998 resultados para Deficient respiratory mutants


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Here, we show that PARP inhibitor-mediated cell death of RAD51C-deficient cells occur by NHEJ-driven illegitimate repair of one-ended double-strand breaks, and the hypomorphic RAD51C pathological mutant cells can be targeted by `synergistic toxicity' induced by low-dose PARP inhibitor and IR.Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) inhibitors are actively under clinical trials for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancers that arise due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. The RAD51 paralog RAD51C has been identified as a breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene. The pathological RAD51C mutants that were identified in cancer patients are hypomorphic with partial repair function. However, targeting cancer cells that express hypomorphic mutants of RAD51C is highly challenging. Here, we report that RAD51C-deficient cells can be targeted by a `synthetic lethal' approach using PARP inhibitor and this sensitivity was attributed to accumulation of cells in the G(2)/M and chromosomal aberrations. In addition, spontaneous hyperactivation of PARP1 was evident in RAD51C-deficient cells. Interestingly, RAD51C-negative cells exhibited enhanced recruitment of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) proteins onto chromatin and this accumulation correlated with increased activity of error-prone NHEJ as well as genome instability leading to cell death. Notably, inhibition of DNA-PKcs or depletion of KU70 or Ligase IV rescued this phenotype. Strikingly, stimulation of NHEJ by low dose of ionizing radiation (IR) in the PARP inhibitor-treated RAD51C-deficient cells and cells expressing pathological RAD51C mutants induced enhanced toxicity `synergistically'. These results demonstrate that cancer cells arising due to hypomorphic mutations in RAD51C can be specifically targeted by a `synergistic approach' and imply that this strategy can be potentially applied to cancers with hypomorphic mutations in other homologous recombination pathway genes.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) adaptation to hypoxia is considered crucial to its prolonged latent persistence in humans. Mtb lesions are known to contain physiologically heterogeneous microenvironments that bring about differential responses from bacteria. Here we exploit metabolic variability within biofilm cells to identify alternate respiratory polyketide quinones (PkQs) from both Mycobacterium smegmatis (Msmeg) and Mtb. PkQs are specifically expressed in biofilms and other oxygen-deficient niches to maintain cellular bioenergetics. Under such conditions, these metabolites function as mobile electron carriers in the respiratory electron transport chain. In the absence of PkQs, mycobacteria escape from the hypoxic core of biofilms and prefer oxygenrich conditions. Unlike the ubiquitous isoprenoid pathway for the biosynthesis of respiratory quinones, PkQs are produced by type III polyketide synthases using fatty acyl-CoA precursors. The biosynthetic pathway is conserved in several other bacterial genomes, and our study reveals a redox-balancing chemicocellular process in microbial physiology.


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ExoU, uma citotoxina produzida pelo patógeno oportunista Pseudomonas aeruginosa e translocada para o citosol de células hospedeiras via sistema de secreção do tipo III, é associada à gravidade de infecções agudas. No presente trabalho, o efeito de ExoU na ativação do estresse oxidativo e da resposta antioxidante foi avaliado em culturas de células epiteliais respiratórias humanas infectadas com a cepa PA103 de P. aeruginosa (produtora de ExoU), com a mutante deletada no gene exoU, PA103∆exoU, ou com a mutante complementada com exoU sem atividade tipo fosfolipase A2, PA103∆UT/S142A. Análises das dosagens de hidroperóxidos lipídicos e isoprostanos, considerados marcadores de estresse oxidativo, revelaram que ExoU promoveu um aumento em suas concentrações. Foi observado, também, que ExoU estimulou a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, óxido nítrico e peroxinitrito nas células infectadas, assim como a expressão de iNOS e eNOS, mas não de nNOS. Além disso, ExoU foi responsável pelo aumento da atividade de SOD1 e pela redução dos níveis de GSH, mas não afetou a atividade da catalase ou de NQO1. No modelo in vivo, a dosagem de malondialdeído, um subproduto da lipoperoxidação de membranas, evidenciou uma maior produção deste composto no pulmão de camundongos infectados pela cepa produtora de ExoU, em comparação ao pulmão de camundongos infectados pela cepa mutante. Em conjunto, estes resultados mostram que ExoU ativa a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e nitrogênio, levando à peroxidação lipídica e modulando o sistema de defesa antioxidante


