faces and a newly acquired data set of thermal IR motion videos. Our approach achieved perfect recognition performance on both data sets, significantly outperforming the current state of the art methods even when they are trained with multiple images spanning a range of head views.


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Over the course of the last decade, infrared (IR) and particularly thermal IR imaging based face recognition has emerged as a promising complement to conventional, visible spectrum based approaches which continue to struggle when applied in the real world. While inherently insensitive to visible spectrum illumination changes, IR images introduce specific challenges of their own, most notably sensitivity to factors which affect facial heat emission patterns, e.g. emotional state, ambient temperature, and alcohol intake. In addition, facial expression and pose changes are more difficult to correct in IR images because they are less rich in high frequency detail which is an important cue for fitting any deformable model. In this paper we describe a novel method which addresses these major challenges. Specifically, to normalize for pose and facial expression changes we generate a synthetic frontal image of a face in a canonical, neutral facial expression from an image of the face in an arbitrary pose and facial expression. This is achieved by piecewise affine warping which follows active appearance model (AAM) fitting. This is the first publication which explores the use of an AAM on thermal IR images; we propose a pre-processing step which enhances detail in thermal images, making AAM convergence faster and more accurate. To overcome the problem of thermal IR image sensitivity to the exact pattern of facial temperature emissions we describe a representation based on reliable anatomical features. In contrast to previous approaches, our representation is not binary; rather, our method accounts for the reliability of the extracted features. This makes the proposed representation much more robust both to pose and scale changes. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on the largest public database of thermal IR images of faces on which it achieved 100% identification rate, significantly outperforming previously described methods


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A new technology is being proposed as a solution to the problem of unintentional facial detection and recognition in pictures in which the individuals appearing want to express their privacy preferences, through the use of different tags. The existing methods for face de-identification were mostly ad hoc solutions that only provided an absolute binary solution in a privacy context such as pixelation, or a bar mask. As the number and users of social networks are increasing, our preferences regarding our privacy may become more complex, leaving these absolute binary solutions as something obsolete. The proposed technology overcomes this problem by embedding information in a tag which will be placed close to the face without being disruptive. Through a decoding method the tag will provide the preferences that will be applied to the images in further stages.


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ABSTRACT The Non-invasive Ventilation represents an alternative from ventilatory support, being frequently used in the treatment of respiratory failure. There are many complications associated with this technique, related to the pressure / air flow and the application of interfaces, being this one the focus of the article. The most appropriate interface selection allows a successful technique; the interface must be based on anatomical characteristics of the patient, cutaneous integrity and ventilation requirements. The Nurse plays a key role selecting the appropriate interface; technical monitoring and prevention of complications. The objective of the study is identify sensitive results to nursing care in the prevention of pressure ulcers (PPU) of the face, in adult and elderly submitted to NIV. This research was through EBSCO (CINAHL (Plus with Full Text) and MEDLINE (Plus with Full Text), with selection of full text articles between 2003-01-01 and 31.12.2013. We used the method of PI[C]O and was selected 13 articles from a total of 353. It was identified a set of specific interventions that prevent the appearing of pressure ulcer (PU), and according to Doran (2011), promotes sensitivity to nursing care results. The nursing interventions in adults with NIV have a direct impact on health outcomes, with preventing and resolving complications, with contribution in terms of effective disease control, adherence to the treatment regimen and consequent increase in life quality.


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