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Para pesquisar o papel de ExoU no desencadeamento de resposta inflamatória nas vias aéreas, células epiteliais respiratórias humanas (CERs) da linhagem BEAS-2B foram tratadas com AA radiomarcado e infectadas com a cepa PA103 de P. aeruginosa, que secreta ExoU, e com os mutantes PA103exoU (com deleção do gene exoU), PA103ΔUT/exoU (com deleção de exoU e complementação com o gene funcional) e PA103UT/S142A (com deleção de exoU e complementação com gene com mutagênese sítio-específica no domínio catalítico da enzima). Após 1 hora, a liberação de AA pelas culturas infectadas com as cepas produtoras de ExoU foi significativamente superior à observada em culturas infectadas pelas cepas não-produtoras ou por células controle. O tratamento das bactérias com MAFP, um inibidor de PLA2, resultou em significativa redução na liberação de AA. Células infectadas pelas cepas PA103 e PA103ΔUT/exoU secretaram PGE2 e LTB4 em concentrações significativamente maiores que as secretadas por células infectadas pelas demais cepas ou não infectadas. O tratamento com o MAFP reduziu significativamente a secreção de PGE2. A análise, por citometria de fluxo, de células infectadas e não infectadas tratadas com anticorpo anti-COX-2 mostrou que o percentual de células infectadas por PA103 marcadas foi significativamente superior ao percentual encontrado em culturas controle. Nenhuma diferença foi observada quanto ao percentual de células marcadas em culturas infectadas por PA103ΔexoU. O tratamento das culturas com NS-398 (um inibidor seletivo de COX-2) resultou na diminuição significativa da concentração de PGE2, secretada por células infectadas com PA103, mas não por células infectadas com PA103ΔexoU ou por células controle. Corpúsculos lipídicos (CLs) são domínios citoplasmáticos ricos em COX-2 e outras enzimas responsáveis pelo metabolismo do AA, sede da produção de eicosanóides. Como células infectadas pelas cepas produtoras de ExoU liberam AA livre, formulamos a hipótese de que a maior produção de eicosanóides por estas células seria dependente da indução do aumento no número dos CLs. No entanto, a análise por citometria de fluxo de células tratadas com uma sonda lipofílica com afinidade com os CLs mostrou que o percentual de células marcadas em culturas infectadas pelas cepas produtoras de ExoU foi significativamente inferior ao percentual em culturas controle ou infectadas pelas outras 2 cepas bacterianas. O tratamento das células com MAFP inibiu significativamente a redução do percentual de células contendo CLs. A análise, por citometria de fluxo, de células controle ou infectadas tratadas simultaneamente com a sonda lipofílica e com o anticorpo anti-PGE2, mostrou, em células infectadas com PA103, a redução da mediana da intensidade de marcação com a sonda lipofílica e o aumento da mediana da intensidade de marcação com o anticorpo anti-PGE2. Nossa hipótese é que a presença de ExoU nas células infectadas com a cepa PA103 resulte no metabolismo de glicerofosfolipídios presente nos CLs levando à diminuição da afinidade dos CLs pela sonda lipofílica e à síntese local de PGE2.


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Reducing excessive light harvesting in photosynthetic organisms may increase biomass yields by limiting photoinhibition and increasing light penetration in dense cultures. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 harvests light via the phycobilisome, which consists of an allophycocyanin core and six radiating rods, each with three phycocyanin (PC) discs. Via targeted gene disruption and alterations to the promoter region, three mutants with two (pcpcT→C) and one (ΔCpcC1C2:pcpcT→C) PC discs per rod or lacking PC (olive) were generated. Photoinhibition and chlorophyll levels decreased upon phycobilisome reduction, although greater penetration of white light was observed only in the PC-deficient mutant. In all strains cultured at high cell densities, most light was absorbed by the first 2 cm of the culture. Photosynthesis and respiration rates were also reduced in the ΔCpcC1C2:pcpcT→C and olive mutants. Cell size was smaller in the pcpcT→C and olive strains. Growth and biomass accumulation were similar between the wild-type and pcpcT→C under a variety of conditions. Growth and biomass accumulation of the olive mutant were poorer in carbon-saturated cultures but improved in carbon-limited cultures at higher light intensities, as they did in the ΔCpcC1C2:pcpcT→C mutant. This study shows that one PC disc per rod is sufficient for maximal light harvesting and biomass accumulation, except under conditions of high light and carbon limitation, and two or more are sufficient for maximal oxygen evolution. To our knowledge, this study is the first to measure light penetration in bulk cultures of cyanobacteria and offers important insights into photobioreactor design.


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Although antibiotics from different classes are frequently prescribed in combination to prevent the development of resistance amongst Cystic Fibrosis (CF) respiratory pathogens, there is a lack of data as to the efficacy of this approach. We have previously shown that a 4:1 (w/w) combination of fosfomycin and tobramycin (F:T) has excellent activity against CF pathogens with increased activity under physiologically relevant anaerobic conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether F:T could delay or prevent the onset of resistance compared to either fosfomycin or tobramycin alone under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The frequency of spontaneous mutants arising following exposure to fosfomycin, tobramycin and F:T was determined for clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA isolates under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effect of sub-inhibitory concentrations of fosfomycin, tobramycin and F:T on the induction of resistance was also investigated, with the stability of resistance and fitness cost associated with resistance assessed if it developed. P. aeruginosa and MRSA isolates had a lower frequency of spontaneous mutants to F:T compared to fosfomycin and tobramycin under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. There was a maximum two-fold increase in F:T MICs when P. aeruginosa and MRSA isolates were passaged in sub-inhibitory F:T for 12 days. In contrast, sequential resistance to fosfomycin and tobramycin developed quickly (n = 3 days for both) after passage in sub-inhibitory concentrations. Once developed, both fosfomycin and tobramycin resistance was stable and not associated with a biological fitness cost to either P. aeruginosa or MRSA isolates. The results of this study suggest that F:T may prevent the development of resistance compared to fosfomycin or tobramycin alone under aerobic and physiologically relevant anaerobic conditions. F:T may be a potential treatment option in CF patients chronically colonised by MRSA and/or P. aeruginosa.


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The role of proteases in viral infection of the lung is poorly understood. Thus, we examined matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and cathepsin proteases in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-infected mouse lungs. RSV-induced gene expression for MMPs -2, -3, -7, -8, -9, -10, -12, -13, -14, -16, -17, -19, -20, -25, -27, and -28 and cathepsins B, C, E, G, H, K, L1, S, W, and Z in the airways of Friend leukemia virus B sensitive strain mice. Increased proteases were present in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and lung tissue during infection. Mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) and TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β-deficient mice were exposed to RSV. Mavs-deficient mice had significantly lower expression of airway MMP-2, -3, -7, -8, -9, -10, -12, -13, and -28 and cathepsins C, G, K, S, W, and Z. In lung epithelial cells, retinoic acid-inducible gene-1 (RIG-I) was identified as the major RIG-I-like receptor required for RSV-induced protease expression via MAVS. Overexpression of RIG-I or treatment with interferon-β in these cells induced MMP and cathepsin gene and protein expression. The significance of RIG-1 protease induction was demonstrated by the fact that inhibiting proteases with batimastat, E64 or ribavirin prevented airway hyperresponsiveness and enhanced viral clearance in RSV-infected mice.


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The NS1 protein of influenza A viruses is the dedicated viral interferon (IFN)-antagonist. Viruses lacking NS1 protein expression cannot multiply in normal cells but are viable in cells deficient in their ability to produce or respond to IFN. Here we report an unbiased mutagenesis approach to identify positions in the influenza A NS1 protein that modulate the IFN response upon infection. A random library of virus ribonucleoproteins containing circa 40 000 point mutants in NS1 were transferred to infectious virus and amplified in MDCK cells unable to respond to interferon. Viruses that activated the interferon (IFN) response were subsequently selected by their ability to induce expression of green-fluorescent protein (GFP) following infection of A549 cells bearing an IFN promoter-dependent GFP gene. Using this approach we isolated individual mutant viruses that replicate to high titers in IFN-compromised cells but, compared to wild type viruses, induced higher levels of IFN in IFN-competent cells and had a reduced capacity to counteract exogenous IFN. Most of these viruses contained not previously reported NS1 mutations within either the RNA-binding domain, the effector domain or the linker region between them. These results indicate that subtle alterations in NS1 can reduce its effectiveness as an IFN antagonist without affecting the intrinsic capacity of the virus to multiply. The general approach reported here may facilitate the generation of replication-proficient, IFN-inducing virus mutants, that potentially could be developed as attenuated vaccines against a variety of viruses.


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The cloned dihydrofolate reductase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DFR 1) is expressed in Escherichia coli. Bacterial strain JF1754 transformed with plasmids containing DFR 1 is at least 5X more resistant to inhibition by the folate antagonist trimethoprim. Expression of yeast DFR 1 in E. coli suggests it is likely that the gene lacks intervening sequences. The 1.8 kbp DNA fragment encoding yeast dhfr activity probably has its own promotor, as the gene is expressed in both orientations in E. coli. Expression of the yeast dhfr gene cloned into M13 viral vectors allowed positive selection of DFR 1 - M13 bacterial transfectants in medium supplemented with trimethoprim. A series of nested deletions generated by nuclease Bal 31 digestion and by restriction endonuclease cleavage of plasmids containing DFR 1 physically mapped the gene to a 930 bp region between the Pst 1 and Sal 1 cut sites. This is consistent with the 21,000 molecular weight attributed to yeast dhfr in previous reports. From preliminary DNA sequence analysis of the dhfr DNA fragment the 3' terminus of DFR 1 was assigned to a position 27 nucleotides from the Eco Rl cut site on the Bam Hi - Eco Rl DNA segment. Several putative yeast transcription termination consensus sequences were identified 3' to the opal stop codon. DFR 1 is expressed in yeast and it confers resistance to the antifolate methotrexate when the gene is present in 2 - 10 copies per cell. Plasmid-dependent resistance to methotrexate is also observed in a rad 6 background although the effect is somewhat less than that conferred to wild-type or rad 18 cells. Integration of DFR 1 into the yeast genome showed an intermediate sensitivity to folate antagonists. This may suggest a gene dosage effect. No change in petite induction in these yeast strains was observed in transformed cells containing yeast dhfr plasmids. The sensitivity of rad 6 , rad 18 and wild-type cell populations to trimethoprim were unaffected by the presence of DFR 1 in transformants. Moreover, trimethoprim did not induce petites in any strain tested, which normally results if dhfr is inhibited by other antifolates such as methotrexate. This may suggest that the dhfr enzyme is not the only possible target of trimethoprim in yeast. rad 6 mutants showed a very low level of spontaneous petite formation. Methotrexate failed to induce respiratory deficient mutants in this strain which suggested that rad 6 might be an obligate grande. However, ethidium bromide induced petites to a level approximately 50% of that exhibited by wild-type and rad 18 strains.


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Mutations in several classes of embryonically-expressed transcription factor genes are associated with behavioral disorders and epilepsies. However, there is little known about how such genetic and neurodevelopmental defects lead to brain dysfunction. Here we present the characterization of an epilepsy syndrome caused by the absence of the transcription factor SOX1 in mice. In vivo electroencephalographic recordings from SOX1 mutants established a correlation between behavioral changes and cortical output that was consistent with a seizure origin in the limbic forebrain. In vitro intracellular recordings from three major forebrain regions, neocortex, hippocampus and olfactory (piriform) cortex (OC) showed that only the OC exhibits abnormal enhanced synaptic excitability and spontaneous epileptiform discharges. Furthermore, the hyperexcitability of the OC neurons was present in mutants prior to the onset of seizures but was completely absent from both the hippocampus and neocortex of the same animals. The local inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission remained normal in the OC of SOX1-deficient brains, but there was a severe developmental deficit of OC postsynaptic target neurons, mainly GABAergic projection neurons within the olfactory tubercle and the nucleus accumbens shell. Our data show that SOX1 is essential for ventral telencephalic development and suggest that the neurodevelopmental defect disrupts local neuronal circuits leading to epilepsy in the SOX1-deficient mice


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The galE gene of Streptomyces lividans was used to probe a cosmid library harbouring Brucella melitensis 16M DNA and the nucleotide sequence of a 2.5 kb ClaI fragment which hybridised was determined. An open reading frame encoding a predicted polypeptide with significant homology to UDP-galactose-4-epimerases of Brucella arbortus strain 2308 and other bacterial species was identified. DNA sequences flanking the B. melitensis galE gene shared no identity with other gal genes and, as for B. abortus, were located adjacent to a mazG homologue. A plasmid which encoded the B. melitensis galE open reading frame complemented a galE mutation in Salmonella typhimurium LB5010, as shown by the restoration of smooth lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, sensitivity to phage P22 infection and restoration of UDP-galactose-4-epimerase activity. The galE gene on the B. melitensis 16M chromosome was disrupted by insertional inactivation and these mutants lacked UDP-galactose-4-epimerase activity but no discernible differences in LPS structure between parent and the mutants were observed. One B. melitensis 16M galE mutant, Bm92, was assessed for virulence in CD-1 and BALB/c mice and displayed similar kinetics of invasion and persistence in tissues compared with the parent bacterial strain. CD-1 mice immunised with B. melitensis 16M galE were protected against B. melitensis 16M challenge. Crown Copyright (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Key point summary • Cerebellar ataxias are progressive debilitating diseases with no known treatment and are associated with defective motor function and, in particular, abnormalities to Purkinje cells. • Mutant mice with deficits in Ca2+ channel auxiliary α2δ-2 subunits are used as models of cerebellar ataxia. • Our data in the du2J mouse model shows an association between the ataxic phenotype exhibited by homozygous du2J/du2J mice and increased irregularity of Purkinje cell firing. • We show that both heterozygous +/du2J and homozygous du2J/du2J mice completely lack the strong presynaptic modulation of neuronal firing by cannabinoid CB1 receptors which is exhibited by litter-matched control mice. • These results show that the du2J ataxia model is associated with deficits in CB1 receptor signalling in the cerebellar cortex, putatively linked with compromised Ca2+ channel activity due to reduced α2δ-2 subunit expression. Knowledge of such deficits may help design therapeutic agents to combat ataxias. Abstract Cerebellar ataxias are a group of progressive, debilitating diseases often associated with abnormal Purkinje cell (PC) firing and/or degeneration. Many animal models of cerebellar ataxia display abnormalities in Ca2+ channel function. The ‘ducky’ du2J mouse model of ataxia and absence epilepsy represents a clean knock-out of the auxiliary Ca2+ channel subunit, α2δ-2, and has been associated with deficient Ca2+ channel function in the cerebellar cortex. Here, we investigate effects of du2J mutation on PC layer (PCL) and granule cell (GC) layer (GCL) neuronal spiking activity and, also, inhibitory neurotransmission at interneurone-Purkinje cell(IN-PC) synapses. Increased neuronal firing irregularity was seen in the PCL and, to a less marked extent, in the GCL in du2J/du2J, but not +/du2J, mice; these data suggest that the ataxic phenotype is associated with lack of precision of PC firing, that may also impinge on GC activity and requires expression of two du2J alleles to manifest fully. du2J mutation had no clear effect on spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current (sIPSC) frequency at IN-PC synapses, but was associated with increased sIPSC amplitudes. du2J mutation ablated cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R)-mediated modulation of spontaneous neuronal spike firing and CB1Rmediated presynaptic inhibition of synaptic transmission at IN-PC synapses in both +/du2J and du2J/du2J mutants; effects that occurred in the absence of changes in CB1R expression. These results demonstrate that the du2J ataxia model is associated with deficient CB1R signalling in the cerebellar cortex, putatively linked with compromised Ca2+ channel activity and the ataxic phenotype.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infection, and the most frequent reason for hospitalization among infants throughout the world. In addition to the acute consequences of the disease, RSV bronchiolitis in early childhood is related to further development of recurrent wheezing and asthma. Despite the medical and economic burden of the disease, therapeutic options are limited to supportive measures, and mechanical ventilation in severe cases. Growing evidence suggests an important role of changes in pulmonary surfactant content and composition in the pathogenesis of severe RSV bronchiolitis. Besides the well-known importance of pulmonary surfactant in maintenance of pulmonary homeostasis and lung mechanics, the surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-D are essential components of the pulmonary innate immune system. Deficiencies of such proteins, which develop in severe RSV bronchiolitis, may be related to impairment in viral clearance, and exacerbated inflammatory response. A comprehensive understanding of the role of the pulmonary surfactant in the pathogenesis of the disease may help the development of new treatment strategies. We conducted a review of the literature to analyze the evidences of pulmonary surfactant changes in the pathogenesis of severe RSV bronchiolitis, its relation to the inflammatory and immune response, and the possible role of pulmonary surfactant replacement in the treatment of the disease. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2011; 46:415-420. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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COQ10 deletion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae elicits a defect in mitochondrial respiration correctable by addition of coenzyme Q(2). Rescue of respiration by Q(2) is a characteristic of mutants blocked in coenzyme Q(6) synthesis. Unlike Q(6) deficient mutants, mitochondria of the coq10 null mutant have wild-type concentrations Of Q(6). The physiological significance of earlier observations that purified Coq10p contains bound Q(6) was examined in the present study by testing the in vivo effect of over-expression of Coq10p on respiration. Mitochondria with elevated levels of Coq10p display reduced respiration in the bc1 span of the electron transport chain, which can be restored with exogenous Q(2). This suggests that in vivo binding of Q(6) by excess Coq10p reduces the pool of this redox carrier available for its normal function in providing electrons to the bc1 complex. This is confirmed by observing that extra Coq8p relieves the inhibitory effect of excess Coq10p. Coq8p is a putative kinase, and a high-copy suppressor of the coq10 null mutant. As shown here, when over-produced in coq mutants, Coq8p counteracts turnover of Coq3p and Coq4p subunits of the Q-biosynthetic complex. This can account for the observed rescue by COQ8 of the respiratory defect in strains over-producing Coq10p. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.